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________ is Mary's birthday?

It's in two weeks' time.

[  ]

A.How far
B.How long
C.How often
D.How soon

从答语中可知,生日是在两星期后,排除AChow long常用来表示已经发生的事情。


科目:高中英语 来源:志鸿系列训练必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.What did Jack finish at about 8∶30?

2.Where is Tom going to finish his homework?

3.What is Mary’s mother’s job?

4.Who likes blue coats?

5.Why will the woman go to Shenzhen?




6.Who took an exam yesterday?

A.The woman speaker.

B.The man speaker.

C.The two speakers.

7.What do you learn according to the dialogue?

A.The woman likes football better than the man.

B.The woman didn’t do well in the exam.

C.The man doesn’t enjoy watching football matches.


8.What did Fred do last night?

A.He went to the police station.

B.He drove into a store and broke it up.

C.He went shopping with his girl friend.

9.Who did Fred have a fight with?

A.The store keeper.

B.The policeman.

C.His girlfriend.

10.Where is Fred’s car now?

A.In the store.

B.In the street.

C.In the police station.


11.Where do they do their shopping?

A.In the next town.

B.In the supermarket.

C.At the party.

12.How long will it take to go and come back if the man goes shopping?

A.Five minutes.

B.Ten minutes.

C.Two dozen minutes.

13.What does the woman buy eggs for?

A.Cooking dinner.

B.Preparing the breakfast.

C.Making cakes.


14.What happened to the woman’s TV set?

A.It needed fixing.

B.It was lost.

C.It was all right.

15.Why couldn’t the woman find the repair shop?

A.She missed the right turn.

B.She was given the wrong address.

C.There wasn’t the shop at all.

16.Why did the man tell her to turn to the TV repairmen?

A.The shop was easy to find.

B.He often got something repaired there.

C.They did good work and the pay was reasonable.


17.How old was Jimmy when he began to do well in painting?

A.Three years old.

B.Five years old.

C.Seven years old.

18.Why did people buy his painting?

A.Because they thought the pictures to be beautiful.

B.Because they thought the pictures to be valuable.

C.Because they thought the pictures to be different.

19.Which part of Jimmy’s pictures was always empty?

A.The top half.

B.The middle half.

C.The bottom half.

20.Why did Jimmy leave part of his pictures empty?

A.Because he was clever.

B.Because he was short.

C.Because he was careless.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mary likes to invent things. She creates a new language and teaches it to her friend, Jean. Mary and Jean like to talk to each other in their own language because they think no one understands them and it is funny. When they go shopping, they say things like: “Look! He is fat.” “This CD is awful.” “I want to eat free hamburgers.” A clerk comes but he can’t understand what they say. He asked them: “May I help you?” Mary and Jean just laugh. What fun it is to create something new.

Which is Mary’s invention?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This _________ girl is Mary’s first cousin, who is very lovely.   

       A.pretty little Spanish B.Spanish little pretty

       C.Spanish pretty little  D.little pretty Spanish


科目:高中英语 来源:2011陕西师大附中西工大附中高三第六次适应性训练英语试题 题型:单项填空

This ____ girl is Mary’s cousin, who is very lovely.

   A. pretty little Spanish             B. Spanish little pretty

   C. Spanish pretty little             D. little pretty Spanish



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年山西大学附中高二上学期第一次阶段考试英语卷 题型:单项填空

-----Tomorrow is Mary’s birthday.Are you going to her party?

-----___.I like cake very much.


B.Absolutely not

C.I am afraid not

D.Nearly not


