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     Sundays,I walk to the supermarket. Mother hands me the grocery list and puts money in my pocket,hoping it will be enough. She's had a hard day,and have had a hard week. Nothing out of the ordinary happens when I get to the store. I grab the bread,some milk,and other things on the list. As I turn to head out,I see ? beautiful dress in the window. I turn away,bitter that I could never own such a dress.

     Outside,I cannot stop thinking about that pretty dress. It' s  not fair that I can never have what I want. I work so hard to help my family and yet I get nothing in return,just another list to do. In my anger,I fail to realize the apples are rolling across the road. Suddenly,I see a pair of hands,offering me an apple. Looking up,I see the tanned (晒黑的) face of this stranger. ?is clothes mismatched,bo?owed or stolen. But his eyes are soft and kind.

     “Thanks ,” I say. No other Rords are spoken as he continues to help me. I teirhim “thank you”

one more time and am on my way because I have many other things to finish. Suddenly,he says, “Have a good day,ma ,am." And then he gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen. Right then,he looks years younger 一 and I feel a fool.

     Look at me,feeling sorry for myself because I don’ t get what I want! Do I not think others are in the same boat,or worse? There are worse things than not having a beautiful dr?ss.

      My mother will hand me the list today. I will make the same journey and probably see something I want but cannot have. But before I start to feel sorry forvvmyself,I will remember the kind stranger with the big smile,and I will grab the last item,and check out.

21. What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?

   A. She is rushing to get home.

   B. She comes from a poor family.

    C. She never buys herself new clothes.

   D. She enjoys doing the family shopping.

22. Why does the author feel angry as she walks home?

   A. Her apples drop on the road.

   B. She gets nothing for her effort,

    C. She is expected to do too much.

   D. Her family pay little attention to her.

23. The author speaks very few words to the man

because .

   A. she thinks he is a bad man

   B. she has never met him before

   C. she is in a hurry to do other work  

     D. she doesn’ t like the way he's dressed

24. What' s the best title for the text?

   A. A difficult daily job

   B. Learn to understand 

    C. My greatest influence

   D. Save money for the future

21. B 22. B 23. C 24. C

21. B. 推理判断题。根据第—段中的

hoping it will be enough,She's had a hard day,and I’ve had a hard week 和 I turn away,bitter that I could never own such a dress等可推测,作者的家境不是很好。

22. B.推理判断题。根据第二段中的I work so hard to help my femily and yet I get nothing in return 可知作者


23. C. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的I tell him “thank you” one more time and am on my way because I have many other things to finish 可知作者只对帮助她的陌生人.说了两遍 “谢谢”是因为他还有其他事情要做。

24. C.标题归纳题。作者为帮家里购物这件事发牢骚表示不满,然而购物途中一个陌生人的所言所互改变了 因词作标题概括了文章主旨。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第34期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. The new factory w'Hl be a great benefit to the town.

2. I get no personal benefit from the business. 

3. The system mainly benefited people in the south of the country.

4. Thousands of households could benefit under the plan.

5. Patients have benefited greatly from this treatment.

6. We benefited greatly by this heart-to--heart talk.


★作名词时意为利益好处,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词(句1 句2)


益”(句3) ;作不及物动动词时意为得意(句4-句6),后常跟介词 (句5句6)。


be of benefit to…对…有好处

for the benefit of...为了 的好处

beneficial adjyou 有益处,有好处

即学即练 根据汉语意思补全下面句子(每空一词)

1. 众所周知,运动有益于我们的健康。

As we all know,exercise .

2. 我们得益于每天做à。

We  daily exercises.

3.畔待车国外因生病而未 得釗乡大好处。

Because of illness,she didn’ t   

her stay abroad.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

II. 从括号内选择合适的内容完成下面对话。

    After Carl has waited for two hours \ for his friend Bill to arrive for dinner,Bill finally arrives.

Carl: Why are you so late? You

1. (should be / should

have been) here two hours ago.

Bill: I'm sorry. I got lost and I 2. (couldn’t / mightn’t)

find your house.

Carl: You 3. (should have/taken / must have taken) a map.

Bill: I did,but I 4. (needn’t / couldn’ t) read it while I was driving. I 5. (must have made /must make) a wrong turn.

Carl: Where did you get off the highway?

Bill: At Adams Street.

Carl: But Adams Street is not far from here.

Bill: I know. But I had a flat tire(轮胎) after I got off the highway.

Carl: Did you call for a tow truck?

Bill: I 6. (might have called/could have called) for a tow truck because I'm a member of a motor club. But I thought it would take too long. So I changed the tire myself.

Carl: But you are over two hours late. How long did it take you to change the tire?

Bill: It 7. (might have taken /should have taken) about 15 minutes,but then I 8. (had to / could) go home,take a shower,and change my clothes. I was so dirty.

Carl: Well,thank goodness you're here now. But you 9.  (ought to / have to) eat dinner alone. I got hungry and couldn’t wait for you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 我现在负瘡累累,但是希望拿到工资后就能把债务还清。•

I'm   at the moment,but hope  to pay it off when I get paid.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


     Ben Underwood was a normal teenage boy. He 41 playing basketball,riding his bicycle and playing video games. But in one way,Ben was 42 to most other teenagers — he was blind. 43,Ben had a special talent. He didn't have any eyes,but he could 44 see.

