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11.It is never too early for you to learn about the value of money as a teenager.Many teens have no concept what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live.Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from rich families.If you live in low income area,you may often struggle to get money sometimes when you need it.
When you're given money,you should learn how to handle the money wisely.While some teens are taught at a young age to save what they have,other teens have no idea how to keep a cent in their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they see.You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources.
If you are a teen who wants to get some extra money,you have some options available.If you have not saved money in the past,you will be starting from scratch(从头做起).It is possible for you to earn money by doing odd jobs around the neighborhood such as babysitting and pet walking,so consider these ideas!
When teens have found a way to earn money,they should start saving some of what they earn.Remember good money habits start young!If you have a bank account,you can deposit some of your earnings there.Keep the track of how the money is spent and saved and try to make your account grow.
It is very common for teens not to understand the value of money.This is generally because they don't have to work for their money.You may receive it in gifts from family members and friends.
Your parents and other adults in your life should teach you how to manage your money.Once you have found a way to make money,the best thing for you is to have a savings account,which helps you learn how to manage your own money and realize that you can only spend what you have earned.Once the money is gone,it's gone!
56.What may influence teens'understanding of the value of money?Lifestyle.
57.How can teens handle money wisely?Teens should learn good money habits.
58.What is the possible source to get extra money?By doing odd jobs around the neighborhood
59.Why don't teens usually understand the value of money?Because they don't have to work for their money.
60.What can teens do to manage their money?Having a savings account..

分析 本文主要讲述如何教会孩子对金钱价值的理解,培养其良好的理财习惯.

解答 56  Lifestyle.
57  Teens should learn good money habits
58  By doing odd jobs around the neighborhood
59  Because they don't have to work for their money.
60  Having a savings account.
56  Lifestyle.细节题. 根据文章第一 段Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from rich families. 可知生活方式影响了青少年如何理解钱的概念.
57  Teens should learn good money habits细节题. 根据文章第二 段You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources.可知理智对待钱的方式是形成良好的理财习惯.
58  By doing odd jobs around the neighborhood 细节题. 根据文章第三 段It is possible for you to earn money by doing odd jobs around the neighborhood such as babysitting and pet walking,so consider these ideas!可知孩子可以通过帮助邻居做琐碎的工作挣得额外的钱.
59  Because they don't have to work for their money.细节题. 根据文章倒数第二 段This is generally because they don't have to work for their money. 可知孩子们不理解钱的价值的原因是因为他们不必为钱而去工作.
60  Having a savings account.细节题. 根据文章最后一段the best thing for you is to have a savings account,which helps you learn how to manage your own money and realize that you can only spend what you have earned. 可知管理钱财的最好的方式是办一个储蓄账户.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.和平地.in peace.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

2.The sport of running offers many good points.First,it is a great way to get in shape.It also helps relieve stress,gives you more energy,and makes you proud of what you are accomplishing.
Running is a sport easy to do.It is one of a few sports that you can do alone.You need very little equipment.Most runners are happy with just these few things:
●A comfortable pair of running shoes that have good arch and ankle support and allow your feet to breathe properly
●A good quality stopwatch such as Penta,ATLAS,or LifeTime,WHEN TIME
●A water bottle
It is important for beginning runners to pace themselves,increasing their time and speed gradually.If you are a beginner,try following these steps:
(1)Walk slowly for 30minutes.
(2)Alternate slow walking with short periods of fast walking.
(3)Add short running sessions into your 30-minute walk.
(4)Try a 30-minute run when you feel ready,but never become so winded that you could not carry on a conversation.
You will soon discover benefits from running that you will not want to give up.You will feel more relaxed and focused.Your concentration will improve and you will find that,even though you are taking 30minutes each day from your busy schedule,you will get more done.Try it!What do you have to lose?

51.Why is it easy to do the sport of running?It is one of a few sports that you can do alone.You need very little equipment.
52.What equipment is necessary for a runner?A comfortable pair of running shoes,a good quality stopwatch,and a water bottle.
53.What should you do first if you start to try running?Walk slowly for 30 minutes.
54.What does the underlined word"winded"mean in English?Unable to breathe easily.
55.Why does the author write this passage?To persuade people to try the sport of running..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.A.Preparations for surfing
B.Potential dangers
C.Current surfers'attitude towards surfing
D.Finding the right wave
E.Where surfers come from
F.The most dangerous sport

