精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.A.Corn Dollies.
B.Celebrations in churches.
C.A big meal called a harvest supper.
D.Thanksgiving ceremonies and celebrations in England.
E.History of Harvest Festival.
F.When is Harvest Festival?

In England,we have given thanks for successful harvests since pagan times.We celebrate this day by singing,praying and decorating our churches with baskets of fruit and food in a festival known as"Harvest Festival",usually during the month of September.Harvest Festival reminds Christians of all the good things God gives them.This makes them want to share with others who are not so fortunate.
Harvest festivals are traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon.This moon is the full moon which falls in the month of September,at or around the time of the Autumnal Equinox,about Sept.23.Unlike the USA and Canada,the UK does not have a national holiday for Harvest Festival.
Harvest Festival used to be celebrated at the beginning of the Harvest season on 1st August and was called Lammas,meaning"loaf Mass".Farmers made loaves of bread from the new wheat crop and gave them to their local church.They were then used as the Communion bread during a special mass thanking God for the harvest.The custom ended when Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church,and nowadays we have harvest festivals at the end of the season.
The tradition of celebrating Harvest Festival in churches as we know it today began in 1843,when the Reverend Robert Hawker invited parishioners to a special thanksgiving service for the harvest at his church at Morwenstow in Cornwall.Victorian hymns such as"We plough the fields and scatter","Come ye thankful people,come"and"All things bright and beautiful"helped popularise his idea of harvest festival and spread the annual custom of decorating churches with home-grown produce for the Harvest Festival service.
The making of corn dollies goes back many thousands of years.It was a Pagan custom and evolved from the beliefs of the corn growing people who believed in the Corn Spirit.Corn dollies were made at Harvest time from the last sheaf of corn cut.The Corn Spirit was supposed to live or be reborn in the plaited straw ornament or corn doll and was kept until the following spring to ensure a good harvest.The corn dolly often had a place of honour at the harvest banquet table.

分析 本文属于文化类的短文阅读.主要介绍了感恩节的来历,历史、庆祝的时间规定,庆祝活动以及方式等.

解答 76-80 DFEBA
76.D.考查上下文的理解能力.分析句子We celebrate this day by singing,praying and decorating our churches with baskets of fruit and food可知,这部分主要描述的感恩节的庆祝方式和活动;故选D.
77.F.考查上下文的理解能力.通过后面的描述Harvest festivals are traditionally held on or near the Sunday of the Harvest Moon可以及…at or around the time of the Autumnal Equinox,about Sept.23知,这一段主要是介绍的感恩节的时间,故选F.
78.E.考查上下文的理解能力.通过文中的描述meaning"loaf Mass".Farmers made loaves of bread from the new wheat crop and gave them to their local church.They were then used as the Communion bread during a special mass thanking God for the harvest可知,这一段主要是说明的感恩节的历史,经历的变迁,在亨利八世(Henry VIII)摆脱天主教(Catholic Church)之后的变化等;故选E.
79.B.考查上下文的理解能力.开头一句The tradition of celebrating Harvest Festival in churches…began in 1843,when the Reverend Robert Hawker invited parishioners to a special thanksgiving service for the harvest at his church at Morwenstow in Cornwall说明感恩节里在教堂的庆祝活动;故选B.
80.A.考查上下文的理解能力.由开头一句The making of corn dollies goes back many thousands of years可知,这是叙述的稻草人(corn dollies)的历史,故选A.

点评 对于选句填空这种题型要搞明白上下文之间的逻辑关系,要根据对话者所说的语气及语义关系来做出判断;只要符合文章的结构、通顺合理即可.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A sunflower is a sunflower.A mobile phone is a mobile phone.But can you combine the two to do something for your local environment?As early as next year it may well be possible.When you have finished with your mobile phone you will be able to bury it in a garden or a plant pot and wait for it to flower.
A biodegradable (生物所能分解的) mobile phone was,this month,introduced by scientists.It is hoped that the new type of phone will encourage consumers to recycle.
Scientists have come up with a new material over the last five years.It looks like any other plastic and can be hard or soft,and is able to change shape.Over time it can also break down into the soil without giving out any poisonous chemicals.British researchers used the new material to develop a phone cover that contains a sunflower seed.When this new type of cover turns into waste,it forms fertilizers.These feed the seed and help the flower grow.