    Ben was bom in 1992,and he was a happy and healthy baby. However,when he was two years old,his life 45 . Ben had cancer and he had to have an operation. The operation was 46 ,and Ben was fine. However,the doctors,had to revover his eyes and Ben became 47 .

     After his operation,Ben 48 a special talent. When he was three,he learned how to aseew buildings with his 49 . He listened very carefully,and he could 50 noises bounce off  buildings. The noises told him where the 51 were. Then,when Ben was seven,he 52 to “cick (发出啼达声) ” He made clicking noises with his mouth,and listened for 53 that bounced back from things. In this way,Ben could “see” where he was and what was around him. This is the same 54 in which dolphins see things under water.

Scientists and doctors ware 55 Ben's talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can 56 like Ben. He became 57 . He was on TV,and he traveled to different countries and talked to people abourtis life. 58,when Ben was 16 ,his cancer came back. He died soon after. However,during Ben's life,he 59 people that anything is possible. Many people admired him because he encouraged them and helped them feel 60 . When he died in 2009,over 2,000 people went to his funeral (葬礼) .

41. A. stopped   B. loved  C. avoided   D. suggested

42. A. different   B. polite  C. close   D. kind

43. A. Instead   B. Besides  C. However   D. Then

44. A. still   B. just  C. soon   D. ever

45. A. started   B. improved  C. continued   D. changed

46. A. simple   B. cheap   C. successful   D. dangerous

47. A. blind   B. free C. angry   D. lucky

48. A. used   B. developed  C. knew   D. discovered

49. A. eyes   B. hands    C. ears   D. feet

50. A. make   B. hear    C. watch   D. help

51. A. teenagers   B. dolphins  C. doctors   D. buildings

52. A. learned   B. failed  C. remembered   D. decided

53. A. voices   B. noises   C. songs   D. shouts

54. A. time   B. study    C. way   D. problem

55. A. worried about   B. experienced in  C. annoyed by   D. amazed at

56. A. talk   B. see  C. finish   D. understand

57. A. tired   B. serious  C. nervous   D. famous

58. A. Sadly   B. Quietly  C. Carelessly   D. Immediately

59. A. promised   B. advised   C. taught   D. warned

60. A. comfortable   B. strong  C. popular    D. happy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      For many years,people have wondered whether we are the only living things in the universe. Some scientists believe that there must be 1on other planets because the universe is so big. 2.other scientists don' t think so,because plants 3 a very specific environment for life to 4. There are facts that 5 both sides of the argument.

    On the one hand,the universe is 6 . There are billions of stars and thousands of solar systems (太阳系) .Many of these solar systems have pjanets that go round and round a sun like Earth

7 there are so many pl^iets in space,it is 8 that one of these planets could have theright conditions needed for life. Recently,experts found 54 planets similar to Earth. They 9 that one of these planets has the 10 atmosphere (大气层) and temperature needed for life. 11 in our solar system,scientists have found 12 of water on Mars. They believe that this could 13 that there is,or was,a form of very simple life on these planets.

    On the other hand,a planet needs very special 14 to have life. A planet would need to have water,the right temperature and the right mix of (化学物质) in the atmosphere.

In addition, 15 scientists believe that life might exist on other planets,we have never found evidence to 16 it. A recent report 17 that it is very unlikely that there is life on other planets. They believe we don't have enough evidence to 18 whether there is life on other planets.

     in conclusion(综上所迷) ,i do not 19 that there is life on other planets. I do not think that any other planets could have 20 the same conditions as Earth. Therefore,I do not think that there could be life on other planets.

1. A. wonder   B. life   C. water   D. air

2. A. . Besides   B. So   C. However   D. Then

3. A. need   B. provide

   C. create   D. protect

4. A. continue   B. spare   C. start   D. save

5. A. cause   B. develop

   C. win   D. support

6. A. beautiful   B. huge   C. dark   D. open

7. A. Because   B. If   C. When   D. While

8. A. strange   B. likely   C. important   D. hard

9. A. realize   B. hear

   C. believe   D. remember

10. A. right   B. wet   C. clear   D. heavy

11. A. Just   B. Soon   C. Yet   D. Even

12. A. pictures   B. bottles

   C. evidence   D. plenty

13. A. find   B. mean   C. answer   D. add

14. A. places   B. chances

   C. attentions   D. conditions

15. A. although   B. unless

   C. as   D. until

16. A. improve   B. study

   C. collect   D. prove

17. A. doubts   B. suggests

  C. changes   D. expects

18. A. ask   B. guess

   C. decide   D. discover

19. A. agree   B. know   C. imagine   D. forget

20. A. always   B. only   C. simply   D.exactly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. She (might / should) be his wife,but she looks too young.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read the text and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) .

1. Roderick did not believe that a man could live a month in London with a ??ìíllion pound note.

2. James was a servant.

3. Henry had never come to Britain before.

4. Henry was very hungry when he was talking to the brothers.

5. Henry was sure he would be saved by someone.

6. Henry looked clean and neat when he landed in Britain.

7. The brothers promised to provide Henry with a job.

8. Henry agreed to open the letter after two o’clock.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. A small group of journalists waited on the (人行道) outside her house.

