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Single and Not Finding Love?
If you are single and have not had a good relationship for a long time, you might want to see what you need to improve about yourself or about your life in order to attract the right kind of person to you. Do you always seem to attract the same kind of person? Find out and you can attract the kind of person you WANT to be with. Call 626-772-5653.
Anxiety Help
Do you have anxiety, stress or depression? Come to our group. Free workshops, lectures and counseling options available. We don't use drugs in our solutions. You can talk to someone about your situation in a free one-on-one consultation. Call 626-792-7533 and ask for Sara or Lisa. We are a non-profit organization.
Life Coaching
Come in for a free interview to find what area(s) you want to expand. We will do a free personality analysis that is extremely accurate and plots such traits as stability, happiness, aggressiveness, communication level, affinity for others, criticalness, responsibility and more. After the interview we will tailor a program just for you and your needs to attain your goals. Our goal is to help you get to the next level in your life and achieve your goals.
How to Succeed Even in This Economy!
There are basic tools that guarantee personal and business prosperity. Make all your biggest dreams come true in 2010! Learn how by attending the Prosperity Workshop Series. Each week a different topic will be addressed. Marketing/ Financial Planning/ Public Relations and more. Pick the workshop you wish to attend or attend them all. $10 per event -- includes a booklet. Call 626-792-7533 to sign up.
69. You can read these classified ads on the Internet when you click “______” in the catalogue.
A. education            B. activities             C. entertainment        D. volunteers
70. According to the ad, one needs to pay if he is interested to attend the program in ______.
A. Life Coaching                                             B. Anxiety Help
C. Single and Not Finding Love?                             D. How to Succeed Even in This Economy!
71. As Mrs. Smith wants to take a personality analysis, she may ______.
A. call 626-772-5653                                        B. contact Sara or Lisa
C. sign up for an interview                                D. attend a workshop

69-71             BDC



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


For direct classified service, call 800-0667 10 a.m.— 4 p.m., Monday—Friday.

For Rent

Best on Campus

    Excellent Room for girls, begins Jan. , 2, 4, or 8 months lease(租约). Single, $105. Double, $140. Call 800-1932.

    Family Home, 3 bedrooms, large yard. $275. Call 800-4300.

For Sale

Sheepskin Coat, men’s size 42, 1year old. $85. After 6 p.m. call 800-5224.

Moving: Must sell. Color TV 21, $150; transistor radio(晶体管收音机), $15; recorder, $25. Call 800-0739.

Help Wanted

Babysitter — My home

    If you could find a few hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for 2 school- age children, please call 800-1111.


    A black bag with a pencil-box and some books left in the reading room. Will the finder please come to Class 3, Grade 1?


    A green jacket was left on the sports ground yesterday afternoon (April 15th). Will the owner please ring 656-6688?

If you wanted to place an ad. , what number would you call?

A. 800-0739.       B. 800-1932.       C. 800-5224.      D. 800-0667.

If Mary wanted a room for herself, which Room should she choose?

   A. Campus.        B. Single.         C. Double.        D. Family Home.

From the passage, we know __________.

A. someone lost his green jacket in the reading room

B. you can rent a transistor radio at $15

C. you can take a house at the rent of $275 for you family

D. you can call 800-5224 at any time to buy a sheepskin coat

If you want to find a part-time job, you will look at________.

A. For Rent       B. For Sale        C. Help Wanted     D. Lost


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年山东省高三10月份第一次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The president is paying a _______visit to his neighboring country.   

A. private                             B. single                      C. individual               D. personal



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省09-10学年度高一下学期课时训练二英语试卷 题型:完型填空



Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The   21   you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually   22   you money or can add   23    the cost.

Take the   24   example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might   25   that you are making the   26  buy if you choose one   27  look you like and which is also the cheapest   28   price. But when you get it home you may find that it   29  twice as long as a more expensive   30   to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well   31  your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you   32  when you go out shopping?

If you   33  your home, your car or any valuable   34  in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long   35  .

Before you buy a new   36  , talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular   37  .

Before you buy an expensive   38  , or a service, do check the price and   39   is on offer. If possible, choose   40  three items or three estimates.

