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3.-What do you think of the Eight Rules of the central government?
-Effective and ___________.(  )

分析 --你认为中央政府的八项规定怎样?

解答 答案是D.本题考查形容词词义辨析.A项是寻常的;B项是自然的;C项是常规的;D项是实用的;根据上文可知,说话人询问对方对八项规定的看法;而对方在回答时用到"effective有效的",可以判断回答者对八项规定的态度是肯定的,所以只有D项practical(实用的)表达了对事物的肯定态度,所以答案选择D.

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Rooftops covered with plants-called"green roofs"-could help fight global warming,scientists now suggest.
Green roofs are growing more popular in cities,with the number of green roofs increasing in the United States.In Germany,widely considered the leader in green roofing,some 12 percent of all flat roofs are green,with the German green roof industry growing 10 to 15 percent annually.
These roofs can reduce heating and air conditioning costs,with a roughly 10 percent reduction in natural gas usage and a 2 percent drop in electricity use for a typical building.Moreover,green roofs last two to three times longer than standard roofs.They also store storm water,which could otherwise exacerbate (加剧)flooding."They can also bring in birds and butterflies,help improve biodiversity(多样性),"Rowe said.In addition to taking in pollution and noise,the plants in green roofs naturally absorb carbon dioxide,the leading greenhouse gas behind global warming.However,nobody had measured the potential effect of green roofs on carbon dioxide levels until now.
Scientists at Michigan State University found that replacing traditional roofing materials with green roofs in an urban area the size of Detroit,with a population of about one million,would take in more than 55,000 tons of carbon.That is roughly similar to getting rid of a year's worth of carbon dioxide sent out by 10,000 mid-sized SUVs and trucks.
The challenges green roofs now face in the United States are something about policy and costs."The government should not necessarily mandate(强制执行) them,but it can provide support for them,just as they do in Germany and elsewhere,"Rowe told LiveScience."And green roofs are more expensive,but only initially.Over time,they're cheaper once you consider their benefits energy-wise.It takes about 11 to 14 years to break even(不赢不亏)."
53.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.Green roofs can take in the leading greenhouse gas behind global warming.
B.It is easier for green roofs to break than standard roofs.
C.A building with a green roof takes less energy to be heated.
D.Green roofs are of higher building cost.
54.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.Rowe is not optimistic about the future of green roofs
B.Germany has made it a rule to build green roofs
C.The United States is widely considered the leader in green roofing
D.Green roofs can provide habitats for birds and butterflies
55.The underlined word in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toB.
A.at times     B.at first    C.at present        D.at last
56.Which of the following can be the best title?C
A.Standard Roofs and Green Roofs
B.Green Roofs Are Growing More Popular
C.Green Roofs Help Control Global Warming,
D.Advantages of Green Roofs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.---Hello.Can I help you?
---Hello.My name is Yang Yan.We have a ________ for the party tonight.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The Hearst Castle
         Hearst Castle is a palatial park on the central California coast and a National Historic Landmark.It was designed by architect Julia Morgan for William Randolph Hearst from 1919 until 1947.In 1957,the Hearst Coiporation donated the fortune to the state of California.Since that time it has been maintained as a state historic park where the estate and its considerable collection of art and antiques are open for public tours.Despite its location far from any urban center,the site attracts roughly one million visitors per year.
Guided Tours
         There are several tours which highlight various parts of the castle and gardens.
●Tour One is recommended for first time visitor.It now includes the movie,Hearst Castle Building the Dream.
●Tour Two gives visitors a closer look at the main house's upper floors,Mr.Hearst's private suite,the libraries,and the kitchen.
●Tour Three looks at the Castle's North Wing,guest rooms and guest house Casa Del Monte.
●Tour Four features the impressive gardens and grounds,the largest guesthouse,the wine basement,and the Hidden Terrace.
●The evening tour is a special tour that allows visitors to experience the Castle at night as one of the Hearst's own visitors might have.
Ticket Prices
         Hearst Castle accepts VISA,MasterCard,American Express and Discover.Free day use parking is available for automobiles,motorcycles,tour buses and recreational vehicles.
Experience Tour 24 12
Tours 2,3 or 4  24  12
Evening tour 30 15
*Children under 6 are free when accompanied by a paying adult.
Reservation Information
         While tickets may be purchased at the Visitor Center upon arrival,tour reservations are strongly recommended and may be reserved online now or by calling 1-800-444-4445,see below for times.
Reservation Call Center Hours
March-September8AM to 6PM8AM to 6PM
October-February9AM to 5PM9AM to 3PM
Visit www.hearstcastle.org for more information.
56.Who does the Hearst Castle belong to at present?C
A.William Randolph Hearst.                        
B.Julia Morgan.
C.The state of California.                             
D.The Hearst Corporation.
57.If you are quite interested in wine,which tour will you choose?D
A.Tour One.                                              
B.Tour Two.                                     
C.Tour Three.                                         
D.Tour Four.
58.If a young couple take Tour One with their 5-year-old son,how much will they pay for the tickets?C
A.36.  B.60.  C.48. D.75.
59.Which of the following is the available time to book tickets by phone?BA.At 8 AM on Monday in February.            
B.At 9 AM on Sunday in March.
C.At 7 PM on Friday in September.            
D.At 6 PM on Saturday in October.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.One's beliefs are revealed not so much in words as in the assumptions on which one habitually acts and in the basic values by which all choices are tested.
The foundation of my own value system was laid in childhood with parents who believed that personal honesty came first.They never asked,"What will people think?"The question was,"What will you think of yourself,if you do this or fail to do that?"Thus,living up to one's own concept of oneself became a basic value,
A second basic value,in some ways an extension of the first,I owe to an old college professor,who had suffered more than his share of sadness and trouble.Over and over he said to us,"The one thing that really matters is to be bigger than the things that can happen to you.Nothing that can happen to you is more important that the was you end it"
Gradually I realized that here was the basis of the only real security and peace of mind that a human being can have.Nobody can be sure when disaster,disappointment,or injustice may come to him through no fault of his own.Nor can one be guaranteed against one's own mistakes and failures.But the way we meet life is ours to choose.The acceptance of these two basic values led to a third.If what one is and how one meets life are of first importance,one is not impressed by another's money,status,or power,nor does one judge people by their race,color,or social position.This opens up a whole new world of relationships,for when friendships are based on qualities of mind and character,one can have friends among old and young,rich and poor,famous and unknown,educated and unlettered,and among people of all races and all nations.
Given these three basic values,a fourth became necessary.It is one's responsibility to help create a social order.Human beings must have an opportunity for the fullest development of which they are capable.One is thus led to work for a world of freedom and justice through those social agencies and institutions which make it possible for people everywhere to realize their highest potentialities.
Perhaps all these add up to a belief in what has been called the human use of human beings.When we pray,or feel pity,when we think and reason,pursue ideas,seek truth,or read a book,when we protect the weak and helpless,when we honor the noble and cherish the good,when we cooperate with our fellow men to build a better world,our behavior is worthy of our status as human beings.

