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3.-Are you still employed at the post office?
-Yes,I______here since1982.(  )

分析 --你还在邮局工作吗?

解答 答案:B.根据Yes,I______here since1982可以知道自从1982年以来我就在那工作,而且现在我还在邮局工作,所以用现在完成进行时,选择B.

点评 考查现在完成进行时,由于这种时态本身的特点,即从过去开始一直到现在,而且现在仍旧在进行,所以是比较容易看出答案的.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.I haven't been able to beoutdoors(在户外) for so long a time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Thanks to China's reforming and open policy,our national eeconomy(经济) is increasing steadily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Along with the increasing number of the Chinese students in Australia,          David Irvine,they           the role of a bridge for the link-up and exchange between the two countries.(  )
A.expressed; had playedB.expressing; have been playing
C.expressed; are playingD.expressed; are being played


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.My stomach ______ me.I thought it was going away,but now it's getting worse and worse.(  )
A.was killingB.is killingC.killsD.killed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.If you really like the job,distance(距离)is not a problem.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The teacher rather than the students _____ referring to Reading Skills that _____newly published in America.(  )
A.is; wasB.is; wereC.are; wasD.are; were


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Mike hasn't got used to _________on the left side since he came to China,(  )
A.drivingB.be drivenC.be drivingD.drive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.China and Japan are respectively the world's secondand third largest economies.In 2008,China-Japan trade grew to 266.4 billion,a rise of 12.5 percent on 2007,making China and Japan the top two-way trading partners.China was also the biggest destination for Japanese exports in 2009.
The relationship between China and Japan has been strained at times by Japan's refusal to acknowledge its wartime past to the satisfaction of China.China joined other Asian countries,such as South Korea,North Korea and Singapore,in criticizing Japanese history textbooks that whiten Japanese war crimes in World War II.They claimed that the rise of militarism became evident in Japanese politics.Much anti-Japanese emotion has risen,because of the increasing feelings of Chinese nationalism and former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine(靖国神社).Although Koizumi openly declared---in a statement made on April 22,2005 in Jakarta---"deep regret"over Japan's wartime crimes,many Chinese observers regard the apology as insufficient and not consistent with the action.
Sino-Japan relations changed slightly after Shinzo Abe became the Prime Minister of Japan in September 2006,and a joint historical study conducted by China and Japan released a report in 2010 which pointed toward new agreement on the issue of World War II-era violent action.
However,there also remains the dispute(分歧) over the Diaoyu Islands,which resulted in clashes between Taiwanese (Chinese) protesters and the Japanese government in April 2005.The incident led to anti-Japanese protests and violence across Mainland China,from Beijing to Shanghai,later Guangzhou,Shenzhen and Shenyang.In August 2012,Hong Kong activists landed on one of the disputed Diaoyu Islands,and Japanese nationalists responded by landing on the island the following week.The incidents set off the largest-scale anti-Japanese protests in China for decades in which protesters vandalized(破环)Japanese shops and cars.On the 14th of September relations worsened even further in response to Japan's announcement of plans to buy the island from its private owners.The news resulted in the Chinese government sending six surveillance(监视) ships to the islands and further anti-Japanese protests in which protesters attacked the Japanese embassies in Shanghai and Beijing.

35.The underlined word"strained"in Paragraph 2 means"C"in English.
36.Which of the following is true about China-Japan relations?D
A.China and Japan relations are worsening all the time.
B.Junichiro Koizumi's apology improved their relations.
C.There is no dispute on the World War II-era violence any more.
D.The dispute over Diaoyu islands caused more than one anti-Japan protests in China.
37.What was the Chinese government's response to Japan's plans to buy Diaoyu islands?C
A.It sent activists to Diaoyu islands.
B.It attacked the Japanese embassies.
C.It sent surveillance ships to the islands.
D.It vandalized Japanese shops and cars.
38.Which of the following can improve the Sino-Japan relations?B
A.Strengthening their economic tie.
B.Reaching an agreement on their disputes.
C.Stopping vandalizing Japanese shops and cars.
D.Shinzo Abe becoming Japanese prime minister.

