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½â´ð With the development of technology£¬online shopping is becoming increasingly popular these days and has become a symbol of fashion£®
It's quite obvious that online shopping has many advantages over traditional shopping£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©First of all£¬people shopping online can enjoy the great convenience that modern technology brings them£®In addition£¬the products online tend to be cheaper than those in traditional stores£®What's more£¬by shopping online£¬people can save much time£¬no longer bothering to go to a shopping center£®
However£¬we can't turn a blind eye to the problems with online shopping£®On one hand£¬the quality of the products£¬in many cases£¬seems not as superior as it is promised£®On the other hand£¬it is often inconvenient to change products found unsatisfied£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©
From my point of view£¬online shopping should only be used when needed£®That's to say£¬you may buy things you can't find in local markets£®Besides£¬people should never rely too much on the Internet£®Regular ways of shopping should never be abandoned£®Only in this way can people protect themselves while enjoying the convenience from the Internet£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©
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22£®A£®amazed | B£®annoyed | C£®pleased | D£®puzzled |
23£®A£®speed | B£®engine | C£®signal | D£®radio |
24£®A£®desperately | B£®pleasantly | C£®gradually | D£®constantly |
25£®A£®medical | B£®traditional | C£®individual | D£®international |
26£®A£®eventually | B£®silently | C£®seriously | D£®financially |
27£®A£®figures | B£®opportunities | C£®dollars | D£®changes |
28£®A£®master | B£®exchange | C£®accept | D£®deliver |
29£®A£®slightly | B£®dramatically | C£®specially | D£®delibertely |
30£®A£®rarely | B£®strongly | C£®impatiently | D£®illegally |
31£®A£®bills | B£®houses | C£®cars | D£®suits |
32£®A£®attractive | B£®unbearable | C£®evident | D£®actual |
33£®A£®skillful | B£®poor | C£®common | D£®delighted |
34£®A£®afraid | B£®tired | C£®sure | D£®capable |
35£®A£®perfecting | B£®accustoming | C£®sharing | D£®challenging |
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Title | What to avoid during your job search |
Brief introduction | Satisfying jobs are fewer than £¨71£©expected£® When you're hunting for a job£¬there are some related things that you should take into £¨72£©consideration£® |
Important £¨73£©rules | Remembering your expectations£® Don't compromise on your requirements or it will have a£¨n£© bad £¨74£©effect/influenceon your life£® Although your requirements are £¨75£©hard/difficultto meet£¬you should try hard£® |
Taking the chance£® Take some odd jobs and this might help you £¨76£©achieve/reachyour goal finally£® When something unexpected happens£¬taking the chance is a very £¨77£©importantthing that you should consider seriously£® | |
Marketing yourself£® Positively look at all that you have and £¨78£©encourageyourself£® Show your skills and abilities£® If the job that you want is a£¨n£© £¨79£©challenge£¬set your goals and work hard£® | |
£¨80£©Conclusion | Don't short-change yourself because low goals may harm you£® |
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