72.What is the most important value according to the author?B
A.Face grief and trouble positively.
B.Live up to one's own conception of oneself
C.Begin a wide relationship with people around.
D.Help create a social order.
73.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4probably meansA.
A.we can choose how to face our life
B.our mind can be peaceful after some failures
C.we can choose our own life
D.each of us can make mistakes sometimes
74.What does the author want to tell us in the last paragraph?D
A.We might as well help social agencies function well
B.We should think and reason while reading a book
C.We can cooperate to build social institutions
D.When we help those in need and admire the noble,we achieve the human use of human beings.
75.Where does this text probably come from?C
A.Science fiction.
B.Children's literature.
C.A magazine  
D.A news report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Large quantities of natural resources ________ in 100years or so.(  )
A.will use upB.have been used up
C.will be used upD.had been used up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Eric,
How glad I am to hear from you!
Yours truly,


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

12.In this life,what did you miss?
The wife asked the husband when she was 25.Despondently (沮丧地),the husband replied:"I missed a new   (1)C opportunity."
When she was 35,the husband  (2)B told her that he had just missed the bus.
At 45,the husband sadly said:"I missed the opportunity seeing my closed relative before his last(3)D."
At 55,the husband said disappointedly:"I missed a good chance to  (4)A.
At 65,the husband hurriedly replied:"I missed a dental  (5)C."
At 75,the wife did not ask the husband any more,the husband was  (6)Ain front of the very sick wife.Remembering the question the wife used to ask him,this time he asked the wife the same question.The wife,with a smile and  (7)Dlook,replied:"In this life.I did not miss having you!"
The husband was full of tears.He always thought that they could be together  (8)C.He was always busy with work and trifles.So much so he had never been (9)Ato his wife.The husband hugged the wife tightly and said:"Over 50years,how I had allowed myself to miss your deep  (10)B for me."
In the busy city life,there are many people who are always busy with work.These people revolve (围绕…转动) their lives around their jobs.These people  (11)B all their time and health to meet the social expectations.They are  (12)D to spend time on health care.They miss the opportunity to be with their children in their growing up.They neglect the loved ones who  (13)B for them,and also their health.
Nobody knows what is going to happen one year from now.
Life is not  (14)A,so always live in the now.Express your gratitude to your loved ones in words.Show your care with actions.Treat everyday as the last episode(片段)of life.In this way,when you are  (15)C,your loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about.

1. A.1ifeB.tourC.jobD.holiday
2. A.eagerlyB.angrilyC.anxiouslyD.gently
3. A.visitB.1ifeC.deathD.breath
4. A.retireB.refreshC.workD.rest
5. A.careB.disappointmentC.appointmentD.medicine
6. A.kneelingB.cryingC.talkingD.sleeping
7. A.terribleB.miserableC.upsetD.peaceful
8. A.sometimesB.everC.foreverD.occasionally
9. A.thoughtfulB.carefulC.usefulD.meaningful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.She was told not tospread (传播) the secret around.

