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8. I think there will be another five miles until we reach the mountain the distance.

   A. for B to   C. from   D. in

8. D

8. D解析:句意:我想还有五英里我们才能 到达远处的那座山。

in the distance为固定 搭配,意为“在远处”,符合句意。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷6 Module 5综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 

Jack took a long look at his speedometre before slowing down: 73 in a 55 mph zone. Fourth time in the past few months. How could a guy get 16 so often?

When his car had 17 down to 10 miles an hour,Jack came to a 18 . The cop was stepping out of his car,the big pad in hand. Bob? Bob from Church?

19 out of the car,he approached a man he saw every 20 ,a man he’d never seen in 21 .

“Hi,Bob. Fancy meeting you like this."“Hello,Jack. ” No 22 . “Guess you caught me red-handed in a 23 to see my wife and kids. ” “Yeah,I guess so. ”

The minutes ticked by. Bob scribbled away on the pad. Why hadn’t he asked for a driver's 24 ?

Whatever the reason,it would be a month of Sundays 25 Jack ever sat near this cop again. Jack could not quite keep the sneer out of his voice as Bob gave him a sheet of paper and 26 to his police car without a word. Jack unfolded it,27 how much this one was going to 28 Wait a minute. What was this? Certainly not a 29 .Jack began to read: “Dear Jack,once upon a time I had a daughter. She was six when 30 by a car. You guessed it—a speeding driver. A fine and three months in 31 , and the man was free. Free to hug his daughters. A thousand times I've tried to 32 that man. A thousand times I thought I had. Maybe I did,but I need to do it again. Even now,pray for me. And be 33 ,Jack,my son is all I have left,Bob. ”

Jack turned around in time to see Bob's car 34 away and head down the road. Jack watched until it disappeared. A full 15 minutes later,he too,drove 35 home,praying for forgiveness and hugging a surprised wife and kids when he arrived.

16. A. grasped   B. held   C. arrested   D. caught

17. A. looked   B. slowed   C. taken   D. brought

18. A. corner   B. place   C. space   D. stop

19. A. Walking   B. Crawling

   C. Jumping   D. Going

20. A. Sunday   B. Monday   C. Friday   D. Saturday

21. A. suit   B. uniform   C. dress   D. clothes

22. A. smile   B. way   C. wonder   D. problem

23. A. time   B. rush   C. worry   D. chance

24. A. message   B. note   C. license   D. signal

25. A. while   B. until   C. unless   D. before

26. A. changed   B. responded

   C. returned   D. devoted

27. A. wandering   B. believing

   C. affording   D. wondering

28. A. cost   B. spend   C. pay   D. charge

29. A. bill   B. ticket   C. cheque   D. letter

30. A. brought   B. killed   C. saved   D. injured

31. A. all   B. person   C. general   D. jail

32. A. apologize   B. forgive   C. protect   D. defeat

33. A. eager   B. happy   C. honest   D. careful

34. A. give   B. pull   C. drive   D. ride

35. A. slowly   B. quickly   C. normally   D. quietly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Michael Faraday was the son of a blacksmith (铁匠) .There were four children in his family and,with his father often ill and unable to work,Michael Faraday had to earn his living from an early age. This meant little or no schooling. However,the family belonged to a religious group,and Faraday learnt to read and write at Sunday school.

When he was only 14 ,Faraday found a job as a bookbinder (装订工) .He used to read the books he was given to bind and he became very interested in the scientific books,particularly the ones about electricity. His interest soon took a practical path and he began making his own experiments. These were very basic because Faraday had to make all of his equipment himself. However,he was very careful and kept a clear written record of all his findings.

One day,he was given an entrance ticket to the Royal Institute chemistry lecture by Humphry Davy. Determined to work for this great scientist,he sent Davy a job application (申请) including his laboratory reports on the experiments he had carried out. In 1813,Davy offered Faraday a job as one of his laboratory assistants. Faraday learnt quickly and soon was recognised as a very able chemist. Later,he went to work at the Royal Institute.

Michael Faraday was,perhaps,the greatest practical scientist of the 19th century. As a chemist,he discovered the benzene,which is now the central point of chemical study. He also proved the relationship between electrical bonding. As a physicist,he invented the dynamo (发电机) ,which led to the later invention of the electric motor.

41. Why did Faraday attend Sunday school?

   A. He had to learn how to be a bookbinder.

   B. He would like to learn religious knowledge.

   C. He hoped to read many of the scientific books there.

   D. His family couldn’t afford his normal school education.

42. When working as a bookbinder,Faraday .

   A. published his great findings on electricity

   B. was famous as a practical scientist

   C. read many books lent by Humphry Davy

   D. made equipment for his experiments on his own

43. In order to get a chance to work for Davy,Faraday .

   A. sent his experiment reports to Davy

   B. offered to do laboratory work for free

   C. bought tickets to attend Davy's lecture

   D. went to the Royal Institute to visit Davy

44. We can learn from the last paragraph that.

   A. the electric motor was invented by Faraday

   B. electricity was Faraday's best-known finding

   C. Faraday's research covered different fields

   D. Faraday was more a chemist than a physicist

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Michael Faraday,a Great Scientist

   B. The Contribution of Michael Faraday

   C. Michael Faraday,a Born Bookbinder

   D. The Sufferings of Michael Faraday


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



All living beings have enemies. And they all have developed interesting ways to keep them at bay. Some animals hide,others run,or just fly away when faced with danger. These are their defence methods.