Engineers have designed a small transparent (透明的) window to hold the seed.They have made sure it only grows when the phone is thrown away."We've only put sunflower seeds into the covers so far.But we are working with plant experts to find out which flowers would perform best.Maybe we could put roses in next time,"said one scientist.
As phone technology is developing so quickly,people are constantly throwing their mobiles away.This means manufacturers are under pressure to find ways of recycling them.Some 650million mobile phones have been sold this year.Most of them will be thrown away within two years,adding plastic,heavy metal and chemical waste to the environment.A biodegradable cover can offer some relief for nature,according to the scientists.
"The seed comes out and the flower grows in the pot so you don't have to concern yourself with the phone when you have finished using it,"said Kerry Kieran.She leads the research team,which is based at the University of Warwick in Britain.
72.What is the purpose of this passage?B
A.To tell the popularity of biodegradable cell phones.
B.To introduce an environmentally-friendly cell phone to readers.
C.To persuade the reader to buy the biodegradable cell phone.
D.To discuss the development of phone technology.
73.It could be learned from the passage thatC.
A.phone-makers will benefit much more from the new type of phone
B.the new type of phone will certainly be popular with users all over the world
C.developing the new type of phone is mainly to protect the environment
D.the phones that can be recycled are available only in Britain now
74.People throw away their cell phones most probably becauseD.
A.there is something wrong with them
B.no sunflowers can grow out of them
C.they are becoming cheaper and cheaper
D.they are out of fashion
75.Where can we probably find the passage above?A
A.In a magazine.
B.In a textbook.
C.In a novel.
D.In a diary.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners.Other children may have manners that are not like yours.There are all kinds of manners.
Many years ago,children who had good manners were seen and not heard.They kept quite quiet if grown-ups were talking.Today,well-mannered children have more freedom.
Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places.
Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia.Some friends ask you to eat with them.What kind of manners do they want you to have?They want you to give a loud"burp"(打嗝)after you finish eating.Burping would show that you liked your food.
In some countries,if you give a loud burp,you are told to say"excuse me,please."
In many places people like to eat together.But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all.People show good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat.
What are manners like in an East African town?The people try not to see you.They are being polite.You may see a friend.He may not see you at all.If you are polite,you will sit down beside him.You will wait until he finishes what he is doing.Then he will talk to you.
Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia.You should walk behind the other tents until you come to his tent.If you pass in front of the other tents,you will be asked into each one.People will ask you to eat with them.And it is bad manners if you say no.
Manners are different all over the world.But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way.People needed ways to show that they wanted to be friends.

28.People turn their backs on others while they eat inA.
A.some parts of Polynesia.
B.an East African town.
29.In an East African town,the people try not to see you.This is becauseC.
A.they are busy doing things.
B.they don't want to talk with you.
C.it is good manners.
D.they are waiting for you to talk with them.
30.Which of the following statements is True?A
A.Manners are different all over the world.
B.Children with good manners are quiet.
C.You should not walk behind the tents in Arabia.
D.In Mongolia,you should say"excuse me"when you give a burp after dinner.
31.The best title of the passage should beA.
A.Different kinds of manners.
B.What are good manners?
C.Children's manners are different.
D.When you are in Rome,do as the Romans do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

A.Joint effort in the development of for-profit centers
B.Benefits brought to parents
C.An alternative to the problem of public playgrounds
D.Suitable time arrangement for working parents
E.Parents'worries of the kids safety in the new playground
F.Parents'concern about kids playing time
As public playgrounds grow increasingly worn and shabby,the for-profit centers offer clean,safe,supervised activities as well as a variety of challenging exercises to develop youngsters'physical fitness,usually for a fee of around﹩5 an hour."Playgrounds are dirty,not supervised,"says Dick Guggenheimer,owner of the two-month-old Discovery Zone in Yonkers,N.Y.,part of a Kansas City-based chain."We're indoors; we're padded; parents can feel their child is safe."
Discovery Zone has sold 120 outlets in the past 14 months,boasting sandboxes full of brightly colored plastic balls,mazes,obstacle courses,slides and mountains to climb.Now McDonalds is getting into the act.The burger giant is test-marketing a new playground,Leaps&Bounds,in Naperville,Ill.Phys Kids of Wichita has opened one center and has plans to expand.
