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4.Learners of English,especially self-taught learners may have trouble in understanding speeches by native speakers.The following ways might help improve their listening ability.
First of all,do things step by step.It is not good to listen to something beyond your level.Better choose a suitable course and start with the first book.Go on to the second book only after you are sure you understand the first one.
Secondly,stick to (坚持) one course of study.Don't change books often.Never let your attention be attracted by another course just because it seems to be more"fashionable".
Thirdly,listen to the English news program over the radio from time to time.Better go through the news stories in the Chinese-language newspaper first.That will make it easy for you to understand the English news on the radio.
Fourthly,if you have time,listen to some interesting stories in some special English programs,such as VOA or other listening materials of the same level as that of your textbook.
25.This is a piece of advice to learners of English on how toA.
A.improve their listening ability               
B.read fast
C.write better English and read faster           
D.speak correctly
26.If you want to understand the English news program on the radio,you shouldB.
A.read the Chinese language newspaper step by step
B.go through the Chinese language newspaper first
C.read again and again the Chinese language newspaper
D.be able to recite the Chinese language newspaper
27.The author advised that once you have taken up a course,youA.
A.should stick to it.
B.should take up other courses if they are more fashionable
C.should begin with the last book
D.shouldn't do anything else
28.In this passage,VOA stands forB.
A.a book   
B.a radio station         
C.a text-book  
D.a magazine.

分析 本文是一篇科教类的文章,主要介绍了关于如何提高人们的英语听力水平,并给出了4个建议,如一步步的做事,坚持一套资料,经常听英文新闻节目,从英文广播电台里听故事.本文详细介绍了四个提高英语听力水平.

解答 25.答案:A.主旨大意题.根据全文内容及文章第一段最后一句"The following ways might help improve their listening ability."可知,本文是关于听力方面的建议.故选A.
26.答案:B.细节理解题.根据第四段第二行"Better go through the news stories in the Chinese-language newspaper first."可知,最好先看一下中文说明,有助与你的理解.故选B.
27.答案:A.细节理解题.根据第三段第一行"stick to one course of study.Don't change books often"可知,我们要坚持一套材料,不随便换学习的材料.故选A.
28.答案:B. 推理判断题.根据本句"if you have time,listen to some interesting stories in some special English from the V.O.A"可知,VOA是播放英语故事的电台.故选B.

点评 本文是一篇科教类文章,题目涉及多道细节理解题,主旨大意题,推理判断题,做题时应结合文章上下文内容并根据所给选项的含义进行分析,从而得出正确答案.切记胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.In the past if you missed the ____ to pay back a credit card debt,it would be recorded in your credit report for a lifetime.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Dear Mr./Ms,
I would like to suggest that the starting time be changed at our school.Classes at Sebastian Valley Middle School simply start too early in the morning.Getting eight to nine hours of sleep each night is almost impossible when classes begin at 7:30am.In order to shower,dress,get organized,eat a quick breakfast,and meet the school bus by 6:45,I would have to get up at 5:45.
Early in the morning,students are too sleepy to learn well.Without enough sleep,young people cannot think clearly or enjoy learning.According to a report called"Are Students getting Enough Sleep?"From Sebastian Valley Times,"Sleepiness disturbs concentration,reduces short-term memory,and causes bad feelings."
Researchers have learned that teens normally fall asleep and wake up later than adults.Teens who stay up late at night have trouble getting up early in the morning.Studies show that some schools have already adjusted school hours to better match the teen sleep cycle(周期),as a result,students in these school are learning better on the new schedule(时间表).
Some of my classmates argue that starting school an hour later will prevent them from taking part in after-school athletic programs.A solution would be to carry out these programs before school instead of after school.The students who are involved in sports and clubs would continue to arrive at the usual time.The rest of the student body could get a little more sleep and arrive an hour later.
Teens usually have a later sleep cycle,and learn and behave better when rested.So I would like to suggest that we have a meeting to discuss the problem and listen to all the students'voice.
Thank you for considering this request(请求)!
61.In Tom's opinion,classes should begin atD.
A.6:45    B.7;30   C.8:00   D.8:30
62.A report from Sebastian Valley Times was mentioned in Paragraph 2to showB.
A.the popularity of Tom's school
B.the disadvantages of lacking sleep
C.the importance of athletic programs
D.the characteristics of the teen sleep cycle
63.As for athletic programs,Tom thinks thatD.
A.they are very difficult
B.they are a waste of time
C.they make most students sleepy
D.they may start early in the morning
64.Which of the following does Tom probably agree with?A
A.Sleep is food for the brain.
B.Books should be few but good.
C.Challenge is needed for success.
D.Early to bed makes a man healthy.
65.Tom wrote the letter mainly toA.
A.put forward a suggestion
B.send his congratulation
C.make an apology
D.express thanks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.We had a wonderful holiday; only the last two days were _____spoiled by the weather.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table.I couldn't help overhearing parts of their conversation.At one point the woman asked:"So,how have you been?"And the boy,who could not have been more than seven or eight years old,replied,"To tell the truth,I've been feeling a little depressed (压抑) lately."
His words stuck in my mind because it confirmed (证实) my growing belief that children are changing.As far as I can remember,my friends and I didn't find out we were"depressed"until we were in high school.
Children don't seem childlike anymore.Children speak more like adults,dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say,but it certainly is different.Childhood as it once was no longer exists.Why?
Human development is based not only on natural biological states,but also on ways of getting social knowledge.Movement from one social role to another usually needs to learn the secrets of the new social role.Children have always been taught adult secrets,but slowly and in stages:traditionally,we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.
In the last 30years,however,television has passed information to all viewers.Unable to resist (抵制) the temptation (诱惑),many children turn their attention from printed texts to more interesting moving pictures.
Communication through print,in fact,allows for a great deal of control over the social information which children can get.Reading and writing need symbols that must be memorized and practiced.Children must read simple books before they can read difficult materials.

