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  I moved into the dormitory today-an ugly building and near a busy main road too.My room is small but quite pleasant.I must get some posters for the walls, though.I met a few fellow students at supper(the food was awful!)They all look much younger than me.They are, of course!


  Lectures began last Monday.So far they haven't been very interesting(except for the man who lectures on drama.He's first class).Personally, I'd much rather go to the library and read, but I have to attend ten lectures a week.Those are the "rules"!Well, at least you meet people there.


  I realiy don't like life in the dormitory at all.The food is bad and the students are noisy.They stay up half the night and play games just outside my room.When on earth do they sleep?When do they work?Besides, I don't like my room.It's just like living in a box!It looks even smaller now, with the posters on the wall.I am wondering how long it will he before I can feel as comfortable as I did living in my high school dormitory.


  I tried to explain some of my problems to my supervisor today.She listened-but that was about all."You have to go to lectures, you know, Ann, "she lold me.''And the dormitory is cheap and convenient.""Cheap and convenient"!Well.il isn't "cheap"if you can't eat the food and it isn't "convenient"if you can't sleep at night!


  I can't believe it!Three other students-I met them at a lecture and they' re all about my own age-have invited me to share a flat with them.It's in an old house and it has its own kitchen, so we can cook for ourselves.And my room-righy at the top of the house-is fantastic!


  I moved into my new room last Sunday.I feel really happy.Life is going to be so much more fun from now on!


The above writing is diary entries of ________

[  ]


a high school student's spring semester


a high school student's fall semester


a college student's spring semester


a college student's fall semester


Which of the following is NOT the reason why the writer disliked the first dormitory?

[  ]


It was messy.


It was small.


It was noisy.


The food was bad.


Which of the following statements about the writer's teachers and lectures is RIGHT?

[  ]


She benefited a lot from the talk with the supervisor.


She didn't like any of the lectures there.


She liked the lectures by the drama teacher.


She found all the lectures were interesting.


The event happening on Oct.30 can be thought of as a ________.

[  ]




turning point






The writer likes the new room very much because ________.

[  ]


she will have some seniors help with the studies


she won't have to bear terrible dormitory foods


she won't have to go a long way to attend lectures


she will pay less rent than she did living in the dorm


科目:高中英语 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  If you want to know British culture, you'd better know something about her wedding customs. Here are some very famous, popular rhymes:

Choosing the day

  Monday for wealth

  Tuesday for health

  Wednesday the best day of all

  Thursday for losses

  Friday for crosses

  Saturday for no luck at all

Choosing the month

  Married when the year is new, he'll be loving, kind and true.

  When February birds to mate, you wed nor dread your fate.

  If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you'll know.

  Marry in April when you can, joy for maiden and for man.

  Marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue (后悔) the day.

  Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you'll go.

  Those who in July do wed, must labour for their daily bread.

  Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.

  Marry in September's shrine, your living will be rich and fine.

  If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry (延迟).

  If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.

  When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.

Wedding dress colour

  Married in White, you have chosen right,

  Married in Blue, your love will always be true,

  Married in Pearl, you will live in whirl (混乱),

  Married in Brown, you will live in town,

  Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead.

  Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,

  Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,

  Married in Pink, your spirit will sink,

  Married in Grey, you will go far away,

  Married in Black, you will wish yourself back.


  To change the name and not the (first ) letter

  Is to change for the worst and not the better

1.Generally, what day is the busiest wedding day in Britain?

[  ]


2.At a wedding, the bride's white dress means ________.

[  ]

A.I'm pure and honest

B.he's the very fellow I'm after

C.he's lucky to many me

D.we'll live together happily and luckily

3.Which of the following is the best date for wedding in UK?

[  ]

A.Dec. 13, 2003/ Sat.

B.Sep. 5, 2003/ Fri.

C.Jan. 20, 2003/ Mon.

D.Dec. 3, 2003/ Mon.

4.What does the last rhyme Surname suggest?

[  ]

A.You'd better not change your first name for your husband's.

B.A family name and a first name are both very important.

C.It is thought unlucky for a woman to marry a man whose surname begins with the same letter as hers.

D.The same surname will bring good luck and happiness to the couple at a time when their lives are changing.


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈中学作业本高一英语(上册) 题型:050


  Japan escaped the world's most powerful earthquake in two and half years on Friday with only 400 injuries, most of them minor.

  Damage from the pre-dawn quake-measuring 8 on the Richter scale-was relatively light, not only because it struck deep under the ocean but because Japan's population was prepared for such an event.

  Power and water supplies were cut off for several hours after the event. There were no reports at 4:50 am (local time). Two fishermen are still missing, though. Police suspect they have been swept away by the tsunami (huge ocean wave) that followed the earthquake.

  A wide area of the island suffered damage: roads were blocked, fishing boats sunk, and part of the ceiling of Kushiro airport, 900 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, caved in. Kushiro, a city of 190,000 people, was believed to be the hardest hit.

  In the nearby city of Tomakomai, black smoke and flames rose into the sky from an oil tank fire. There were no injuries though, and the fire was contained within hours. Officials said 188,700 barrels of crude oil were lost.

  Residents were shaken by the event, but stayed calm despite some 25 aftershocks-at least one registering 7.1 on the Richter scale.

  The quake was the strongest worldwide since the 8.4-magnitude quake of June 23, 2001. That, near the coast of Peru(秘鲁), killed 74 people.

  Takeshi Matsumura, a Hokkaido government official, said 455 people were confirmed injured by late Friday.

  Only 28 were seriously hurt, mostly suffering from broken bones. Located along the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries.

