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 I feel uncomfortable each time I remember the situation _______Mary didn’t agree with me _________ the matter.

   A. that; at        B. in which; over      C. which; about   D. where; to               



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北存瑞中学高一下期第三次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

One day, Nancy came home from school crying. Taking her in her arms, Mummy tried to   36  her. After a while, she stopped crying and asked, “Mummy, am I  37  ?” “No, you are not,” said Mummy, “but let us discuss this after you  38  , OK?”

Several minutes later, Nancy began to have supper with Mummy.

“Who   39  that you are bad?” asked Mummy.

“Phillips, my friend. He asked me for help with his maths but I   40   because I wanted to read the new book Daddy gave me. He got   41  and said I was a bad girl,” said Nancy.

“You are   42  ,” said Mummy. “Phillips has often helped you with your English. You should have helped him. Why don’t you phone him and say   43  to him?”

“But he called me bad and   44  with me. I don’t want to go,” Nancy cried.

“Though you have done   45   bad, it does not make you a bad person. You are  46   a good person.”

Nancy showed a  47   look on her face. “How can that be, Mummy?” she asked.

“Our   48  is always good. So never believe that you are bad,” Mummy replied with a smile.

  49   flooded on Nancy’s face. “Am I  50  good, Mummy?” she asked.

“Yes, you are good, and always will be so. But that does not mean that you should not  51  the wrong that you do. You will have to call and   52  to Phillips. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mummy,” said Nancy slowly. “Thank you for telling me this. I feel much better now,” said Nancy  53 . “I am going to   54  Phillips right away, and I am never going to   55  that I am always good.”

1.                A.calm           B.protect         C.trick D.praise


2.                A.shy            B.foolish          C.bad  D.strong


3.                A.get up          B.grow up         C.wash up D.turn up


4.                A.said            B.saw            C.heard    D.doubted


5.                A.cried          B.refused         C.admitted  D.allowed


6.                A.excited         B.comfortable     C.nervous D.angry


7.                A.wrong          B.brave          C.wise D.careful


8.                A.goodbye        B.sorry           C.thank you D.hello


9.                A.competed       B.lived           C.worked   D.argued


10.               A.everything      B.anything        C.something D.nothing


11.               A.always         B.sometimes      C.ever D.never


12.               A.worried        B.puzzled         C.confident  D.satisfied


13.               A.chance         B.choice         C.condition  D.nature


14.               A.Fear           B.Patience        C.Shock     D.Joy


15.               A.really          B.hardly          C.already    D.gradually


16.               A.account for      B.pay for         C.look forward to D.rely on


17.               A.devote         B.apologize       C.introduce D.turn


18.               A.coldly          B.sadly           C.gratefully  D.pitifully


19.               A.consult         B.change         C.teach     D.call


20.               A.agree          B.explain         C.forget     D.confirm




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年青海省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How to Be a Winner

  Sir Steven Redgrave

  Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals

  “In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病). Believing my career was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it ---the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”

  Karen Pickering

  Swimming World Champion

 “I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success----you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”

  Kirsten Best

  Poet & Writer

“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological tool”

1.What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?

  A. Difficulties influenced his career.

  B. Specialists offered him medical advice.

  C. Training helped him defeat his disease.

  D. He overcame the shadow of illness to win.

2.What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?

  A. Her training schedule.      B. Her daily happenings.

  C. Her achievements.         D. Her sports career.

3.What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?

  A. Ways that help one to focus.

  B. Words that help one to feel less tense.

  C. Activities that turn one's attention away.

  D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax.

4.According to the passage ,what do the three people have in common?

A. Self-confidence.  B. Devotion.  C. Hard work.  D. Courage.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年陕西省高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I feel sure that ________ qualification, ability and experience,you are the most qualified one to do the job.

A.in need of         

B.in terms of

C.in favour of

D.in face of



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2009-2010学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:短文填词






‘Don't be always particular about your present work.’

My mother said to me softly, "as a matter of f  76   you        76. ____________

have done well and made great _77__(成就)in your work.       77. ____________

"My face turned red on hearing   78   my mother said.        78. _____________

She is right. Many others are w   79  off than me, but           79. _____________

they are likely to be content __80__their life and be happy        80. _____________

most of   81_ time.  I feel down with my situation just           81. _____________

because I seldom __82__(交流) with others and it seems         82. _____________

as if I am c  83  off the outside world. I should have            83. _____________

known when to hold fast and when to let go, w_84__           84. _____________

can help me avoid feeling great pressure and _85  (沮丧).        85. ____________

I will get close to leading a happy life.



科目:高中英语 来源:广西南宁市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语 题型:阅读理解



As a child growing up, I have very few memories of the times when we gathered as a family to sit down and eat dinner together. I grew up in a home where both of my parents worked. My mother taught in the school, and my father worked during the night at a local chemical plant. There was not much time available for us to sit down to eat dinner together due to my parents’ conflicting(冲突的)work schedules and the afterschool activities in which my sister and I participated.

It wasn’t until I got married and had two children of my own that I began to realize the important of eating dinner together. In my family there are elements that take us away from each other, day in and day out, but as a mother I feel it is my duty to bring us all back together again at the end of the day. In my house, dinner time is a time of thanks. I give thanks for us to share our day, but I am more thankful for the family I share it with. Dinner time is a time for us to share our day, and reflect on our thoughts. Above all it is a time when my family are able to connect with the ones they love.

As I look at the bread basket which sits on my kitchen table, I am reminded of how the basket’s tight weave resembles the tightly woven strands(股)of my family. I believe that through our family dinners, we will not only pass around the meat and potatoes, but we will also pass along virtues that will shape us so that we can forever embrace one another just as the basket embraces the bread.

56. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. It is pleasant to spend time with your family.

B. It is necessary to participate in family activities.

C. It is vital to balance work and family time.

D. It is important to have family dinner together.

57. According to the author, during dinner time           .

A. we should remember the one who prepares the dinner

B. we can learn all sorts of knowledge from other people

C. communication among family members will be improved

D. it is healthy for people to express their opinions

58. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The family     B. The food   C. Dinner time   D. My house

59. The author concludes the passage by           .

A. making comparisons           B. telling her own story

C. summarizing the main idea      D. presenting facts


