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I was in a terrible mood. Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn’t invited me. I was in my room thinking of ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a ride, today, Beck? It’s a beautiful day.”

“No! Leave me alone!” Those were the last words I said to him that morning.

My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be mad at them and when I came home to find a note on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an accident. Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital”.

When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me my father’s injuries were extensive. “Your father told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911, thank God! If he had moved Daddy, there’s no telling what might have happened. A broken rib(肋骨)might have pierced(穿透)a lung...”

My mother may have said more, but I didn’t hear. I didn’t hear anything except those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them to save himself from being hurt more. How much had I hurt him when I hurled those words at him earlier in the day?

It was several days later that he was finally able to have a conversation. I held his hand gently, afraid of hurting him.

“Daddy… I am so sorry…”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll be okay. ”

“No,” I said, “I mean about what I said to you that day. You know, that morning?”

My father could no more tell a lie than he could fly. He looked at me and said. “Sweetheart, I don’t remember anything about that day, not before, during or after the accident. But I remember kissing you goodnight the night before. ”He managed a weak smile.

My English teacher once told me that words have immeasurable power. They can hurt or they can heal. And we all have the power to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.

1.The author was in bad mood that morning because _______.

A. he couldn’t drive to the mall with his friends.

B. his father had a terrible accident

C. his father didn’t allow him to go out with his friends

D. his friends hadn’t invited him to the cinema

2.Why did the author say sorry to his father in the hospital?

A. Because he was rude to his father that morning.

B. Because he didn’t get along with his father.

C. Because he failed to come earlier after the accident.

D. Because he couldn’t look after his father in the hospital.

3.The reason why the author’s father said he forgot everything about that day is that _____

A. he had a poor memory

B. he didn’t hear what his son said

C. he lost his memory after the accident

D. he just wanted to comfort his son

4.What lesson did Beck learn from the matter?

A. Don’t hurt others with rude words.

B. Don’t treat your parents badly.

C. Don’t move the injured in an accident.

D. Don’t be angry with friends at small things.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏南京、盐城高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

B Want to add some hours to your day? Ok,you probably can't change the fabric of time.But a new study suggests that the way you feel about your goal can change your concept of time and that some simple strategies could make you feel less rushed.

In a series of experiments,Jordan Etkin,a professor of marketing at Duke,and her co?authors,Loannis Evangelidis and Jennifer Aaker,looked at what happens when people see their goals as conflicting with one another.In one,they asked some participants to list two of their goals that they felt were in conflict,and others simply to list two of their goals.Those who were forced to think about conflicting aims felt more time pressure than those who weren't.In another experiment,the researchers gave participants a similar prompt regarding goal conflict,but this time measured their anxiety levels as well as their attitudes toward time.They found that participants who thought about conflicting goals had more anxiety than those who didn't,and that this,in turn,led to feelings of being short on time.

“Stress and anxiety and time pressure are closely linked concepts,” D.Etkin explained.“When we feel more stress and anxiety in relation to our personal goals,that manifests(表现) as a sense of having less time.”

Technological advances that allow people to do lots of things at once may increase the feeling of goal conflict,she said.

“I think the easier it is for us to try to deal with a lot of these things at the same time,” she said,“the more opportunity there is for us to feel this conflict between our goals.”

She isn't the first to suggest that actual busyness isn't the only thing that can make us feel busy.At the Atlantic,Derek Thompson wrote that “as a country,we're working less than we did in the 1960s and 1980s.” He offered a number of possible reasons some Americans still feel so overworked,including “the fluidness(不固定性) of work and leisure.” As he put it:

“The idea that work begins and ends at the office is wrong.On the one hand,flexibility is nice.On the other,mixing work and leisure together creates an always?on expectation that makes it hard for white?collar workers to escape the shadow of work responsibilities.”

And Brigid Schulte writes in her 2014 book Overwhelmed: How to Work,Love,and Play When No One Has the Time that some researchers believe “time has no sharp edges.What often matters more than the activity we're doing at a moment in time,they have found,is how we feel about it.


Fortunately,Dr.Etkin and her team did find ways of making us feel better about time—or,at least,of reducing the negative influence of goal conflict.When participants performed a breathing exercise that reduced their anxiety,the impact of such conflict on their perception of time was less pronounced.Reframing anxiety as excitement (by reading the phrase “I am excited!” aloud several times) had a similar effect.

Breathing and reframing may not solve everyone's time problems—Ms.Schulte writes that some Americans are indeed working more than they used to.She cites the work of the sociologists Michael Hout and Caroline Hanley,who have “found that working parents combined put in 13 more hours a week on the job in 2000 than they did in 1970.That's 676 hours of additionally paid work a year for a family.And that's on top all the unpaid hours spent caring for children and keeping the house together.” Sometimes,we may feel short on time because we actually are.However,Dr.Etkin believes her findings suggest we may “have the ability to influence our experience of time more than we think we do.”

“We're all going to have times in our lives when our goals seem to be in more conflict than others,” she said.But with techniques like the ones her team tested,“we really can help ourselves feel like we have more time.”

1.What makes people feel rushed today?

A.Goal conflict.