(Sunday, Sep. 30,2003)

1.According to the news, Japan was struck by the 8-magnitude earthquake on ________.

[  ]

A.October 2, 2003
B.September 26, 2003
C.June 23, 2001
D.September 28, 2003

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.The 2003 earthquake that hit Japan recently was the strongest worldwide quake in this century.

B.A great part of the country was damaged because the Japanese were not prepared.

C.No people were killed in the earthquake but two fishermen disappeared.

D.Power and water supplies were cut off for only a few days.

3.What happened to the city of Tomakomai in the earthquake?

[  ]

A.It suffered a harder hit than the city of Kushiro.

B.Part of the ceiling of Tomakomai airport caved in.

C.A fire burned for only a few hours before it was controlled but some people were injured.

D.An oil tank caught fire and black smoke and flames shot into the sky.

4.The word “minor” in the first paragraph means ________.

[  ]

D.not serious

5.Which description about the quake of June 23, 2001 is true?

[  ]

A.It happened not far away from the coast of Peru, killing 74 people.

B.455 people were killed in the earthquake.

C.There were 25 aftershocks after the 8.4-magnitude quake.

D.It was the second strongest earthquake in this century.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修五学大课堂英语人教版 人教版 题型:050


  If you want to know British culture, you’d better know something about her wedding customs.Here are some very famous, popular rhymes:

  Choosing the day

  Monday for wealth

  Tuesday for health

  Wednesday the best day of all

  Thursday for losses

  Friday for crosses

  Saturday for no luck at all

  Choosing the month

  Married when the year is new, he’ll be loving, kind and true.

  When February birds to mate, you wed nor dread your fate.

  If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you’ll know.

  Marry in April when you can, joy for maiden and for man.

  Marry in the month of May, and you’ll surely rue(后悔)the day.

  Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you’ll go.

  Those who in July do wed, must labour for their daily bread.

  Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.

  Marry in September’s shrine, your living will be rich and fine.

  If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry(推迟).

  If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.

  When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.

  Wedding dress colour

  Married in White, you have chosen right,

  Married in Blue, your love will always be true,

  Married in Pearl, you will live in whirl(混乱),

  Married in Brown, you will live in town,

  Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,

  Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,

  Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,

  Married in Pink, your spirit will sink,

  Married in Grey, you will go far away,

  Married in Black, you will wish yourself back.


  To change the name and not the(first)letter

  Is to change for the worst and not the better


Generally, what day is the busiest wedding day in Britain?

[  ]










At a wedding, the bride’s white dress means _________.

[  ]


I’m pure and honest


he’s the very fellow I’m after


he’s lucky to marry me


we’ll live together happily and luckily


Which of the following is the best date for wedding in UK?

[  ]


Dec.13, 2004/Sat


Sep.5, 2004/Fri


Jan.20, 2004/Thur


Dec.3, 2004/Mon


What does the last rhyme Surname suggest?

[  ]


You’d better not change your first name for your husband’s.


A family name and a first name are both very important.


It is thought unlucky for a woman to marry a man whose surname begins with the same letter as hers.


The same surname will bring good luck and happiness to the couple at a time when their lives are changing.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省宝鸡市2009届高三教学质量检测(一)英语试题 题型:050


  Source:LHASA, Oct.6(Xinhua)-Tibet’s tourist arrivals plunged 36 percent year–on–years during China’s recent National Day holiday when 257,000 people visited the “Roof of the world.”Only 110,900 tourists stayed overnight in Tibet, a drop of 41.5 percent from a years ago; one-day tourists were 146,100, down 31.1 percent, according to Zhanor, a deputy chief of the region’s tourism department.The tourism sector of the plateau region generated 81.49 million yuan(about 11.88 million U.S.dollars)in total earnings, down 38.9 percent.“Comparing this years's golden-week holiday with that of last year, there were notable decreases in terms of tourist arrivals and relevant earnings as a result of the March 14 Lhasa unrest, ” Zhanor said.“But tourist confidence in traveling in Tibet is returning according to the situation in the previous months and the region’s tourism is recovering.”The national holiday, which fell on Oct.1 and marked the 1949 founding of the People’s Republic of China, started on Sept.29 and ended Sunday.

  Source:Beijing, Sep.21(Xinhua)An exhibition to commemorate the victims of the Sichuan earthquake is on display at the Military Museum in Beijing.The number of visitors has been phenomenal and staff there have said many have been moved to tears.They’ve been deeply touched by the strength of the survivors and the stories of rescuers who sacrificed their own lives to save others.Everyday, thousands of people come here to see the exhibition.A visitor said, “The photos are very vivid.It’s as if I were there.”“The most touching part is the nation and the people are so strong.”said a visitor.A visitor said, “I can’t help crying.The soldiers are all heroes.They saved the residents in the quake hit areas and asked for nothing.”


Roof of the world”in the first report referred to ________.

[  ]




the high land of the world


the tallest part of the world




As a result of the March 14 Lhasa unrest, during the golden-week holiday ________.

[  ]


there is a decrease of 81,49 million yuan in total earnings


tourist arrivals dropped 36 percent


146,100 tourists didn’t stay overnight in Tibet


the relevant earnings dropped 38.9 percent


From the first report we know that Oct.1 is ________ of the year.

[  ]










What is true about the second report?________.

[  ]


A lot of survivors sacrificed their lives to save others.


A lot of people went to Beijing to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.


The soldiers were highly thought of during the rescue work of Sichuan earthquake.


All the visitors to the exhibition were moved to tears.