21.   A. form                     B. fashion                   C. way                    D. method

22.   A. save                      B. preserve                 C. raise                   D. obtain

23.   A. up                        B. to                          C. in                       D. on

24.   A. easy                      B. single                     C. simple                 D. similar

25.   A. convince               B. accept                    C. examine              D. think

26.   A. proper                  B. best                       C. reasonable           D. most

27.   A. its                        B. which                    C. whose                 D. what

28.   A. for                       B. with                       C. in                       D. on

29.   A. spends                  B. takes                      C. lasts                    D. consumes

30.   A. mode                    B. copy                      C. sample                D. model

31.   A. cause                    B. make                     C. leave                   D. prove

32.   A. adopt                    B. lay                         C. stick                   D. adapt

33.   A. reserve                  B. decorate                 C. store                   D. keep

34.   A. products                B. possession              C. material              D. ownership

35.   A. run                       B. interval                  C. period                 D. time

36.   A. appliance              B. equipment              C. utility                 D. facility

37.   A. function                B. purpose                  C. goal                    D. task

38.   A. component            B. element                  C. item                    D. particle

39.   A. what                     B. which                    C. that                     D. this

40.   A. of                         B. in                          C. by                      D. from



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年吉林省高三上学期第三次模底考试英语卷 题型:其他题


     1.      But science may have just proved them right – because beautiful women are more likely to have daughters than their plainer counterparts, according to a study.

As parents tend to pass on genes that determine looks, this could result in handsome men becoming rather thin on the ground.    2.     For example, Yasmin Le Bon is signed to the same modelling agency as daughter Amber, and Jerry Hall’s daughters Elizabeth and Georgia Jagger have both taken to the catwalk.  

Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, of the London School of Economics, analysed data from a survey of 17,000 babies born in Britain in March 1958 and tracked them throughout their lives. 3.    When they reached 45, they were asked about the gender of any children they had.

Those rated as attractive were equally likely to have a son or daughter as their first child – but the unattractive sorts were more likely to have a son.   4.  

Dr Kanazawa believes that parents tend to produce children who benefit from their own features.     5.   So it pays for attractive women to have daughters. But couples blessed with strength and aggression rather than looks are better off having boys, as these characteristics are of more use to males.

A. Women are becoming more beautiful over the generations because attractive women have

more children than plain ones.

B. Single girls have always complained that good-looking men are difficult to find.

C. Beauty is of more benefit to a woman than a man.

D. At the age of seven, their attractiveness was rated by their teachers.

E. Put another way, the beautiful women were more likely to have daughters.

F. And it may also explain why many models have daughters who follow in their fascinating footsteps.

G. Famously good-looking parents like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are more likely to have girls than uglier couples.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年成都七中高一下学期期末考试英语 题型:阅读理解

In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership with two brothers named McDonald. They opened a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries, and cold drinks were the main food there. Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name, “McDonald’s”, and they were an instant success. He later took over the company, and today it is one of the most famous and successful “fast-food” in America and round the world.

Why was his idea successful? Probably the most important reason was that his timing was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. In the 1960s, many women returned to the workplace. This meant that they had less time or energy to prepare meals, so they spent more on “ TV dinners ” and fast-food restaurants. Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

 Fast-food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another trend of the 1960s, sometimes called the back-to-nature movement influenced many people to avoid food that was packaged or processed(处理). This preference for natural food continued to this day.

From the success of Raymond Kroc’s fast-food business, we can say that social economic trends influence where and what we eat.

1.The underlined sentence “Cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth” means that ______.

A. cooking for some people is worth more money

B. it is not worthwhile to take too much time to cook for one person

C. there are more problems when one person cooks

D. divorce (离婚) causes people to change their eating habits

2.An idea implied but not directly stated in the reading is that ________.

A. many married women began to work in the 1960s       

B. natural foods are still popular today

C. fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans      

D. divorce causes people to change their eating habits

3.McDonald’s success lies in the following causes BUT_________.

A. people living alone tend to depend on fast food       

B. single parents have little time to spend in the kitchen

C. many women returned to the workplace in the 1960s       

D. Kroc chose the “Mc Donald” brothers as his partners

4.The main idea of the reading is that ________.

A. Raymond Kroc is the most successful fast-food business owner in the world        

B. social and economic changes affect eating habits

C. fast-food is easy to prepare and serve quickly   

D. Americans eat either fast food or natural food



