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6.You know how wonderful you are,and you know that others know how wonderful you are,but what do you do when admiration crosses over the line into jealousy?For most teens there will come a day when you realize that one of your friends is jealous and that this jealousy is hurting your friendship.When it happens,there is nothing that you can do,but the good news is that there is.Don't let jealousy spoil your relationships.Deal with it at once and you might be back to normal much sooner than you think.
It can be hard to walk up to a friend and ask them what the problem is,but if you want to save your friendship you'll  have to do just that.Don't approach them and ask why they are jealous of you,just take some time alone with them and let them know that you've been feeling like there's been something coming between you.If they refuse to respond,then use the opportunity to explain how you have been feeling.Chances are that something you say will strike a nerve and your friend will open up as well.
When you figure out what is annoying your friend,ask him or her what (s)he thinks would make the situation better.If,for example,(s)he says that (s)he feels like (s)he doesn't want to spend any time with you because you are always with your new friends from swim team then maybe you could invite him or her along the next time,just the two of you.Remember,though,that whatever solution you decide on should be a compromise.Don't limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy.Try instead to include him or her in your new life and see how that works out.
Even the best of friendships can be ruined by jealousy.This destructive emotion is rarely productive and can turn best friends into worst enemies.Before taking extreme action,chat with your jealous friend to see if the two of you can work out a compromise.If you can't,be prepared to know exactly how far you will go to keep your friend and how far you won't.

67.The underlined"it"in the first paragraph refers toD
A.friendship                      B.relationship
C.admiration                      D.jealousy
68.Which of the following is NOT a proper way to face your friend when jealousy happens?B
A.Walking up to him/her and asking him/her what the problem is.
B.Walking up to him/her and asking him/her why lie/she is jealous of you.
C.Spending some time with him/her and letting him/her know what you think.
D.Spending some time with him/her and letting him/her know how you do it.
69.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?D
A.Jealousy can turn best friends into worst enemies.
B.There's no solution to solve the problem of jealousy.
C.You should go a long way with your friend to work out a solution.
D.You may lose a friend to keep your own gifts,chances or development.
70.The purpose of the passage is toC.
A.explain what causes jealousy
B.offer some advice on making friends
C.introduce the way to cope with a jealous friend
D.explain how destructive the jealous emotion is.

分析 本文是关于人际关系的话题.尤其是青少年朋友之间会因为嫉妒而使相互间的友谊被破坏,本文着重讲述如何处理被朋友嫉妒及处理过程中可能遇到的困难.

解答 67-70DBDC
67:D  词义猜测题 根据前一句…this jealousy is hurting your friendship,可知,此处的it 指的是jealousy"嫉妒",故答案为D
68:B  细节理解题.由第二段第二句Don't approach them and ask why they are jealous of you可知,不要靠近他们去问他们为何嫉妒你,B项表述不对,故答案为B 
69.D 推理判断题:根据Don't limit your own talents or opportunities simply because your friend is unhappy.得知不要保留自己的天赋、机会、自我发展以免会失去朋友.D项正确.
70:C 作者意图题.通读全文可知,本文的写作目的是介绍处理有嫉妒心朋友的方法.故答案为C

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Some college students are seen doing _______ work they can find to support themselves.(  )
A.thatB.whichC.whateverD.no matter what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.UN ____ the united Nations.(  )
A.stands forB.meanC.takes place ofD.come from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.lt's 9a.m,the moming rush hourin Toronto.A man has fallen down on a downtown street suddenly.Several passers-by stop to help the man.One woman reaches into her purse for her cell phone and hits 911,the emergency number.Threre minutes later,sirens(警报) are heard  in the distance as a  police car,an ambulance and  a fire truck  race to the area.Within ten  minutes,the stricken man  is  in the  back of an  ambulance and sent to the  hospital for life-saving treatment.
This scene is fairly common in Toronto and other major cities.Over the years,cities have developed systems  to respond quickly to emergencies.it has resulted in many lives being saved.But none of this would be possible without the cooperation of car drivers who yield (让 路) to emergency vehicles on busy downtown streets.In fact,it's against the law for drivers not to yield.
To yield means to give away or,more specifically,to get out of the way.It means pulling to the side of the road to let others pass.As yet China does not have any specific laws that require drivers to yield,whether it is for slower cars to move over to the inside lane of a highway or for all cars to give way to emergehcy vehicles.Recently,an injured Beijing cyclist died on the way to hospital  because the ambulance carrying him got stuck in city traffic.Drivers did not yield when they heard the ambulance's siren.
In Canada,failing to yield to an emergency vehicle can result in a fine of 400-2,000and redciction of three points off your license.That's for a first offence.A second offence results in a  bigger fine,the  loss of your driver's  license for two years and a  possible jail  sentence,The punishment is severe because lives are in danger.
Safe driving depends on drivers being aware of the traffic around  them and yieldirig when necessary.And yielding to  emergency vehicles only makes sense.It saves lives and,who knows,someday it may save your own,

