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—It is _______he often fails in exams_______ makes his parents worried about him.

—So, he has to work whole-heartedly.

A. what, that          B. that, what         C. that, that              D. /, that



主要测试主语从句。首先可以从语境中得知句中的第二空主要测试强调句型:it is。。。That。。。结合所学判断强调句型的方法可以把以上结构去掉,而且句子成立。剩余句子_______he often fails in exams makes his parents worried about him中仍存在两套主谓结构,因此需要一个连接词,所以选择that。译文:------的确是他在测试中总失败让他的父母为他担心。------的确如此,他应该全力以赴的学习了。


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年四川攀枝花市米易中学高一月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Many of us assume that with such a last name, Peter Buffett, 52, must enjoy a life of endless privilege. But the son of billionaire investor (投资人) Warren Buffett definitely doesn’t think so.
“People who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth can fall victim (受害者) to what my father has called a silver dagger (匕首) in your back,” Buffett told Reuters in an interview. “It leads to a sense of entitlement (特权) and a lack of personal achievement.”
Entitlement, he believes, is the worst thing ever. “Anybody who acts like they deserve (应得) something ‘just because’ is a disaster,” he said.
In his new book, Life Is What You Make It: Finding Your Own Path to Fulfillment, Buffett says that the only real inheritance (遗产) handed down from his parents was a philosophy (价值观): Forge your own path in life. It is a belief that has allowed him to follow his own passions, establish his own identity, and reap (收获) his own successes.
Did his father ever want him to go into finance? “It was encouraged for a moment when I was open to the idea,” he told Reuters. But as he grew older, it became clear the financial world “was not speaking to my heart.”
His father accepted his choice to become a musician. He began his musical career by writing music for TV commercials (广告). He then released his own albums.
“I am my own person and I know what I have accomplished in my life,” he told Reuters. “This isn’t about wealth or fame or money or any of that stuff, it is actually about values and what you enjoy and finding something you love doing.”
Along with the book, Buffett has begun a “Concert & Conversation” tour in which he plays the piano, talks about his life and warns against consumerist (消费主义) culture and damaging the environment.
“Economic prosperity (繁荣) may come and go; that’s just how it is,” he writes in the book. “But values are the steady currency (硬通货) that earn us the all-important rewards.”
【小题1】 What does “It” in the second paragraph refer to?

A.A life of a top investor. B.A silver spoon in the mouth.
C.Being born to a wealthy family.D.The victim of a silver dagger in the back.
【小题2】 What does the article tell us?
A.Peter Buffett is a born musician.
B.Peter Buffett enjoys a hugely privileged life.
C.A wealthy family can benefit a child but also spoil him or her.
D.Peter Buffett was forced by his parents to take over their business.
【小题3】The article claims that Peter Buffett owes his achievements largely to ______.
A.his passion for music B.the good education he received
C.his great determinationD.the values he learned from his parents
【小题4】 Which of the following statements would Peter Buffett probably agree to?
A.Wealth is there to enjoy to the fullest.
B.A person’s value lies within.
C.Many people are fooled by economic prosperity.
D.Young people should choose their own philosophy, whatever their parents believe in.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏东台三仓中学高三第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

------ It is         he often fails in the exams          makes his parents worried about him.

------ So, he has to work whole- heartedly.

A. what; that               B. that; what               C. that; that                          D. / ; that



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北省高二第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is ________ he often fails in exams ________ makes his parents worried about him.

A.what;that.        B.that;what.        C.that;that.         D.because;that.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2010届高三下学期课堂测试练习试题英语(一) 题型:单项填空

—How long do you think it is ________ he arrived here?

  —No more than half a year, I believe.







科目:高中英语 来源:全国通用2010年北大清华冲刺王高考押题卷英语(一) 题型:单项填空

How do you suppose it is _____he arrived here ?

A when  B before C after D since


