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What I particularly dislike about this lesson is that it is really boring.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I had the meanest mother in the whole world.While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs or toast.When others had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich.As you can guess, my supper was different from the other kids' also.But at least, I wasn't alone in my sufferings.My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.

My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times.She had to know who our friends were and where we were going.We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath everyday.

The worst is yet to come.We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.We couldn't sleep till noon like our friends.So while they slept --- my mother actually had the nerve to break the Child Labor Law.She made us work.We had to wash dishes, make beds, learn to cook and all sorts of cruel things.I believe she lay awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.

Through the years, things didn't improve a bit.We could not lie in bed, "sick" like our friends did, and miss school.Our marks in school had to be up to par.Our friends' report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing.My mother, being as different as she was, would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks.With our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a drop-out.

My mother was a complete failure as a mother.Out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education.None of us have ever been arrested or divorced.Each of my brothers served his time in the service of this country.She forced us to grow up into God-fearing, educated, honest adults.Using this as a background, I am now trying to raise my three children.I am filled with pride when my children call me mean.Why? Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the whole world.

What can we infer from the passage?

       A.The author is not happy to have such a mean mother.      

       B.The author's mother broke the Child Labor Law to make money.

       C.The author's mother failed to educate her children to be honest adults.

       D.The author is strict with her children.

Why couldn’t the author eat candy for breakfast?

     A.Because she preferred cereal, eggs or toast to candy.

     B.Because her mother couldn’t afford for candy.

     C.Because her mother thought it not good to eat candy for breakfast.

     D.Because her mother had to give candy to the author’s sister and two brothers.

The author’s mother made her children work because _________ .

     A.she had trouble falling into sleep.

     B.she could not keep such a big family without her children’s help.

     C.she was teaching her children to live by themselves.

     D.she had no time to do the housework.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I had the meanest mother in the whole world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs or toast. When others had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from the other kids' also. But at least, I wasn't alone in my sufferings. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.

    My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. You'd think we were on a chain gang. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. She insisted if we said we'd be gone an hour, that we be gone one hour or less — not one hour and one minute.

    We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath everyday. The other kids always wore their clothes for days. We reached the height of insults because she made our clothes herself, just to save money.

    The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning. We couldn't sleep till noon like our friends. So while they slept --- my mother actually had the nerve to break the Child Labor Law. She made us work. We had to wash dishes, make beds, learn to cook and all sorts of cruel things. I believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.

    Through the years, things didn't improve a bit. We could not lie in bed, "sick" like our friends did, and miss school. Our marks in school had to be up to par. Our friends' report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. My mother, being as different as she was, would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks.

    As the years rolled by, first one and then the other of us was put to shame. We were graduated from high school. With our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a drop-out.

    My mother was a complete failure as a mother. Out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education. None of us have ever been arrested or divorced. Each of my brothers served his time in the service of this country. She forced us to grow up into God-fearing, educated, honest adults. Using this as a background, I am now trying to raise my three children. I am filled with pride when my children call me mean. Why? Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the whole world.

What can we infer from the passage?

A. The author is not happy to have such a mean mother.       

B. The author's mother broke the Child Labor Law to make money.

C. The author's mother failed to educate her children to be honest adults

D. The author is strict with her children.

Why couldn’t the author eat candy for breakfast?

  A. Because she preferred cereal, eggs or toast to candy.

  B. Because her mother couldn’t afford for candy.

  C. Because her mother thought it not good to eat candy for breakfast.

  D. Because her mother had to gave candy to the author’s sister and two brothers.

The author’s mother made her children work because _________ .

   A. she had trouble falling into sleep

   B. she could not keep such a big family without her children’s help

   C. she was teaching her children to live by themselves.

   D. she had no time to do housework.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽阜阳一中高三最后一次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I had the meanest mother in the world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal (谷类食物), eggs or toast. While others had Cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. As you can guess, my supper was different from other kids' too. But at least I wasn't alone in my sufferings. My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.

My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. She insisted if we said we'd be gone an hour, then we be gone one hour or less—not one hour and one minute. And she always insisted upon us telling the truth. Now you can see how mean she was.

The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning. We had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook. We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath, while the other kids always wore their clothes for days. I believe she laid awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.

Through the years, things didn't improve a bit. We could not lie in bed, “sick” like our friends did, and miss school. Our marks in school had to be up to par(达到正常水平). Our friends' report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing. My mother, being as different as she was, would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks.

As the years rolled by, we were one by one put to shame. We were graduated from high school. With our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a dropout.

