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 When predicting someone’s future success, their character might actually _________ more than

their IQ.

A. matter         B. care             C. value            D. mind


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There is, for many of us, a moment in life when we make a choice that changes us forever. This moment marks a turning point, when we realize that the life we're living is not a mirror of who we really are.

For some, the moment comes as a result of something dramatic: the sudden loss of a job, or the death of a loved one. For others, they have to deal with difficult situations, such as financial hardship. In these challenging times, it's more critical(关键时刻的) than ever for us to seize the possibility of positive change. As I travel and talk to people about their lives, I often see a distant, vacant look in their eyes -- a look that says “I’m so busy trying to survive my life that no soul left to live it”.

As a result, we end up feeling lonely. Yet we keep on going the way we've been going. We tolerate high levels of stress at work, take important relationships for granted, or put our health needs on hold. We get so caught up in the details of living that our busyness becomes an excuse from the inner voice that begs us to listen. When you finally pay attention to that little voice and begin to make even small changes, you will slowly improve yourself.

To start positive change, you need the power of your mind. I've come up with a five-step strategy that will help you. You will be able to identify what you want and then go after it. It's easier than you might think.

1. Reset your happiness set point. Don't limit yourself! When I decided that I wanted more control over my life, I set goals in physical, emotional, financial, professional, material, and play. I challenged myself to consider every possible choice. Imagine things you've never believed you could achieve. Don't let your past determine your future.

2. Trust your courage. Too often, when you're first learning to take control of your life, you doubt yourself. It's important to develop a strong connection with your inner guidance system. I've heard many stories about the persistent voice inside your head.

3. Take action. Once you have set goals, adjusted your beliefs, and got ready, you can start making things happen. Again, turn to those people you respect -- the ones achieving what you desire -- for support and guidance. They will both inspire you and give you practical advice on what steps you need to take.

4. Have faith. Believe that the positive energy of grace will support your efforts to improve your life. When you've done all you can, let go and trust that the right result will occur. When we have faith, we give up the need to be in control, and we set ourselves up to actually enjoy the process of change.

5. Be patient. This can be the toughest step. It's not easy to trust that your life will improve in a best way. Remind yourself of the benefits of patience. In my experience, those life changes are always worth the wait.

What does the author intend to say in the second paragraph?

A. The start of some turning points in one’s life is caused by crisis.

B. Loss of a job or the death of a loved one are all dramatic things.

C. No one can live a life without any turning points.

D. No one can predict his future of being good or not.

In the author’s opinion, we should ______________.

A. adjust our beliefs from time to time B. always control ourselves for anything

C. keep on going the way we are going   D. seize the challenging times to live an active life

The author suggests that when setting your happiness set points, you should _______.

A. know the limitation of your set point        B. build self-confidence without doubt

C. limit your goals in different ways           D. consider every possible choice with care

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. When you've done all you can, you may believe that the right result will occur.

B. When you set goals, and take action, it is possible to make things happen.

C. When you first learn to take charge of your life, you will always doubt yourself.

D. If things do not happen in a way that is best, patience is always worth the wait.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My Teacher in the School of Life

I spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes ___1___ 30 years ago; I sat in Dr Charles E. Offutt's British literature class, listening to him __2___ what his seniors would learn and get them excited about the journey they would __3__.I'm the principal(校长) of the school now, but for a few minutes I was back in 1975, __4__ what the future held.

I have been learning from Dr Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he has been teaching at DeMatha.He not only taught me to think, he __5__ me, as much by example as___6__, that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve __7__.

Neither of us could know how our __8__ would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr Offutt, then the department chair. After several years, I was __9__ department chair, and our relationship changed __10__. I thought that it might be __11__chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr Offutt __12__ me throughout. He knew when to give me __13__ about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course.

In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. __14__, he encouraged me to seize the new __15__.

Five years ago, I became the __16__ of DeMatha.Once again, Dr Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could__17__ on him as I tried to fill such big shoes, I've learned from him that great teachers have a(n) __18__ wealth of lessons to teach. __19__ his students don't know it yet, I know how __20__ they are; I'm still one of them.

1.A.mostly   B.exactly   C.only   D.simply

2.A.explain     B.predict       C.speak     D.teach

3.A.keep       B.achieve       C.choose   D.take

4.A.preparing   B.discovering   C.wondering  D.realizing

5.A.assisted    B.reminded      C.advised   D.convinced

6.A.words     B.action        C.explanation  D.models

7.A.the others  B.everyone       C.others   D.anyone

8.A.relationship  B.position      C.situation  D.condition

9.A.pointed    B.named         C.given    D.taken

10.A.already      B.yet       C.still  D.again

11.A.foolish      B.surprising  C.uncertain  D.challenging

12.A.promoted    B.accepted  C.supported  D.welcomed

13.A.advice      B.information  C.notice   D.thought

14.A.Otherwise  B.Therefore  C.Furthermore  D.Instead

15.A.choice     B.opportunity  C.occupation  D.possibility

16.A.teacher     B.principal  C.officer      D.clerk

17.A.live       B.look     C.depend       D.take

18.A.rich      B.little     C.valuable       D.endless

19.A.Once     B.Even if  C.Unless       D.Until

20.A.fortunate  B.curious  C.innocent      D.satisfied


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Joe Templer should have known better. After all, he works for a large auto insurance company. It won't hurt to leave the key in the truck this once, he thought, as he filled his gas tank at a self service gas station. But moments later, as he was paying the money, he saw the truck being driven away.

In 1987, 1.6 million motor vehicles were stolen in the United States one every 20 seconds. If _________________, experts predict annual vehicle thefts could exceed two million by the end of the decade.

