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                       4 super-simple secrets to living longer,healthier and happier 

   Journalist Dan Buettner has spent over a decade studying the healthiest,longest-living people around the world,from residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa to the Greek island of Ikaria 一 so-called “Blue Zones”.

   Now,he's letting the rest of us in on their secrets in his new book,The Blue Zones Solution: Eating and Living Like the World's Healthiest People. Here are the most important longevity-boosting habits of 100-year-olds around the globe. 36

1. Find your group

   “Who you hang out with beats just about everything else when it comes to your health/' says Buettner. He found that the people who live longest surround themselves with people who support healthy behaviors. 37

2. Eat smart 

   The world's healthiest 100-year-olds stick with diets that are 95percent plant-based,says Buettner.38 British researchers tracked 65 ,000 people for 12 years and found that those who ate seven or more portions of vegetables and fruits every day lowered their risk of dying from cancer and cardiovascular (心脑血管的) disease by 25 percent and 31 percent.

3. Seek a purpose 

  Very old Blue Zoners share another quality: They have an activity,passion or career that motivates them and gives their lives meaning. Sense of purpose can come from a variety of sources,but volunteering is a common one. 39

4. Move it 

   40 What is unexpected: “They don't exercise,per se (本质上) ,” says Buettner. “Instead,their lifestyles encourage physical activity.w They garden,bake bread and walk to the store or to work.

   A. “They eat a little meat,but mostly fish,” he says.

   B. They’ re still working,riding bikes,and enjoying life.

   C. For some people,a sense of purpose comes naturally.

   D. It's no surprise that physical activity also keeps Blue Zoners young.

   E. One explanation: “Health habits can spread like an infectious disease."

   F. Adopt even a few,and you’ 11 stand a better chance of living a long and healthy life.

   G. There's growing evidence that it not only keeps people healthier but helps people live longer.



36. F。F项中的a few指的就是上句中的habits。

37. E。上一句介绍了一项发现,即长寿的人身边都是有着健康生活习惯的人。E项对此进行了解 释——健康习惯是会传染的,即互相影响。

38. A.本部分解释的是饮食方面的秘诀。A项符 合本段主旨,They指代上文的The world's healthiest 100-year-olds .

39. G。G项中的it指代上句中的volunteering。研 宂发现:从事志愿活动可以使人健康、长寿。

40. D.本部分是关于锻炼的。D项(锻炼使人年 轻) 符合本段主旨。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第51期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   假定你是李华。某英文报社正在就选择大学 专业时兴趣和就业前景(prospect) 哪个更重要的问 题对高三学生进行调查。以下是你所在班级同学 的观点。请你给该报编辑写一封信,反映同学们的 观点并表达你的看法。


支持就业前景的 理由


1.大学会过得快 乐

2. 热爱未来的工 作


2. 选择一份好工 作很重要


注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词 数。

Dear Editor,

  Recently a survey has been carried out on which is more important in choosing a major in college:  interest or job prospect.                                                                                                                                                  

  I hope you find my article useful.

                                                    Yours faithfully,

                                                             Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Nobody likes feeling lonely,and isolation (孤立) isn’t only a psychological problem. Loneliness increases a persons risk of death by 26 percent,an effect comparable to the health risks posed by obesity.

   So some researchers are investigating what it is,exactly,that makes lonely people stay lonely. One long-held theory has been that people become socially isolated because of their poor social skills — as they spend more time alone,the few skills they do have start to fail from lack of use. But new research suggests that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the socially isolated. It's just that when they’ re in situations where they need those skills the most,they choke.

   Professor Megan L. Knowles and her team tested the social skills of 86 undergraduates,showing them 24 faces oif a computer screen and asking them to name the basic human emotion each face was showing: anger,fear,happiness,or sadness. In the end,the lonelier students did worse than the non-lonely students on the emotion-reading task — but only when they were told they were being tested on their social skills. When the lonely were told they were just taking a general knowledge test,they performed better than the non-lonely.

   So the lonelier people are,the better they are at accurately reading facial expressions and decoding tone of voice. Lonely people may be paying closer attention to emotional cues (暗示) precisely because of their willingness to belong somewhere and form interpersonal connections,which results in technically superior social skills.

   This presents a fairly new way to think about lonely people. It's not that they need to improve the basics of social skills,which they,ve likely already shared. Instead,lonely people may need to focus more on getting out of their own heads,so they can actually use the skills theyve got to form friendships and begin to find a way out of their isolation.