Some animals can hide without moving. They have the unique ability to change their colour according to the change of the surroundings. They become invisible to the predator (猎食者) . This method of defence is called “camouflage”.

The most common example of an animal which uses camouflage is the chameleon (变色龙) . If it is on a green leaf,it turns green and if it is on a brown branch,it turns brown.

Some rabbits change colour with the change of the season. The snowshoe hare is brown in summer and white in winter. The white fur serves as camouflage in the snow in winter.

Many non-poisonous snakes take on colours similar to poisonous snakes in order to scare off enemies. This form of defence is called mimicry (模仿) . Some poisonous snakes have very bright colours to warn enemies. This form of defence is called “warning colouration”.

There is a kind of fish called the puffer fish which uses an extraordinary device to keep predators away. It swells up (膨胀) like a balloon when it is attacked.Then,its attacker finds it difficult to swallow it.

Animals which cannot protect themselves in these ways develop other means to do so. Some have claws and teeth which they use to fight;others have poison fangs. Snakes bite,bees sting and skunks give off an unpleasant smelling liquid to ward off enemies.

36. Camouflage refers to a method in which animals

   A. use bright colour to attract other animals

   B. change shape to fit in with the surroundings

   C. change colour to cheat their enemies

   D. hide away to catch other animals

37. Which of the following uses the method of ^mim-icry”?

   A. The chameleon. B. A kind of rabbit.

   C. Snakes. D. Fish.

38. The puffer fish swells up like a balloon when it is attacked to .

   A. frighten away its enemies

   B. avoid being swallowed

   C. fight with its enemies

   D. swim faster

39. The underlined word “fangs” in the last paragraph probably refers to .

   A. teeth   B. ears   C. fingers   D. eyes

40. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. How animals find food.

   B. Why animals are so clever.

   C. Why animals change colour.

   D. How animals defend themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. It is early spring,but most of the trees here have already been with colourful flowers.

   A. full   B. loaded   C. heavy   D. filled


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. —Is there any flight to New York?

I think there be,for it is snowing so heavily.

   A. shouldn’t   B. mustn't

   C. can't   D. needn’t 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Forget open beaches and seaside resorts. Go to Pripyat,a city near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Part city exploration experience,part real-life video game,the tour is now being provided by several Ukrainian travel companies.

On the day of the tour,curious visitors of all ages and countries—many from the US and Western Europe—gathered in the Ukrainian capital city,Kiev,and boarded a tour bus destined for Pripyat. This used to be a successful blue-collar town until the nuclear meltdown. Today,well-maintained freeways fall away to two-way highways,which finally give way to beaten old roads as one nears the edge of the Exclusion Zone —the 30km radius around the infamous power plant.

After a brief direction which tour guides insisted that the levels of radiation experienced by visitors are similar to the exposure they had on the flight to Ukraine—we were driven beyond the checkpoint into the Exclusion Zone.

Pripyat was founded as a city for the power plant's workers. Nowadays,its once busy streets have been changed into narrow gravelly trails between breakdown buildings,and small decorative trees that at one time lined the sidewalks have returned the area to the forest it was in days past.

The tour continued inside some of the buildings. This hotel room would once have been warm and cozy,but not any more. You can see a tree growing in the room. There was a huge amount of old paint,broken windows,and wood. As Pripyat people were told it would only be a short-term evacuation,most of their personal belongings were left behind. We carefully stepped around the ruined objects littering the floor and had the unique experience of seeing a building frozen in time for over 25 years.

Part of the tour took place in the old school. And although this is definitely one of the most disturbing parts—the rows of desks covered in dust that scatter the floor are frightening,it is also one of the sites that has been the most disturbed by visitors.

51. According to the passage,Pripyat was a city .

   A. where visitors came to enjoy its beauty

   B. where most people worked at factories

   C. where the whole town was powered by nuclear

   D. where freeways fell down on the highways

52. We can infer from the third paragraph that .

   A. radiation can spread throughout tfie whole Ukraine

   B. tour guides force travelers into the Exclusion Zone

   C. the radiation near the Zone does no harm to visitors

   D. visitors are asked to travel by plane to the Zone

53. The fourth paragraph is mainly about .

   A. the deep forest in Pripyat

   B. the ruins of the power plant

   C. the narrow streets in Pripyat

   D. the surroundings of Pripyat

54. The fifth paragraph implies that people thought.

   A. they could return to their home soon

   B. they could defeat nature in 25 years

   C. they could experience the feeling of time-frozen.

   D. they didn't need their personal belongings 

55. What kind of tourism is the passage about?

   A. Business tourism.

   B. Disaster tourism.

   C. Adventurous tourism.

   D. Eco-friendly tourism


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

14. --Where have they gone?

—I thought they home,but I am not sure.

   A. must have gone   B. may have gone   C. can have gone   D. may go


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. You don't have to pay to park your car here.

You can park your car here.

