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  Pinatubo awoke on   1  .Hot ash and gas flowed down the hillside and ash clouds rose   2   into the atmosphere.

  On the volcano’s slopes, seven cubic kilometers of pulverized(成粉末状)rock now lay in drifts(漂流)  3   feet thick, totally reshaping the landscape.

  One of the first dangers is falling debris(残骸)collecting on houses and causing roofs to collapse(塌陷).In fact that was the main killer for this eruption.The eruption had come with the annual Typhoons that regularly swept the Islands.Heavy rainfall hit the hot and loosely packed volcanic debris.It was to be the start of a terror(恐怖)that would kill the people here long after the eruption stopped.

  Imagine a truck delivering wet concrete(混凝土).But expand that material to   4   cubic meters of debris-all moving at the same time-and you have a Lahar(火山泥石流).

  40 kilometers downstream from Mount Pinetubo is the town of Bacalor.Years after the eruption stopped, this town still suffers the onslaught(冲击)of Lahars.Most of its population of   5   have departed to resettlement camps.

  About   6   of the population of Bacalor never left.They had been warned many times but the people remained.They seemed to be there forever.

  Every year when the rains come new Lahars swamp(淹没)the town raising the land ever higher.Still people rebuild their homes.

  Some of them have houses twice or even three times.And some people gave up, and others raised it   7  

  Bacalor was originally a township of twenty-one large villages.Today only   8   remain.

  The broken remains of Mount Pinetubo are silent now.But its volcanic ash lay heavy on its slopes.Just   9   of heavy rain, can produce a Lahar.It is not unusual to have eighteen Typhoons a year.So Philippine scientists constantly monitor(检测)the weather on the mountain’s slopes.Since the eruption,   10   Lahars have occurred, and all resulted from Typhoon rain.To reduce its damage, a huge system has now been constructed.


  答案:(1)June 15th (2)forty kilometers (3)hundreds of (4)millions of (5)80, 000 (6)twenty per cent (7)a fourth time (8)three (9)20 minutes (10)thousands of

  思路分析:通读全文可以知道,这是一篇关于火山爆发的记录。首先是时间。介词on接具体的日期;灰尘冲入大气层40千米高;在山坡上留下的灰渣厚达几百英尺,这是一个估摸的数字,因此用hundreds of feet thick;火山爆发,形成火山泥石流,泥石流的数量是巨大的,不然,形不成泥石流,因此用millions of cubic meters,这是这篇文章中最大的数字;大多数人口要迁移,80, 000在提供的数字中最适合作一个地区的人口数;大部分都走了,百分之二十的留了下来,twenty per cent是百分数;留下来的人把家建得高高的,有的重建三次,甚至四次,a fourth time,表示第四次;原来有二十一个村庄,现在只剩下三个村庄了;此处用three最合适。火山安静了,但是,泥石流并没有停止,火山灰附着在山坡上,二十分钟的暴雨,就能形成泥石流,20 minutes最恰当;自从火山爆发以来,出现了数千次的泥石流,这也是个估摸数字。