29. According to the traditional point of view,why do lonely people stay lonely?

   A. They are happy to stay alone.

   B. They are difficult to get along with.

   C. They have few chances to practice social skills.

   D. They are likely to misunderstand others’ opinion.

30. In the test mentioned in Paragraph 3 ,the lonely performed better when they.

   A. felt not very lonely

   B. were under great pressure

   C. were told it was a test on social skills

   D. did not know the real purpose of the test

31. Compared to non-lonely people,lonely people.

   A. can better control their emotions

   B. can better express their emotions

   C. can better read people's emotions

   D. can better handle peoples emotions 

32. What inspiration may lonely people get from the text?

   A. Be brave to make friends.

   B. Show sincerity in friendship.

   G. Find ways to learn social skills.

   D. Make good use of your lonely time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   At first glance,why anyone would want to save California  condors(秃鹰) is not entirely clear. Unlike the closely related Andean condors with their white neck feathers,California condors are not much to see. Their dull black color,featherl'ess head and neck and oversized feet are hardly signs of beauty oi^ strength. Their appeal begins to become evident when they take flight. California condors can fly almost effortlessly for hours,often covering hundreds of miles a day 一 far more than other creatures of the air.

   When it was discovered that the condor population was becoming dangerously small,scientists and zookeepers sought to increase condor numbers quickly to preserve as much of the species’ geneic(基因的) diversity as possible. From studying wild condors,they already knew that if a pair lost an egg,the birds would often produce another. So the first and sometimes second eggs laid by e往ch female were removed,and artificially hatched. Such techniques quickly proved effective.

   Despite these successes,the effort to save California condors continues to have problems. Artificially hatched condors released(释放) to the wild have died at what to some people are alarmingly high rates. Others have had to be brought back again after they acted foolishly.

   Some of the odd behavior on the part of these re-released birds is hard to explain. At times they landed on people's houses,walked across roads and airport runways,walked into park visitor centers and fast food restaurants,and took food offered by picnickers and fishermen. None are known to have died by doing so,though. Most recently,some of the first chicks hatched in the wild died after their parents fed them bottle caps,pieces of plastic and other man-made objects.

   Mike Wallace,a wildlife specialist at the San Diego Zoo,has suggested that some of the condors’ problems represent natural behavior that helps them survive. The real key to successful condor reintroduction lies in properly socializing young condors as members of a group that follow and learn from older,preferably adult birds. That,he argues,was missing from earlier condor releases to the wild.

28. What is the California condor's most impressive feature?

   A. Its beautiful colors.

   B. Its remarkable flying ability.

   C. The large size of its neck and feet.

   D. The similarity it has to the Andean condor.

29. In the initial stage of the conservation programme, .

   A. eggs were taken from the nests of wild condors

   B. female condors were caught and studied carefully

   C. scientists and zookeepers tried to create genetic diversity

   D. condors were encouraged to produce a lot more eggs

30. What did some of the condors released into the wild do?.

   A. They adapted surprisingly quickly to their new surroundings.

   B. They showed a tendency to seek out human contact.

   C. They died from eating too much fast food.

   D. They kept changing their eating habits.

31. According to Mike Wallace,there will be fewer problems if .

   A. young condors are trained not to eat man-made objects

   B. the chicks are surrounded by older birds when they hatch

   G. the chicks are released into the wild as soon as they hatch

   D. young condors are taught appropriate behavior by adult birds


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


.假定你将参加主题为“Attitude is everything”的一分钟英语演讲比赛。请写一篇演讲稿,要点如 下:

1. 积极的人生态度的重要性;

2. 如何培养积极的人生态度。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Hello everyone,

   I am glad to make a speech here.                                                                                                                                                                                       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “Come on,Izz. You can do it. Move those arms. Kick." My 7-year-old daughter was doing laps,and I wanted her to keep up with the other swimmers. She couldn’ t.

   Neither could she hear my frustration,because the swimming club would not allow parents on the desk(甲板) . Parents waited in a glass balcony overlooking the pool.

   When she came up to greet me,ready to be hugged,I lit into her. “Why didn't you try to finish the lap? How hard could it have been?”

   My daughter drew away from me. “You can't even swim,” she said.

   She was right. I couldn't swim.

   Her words stayed with me. I asked myself: What does it take to learn something new? Did it help when someone criticized me?

   I was pushing my daughter to do something I had never tried.

   Before next week's lesson arrived,I attended a swimming class for adults. When my daughter went to do laps,I went to the smaller pool at the other end of the club.

   Each week,Isabelle and I came up from our separate pools tired but happy. We shared what we had done,hugged,and went out for a treat.

   At the end of the eight-week course,I proudly showed her my first swimming badge(徽章) . “You can do laps with me now,” said my daughter.

   No,not yet. I had made it across the pool,but couldn't finish its length. My arms had felt like lead,and my legs like rubber.

   More important than the swimming badge,though,I had earned a “parenting badge." I had rediscovered the thrill and frustration of trying something new. My child was doing this every day — at the pool,at school,at home. Now,so was her mom.