B.High pressure.

C.Too much expectation.

D.Lack of exercise.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Most people are having less work to do nowadays.

B.People under a lot of stress have a better sense of time.

C.Technological advances allow people to feel less stressed.

D.The flexibility of work increases white?collar workers' pressure.

3.The underlined sentence “Our concept of time is,indeed,our reality.” means ________.

A.we should make full use of time

B.we value time more than the way we live

C.we can feel better about time if we want to

D.we don't have the time to enjoy life in reality


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年内蒙古包头市高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tired of Working in Your Country?

With over 500 instructors and 20 years of experience, we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languages. We now have positions open in Osaka starting September/October 2015 for instructions of English, German, Spanish and French.

◆ Teach many different kinds of classes using the latest technology in small classes of up to 30 students.

◆ Accommodation(住宿), and other necessary documents(文件) will be ready before you leave.

◆ Applicants will teach their first language only.

◆ Excellent teacher training programs.

If you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures, apply now. Experience in teaching is an advantage but not specially required. Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirements.

Apply with C.V. and send letter to:

NOVA France, Mr. Swampy (IHT 3/2)

34, Bd. Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France

Fax: 33148014804

Or visit our website: www. teachjp.com

The manager expects to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July.

1.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce a language school in Japan.

B.To hire language teachers to work in Japan.

C.To describe working conditions in Japan.

D.To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.

2.We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will _____.

A.teach English only in Osaka

B.receive a degree from a university

C.have free accommodation

D.get trained for the job

3.Before going to Japan, you need _____.

A.to see the manager of NOVA France

B.To take some computer courses

C.to write a letter to Japan

D.to find a place to live

4. If you want to work in Japan, you should _____.

A.have some working experience

B.know how to use computers

C.present good teaching plans

D.speak several languages


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南商丘第一高级中学高二下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What will power your house in the future?Nuclear,wind,or solar power?According to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US,it might be leaves — but artificial (人造的) ones.

Natural leaves are able to change sunlight and water into energy. It is known as photosynthesis (光合作用).Now researchers have found a way to imitate this seemingly simple process.

The artificial leaf developed by Daniel Nocera and his colleagues at MIT can be seen as a special silicon chip with catalysts (催化剂).Similar to natural leaves,it can split water into hydrogen and oxygen when put into a bucket of water. The hydrogen and oxygen gases are then stored in a fuel cell,which uses those two materials to produce electricity,located either on top of a house or beside the house.

Though the leaf is only about the shape of a poker card,scientists claimed that it is promising to be an inexpensive source of electricity in developing countries. “One can imagine villages in India and Africa not long from now purchasing an affordable basic power system based on this technology,” said Nocera at a conference of the American Chemical Society.

The artificial leaf is not a new idea. The first artificial leaf was invented in 1997 but was too expensive and unstable for practical use. The new leaf,by contrast,is made of cheap materials,easy to use and highly stable. In laboratory studies,Nocera showed that an artificial leaf prototype (原型) could operate continuously for at least 45 hours without a drop in activity.

The wonderful improvements come from Nocera's recent discovery of several powerful,new and inexpensive catalysts. These catalysts make the energy transformation inside the leaf more efficient with water and sunlight. Right now,the new leaf is about 10 times more efficient at carrying out photosynthesis than a natural one. Besides,the device can run in whatever water is available;that is,it doesn't need pure water. This is important for some countries that don't have access to pure water.

With the goal to “make each home its own power station” and “give energy to the poor”,scientists believe that the new technology could be widely used in developing countries,especially in India and rural China.

1.Which of the following orders correctly shows how the artificial leaf is used to produce electricity?

a.artificial leaves split water into hydrogen and oxygen

b.the hydrogen and oxygen gases are stored in a fuel cell

c.the artificial leaves are put in water

d.the fuel cell uses hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity

A.c,a,b,d B.c,b,a,d

C.b,c,a,d D.c,a,d,b

2.The purpose of the scientists at MIT in developing the new artificial leaf is to________.

A.build up more power stations in the world

B.provide cheaper energy for developing countries

C.offer people in developing countries access to pure water

D.gain a deeper understanding of the photosynthesis process

3.The main idea of this passage is ________.

A.an introduction to the history of artificial leaves

B.a mixture of water power and solar energy

C.giving energy to the poor

D.an invention copying photosynthesis


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年江西南昌八一中学、洪都中学等五校高一5月联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Learn and Earn

Charlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation. They both worked very hard. After several years, the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie _________ a salesman. One day Charlie could not_________ it any more. He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not_________ hard-working employees, but only raised those who tried to please him. He thought that it was really _________.

The boss knew that Charlie had spared no _________ for the company all these years, but in order to help Charlie to realize the _________ between him and Jackie, the boss asked Charlie to do the following. “Go and _________ if there is anyone selling watermelons in the market.” Charlie went, returned and _________ said, “Yes.” The boss asked, “How much per kilogram?” Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to _________ , “$ 12 per kg.”

The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the _________ question. Jackie went, returned and said, “Boss, only one person selling watermelons. $ 12 per kg, $ 100 for 10 kg. He has a _________ of 340 melons. On the table are 58 melons, and every melon weighs about 15 kg, _________ from the South two days ago. They are fresh, red, and of good _________ .”