My mother was a complete failure as a mother. Out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education. And whom do we have to blame for the terrible way we turned out? You're right, our mean mother. She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults.

Now I am trying to raise my three children. I am filled with pride when my children think I am mean because, you see, I had the meanest mother in the world.

1.What does the sentence “But at least I wasn't alone in my sufferings.” mean?

A.The author's mother was only mean to her.

B.The author's mother suffered her.

C.The author's mother was mean to her sister, brothers and her.

D.The author wasn't alone because of suffering.

2.Why was the author's mother mean to her children?

A.Because she wanted her children to be top students in school.

B.Because she wanted her children to bring home colored report cards like her friends did.

C.Because she wanted her children to drop out.

D.Because she wanted her children to do their best at school and be educated and respected citizens.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Some of the children weren't able to go to college because of their mean mother.

B.Mother didn't let the author tell lies.

C.Mother asked the author to wear clean clothes.

D.The author could not miss school even if she was ill.

4.The passage was written in a way of _______ tone?

A.humorous         B.hateful            C.ridiculous         D.critical



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


[1]Keeping a busy social life among lots of friends may keep people slimmer than spending hours on a treadmill, according to scientists. They say that socializing and meeting with friends helps boost levels of ‘brown fat’ in the boby which burns calories to generate heat.

[2]Living in a stimulating, social environment was found to reduce abdominal fat in mice by half over four weeks, even if they ate more. US researchers say that social stimulation can       

by converting white fat into brown, White stores calories and makes us fatter, while brown burns energy to generate heat .Converting white fat into brown is difficult, as we all know, normally requiring long term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body’s nervous system

[3]However, scientists from Ohio State University now think that having a busy social life is an even more effective way of changing white fat into brown, The team came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice. Those who lived alongside a greater number of mice and had more space and toys to stimulate them lost far more weight over the course of the study than their ‘couch potato’ ones.

[4]Study author Dr. Mattew During, whose team’s findings appear in journal Cell Metabolism said: I’m still amazed at the degree of fat loss that occurs. Explaining how new technology had threatened face-to-face socializing, he added: ‘It’s not just a sedentary lifestyle and high calorie foods, but an increasing lack of social engagement.’

[5]Co-author Dr. Lei Cao said: ‘Loneliness is a profound factor for cancer and death; it’s on par with cigarette smoking. Social engagement is very important’.

1.What’s the main idea of this passage? (no more than 10 words)


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


3.What’s the purpose of the study of mice? (no more than 20 words)



4.How does socializing help make people slim? (no more than 15 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.




科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年黑龙江省高三上学期12月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

I had the meanest mother in the whole world.While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs or toast.When others had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich.As you can guess, my supper was different from the other kids' also.But at least, I wasn't alone in my sufferings.My sister and two brothers had the same mean mother as I did.

My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times.She had to know who our friends were and where we were going.We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath everyday.

The worst is yet to come.We had to be in bed by nine each night and up at eight the next morning.We couldn't sleep till noon like our friends.So while they slept --- my mother actually had the nerve to break the Child Labor Law.She made us work.We had to wash dishes, make beds, learn to cook and all sorts of cruel things.I believe she lay awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.

Through the years, things didn't improve a bit.We could not lie in bed, "sick" like our friends did, and miss school.Our marks in school had to be up to par.Our friends' report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for failing.My mother, being as different as she was, would settle for nothing less than ugly black marks.With our mother behind us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the pleasure of being a drop-out.

My mother was a complete failure as a mother.Out of four children, a couple of us attained some higher education.None of us have ever been arrested or divorced.Each of my brothers served his time in the service of this country.She forced us to grow up into God-fearing, educated, honest adults.Using this as a background, I am now trying to raise my three children.I am filled with pride when my children call me mean.Why? Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the whole world.

1.What can we infer from the passage?

       A.The author is not happy to have such a mean mother.      

       B.The author's mother broke the Child Labor Law to make money.

       C.The author's mother failed to educate her children to be honest adults.

       D.The author is strict with her children.

2.Why couldn’t the author eat candy for breakfast?

     A.Because she preferred cereal, eggs or toast to candy.

     B.Because her mother couldn’t afford for candy.

     C.Because her mother thought it not good to eat candy for breakfast.

     D.Because her mother had to give candy to the author’s sister and two brothers.

3.The author’s mother made her children work because _________ .

     A.she had trouble falling into sleep.

     B.she could not keep such a big family without her children’s help.

     C.she was teaching her children to live by themselves.

     D.she had no time to do the housework.