21. How did the author feel when she watched her daughter swimming?

   A. Upset. B. Proud.

   C. Afraid. D. Nervous.

22. When Isabelle came up to greet the author,the author.

   A. hugged her tightly

   B. greets her with a smile

   C. expressed dissatisfaction with her

   D. gave her some advice on swimming

23. Why did the author attend swimming classes for adults?

   A. She showed great interest in swimming.

   B. She wanted to compete with her daughter.

   C. Her daughter's words drove her to try new things.

   D. Her daughter encouraged her to take up swimming.

24. The underlined part in the text implies .

   A. the author swam in a unique style

   B. the author didn't do well in swimming

   C. the author was in poor physical condition

   D. the author benefited a lot from swimming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Robot teachers are now very popular with pupils in some primary schools in South Korea. Compared with human teachers,the robot teachers are 61. (patient) . They never get angry and are always kind to the students. That's 62. the children can always get on well with their robot teachers.

   English teaching robots 63. (send) to three primary schools for eight weeks last December.64. (equip) with a microphone and video camera, the robots teach students as teachers.Researchers found that the English-teaching robots helped raise students,interest in the language and build up their 65. (confident) . More and more students came to like studying and they got better grades in exams. Meanwhile,other robot teachers,66. can teach math,science and art,have also been developed.

   Many people think these robot teachers should be used 67. faraway village schools so that the children there can also receive a good education.68. (give) rural school children more learning chances the South Korean government has expressed great interest in 69. (develop) these robots.

   No doubt there will be more and more robot teachers working with students. Perhaps they will 70. (complete) replace human teachers one day in the future. Who knows?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The human face may have been built for certain basic functions 一 eating,breathing,seeing — but the 43 separate muscles that keep it constantly moving mean it is constantly communicating too. For example,every eyebrow lift means something. That's good news for a small growing field of business that uses facial analysis to figure out if an advertisement or a TV pilot(实验性节目) appeals to consumers.

   Affectiva,a 30-person operation in America,is the most successful of these companies. A decide ago,Rana el Kaliouby began collecting video samples (样本) of faces with the goal of helping autistic(患自闭症的) children. “Autistic kids have a hard time reading faces,” she says, “so the plan was to design a system that tells them that the person they’ re talking to is smiling,say,or looks confUsed." In 2006,the National Science Foundation sponsore her to continue her work at the. MIT Media Lab. Industry groups regularly visit the lab and el Kaliouby’s research impressed them. “They asked , ^ Have you thought of using what you are working on to test a product?’ ” she recalls. So,in 2009 she and her MIT professor established Affectiva to do just that.

   For a starting fee of $2,500,Affectiva makes its software available to marketers. Volunteers watch a video on a computer screen while the camera in the computer watches them back. Volunteers always know it is there and when they,re being recorded,which doesn’ t materially affect the results. Engagement,boredom,amusement,displeasure and more are tracked and analyzed. The database Affectiva uses to conduct those analyses is made up of more than 2. 5 million facial video samples. The software also takes factors such as sex,culture and age into account. “Women tend to smile more than men,” el Kaliouby says.

   Market testing is only the lowest-hanging fruit. El Kaliouby expects to expand the business to political polling(民意测验) and analysis,as well as helping teachers of online courses assess student engagement. She is still interested in autism and other psychological conditions. There are some potential growth areas that are more controversial: lie detection and airport security,for example. For Affectiva,they’ re no-go zones. “We believe volunteers should always have the right to decide whether to be tested,so for that reason we don't want to be in security ,” el Kaliouby says. That,of course,leaves that space open to new competitors.

28. When el Kaliouby founded Affectiva,she wanted to.

   A. look for sponsors

   B. help autistic children

   C. create a video sample database

   D. test commercials and TV pilots

29. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

   A. The computer. B. The camera.

   C. The screen. D. The video.

30. We can infer that “new competitors” mentioned in the last paragraph may use facial analysis to.

   A. do political polling and analysis

   B. assess online students’ engagement

   C. examine whether people are telling lies

   D. help people with psychological conditions

31. In which part of a magazine Can we read the text?

   A. Technology.   B. Education.

   C. Lifestyle. D. Society.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   Be abroad,you may find many things are different — the food,the customs,and the language. The last of these is the most important,as you need to be able communicate in order to make the more of your stay. So I advise you to find the good school,when you* 11 meet people and improve your language skills. I found things got a lot of better for me once Id joined a local tennis club. I really enjoyed it,and I made plenty of friend there. I am not homesick any more but I began to find my way around. All in all,Id say it’s essential to maintain a positive attitude,and then you* 11 certain enjoy yourself.

