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注意: 1. 每句不超过两个错误;

2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一次;

3. 只允许修改10出,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One afternoon, I was wandering on the street when I saw my brother by the chance. He was behaving very strange. He looked around before going quickly into a shop. When he came down, he had a box in his hand. I knew some villagers turned to steal because of poverty. The thought whether my brother could be one of them drove me crazily. I was determined to find out the truth. When he questioned, tears filled his eyes. He said he was collecting beer bottle from kind shopkeepers, but would feel embarrassing if he was seen by others. I was very sorry that I have misunderstood my brother.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届江苏省高三暑期考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

“Nothing in this letter ________ be considered as a license to use the artist’s personal possessions”, the judge declared on the court.

A. can B. shall C. will D. may


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年西藏区林芝市高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Look at the car. It is Mr Black’s car. It doesn’t work now. Mr Black is under it. He is repairing it. Mrs Black is near the car. She is helping Mr Black. A girl is in the car. She is Kate, Mr Black’s daughter. Who is the boy in the car? He is Jim, Kate’s brother. It is Saturday today. They don’t work. They want to go to Zhongshan Park. They all look worried.

1.Today is ________.

A. TuesdayB. ThursdayC. MondayD. Saturday

2.Mr Black is ________ his car.

A. washingB. drivingC. repairingD. cleaning

3.Kate is ________ the car with her brother.

A. besideB. inC. underD. near

4.They are going to a ________.

A. zooB. farmC. factoryD. park

5.What happens to the car?

A. It runs out of gas.

B. It doesn’t work.

C. It was broken in an accident.

D. It is stopped by a policeman.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林汪清县六中高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Earth Day has come and gone, but it’s a fact of daily life that 1.6 billion people around would have no electricity in their homes. Instead, most of them use wood, coal or even animal waste to heat and cook in their homes ,which also gives off greenhouse gases, causing indoor air pollution that kills 1.6million people a year, most of whom are children and women.

It’s not expected to improve much, and in Africa it’s becoming worse now. By 2030, when the Earth’s population will be likely to top 8billion, 1.3 billion people will still lack electricity. Of those, 700 million will be in Africa, and 490 million in South Asia.

Ghana, in West Africa, most of the northern half of the country lives without lights. As a result, three out of four Ghanans in the north are without electricity to refrigerate with and to cook with, to study with and to start businesses with. Like most others around the world in the same situation, these Ghanans use traditional fuels( wood, coal, animal waste) to meet their cooking needs.

What would electricity for everyone around the world cost? The International Energy Agency, which is made up of 28 member countries, figures it would run35 billion dollars a year from 2008 to 2030 to reach that.

The United Nations has been busy with the issue, organizing a meeting on April 28 hosted by Secretary-General Ban Kimoon. ‘ Energy services are very important formeeting basic human needs, reducing poverty, creating and getting together wealth and keeping advances in social development,” He said in an announcement.

1.How many people still lack electricity in the world now?

A. 1.6 billion. B. 1.6 million

C. 1.3 billion D. 700 million

2. Why do many children and women die of indoor air pollution?

A. Because they would rather heat and cook with traditional fuels than with electricity.

B. Because of no electricity they have to use traditional fuels for heating and cooking.

C. Because wood, coal or animal waste does great harm to their health.

D. Because there are too many greenhouse gases from factories.

3.The underlined word “that” probably refer to______.

A. electricity for everyone B. 35 billion dollars a year

C. traditional fuels D. 28 member countries

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The United Nations is trying to solve the problem.

B. The basic human needs are reducing poverty.

C. Working together is a way to develop.

D. The basic needs for humans are energy services.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北天门、仙桃、潜江高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Taxpayers(纳税人) in America pay less in income tax than many Europeans, according to a Pew Research Center report. Belgium has the highest income tax rate, at nearly 56 percent of income, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD. Taxpayers in the U.S. pay less than 36 percent of their incomes into the national treasury. Taxes pay for services provided by the government. The U.S. ranks 25 of the 34 developed countries polled in the report.