Vehicle theft is a common phenomenon, which has a direct impact on over four million victims a year. The cost is astonishing.      

Many police officials blame professional thieves for the high volume of the thefts. It is a major money maker for organized crime. Typically, stolen cars are taken to pieces and the parts sold to individuals. But as many as 200,000 cars are smuggled out of the country every year. Most go to Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.

Only about 15 percent car thefts result in an arrest, because few police departments routinely conduct in depth auto investigations. When thieves are arrested, judges will often sentence them to probation(缓刑), not immediately put them in prison because the prisons are overcrowded with violent criminals.

One exception is a Michigan program that assigns 92 police officers to work full time on the state's 65,000 car theft cases a year. Since 1986, when the effort began, the state's auto theft rate has fallen from second in the nation to ninth.

76.  What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


77  Why do you think Joe Templer should be blamed according to the writer? (Please answer within 10 words.)


78  Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases. (Please answer within 10 words.)


79.  Put the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.


80.       What suggestions would you give the car owners to prevent the car theft? (Please answer within 20 words.)



科目:高中英语 来源:江西省八校2010届高三下学期4月联考 题型:阅读理解

Although we already know a great deal about flu, and although the World Health Organization is constantly collecting detailed information from its chain of flu reference laboratories throughout the world, it is extremely difficult for epidemiologists, who study infectious diseases, to predict when and where the next flu epidemic will occur, and how serious it will be. 
There are three kinds of flu virus, known as A, B and C. Flu C virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. The A and B types are unstable, and are responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. Following any virus attack, the human body builds up antibodies (抗体) which can be changed into immunity to that type of virus but a virus with the ability to change its character is able to bypass this protection. Variability(可变性) is less developed in the flu B virus, which affects only human beings. Flu B virus may cause a widespread epidemic but will have little effect if introduced into the same community soon afterwards, since nearly everyone will have built up antibodies and will be immune. The flu A virus, which affects animals also, is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease, such as the world epidemic, of 1918 and 1919, when about half the world’s population were infected and about twenty million people died, some from pneumonia caused by the virus itself and some from secondary complication caused by bacteria. Accurate prediction is difficult because of the complication of the factors. A particular virus may be related to one to which some of the population have partial involved immunity. The extent to which it will spread will depend on factors such as its own strength, or virulence (病毒性), the ease with which it can be transmitted and the strength of the opposition it encounters (遇到). Scientists, however, have a reliable general picture of the world situation. 
72. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage? 
A. Symptoms of Flu                                                       B. Man VS Flu Virus 
C. WHO: The Major Organization against Flu Virus       D. Variability of Flu Virus 
73. What does the author say about the flu B virus? 
A. B Virus is relatively stable and causes mild infections that do not spread far through the population. 
B. B Virus is unstable, and is responsible for the epidemics that cause frequent concern. 
C. B virus is extremely unstable and is responsible for some of the worst outbreaks of the disease. 
D. B virus has a very developed variability, and it affects only human beings. 
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the extent to which a virus spreads?
A. The strength of the virus.               B.The ease with which the virus can be transmitted.
C. The strength of the opposition. D.The immunity the virus can bring about.
75. This article is quite probably ________.
A. a piece of news                                    B. a special science report
C. an introduction to a disease             D. a scientific fiction 


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

To me, the ocean is our greatest wilderness. I love swimming in it , surfing its waves, watching it from shore and thinking about all the life living unseen under the surface.

When I take my little kids to check out tide pools, we’re overjoyed when we find a sea star or some shellfish. Lately, though, I've noticed a change in my favorite pools: there are more sea grasses and fewer animals with shells.

I can't help feeling these small changes portend something more troubling about our oceans. It matches what scientists are telling us: our oceans are being troubled by carbon dioxide that threatens corals, colorful fish, salmon, sea otters, even whales. Our oceans are facing a major change.

Every hour, a million tons of carbon dioxide from cars, factories and power plants rain down on the world’s oceans. Carbon pollution brings about a chemical reaction that turns sea water more acidic (酸的) and takes away things important for sea animals .

Some of us are already feeling the effects of this growing crisis(危机). Shellfish farmers in the Pacific Northwest have reported a decrease in natural and farmed oysters(牡蛎). Just this week, a new studyproved the link between the huge reduction in the numbers of oysters and ocean acidification. As polar waters become more acidic, Alaskan fishermen are troubled by the future of smaller fish.

Without action, ocean acidification will have a disastrous influence on the food chain, affecting not only sea life but the people who depend on it for food and their living. Already, our oceans have become 30 percent more acidic since preindustrial times, and it gets worse every day. We can stop this frightening dream, but only if we act now.

That's why the Center for Biological Diversity has started a petition (请愿书) requesting President Obama and the Environmental Protection Agency to develop a plan to deal with ocean acidification. Decisive action can save sea life as we know it.

Now it isn’t too late to save our oceans and sea life. With immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide release we can start taking important steps today to deal with this disastrous situation. Join me in our petition calling for a national plan to save our oceans.

1.The author’s recent visits to the tide pool brought her ___ .

A.happiness         B.anger             C.concern          D.comfort

2.The underlined word “portend” in Paragraph 3 probably means ___ .

A.predict           B.prevent           C.replace           D.reduce

3.What the author worries about most is ____ .

A.the harm of sea grasses

B.carbon pollution in the sea

C.that the petition may be turned down

D.how fishermen can make a living in the future

4.What is the main purpose of the text ?

A.To inform.         B.To educate.        C.To persuade .       D.To instruct.