American parents are rightly worried about their kids'leisure life.There are 36 million children in the U.S.aged 2 to 11 who watch an average of 24 hours of TV a week and devote less and less energy to active recreation.Nationwide decrease in education budgets are making the problem worse,as gym classes and after-hours sports time get squeezed.Says Discovery Zone president Jack Gunion:"We have raised a couple of pure couch potatoes."
In an attempt to attract more people,the new facilities cater to (迎合) the concerns of two-earner families,staying open in the evenings,10ng after traditional public playground have grown dark and unusable.At Naperville's Leaps&Bounds,families can play together for﹩4.95 per child,parents free.Fresh-faced assistants,dressed in colorful sport pants and shirts,guide youngsters to appropriate play areas for differing age group.
These new playgrounds are not meant to be day-care facilities; parents are expected to stay and play with their kids rather than drop them off.But several also provide high-tech baby-sitting services.At some of the Discovery Zones,parents can register their children in special supervised programs,then leave them and slip away for a couple of hours to enjoy a movie or dinner.The most fun of all,though,is getting to do what parents used to do in the days before two-career families and two-hour commutes:play with their kid.That,at least,is old-fashioned,even at per-hour rates.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.A special education teacher and former police officer was honored by President Barack Obama at the White House as the 2009National Teacher of the Year for his innovative approach,community focus,and teamwork with other teachers."In a global economy where the greatest job qualification isn't what you can do,but what you know,our teachers are the key to our nation's success,"President Obama stated.
Mullen,a ninth-through twelfth-grade special education teacher at the ARCH School in Connecticut,is the 59th National Teacher of the Year.Mullen's goal is to provide passion,professionalism,and perseverance as an educator."A teacher can receive no greater reward than the knowledge that he or she helped recover a lost student,"Mullen remarked.He will travel for one year as a full-time national and international spokesperson for education beginning June 1,2009.
The National Teacher of the Year Program focuses public attention on teaching excellence and is the oldest and most famous national honors program for teachers."ACEI is a proud participant in the selection process for the National Teacher of the Year,and we are pleased to see Anthony Mullen selected.Mr.Mullen is a dedicated individual who possesses a wealth of talents and skills as a teacher.His devotion to young people,however,reaches beyond the call of duty.Mr.Mullen extends himself to adviser and guides children who need to know that they are not forgotten and that they,too,are unique and special,"stated ACEI Executive Director Diane Whitehead.
ACEI is one of 15national education organizations that select the National Teacher of the Year from among the state teachers of the year,including those representing the District of Columbia,the Department of Defense Education Activity,and five U.S.extra state departments.

65.What is the passage mainly about?C
A.A White House ceremony.        
B.An innovative teaching approach.
C.The 2009National Teacher of the Year.
D.The national education organizations.
66.We can learn from the first paragraph Obama stressesA.
A.teachers'role            B.community lives
C.teachers'teamwork        D.innovative approach
67.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.the National Teacher of the Year Program hasn't been well-known
B.ACEI is the only organization in charge of selecting excellent teachers
C.Mullen is devoted to teaching the students for the call of duty
D.Mullen's success may be due to his devotion to education.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Hawaii is an important trading center and about six million tourists visit there every year.With all that traffic in and out,exotic species(外来物种)have plenty of opportunities to reach the islands.According to biologists,exotic species are the number one threat to the state's economy,environment,and way of life.
The question in Hawaii is,can the invaders be stopped?
Quarantines are one way to do this.Quarantine is the process of isolating animals or products.In Hawaii,pet dogs and cats coming into the state remain in a special holding facility for four months to make sure they don't have rabies(狂犬病) Many agricultural products are also quarantined to see if they are carrying insect pests or plant diseases.
Inspection is a second way to stop biological invaders.At airports,borders,and shipping ports,inspectors examine passengers and their baggage to see if they are carrying exotic species.The inspectors also destroy fruits,vegetables,or other goods that might be carrying harmful pests or diseases.Specially trained dogs also smell goods in the ship for exotic species.
What if an exotic species slips by inspectors?Then efforts are made to control the invader.In Hawaii,government agencies control invaders by setting  livetraps around wildlife shelters and other places.At Haleakala National Park employees have built miles of fences to keep out exotic pigs and goats.For years these animals ate and walked over native rain forest plants,hut the fences have helped reverse(逆 转)this damage.Now native plants grow in places that were bare rock only a short time ago.