An unmarried person with no children was used as an example in the report. In America, an unmarried person, with no children, making the average wage of $50,000 in 2014 paid 24.8 percent of their income in federal (联邦的) income tax and payroll taxes (工资税). A similar person living in Belgium would pay 42.3 percent of their income. The average among the 39 countries in the poll was 27.3 percent income tax.

The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually April 15. This year, the deadline is April 18. American taxpayers complain that wealthy people and large companies pay too little tax, according to a Pew Research Center poll from 2015.

Americans pay tax to fund programs like Social Security and Medicaid, according to the Pew Research Center. Last year, American taxes paid for $888 billion in Social Security benefits. Social Security pays the elderly an income after they stop working. The government also paid more than $546 billion in Medicaid and Medicare benefits. Those programs pay for health and medical care to people who cannot afford it, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

1.According to the article, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The income tax rate of America ranks 25 of the world.

B. No countries in the world have a higher income tax than that in Belgium.

C. Taxpayers in America pay more in income tax than many Europeans.

D. The deadline to pay taxes in America is usually between April 15 and April 18

2. The majority of people benefiting from the taxes in America are ________.

A. wealthy people and corporations

B. unmarried people

C. married couples

D. the elderly retirees

3.How is Passage 2 mainly developed?

A. By showing differences B. By analyzing causes

C. By describing process D. By explanations

4.The author mainly wants to tell us ________.

A. how Americans use their taxes

B. how much do Americans pay their taxes

C. that Americans pay less income tax than many others

D. that many people are complaining about the taxes


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建莆田六中高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As the Labor Day public holiday starts this year, Chinese travel agencies have a new right: to blacklist poorly-behaved tourists in an effort to prevent ill manners. Tourists will be blacklisted for uncivilized behaviors such as acting antisocially on public transport, damaging private or public property, disrespecting local customs, or sabotaging historical exhibits. According to the regulations issued by the China National Tourism Administration (NTA), tour guides and leaders have the right to report on bad behaviors to the government. The new regulations mainly come from the growing concern about the ill manners of Chinese tourists abroad.

In 2015, more than 83 million Chinese people traveled overseas, up 18 percent from the year 2014, according to the China Tourism Academy. But even as they travel farther, the Chinese tourists continue to take bad habits with them. From damaging ancient Egyptian temples to letting children defecate(排便)in the middle of airports, Chinese tourists have earned a bad fame. Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Yang even stressed the need for Chinese tourists to behave better while traveling overseas so as to protect China's image abroad.

Now with the latest regulations, Chinese travelers should have no excuse for rude behavior. According to the guidelines issued by NTA, when using the restroom, Chinese tourists are asked not to forget to flush the toilet after using it.

The guidelines also remind tourists of not fighting with others when they want to take pictures at tourist attractions. When flying, the guidelines advise travelers not to take life vests(救生衣)away from airplanes. Chinese tourists are also encouraged to be respectful of local customs wherever they travel.

Yet, with a very short history of traveling overseas, it is not surprising that many Chinese tourists behave badly on their foreign trips. We should give them time to change.

1.What’s the main purpose of the new regulations?

A. To blacklist poorly-behaved tourists.

B. To guide the Chinese tourists how to travel farther.

C. To introduce the famous places of interest all over the world.

D. To improve the Chinese tourists’ behavior abroad.

2.What does the underlined word “sabotaging” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Damaging. B. Interrupting.

C. Recovering. D. Admiring.

3.Which of the following behavior is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Damaging ancient Egyptian temples.

B. Taking life vests away from airplanes.

C. Taking photos in areas marked“No photos”.

D. Fighting with others when taking pictures.

4.What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Respect local customs whenever we travel abroad.

B. Chinese tourists’ ill manners will be improved.

C. More Chinese will go abroad to travel.

D. More Chinese will be blacklisted in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东省高三第二次模拟考试(押题卷)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How to Feel Worthy

1. It might be when spending time around others or when you’re by yourself but it’s often spurred on by feeling that others are more successful, privileged or more clever than you. The following tips may help you get out of the suffering situation.

