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Parks provide people 16.       a place to amuse 17.          for a while. In recent decades,however,many parks have been designed to provide 18.      (entertain).We call them theme parks. The new parks are usually huge places and have a 19.        of things to see and do. Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme—that the whole parks is based 20.     . The 21.       (old) theme park in the world is Disneyland. It seemed like a magical world which can make your dream come true. But if you are interested in traditional culture and history,go to Dollywood,22.     you can have fun 23.     (learn) all about America‘s historical southeastern culture,24.       you can go to Camelot Park,25.    world of fantasy about ancient England.


科目:高中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

    Nowadays bands 1.________ one after another both in China and in other countries.
Then 2.________ do people get to form a band? Usually bands are formed by music lovers
3.________ come together to write and play their own music. First, they may play to
4.________ to earn money to make a living, and at the same time 5.________ their music
and improve themselves.
    6.________,there was a band called "The Monkees" which wasn't formed 7.________.
It was formed by TV organizers who had 8.________ for four musicians in a newspaper.
At first not 9.________ the members in the band could sing well, neither could they
create their 10.________ music. They 11.________ on each other while playing music. Both
the jokes and music were 12.________ loosely on the band called "The Beatles". In spite
of this, the band soon attracted many people, who supported them 13.________. After a
year 14.________, they began to play their own instruments and write their own music.
And they became even more popular than "The Beatles" and sold even more records. However,
the band 15.________ in 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.


科目:高中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

    The computer began as a calculating machine in 1642 in France. Then in 1822, it was
built 1.______ an analytical machine, which 2.______ instructions from cards with holes.
In 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book 3.______ (describe) how computers could 4.______ (make)
to work,and built a "universal machine" 5.______ (solve) any mathematical problem.
    At the beginning, the computer was huge, the 6.______ of a large room. 7.______ years
go by, it becomes smaller and smaller, especially 8.______ it got new transistors in the
1960s, it has become smaller and smaller, and 9.______ artificial intelligence, it is
getting cleverer and cleverer, quicker and quicker.
    In 10.______ early 1960s, computers could be connected by a network, 11.______ enables
their users 12.______ information with others and talk to each other. Since computers
13.______ into people's homes, computers are used by billions of people 14.______
information and communicate with each other around the whole world by the 15.______.


科目:高中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

    In order to find out about the 1._______ day Olympic Games, Pausanias, a Greek writer
about 2,000 years ago, has come 2._______ a magical journey. He had an 3._______ with a
Chinese girl called Li Yan. Now he realizes great changes have 4._______ to the Games.
First, there're two main 5._______ of Olympic Games-the Summer Olympics and the Winter
Olympics, which mainly includes events 6._______ skiing and ice skating. Second, athletes
from any country, 7._______ just from Greek world, can join in the Games to 8._______ each
other for the honour of winning, as long as they reach the standard to 9._______ the Games.
Women are also admitted as 10._______ and what's more, they play a very important 11.______
in the Games. Third, to host the Games, the host city must build a special village for the
competitors 12._______. Besides, a stadium for competitions,a very large swimming pool,and
a gymnasium 13._______ seats for those who watch the Games must be built. Fourth, the winne
rs are awarded with gold, silver or copper medals 14._______ the olive wreath. Last, it has
become a great 15.______ to host the Olympics, so the competition to win the bid for the
Games is as fierce as that to win Olympic medals among the countries.


科目:高中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

    The Amber Room, 1.______ was made of seven thousand tons of amber with gold and jewels,
was 2.______ to be the best and biggest work of amber ever 3.______.It 4.______ a team of
best artists in Prussia ten years to make it.
    In 1716, Frederick William I presented the Amber Room to Peter the Great, 5.______ a
gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people. About four meters long,the
Room 6.______ as a small reception hall in the Czar's winter palace in St Petersburg. Late
r, Catherine Ⅱ had the Room moved outside St Petersburg and also had it 7.______, 8.______
more details to its design. In 1770, the Room was completed the 9.______ she wanted, with
almost 600 candles 10.______ the room and scores of mirrors and pictures shining 11.______
    But sadly, the Amber Room, one of the great 12.______ of the world, got lost during
the war 13.______ Russia and Germany in 1941. The Russians weren't able to remove the Room
14.______ the Nazi German army got to summer palace. Some of the Nazis secretly stole
the Room,taking it by train to a German city. After that, what 15.______ to the Amber Room
remains a mystery.


科目:高中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

    Not long ago, a girl called Daisy took a magic 1.______ around the world, riding a
flying chair. First, she came to Tibet in China to visit antelopes. But to her great
2._____, she could only see mountains and people.
    Then an antelope told her 3.______ that they were being killed 4.______ large numbers
by humans for their wool to make clothing. And they might be 5._______ forever in three
years. Then the flying chair took Daisy to Zimbabwe, 6.______ wildlife was properly
protected. Daisy was glad to learn that farmers there were not killing the animals at
will as they 7._____ to. Only a certain number of the animals were set to be 8.______ for
fee by the government, 9.______ not only saved the animals but benefited the farmers as
    At last, Daisy flew to a 10.______ rainforest. There she was puzzled to see a monkey
11.______ (rub) a millipede insect over its body. Then the monkey told her the insect
contained a 12._______ drug which affected mosquitoes and 13._______ rubbing it over the
body it could 14._______ itself from mosquitoes. Now Daisy was amazed and excited to find
in fact the forest 15._______ a lot of precious things people can make use of. So
protecting nature really means much to our humans.