In some cases biological control helps to solve the exotic species problems.It is the science of controlling one invader with another.In the early 1900s,several exotic predators(肉食动物) were imported to Hawaii to eat a harmful exotic pest called the sugarcane leafhopper.The insect was destroying 70,000 tons of sugar a year,but the predators brought it under control.
The efforts of these scientists and other people are vitally important.In Hawaii alone,10,000 different species of native plants and animals still need to be protected.Many of these are found nowhere else on earth.By stopping the spread of the biological invaders,we not only protect ourselves,but we also protect the many other native species that make our planet such a special place to live.
63.This passage is mainly aboutA.
A.the methods for preventing exotic species
B.the effects of exotic invasion on Hawaii
C.the problems faced by the Hawaiian economy
D.the role of biologists in controlling native species
64.Hawaii is at a great risk of invasion by exotic species,becauseC.
A.many agriculture products grow there
B.regular inspections of animals are useless
C.millions of people go to Hawaii each year
D.biological control efforts have not worked
65.Which of the following statements is true?A
A.Animals and products are put in quarantines before entering Hawaii.
B.Trained dogs are used to examine passengers and their baggage.
C.Livetraps and fences are set to protect exotic pigs and goats.
D.Some exotic predators are imported to destroy invaders'food.
66.What argument does the author make in the last paragraph?B
A.Hawaii has the most unknown species of plants on earth.
B.Humans have a responsibility to control exotic species.
C.Scientists make the difference to the species protection.
D.Species should be allowed to exist without human interruption.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.How to Take a Nap
Whether you think you need daytime rest or not,picking up a nap habit-or continuing to make time for one-is a smart,healthy move.Consider the evidence:The Mayo Clinic says naps promote relaxation,reduce tiredness,better mood and recover alertness (机敏).A 2010British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep or drinking more coffee,a mid-day nap was the best way to cope with the mid-afternoon slump (萎靡).
The Harvard Health Letter says that several studies have shown that people remember new information better when they take a nap shortly after learning it.And,unbelievably,a 2007study of nearly 24,000Greek adults in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who napped regularly had a 37percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease compared to people who didn't nap.
To get the most out of your rest,follow these tips.
How long to sleep:Naps provide different benefits depending on how long they are,says MentaIFloss.com.A 20-minute nap will promote alertness and concentration; a 90-minute nap which includes deeper stages of sleep,can strengthen creativity.The danger zone is when you're somewhere in between,because waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle can lead to sleep inertia(惯性).SO stick to 20or 90minutes for maximum benefits.If you wake up from a nap feeling confused or more tired,it's likely that your timing was just off.
What time to sleep:Prevention.corn says that you experience a natural dip in body temperature (the same kind that makes you feel sleepy at night) between 1p.m.and 3p.m.A power nap at this time can promote alertness for several hours and,for most people,won't affect being able to fall asleep at night.
How to get comfortable:MentalFloss.com says it takes about 50percent longer to fall asleep sitting up than lying down.(That's why we sleep so poorly on planes and trains!) Pick a dark,cozy place that's not too warm or too chilly.Prevention.com recommends napping on the couch instead of in bed,so you won't snooze for too long.
Surprisingly,the best place to sleep may be a hammock (吊床) if you have one.A Swiss study published last year found that people fell asleep faster and had deeper sleep when they napped in a hammock than in a bed.That same rocking motion that causes babies to sleep works wonders for grown-ups too.
Consider a"caffeine nap":It sounds strange,but drinking coffee right before a nap may be the perfect aid for maximum alertness.Since caffeine takes 20to 30minutes to take full effect,you'll feel even more alert after your 20-minute nap.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.If your friend and family get fat,chances are you will,too.Researchers report in a new study that suggests obesity is"socially contagious(传染性的)"and can spread easily from person to person.
The large,federally funded study found that to be true even if your loved ones lived far away.Social ties seemed to play a surprisingly strong role,even more than genes are known to do.
"We were shocked to find that friends who are hundreds of miles away have just as much impact on a person's weight status as friends who are right next door."Said coauthor James Fowler of the University of California,San Diego.
