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12.Why do we like drinking water from plastic bottles(塑料瓶)?Some people think it is healthy and clean.Others drink bottled water because it's easy-you can carry it around with you.In hot countries,like Greece,we often buy bottles of cold water in the summer.
However,making lots of plastic is not a good idea for many reasons.First of all,we need a lot of oil for plastic products.We usually use oil as a source of energy.If we reduced the number of bottles we made,we wouldn't need so much oil.Plastic bottles also pollute the environment.If we reused all our plastic bottles,we wouldn't need so much space for rubbish dumps.But in Greece,we don't reuse much of the plastic we use.In 2006,Greeks reused only about 10% of plastic waste.The rest became rubbish on land and in rivers and seas.
So next time you want to throw away a plastic bottle in the litter bin,stop and think.If you reuse it,you would help the environment.But what can you do when there isn't a bin near you?Well,there are lots of useful ways that you can use your bottles again.For example,an empty bottle makes a great piggy bank for your pocket money,and if you cut a bottle in half,you will have a plant pot.Go green!You can make a difference..
28.What is not mentioned about bottled water in this passage?D
A.It's healthy.
B.It's clean.
C.It's easy.
D.It's expensive.
29.Plastic products are made fromB.
30.Which is the best way to deal with used plastic bottles?A
A.To reuse them.
B.To make a piggy bank.
C.To make a plant pot.
D.To drop them into the river.
31.The underlined part in this passage tells us"C".
A.To make a different life,you'd better go outside.
B.To look different,you'd better wear green clothes.
C.To protect the environment,you can do something.
D.To go green,you should use plastic products.

分析 这是一篇环保类短文阅读.短文从瓶装水开始引入,谈到塑料的制作需要石油,消耗了大量的能源,再到塑料瓶的处理,如果处理不好,有污染环境,最后倡议为绿色环保都行动起来.

解答 28-31 DBAC
28.D  细节题.从短文第一段这句话"Some people think it is healthy and clean.Others drink bottled water because it's easy"可知关于瓶装水提到了"healthy and clean,easy",三项内容,而没有提到瓶装水 expensive(贵).根据句子分析及四个选项的意思.故选:D
29.B.细节题.从短文第二段中这句话"we need a lot of oil for plastic products."可知塑料产品是由石油( oil )制成的,A.energy 能量;B.oil 石油;C.rubbish   垃圾;D.plants 植物.根据句子分析及四个选项的意思.故选:B
30.A.细节题.从短文最后一段这句话"If you recycled it,you would help the environment."可知如果你回收了使用过的塑料瓶,那你就帮助保护了环境.A.To recycle them.回收它们;  B.To make a piggy bank.做一个存钱罐;C.To make a plant pot.做一个植物的盆;D.To drop them into the river.把它们扔到河里,这种做法明显不对.B.C.只是说了在没有回收的情况下,怎么废物利用.该句是问:处理使用过的塑料瓶,做好的方法是什么.故选:A

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Having discussed heatedly for about 2 hours,they finally approvedthe new plan made by the young man.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.---What can I do for you,Mum?
---The salt has ______.You'd better go to the shop to buy some.(  )
A.run out ofB.used upC.made use ofD.run out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes.
"Shoes convey a thin but useful slice of information about their wearers,"the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality."Shoes serve a practical purpose,and also serve as nonverbal indications with symbolic messages.People tend to pay attention to the shoes they and others wear."
Medical Daily notes that the number of detailed personality traits detected in the study include a person's general age,their gender,income,political affiliation(派别),and other personality characteristics,including someone's emotional stability.
Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style,cost,color and condition of someone's shoes.In the study,63University of Kansas students looked at pictures showing 208different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants.Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes,and then filled out a personality questionnaire.
So,what do your shoes say about your personality?
Some of the results were expected:People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes,and flashier footwear was typically worn by extroverts(外向者).
However,some of the more specific results are interesting.For example,"practical and functional"shoes were generally worn by more"agreeable"people,while ankle boots were more closely aligned with"aggressive"personalities.
The strangest of all may be that those who wore"uncomfortable looking"shoes tend to have"calm"personalities.
And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take eexceptional care of them,you may suffer from"attachment anxiety",spending a large amount of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance.There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal types wearing"shabbier and less expensive"shoes.
The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personality traits,but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were revealing deep insights into their personalities.
28.We can infer from Paragraph 2thatD.
A.shoes are vital to their wearers
B.a practical purpose is to wear shoes
C.people want to buy new shoes they pay attention to
D.shoes may give away their wearers'information
29.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?D
A.People with high incomes probably wear expensive shoes.
B.Ankle boots are closely aligned with"aggressive"personalities.