    Surfing is one of the fastest developing sports in the world today.It used to be practiced by the ancient Polynesians,but since the 1960s anyone and everyone can go surfing.
    Surfing is more of a way of life for some people than simply a sport,and many spend their time travelling around the planet in search of the perfect wave.Typically,the average surfer is a relaxed type of person:they say it's something about the art of catching waves and being out in the elements that makes you feel very relaxed.Surfers greet each other by saying"Howzit?"(a bit like"How's it going?") and sometimes call each other"bru"or"brah"from the Hawaiian word for brother,"braddah".British surfers travel in WV camper vans and look a bit like hippiest.
    Anywhere that has a coastline with big waves is home to surfers.Half of Australia's coastline is surfable so there are lots of Australian surfers.Hawaii is where the sport was invented and the current champion is Hawaiian Sunny Garcia.A lot of surfers also come from California and New Zealand.There are even surfers in the UK who hang out on the southwest coast where the Atlantic waves hit the shore.
    Get a board.Most surfers start on short boards.Long boards and guns are only for experienced surfers catching huge waves.You also have to be a very strong swimmer:being able to swim at least 100 meters,and 25 meters underwater is required.
    Beach breaks are waves which fall onto sand.They can be big,but are best if you are a beginner.Waves vary in size during different seasons and even at different times of the day,so watch out!Surfing can be dangerous and you need advice from someone experienced.More experienced surfers catch waves at point and reef breaks.They are away from the coast,and the swell comes deep from the ocean.Point breaks are waves bent because of the shape of the land beneath the ocean,and reef breaks are shaped by coral and rocks.
    Surfing is a dangerous sport if you aren't a strong swimmer or if you try to do too much.The main thing most surfers have to worry about is their own board or other surfers'boards.Great white sharks,stingrays and deadly jellyfish are also not friendly to surfers,but actually running into one of these is quite rare.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.[1]Sooner or later everyone has to write something-a thank-you note,a report at a meeting,a complaint or an apology.If you have writing assignment(作业) in school,or if you still fear to put pen to paper,facing that empty page is almost as frightening as you are facing a tiger.How to write it?There is no mystery.Clear writing is just clear thinking.Here are some techniques for you.
[2]Thinking on paper
Sit down with a pencil and paper or at the computer screen and start outlining(概述,略述) what you want to say,why it is important,why it matters,and what its impact is on the reader.Just get the ideas down.The next step is to go back and put them in order.
[3]Writing first sentence
Try to make your first sentence catch the reader's eyes,because      ,the reader is not going to read on.Get a good,clear lead sentence that summarizes your points and answers the reader's question"What is in it for me?"if you can not do it in one sentence,then do it in two or three but keep them short.
[4]Remembering the reader
Short,simple words are better than long words.Short sentences are better than long sentences.Remember that the goal is to communicate,not to express yourselves.Most people are so devoted to what they want to say that they forget somebody else has to be able to read it.Too much information makes you lose readers before they get to the meat(实质) of what you want to say.
[5]Reading and rewriting
Read out what you have written loud,and listen for any awkward(笨拙的) sentences.All good writers read,then rewrite.Back off a little bit from what you are writing.It is an old standard,but if you can,write something and come back a day later.