62.According to the author,feeling depressed isC.
A.a sign of a psychology (心理) problem in a child
B.an important period of children's development
C.something hardly to be expected in a young child
D.a state present in all humans,including children
63.According to the writer,the children seem adultlike because ofC.A.the rising of living standards
B.the simple books
C.influence of television
D.the fast development of humans'intelligence
64.Why does the author like communication through print for children?A
A.It can contraol what children are to learn at a proper age.
B.It develops children's interest in reading and writing.
C.It helps children to remember and practice more knowledge.
D.It helps childern to gain more social information.
65.What does the author think of the change in today's children?A
A.He thinks this phenomenon is worth noticing.
B.He feels funny by their behaviors and thoughts
C.He considers it a positive and good development
D.He seems to be angry about these strange behaviors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Experienced liars can make use of gestures to take you in; for instance,they often ______ look at you straight in the eyes as if they were telling the truth.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.In the animal kingdom,weakness can bring about aggression in other animal.This sometimes happens with humans also.But I have found that my weakness brings out the kindness in people.I see it every day when people hold doors for me,pour cream into my coffee,or help me to put on my coat.And I have discovered that it makes them happy.
From my wheelchair experience,I see the best in people,but sometimes I feel sad because those who appear independent miss the kindness I see daily.They don't get to see this soft side of others often; we try every way possible to avoid showing our weakness,which includes a lot of pretending.But only when we stop pretending we're brave or strong do we allow people to show the kindness that's in them.
Last month,when I was driving home on a busy highway,I began to feel unwell and drove more slowly than usual.People behind me began to get impatient and angry,with some speeding up alongside me,horning (按喇叭) or even shouting at me.At the moment I decided to do something I had never done in twenty four years of driving.I put on the car flashlights and drove on at a really low speed.
No more angry shouts and no more horns!When I put on my flashlights,I was saying to other drivers,"I have a problem here.I am weak and doing the best I can."And everyone understood.Several times,I saw drivers who wanted to pass.They couldn't get around me because of the stream of passing traffic.But instead of getting impatient and angry,they waited,knowing the driver in front of them was in some way weak.
Sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we don't feel that way.But those are few and far between.More often,it would be better if we don't pretend we feel strong when we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when we are scared.
46.The author has discovered that people will feel happy whenA.
A.they offer their help                  
B.they receive others'help
C.they feel others'kindness              
D.they show their weakness
47.The author feels sad sometimes becauseD.
A.he has a soft heart                    
B.he relies much on others
C.some people pretend to be kind         
D.some people fail to see the kindness in others
48.What did the other drivers do when they saw the flashlights?B
A.They speed up to pass.
B.They waited with patience.
C.They tried their best to help.
D.They put on their flashlights too.
49.In this passage,the author advises us toC.
A.handle problems by ourselves          
B.accept help from others
C.admit our weakness                  
D.show our bravery
50.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?B
A.A Wheelchair Experience.
B.Weakness and Kindness.
C.Weakness and Strength               
D.A Driving Experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.He got the first prize in the contest,so his parentswere safisfied/content/pleased with
(对…满意的) his performance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Parents have widely different views on the problem of pocket money.Four new fathers were asked this question and this is how they answered.
Ashish Khanna:Although many argue that pocket money helps develop children's sense of value,I don't agree.I wouldn't give my child any pocket money.First of all,I never got pocket money and I seem to have a good value for money.If my child ever needed something and I felt it was a reasonable(合理)request,I would buy it for him.
Sharad Sanghi:No,I wouldn't give my child pocket money because I don't want to create the perception(观念) of"her"money and"my"money.Besides,if I refuse to buy her something that I think is bad for her,she may buy it with her pocket money on the sly.In this way,I would lose control over my child's requests.I feel it also encourages children to care more about money than anything else.I don't want my child to start judging(评判) other children by the amount of money or pocket money they have.
Rakesh Shah:Yes,I would give my child pocket money.I feel that children should learn to spend money intelligently and not go overboard spending.They will learn what their limitations(限制)are and feel the difficulty when they have to pay for something that is over their own pockets.
Rajiv Patel:Yes,I would give my child pocket money because it is important that she learns to manage money.I will give her a fixed amount every month and if she spends the money before the month is over,then she will learn a lesson and not spend money so freely.
Vikram Desai:Yes,I would certainly give my child pocket money.But I would not give it to him on a weekly or monthly basis.He would have to earn it.If he helped me finish some of my jobs or helped his mother with housework,I would reward him.This helps him realize that"money does not grow on trees"and it requires hard work to earn money.
66.Ashish Khanna may agree thatC.
A.he was given too much pocket money when young
B.he can take much control of his child by money
C.he will buy anything he thinks his child really needs
D.pocket money helps children develop a good value for money
67.The underlined phrase"on the sly"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to.
A.for free     B.at a lower price      C.happily      D.secretly
68.What do Rakesh Shah and Rajiv Patel have in common?A
A.They want their children to learn to manage money.
B.They ask their children to get pocket money by working.
C.They teach their children the difficulty of making money.
D.They allow their children to spend money freely.
69.According to Vikram Desai,children's earning money by themselves makes them know thatA.
A.money is not easy to get
B.money can be gotten from the trees
C.one can get lots of money if he/she works hard
D.money is not so important for people nowadays
70.Who would give his child pocket money every month?D
A.Ashish Khanna     B.Sharad Sanghi        C.Rakesh Shah     D.Rajiv Patel.