2. Comparison weakens your self-reliance and causes you to feel less than, because instead of concentrating on what you have, you only see what you don’t have. Think of a bloom—it blooms amid many other blooms and does not compare itself to all those blooms; instead it does what it was made to do—bloom.

Learn how to appreciate other people’s achievements. 3. If you appreciate other people’s work, others will always appreciate you, which is a form of respect and satisfaction that adds to your sense of self-worth.

Make new friends. Surround yourself with like-minded people. In this way, you can create your own space, and you will feel worthy.

Stop criticizing yourself. Every person has certain limits—you are not a super human who can(or even should) do everything. 4.

Involve yourself in community services, you will feel confident. 5. You will feel worthy, when you see the love for yourself reflected in other people’s eyes.

A. Avoid comparing yourself with others.

B. Try to ignore others who are surrounding you.

C. There are times in life when you may not feel worthy.

D. Instead, enjoy your own individual qualities and abilities.

E. Criticizing others does little to help build your self-worth.

F. Therefore, think of yourself before others can help you relax.

G. Often helping others further shapes and builds up your character.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北邯郸大名县一中高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


When my twin sons, Chad and Brad, were born, I was concerned about everything. Five years later, our little girl, Becky, _________ our family.I wanted everybody to be healthy and happy.I worked hard to see that they _________

As the kids grew older, I worried about headaches, throat infections and many other _________ childhood illnesses.I didn't like it when the boys spent time "warming the bench " during Little League football games.I worried about Becky when she _________ the ball while playing softball.Before long, the teen years were upon us. I stayed _________ late night waiting for the boys to return home. Many times the _________ crossed my mind that I would call the police if they weren't home on time.__________, they always arrived home safe and sound _________ I had to take such measures.

"Please don't ever call the police," one of the boys said when I _________ him after a late arrival. The day the boys moved away to college was a _________ day indeed.I worried about their being able to take care of themselves.Would they starve?

A few months after the boys left college, our _________rang in the middle of the night. It startled (惊醒) us when we looked at the clock.It was 3 o'clock in the morning." _________ must be wrong," I shouted to my husband, Roy, as we both jumped up.We ran to the door, opened it, and there _________ a police officer.

"You need to _________ your sons," he seriously announced. I picked up the telephone, but unfortunately, it was _________. A line outside had been accidentally cut.Roy and I jumped into the car and _________ to the nearest telephone. My stomach ached.My husband was _________ so badly that he could hardly dial the number.

On the first _________ , Chad answered the telephone."What's wrong?" Roy shouted into the receiver.

"We were worried about you," Chad told him."We've been trying to call you all night, but you didn't _________ . We called the police and asked them to go and check on you."

For the first time in their lives, the boys were worried about us. And they were the ones who _________ had to call the police.

1.A.tested B.visited C.completed D.appreciated

2.A.were B.had C.did D.would

3.A.serious B.incurable C.unusual D.common

4.A.hit B.missed C.got D.threw

5.A.down B.in C.out D.up

6.A.plan B.thought C.worry D.advice

7.A.Luckily B.Probably C.Strangely D.Exactly

8.A.before B.when C.after D.since

9.A.surprised B.told C.threatened D.reminded

10.A.nice B.sad C.happy D.embarrassing

11.A.phone B.doorbell C.alarm D.clock

12.A.Everything B.Anything C.Something D.Nothing

13.A.came B.greeted C.turned D.stood

14.A.call B.email C.see D.educate

15.A.gone B.useless C.dead D.stolen

16.A.headed B.rushed C.went D.moved

17.A.shaking B.looking C.suffering D.seeing

18.A.night B.arrival C.ring D.try

19.A.talk B.care C.wake D.answer

20.A.frequently B.suddenly C.rarely D.actually


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

To strengthen Japan's diplomatic influence and increase military presence across the world, Abe (安倍) ________ a greater role for his country in international affairs since he took office.

A. soughtB. had soughtC. is seekingD. has been seeking