C.People wearing"uncomfortable looking"shoes tend to be calm
D.People who wear practical and functional shoes may be hard to deal with
30.The underlined word"attachment anxiety",probably meansC.
A.Attached happiness to one's personality.
B.Feeling always worried about everything.
C.Often feeling worried about his or her appearance.
D.Wasting an inordinate amount of time.
31.Which might be the best title for the passage?D
A.Bad Shoes,Bad Personality.
B.People Are What They Wear.
C.How To Choose Suitable Shoes        
D.Shoes Reflect A Person's Personalities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.My mother loves flowers.As soon as warm weather comes around,you will find her planting,watering and weeding over everything.For many years we lived next door to each other,and she spent as much time in my garden as she did her own.After the flowers became plentiful each summer,she would cut colorful bouquets(花束)to enjoy inside the house-both hers and mine.I would often come home from work and find a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers on my coffee table.
Shortly before Christmas one year,a local flower shop offered a bouquetamonth special.It seemed to be a great way to thank her for all of the flowers she had given me through the years.
After the holidays,in early January,I drove her to the flower shop to pick up her first month's bouquet.The small fresh colorful bouquet would hardly fill a small vase.
I was so embarrassed.However,after we returned home,she began to arrange the flowers she had received."Mom,I'm sorry,"I told her."I can't believe how skimpy that bouquet is."She looked at me and smiled."It's okay,"she said."It allows me to better enjoy the beauty of each one."
Mom's words helped me to realize something bigger and more important-when we have too many good things,we often fail to enjoy the beauty of each one.
Thanks,mom,for helping me understand that less is sometimes more.
21.According to Paragraph 1,which of the following is TRUE?A
A.The author's mother put fresh flowers on the author's coffee table.
B.The author used to buy some fresh flowers on her way home.
C.The author's mother usually bought flowers for her daughter.
D.The author and her mother shared a beautiful garden.
22.The author bought her mother flowers toB.
A.celebrate the coming Christmas
B.express thanks for all her mother's done
C.bring more flowers to her mother's garden
D.arrange her mother's new house
23.The underlined word"skimpy"in Paragraph 4meansD.
24.What did the author learn from her mother?D
A.How to grow flowers.
B.How to arrange flowers.
C.Enjoying life if possible.
D.Considering things in other ways.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.At first,the earth's surface layer(层) was made up of huge blocks of hard,solid rocks.Then slowly,there rocks broke up into smaller and smaller pieces.Finally stones,pebble(卵石)and grains of sand were formed.Many sorts of plants and animals lived and died on the surface of the earth.Their remains mixed up with the stones,pebbles and  formed soil.The outmost layer of the earth is soil.
There are many ways in which large pieces of rock break into smaller ones.Wind,water,heat and cold help to break up rocks.When winds blow grains of sand against a large rock for a long time,the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away.These leave holes and cracks in the rock,which become bigger and finally the rock breaks up into smaller pieces.
The moving water of streams and rivers also help to break up rocks.As the water moves along,it carries with it small pieces of rock.These rub the larger ones.Thus,the larger rocks are worn down to smaller pieces.
The heat of the sun is also helpful to breaking up rocks.When the sun shines,the rocks become very hot.If these rocks are suddenly cooled,they may crack.Ice also plays a part in making soil.Water in the cracks can turn into ice in cold weather.As this happens,it becomes bigger and the cracks become wider,and finally break into smaller pieces.
12.According to the passage,soilA.
A.forms very slowly
B.is a mixture of stones,pebbles and sand
C.make up the layers of the earth
D.is becoming smaller and smaller
13.How many factors are mentioned in helping the forming of soil?B
C.Five.D.More than five.
14.Which of the following speeds up the breaks of rocks most?C
A.Hot weather.
B.Cold water.
C.Sharp changes in temperature.
D.More dead plants in the cracks.
15.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.The remains of many plants of animals formed soil.
B.If a large rock never moves,it will never break up.
C.Even if a large rock never moves,it will break up.
D.Ice in the cracks helps to break up rocks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.We often hear people say,"1have a good memory for things like that."or"I can remember names."
But do you know memory is the single most important thing and it has played a very important part?For early men,there were dangers all around them-bad weather.wild animals.The keys to keep on living lay in man's ability to remember these dangers and the ways he had dealt with them in the pest And as man learned how to deal with them,he became civilized Surprisingly,scientists have not yep found a way to open up the brain and observe its function without destroying it.Perhaps there are two types of memory,long-term and short-term.Short-term refers to those facts that stay with us for a few seconds to a few hours.For example,when you stay at a hotel,you remember the room and forget it as soon as you leave.Long-term memory,on the other hand,means you remember things for a long period of time.If you spend your honeymoon in a special hotel.it's likely that you'll remember your stay quite clearly.