56.Whats the main idea of the text?( No more than 10words)Yieldingtoemergencyvehiclescan savelives.
57.What is themeaning of the underlined words"as yet"in Paragraph 3?( No more than 3words)so far
58.What's Paragraph 4mainly about?(No more than 15words).Failing to yield to an emergencyvehicle can result in punishment.
59.In which situation,drivers may  be put into prison in Canada?(No more than 15words)When they fail to yield to an emergencyvehicle for a second time.
60.What should China do to prevent repetition of the Beijing case?(No more than 10words)China should establish laws about yielding to emergency vehicles..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Many people think it is safe to use a cell phone while they are driving.Yet Scores of studies suggest that real multitaskers-those who can carry out multiple (多个的) tasks equally well,make up just 2 percent of the population.More surprisingly,the so-called"supertaskers"actually have differently structured brains to the other 98 percent.
The brain areas that make supertaskers differ from the rest of the population are the same parts that are most different between humans and nonhuman primates (灵长类),according to David Strayer,director of the applied cognition lab at the University of Utah.Scientists are unsure of the reason why some brains are different.In fact,we could all benefit from doing just one task at once.
In most of us,scientists have located a"bottleneck in the brain"that may explain why we find it hard to do two things at once.
The problem appears to be caused by a logjam of nerve messages.Faced with two almost simultaneous (同时的) tasks less than 300 milliseconds apart,the brain's ability to deal with the second one slows down.The neural (神经的) response to the second task was postponed until the response to the first was completed.This means that with e-mails,phone calls,text messages and online social media all competing for our attention,often against a background of television,radio or music,our brains can reach information overload.
Scientists made the discovery after scanning the brains of volunteers attempting to multitask on a computer.The task was deliberately designed to involve the use of different senses and motorresponses.
Dr Rene Marois,one of the neuroscientists who carried out the experiment at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,Tennessee,said:"Our research offers neurological evidence that the brain cannot effectively do two things at once."The next step,the neuroscientists say,is finding out"why these areas cannot process two tasks at once."
66.How many people can drive equally well while using a cell phone?C
A.Nobody.B.Everybody.C.2 in 100.D.98 in 100.
67.The researchers tried to find out the difference betweenBbrain structures.
A.different supertaskers'
B.supertaskers'and ordinary people's
C.humans'and nonhuman primates'
D.supertaskers'and nonhuman primates'
68.We can infer from the article that the brain takes 300 milliseconds toA.
A.make a neural response               B.get ready for a response
C.complete a task                      D.finish two tasks
69.If weD,our brains may reach information overload.
A.serf the Internet after listening to music
B.use a cell phone against a background of television
C.complete all kinds of tasks within the same day
D.have lots of tasks queuing for responses
70.From the dictionary explanations,choose one for the underlined word"motor"in Paragraph 5.C
A.having an engine
B.relating to vehicles with engines
C.relating to nerves that make muscles move (control body movement)
D.the part of a machine that makes it move.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.George,when your big brother and your little dog and I walked you up to schools today,you had no idea how I was feeling.
You were so excited.You had packed and unpacked your pencils and safety scissors in your backpack a dozen times.I am really going to miss those lazy mornings when we waved your brother and sister off to school.
Because you are my youngest,I had learned a few things by the time you came along.I found out that the seemingly endless days of babyhood are gone like lightning.I blinked(眨眼),and your older siblings were setting off for school as eagerly as you did this morning,I was one of the lucky ones; I could choose whether to work or not.By the time it was your turn,the shining prizes of career advancement and a double income had lost their brightness.A splash(溅水) in the pool with you in your bright red boots or"just one more"rereading of your favorite book,Frog and Toad Are Friends,meant more.You didn't go to preschool and I hope that doesn't hold you back.You learned numbers by helping me count the soda cans we returned to the store.
I have to admit that in my mind's eye,an image of myself while you're in school has developed,I see myself updating all the photo albums and starting that novel I always wanted to write.As the summer wound down and more frequent quarrels erupted between you and your siblings,I was looking forward to today.And then this morning,I walked you up the steep hill to your classroom.You found the coat hook with your name above it right away,and you gave me one of your characteristically fierce,too-tight hugs.This time you were ready to let go before I was.
Maybe someday you will deliver a kindergartner to the first day of school.When you turn at the door to wave good-bye,he or she will be too deep in conversation with a new friend to notice.Even as you smile,you'll feel something warm on your cheek.
And then,you'll know…

44.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence?D
A.She gave up the job with a big salary and prizes.
B.She could only recall her good job at home now.
C.Many good jobs with better pay attracted her but she didn't take them.
D.Compared with bringing up the baby,work seemed to fade to her.
45.Which statement is NOT TRUE about George's family according to the letter?B
A.George's parents gave birth to three children
B.The Georges is a double income family.
C.The children had more arguments during the summer.
D.They recyled soda cans.
46.The passage tries to show usB.
A.how excited a child will be on his first day to school
B.how deeply a mother loves her child
C.how many efforts a mother has made to raise a child
D.how a mother plans her future life after her children go to school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.--Hi,Mike,I can't find my e-dictionary.
--Sorry,It ______ now.I will return it to you in ten minutes.(  )
A.is usingB.is being usedC.usesD.was used


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.She watches TV _______ evening and changes channels(频道) ____ few minutes.(  )
A.in; everyB.every; everyC.every; eachD.every; in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.We won't be surprised to see that China will _____ contributing 90% of these actual demand growth in 2018.(  )
A.put upB.pick upC.clean upD.end up