The study found a person's chances of becoming fat went up 57percent if a friend did,40percent if a sibling(兄弟姐妹) did and 37percent if a spouse(配偶) did.
Researchers think it's more than just people with similar eating and exercise habits hanging out together.Instead,it may be that having relatives and friends who become obese changes one's idea of what is an acceptable weight.
Despite their findings,the researchers said people should not stop their friendships."There is a ton of research that suggest that having more friends makes you healthier,"Fowler said."So the last thing that you want to do is get rid of any of your friends."
The study was published in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine and funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Obesity is a global public health problem.About 1.5billion adults worldwide are overweight,including more than 400million who are obese.Twothirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.
Much of the recent research focus has been on the intense hunt for obesity genes involved in appetite or calorie burning.Treatment has been mainly centered on helping individuals curb(抑制) their weight through better diet and fitness.The findings could open a new way for treating this worldwide obesity.The researchers said it might be helpful to treat obese people in groups instead of just the individual.

72.Treating obesity at present is mainly byC.
A.not keeping in touch with your relatives and friends
B.taking some lossweight pills
C.going on proper diets and having right exercise
D.getting rid of obesity genes involved in appetite or calorie burning
73.According to the new study,obesity is"socially contagious",which seems to be mainly  caused byB.
A.genes   B.social ties   C.living conditions   D.diets
74.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 6mean?A
A.It is unwise for us to get rid of any of our friends because of obesity.
B.The best way of preventing obesity is to get rid of any of our friends.
C.If we want to keep fit,we must get rid of some friends.
D.We must make a good choice between obesity and friends.
75.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.The new study suggests about 1.5billion people worldwide are overweight.
B.Gene is one of the factors that have something to do with obesity.
C.Friendship and obesity are both of great importance.
D.It might be helpful to treat obese people just as the individual instead of in groups.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Parties,iPods,concerts,movies,TV shows,video games,traffic.All of these things of the modern world make life entertaining and enjoyable.But our 21st-century lifestyle is also loud and,if we don't take notice,it can have an effect on our hearing.
Most teenagers don't think about hearing loss.But if you experience any of the following symptoms,you may already be hearing damaged:you make efforts to hear normal talk,you have to turn up the TV or radio so high that others complain,you watch other people's expressions to understand what they are saying,you ask people to repeat themselves,you misunderstand what people are saying or you hear ringing in your ears.
iPods and other MP3 players are as common as the clothes you wear,and just as fashionable.But if you turn up an iPod to more than 60 percent of its maximum volume,and listen to music for more than an hour,you are asking for trouble.And,it does not matter if the music you play is classical,rock or heavy metal.
Some researchers find that young people who break the so-called 60-percent/60-minute rule in listening to iPods are at the risk of suffering hearing loss.
Why is an iPod dangerous?With ear buds placed directly in the ear canal and high-volume music played over a long period of time,it's like working in a loud factory all day,being a maintenance person under a jet airplane or using a jackhammer(手提钻)on a building site.
Similarly,iPod music can cause a short time or permanent hearing damage.A loud iPod can cause a ruptured(破裂的)eardrum and,over time,may cause permanent damage to the tiny hairs in the inner ear.If these tiny hairs are damaged,they cannot effectively send sounds to the auditory nerves(听觉神经)that connect to the brain.If this happens,hearing loss becomes permanent.
67.Which of the following shows that you are suffering hearing loss?B
A.You are interested to listen to others'talking.
B.You have to read others'expressions to understand them.
C.You can only understand others over the phone.
D.You always think you hear the ringing of the phone.
68.Which of the following is TRUE when you listen to music?C
A.Listen at least an hour every time.
B.Turn up the volume to the highest level.
C.Keep the sound lower than 60% of its highest volume.
D.Choose classical,rock or heavy metal music.
69.What is the correct order of causing permanent hearing loss?D
a.The eardrum is broken.
b.The auditory nerves cannot receive sounds.
c.Tiny hairs are damaged.
d.Ear buds are placed directly in the ear canal.
e.High-volume music is played over a long time.
A.d-a-c-b-e           B.e-c-a-b-d              C.b-c-a-d-e           D.d-e-a-c-b
70.This passage is mainly aboutB.
A.music that teenagers like         
B.hearing problems caused by the loud world
C.ways that teenagers enjoy music     
D.dangerous modern lifestyles of teenagers.