Scientists also believe that a short-term memory can become a long-term memory if a lot of chemical and physical changes take place in the part of the brain.Although the human brain weighs three pounds,it contains 30billion nerve cells acting like a computer.When those changes strengthen the links in certain nerve cells,a thought becomes a part of the long-term memory.
21.To live safely,people in the past should be able to rememberB.
A.the learning ability          
B.the dangers around them
C.some wild plants              
D.their friends'addresses
22.How many types of memory are mentioned in the passage?B
23.A short-term memory can become a long-tam memory whenD
A.certain nerve cells get destroyed in daily life
B.the facts stay in the brain for quite a few hours
C.people become strong through different exercise
D.some nerve cells link strongly by certain changes
24.What's the best title for this passage?C
A.Living skills             
B.Chemical changes
C.Memory types          
D.Physical changes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The life expectancy is the length of time that a person is normally likely to live.As it increases nowadays,the average person lives beyond the age of retirement.As a result,the elderly make up an ever-increasing percentage of society,which makes it more important to make effort to improve the lives of senior citizens.
First of all,one way would be to make sure that the elderly have enough money on which to live.Obviously,when a person stops working,they still require a source of income to cover their basic needs such as food,accommodation and heating.A clear solution to the problem is for the government to make sure that the state pension(养老金) is enough for these needs.
Measures should also be taken to overcome the health problems the elderly face.The government should also provide access to the best health care available,which may necessitate paying for residential homes where the elderly can have round-the-clock nursing,or,at least,providing medication free of charge to all people over a certain age.
If we try to address the problem of social isolation (社交孤立),the lives of old people could be improved.If we organize trips for the elderly to community centers,visits from social workers,their problem of loneliness can be reduced a lot which marks the lives of so many old people living alone and far from their families.
The last helpful suggestion is to change the attitude of the community towards its older members,who are all too often seen as a burden on society.We need to be taught from an early age to respect the views of old people,and appreciate their broader experience of life.This would help society as a whole,and encourage appreciation of the role that old people can still play today.
49.What does underlined word"it"in Paragraph 1refer to?C
C.life expectancy     
50.What factors affected the old people's life?C
a.the state pension
b.the basic needs
c.the attitude of the community
d.the experience of life
e.social isolation
f.medical care
51.According to the last suggestion,the old peopleA.
A.should be respected by all of us
B.may be regarded as our heavy burden
C.must change their attitude to the community
D.have to gather more life experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.BASE Jumping
BASE jumping is a very dangerous sport of using a parachute to jump from fixed objects.It has become popular with those individuals who are constantly looking for new and exciting things to do.Because BASE jumping is very dangerous,it is sometimes considered a"stunt"(绝技)or"daredevil activity"rather than a sport.
BASE stands for the four categories of fixed launch points for a BASE jump:building,antennae,span(bridge),and earth(cliff)."BASE numbers"are awarded to those jumpers who have completed at least one jump from each of the categories.A BASE number qualifies a participant as a recognized BASE jumper.
Carl Boenish made the first official BASE jump from the Troll Wall in Norway in 1984.Unfortunately,Carl Boenish was killed two days after that first BASE jump as he tried to make another BASE jump off the Troll Wall.Improvements in equipment have helped reduce BASE jumping deaths.Still,many people,including experienced and skilled jumpers,are still injured or killed every year.There are no reliable statistics on the number of people killed or injured while BASE jumping,but it is certainly more dangerous than skydiving.Because of the high death rate,BASE jumping has not gained widespread acceptance.This is also one of the reasons that it is illegal in many countries,A BASE jumper needs to get permission to use both the place from which the jump starts and the landing area.Some places,like the Troll Wall,are banned because of the high level of danger.However,many sites are still open to jumpers.
BASE jumping is something that teenagers shouldn't do.It can easily injure or kill them.It also requires a lot of time,energy and money.As parents expect their children to have good judgment,they should think hard before they do anything that is really dangerous.
48.What is the author's attitude towards BASE jumping?C
A.It should be banned.
B.It should be encouraged.
C.The jumpers should be careful.
D.More sites should be open to jumpers.
49.The author shows his viewpoint byD.
A.listing the numbers
B.using a famous saying
C.explaining causes and effects
D.showing the facts and examples
50.Which of the following is true?B
A.Carl Boenish died in the first BASE jump from the Troll Wall in 1984.
B.Even experienced jumpers can be injured or killed in a certain jump.
C.Teens'parents don't support BASE jumping because it costs money.
D.A BASE jumper can freely choose any place to start the jump.