76.What is the best title for the passage?(no more than 8words)How to write a Good Article/Some techniques for writing a good article./Some techniques to write a good article.
77.Which of the techniques do you think is the best for you?Why?(within 15words)The third one.Because it can make my writing popular with readers.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3with proper words.(within 5words)if it can't
79.What's the last step to write a better writing according to the passage?(within three words)Reading and rewriting
80.What does the underlined word"it"(paragraph 2)probably refer to?(five words).what you want to say.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.[1]Reading is often quite helpful to high school students in crisis(危机).Whatever crisis someone is experiencing,there is probably already a book about it that will help the reader feel less alone.
[2]Teenagers are in crisis in so many different ways now.They are experiencing stress as parents lose jobs in a financial crisis.They are under pressure to find a way to pay the tuition(学费)when they get accepted to college.Also,they may become hurt by betrayals(背叛)of friends.
[3]Teenagers often feel alone in their problems; they act like they are the only person on the planet who has experienced the problem.
[4]Modern literature is often very helpful for teenagers.It helps teens to read about other people who have had a serious crisis in life and gone on to achieve their dreams and a good life.
[5]Literature thus helps teens move out of their minds and their fears and into the larger world.Reading literature helps teens to realize that everyone has to deal with serious problems along the path of forming an identity,choosing a career,leaving their hometown for college,and every other crisis a teen may face.
[6]For us teachers,it is helpful to tell the students that for whatever problem _____________,someone may have already written it in a book.Ask the class to share the problems,and try to find a book that has addressed each one,Literature include many universal themes.Once students realize that,they may become interested in spending more time in the library finding books they relate to.Once they use literature to gain help during difficult times in life,they will realize that reading is really a wonderful way to learn more about life.
76.What is the main idea of the passage?(no more than 8 words)
Literature helps teenagers deal with crisis.
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
they are experiencing.
78.List three different things that may bring stress to teenagers.(no more than 10 words)
①parents'losing jobs
②paying college tuition
③betrayals of friends
79.What makes literature helpful in helping deal with crisis?(no more than 5 words)?
Literature includes many universal themes
80.What does the word"it"(Line2,Paragraph 1)probably refer to?(no more than 6 words)
the crisis (that) someone is experiencing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Everyone wants something in life,love,money,success…Yet too many people fail to achieve their goals,and nearly all of them are for the same reason.
It's true that terrible things do happen to people during their lives,though no fault of their own,which may make them feel upset.Generally speaking,however,getting what you really want out of life is just a matter of the following three simple steps.
Firstly,you have to decide what it is you want the most.But do not make a list of wishes; try to focus on one thing at a time.If you're not sure about where you want to go,you'd better think it over first and not hurry to perform.
Secondly,create an action plan.This will be your map for getting from""to"where you want to go".You know what you want,and what steps you are going to take to get it.For example,if you want a better job,start with a skills assessment (评估) and maybe some extra training.Then you'll need to sell yourself and your skills either to your present employer or to a new employer.
Other goals will require a bit more thought.Some will really get you lost without a clue of how to get there.Not to worry,though,books,biographies and such,can be of great help.
The third and final step is to execute.Do what you planned.Take the steps you outlined on your road map and keep going on all the time.If you run into some people who are against you,simply ignore them.
Never give up the goal.Keep pushing.Whatever you do,do not lose heart until you have what you desire in your hands.Never think that you can't turn your dream into a reality.
76.What does the author want to tell readers in this article?(No more than 10 words)
How to get what you really want out of life.                                                                     
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(No more than 5 words)
Where you are now                                                                       
78.List the three simple steps that you should take if you want to achieve your goals.(No more than 20words) 
Firstly,decide what it is you want the most.Secondly,create an action plan.Thirdly do what you planned.                                                                       
79.What is the most important thing when you deciding what to do?(No more than 8 words)
Focusing on one thing at a time                                                                       
80.What does the underlined word"it"in paragraph 3 probably refer to?(No more than 5 words)
where you want to go.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.On the fourth Thursday in November,Americans celebrate the festival of Thanksgiving.This festival is a time when the family comes together for a meal and gives thanks to God for the blessings they have received.The first Thanksgiving festival was celebrated by the early American settlers who gave thanks to God for their good harvest.
In America,Thanksgiving is a family holiday.It is on the holiday that all the family make a special effort to get together.The feast(宴席)is always held on Thursday and most people have a four-day holiday from school and work.Thus they are able to travel a great distance to be with their family.
The Thanksgiving meal is traditional turkey(火鸡),which was the food for the first Thanksgiving.The table is covered with fruits,walnut(胡桃),and many kinds of vegetables.For  dessert the main choice is usually pumpkin(南瓜)pie.The meal is a time for the members of the family to talk to each other.There will be talking before the meal,during the meal and long after the meal.
On Thanksgiving morning there are sporting events and parades(游行)in many cities to mark the day.The family dinner is usually held in the afternoon around 4o'clock.The mother will prepare the meal and the father will carve the turkey.He will preside(主持)at the head of the table.The meal will begin with a short prayer of Thanksgiving to God for the blessings the family received.The father will also thank the family for coming together on this day.During the meal there is plenty of food for everyone present.The meal is a very joyful time.When the meal is over,some will help with the dishes and others will return to the living-room to talk or watch television.
In many ways the festival of Thanksgiving is similar to the Chinese festival of Mid-autumn Day.It is a time for the family to get together for dinner.

61.What is best title of the passage?(No more than 8words)
How to celebrate Thanksgiving
62.On the holiday,how does the family dinner begin?(No more than 20words)
The meal will begin with a short prayer of Thanksgiving to God for the blessings the family received.
63.What does every member of the family try to do on that day?(No more than 8words)
They try to get together.
64.Please explain the underlined word"dessert"in English.(No more than 3words)
Sweet food.
65.What do your family do du ring the Chinese festival of Mid-autumn Day?
(No more than 25words)
We always get together to heave a big dinner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Our headmaster plans to have his daughter ______at the best school of this city.(  )
A.educatingB.to educateC.being educatedD.educated