Charlie was _________ and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie. He decided not to _________ but to learn from Jackie.

My dear friends, you know, a more _________ person is more observant, thinks more and understands in _________. For the same matter, he sees several years ahead, _________ you see only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, so how could you _________ ?

Think: how far have you seen ahead in your life? How _________ are you?

1.A. made B. became C. kept D.remained

2.A. do B. tolerate C. get D. put

3.A.value B. meet C. repay D.enjoy

4.A. unusual B. careless C.unfair D. selfless

5.A.effort B. trouble C. effect D.rest

6.A. competition B. relationship C.distance D.difference

7.A. carry out B.find out C. look out D. pick out

8.A.only B. again C. even D.still

9.A. offer B. remind C. answer D. repeat

10.A.difficult B.familiar C.simple D.same

11.A. lot B.total C. few D.number

12.A. taken B. come C. heard D.bought

13.A. value B. condition C.quality D. shape

14.A. moved B.struck C. puzzled D.encouraged

15.A.leave B. stop C. work D.stay

16.A.important B. intelligent C.hardworking D.successful

17.A. time B. need C.depth D. common

18.A. Though B.while C. unless D. since

19.A.win B.think C.know D.see

20.A.hopeful B.helpful C.thoughtful D. meaningful


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(上海卷参考版) 题型:阅读理解


Is there link between humans and climate change or not? This question was first studied in the early 1900s. Since then, many scientists have thought that our actions do make a difference. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol explained our role in the Earth’s changing atmosphere and set international limits for gas emissions(排放) from 2008 to 2012. Some countries have decided to continue these reductions until 2020. More recently, the Paris Agreement, stuck by nearly 200 countries, also aims to limit global warming. But just now how much warmer it will get depends on how deeply countries cut carbon emissions.

1. It can be concluded from paragraph 1 that _______.

A. the problem of global warming will have been quite solved by 2020

B. gas emissions have been effectively reduced in developed countries

C. the Paris Agreements is more influential than the Kyoto Protocol

D. humans have made continuous efforts to slow down global warming

2. If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement, what would happen by the year 2100?

A. The human population would increase by one third.

B. Little over 50% of all species would still exist.

C. Nations would not need to tighten their emissions targets.

D. The Agreement’s minimum goal would not be reached.

3. If those island nations not far above sea level are to survive, the maximum temperature rise, since the start of the industrial age, should be_______.

A. 0.8℃ B. 1.5℃

C. 2℃ D. 3.5℃


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江苏卷参考版) 题型:其他题




An Extension of the Human Brain

Other people can help us compensate for our mental and emotional deficiencies (欠缺),much as a wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency. To be exact, other people can extend our intelligence and help us understand and adjust our emotions. When another person helps us in such ways, he or she is participating in what I’ve called a “social prosthetic (义肢的)system.” Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face, and it’s clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems. It’s already a big bank of many minds. Even in its current state, the Internet has extended my memory and judgment.

Regarding memory: Once I look up something on the Internet, I don’t need to keep all the details for future use—I know where to find that information again and can quickly and easily do so. More generally, the Internet functions as if it were my memory. This function of the Internet is particularly striking when I’m writing; I’m no longer comfortable writing if I’m not connected to the Internet. It’s become natural to check facts as I write, taking a minute or two to dip into PubMed, Wikipedia, or other websites.

Regarding judgment: The Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large. For example, when I’m writing a textbook, it has become second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term, which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning. But more than that, I now regularly compare my views with those of many others. If I have a “ new idea,” I now quickly look to see whether somebody else has already thought of it, or something similar—and I then compare what I think with what others have thought. This certainly makes my own views clearer. Moreover, I can find out whether my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet.

These effects of the Internet have become even more striking since I’ve begun using a smartphone. I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact, watch a video, read weibo. Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time (such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting).

But that’s the upside (好处).The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow and sometimes would have an unexpected insight or idea. Those opportunities are now fewer and farther between.

An Extension of the Human Brain

A prosthetic nature

荫 ●The 1. can help make up for our mental and emotional deficiencies as a wooden leg can compensate for a bodily deficiency.

• ●It 2. in our daily events, extending our intelligence, comprehending our feelings, and expanding the range of social activities.

Wonderful aspects: memory and judgment

• ●On the Internet, we could quickly and easily locate the details, and check facts, without 3. them in mind.

• ●The Internet makes us smarter over 4. kinds of things. It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the 5. of the matter.

• ●The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to 6. our claims, and to 7. our actions.

The 8. sides

of smartphones

• ●Smartphones make it easier and more 9. to check reality, watch video clips, read weibo.

• ●Smartphones 10. the possibility for new and insightful minds, and steal away our dead time.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江苏卷参考版) 题型:单项填空

— Can you tell us your for happiness and a long life?

— Living every day to the full, definitely.

A. recipe B. record C. range D. receipt


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(天津卷参考版) 题型:单项填空

You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel ____ the coach picks up tourists.

A. who B. which C. where D. that

