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                                Classical music 

             The term classical music has several meanings. Many countries call their own traditional or ancient music classical music. However,in Western parts of the world people use the term classical music to refer to art music.

             36 Classical music is more complex. It is usually written down in a form that classical :musicians can read off the page. Classical musicians do not frequently improvise(即兴创作).To improvise means to make up music while playing it.

             People called composers(作曲家) write classical music. 37 The music may require stringed mstruments, windinstruments, keyboardinstru-ments,or percussion instruments(打击乐器) ,or a

combination of any of these.

             38 A musical work may be written for only one instrument,a few instruments,or a large group of instruments. An orchestra is a large group of instruments.

             Classical music developed in Europe over hundreds of years. Much of the earliest classical music was used in religious ceremonies. Later,nonreligious music became more popular.

             Classical music grew and changed rapidly from the late 1500s to the mid-1700s. The modem orchestra was formed during this time. 39

             Music experts call the time from'about 1750 to 1820 the classical age. In this period,musicians developed a number of musical forms. One of them was the symphony,a long musical composition for an orchestra.

             The 1900s were a time of great experimentation in classical music. 40 For example,electronic instruments opened up new ways of expression for composers and musicians.

   A. Much classical music was emotional.

   B. Composers used new forms and even new instruments.

   C. They write classical music for different types of instruments.

   D. Also,musicians created new types of classical music,such as opera.

   E. Art music,or classical music,is different from popular music and folk music.

   F. Composers usually decide how many instruments should play a musical work.

   G. Musicians often performed classical music to entertain audience in royal courts.


36. E. 由上文中的 in Western parts of the world people use the term classical music to refer to art music以及该空后的 Classical music is more complex 可知,E项“艺术音乐,或古典音乐,不同于流行音乐和民间音乐”符合此处语境。

37. C. 由谭空后的 The music may require ... or a combination of afty of these 可知,作曲家为不同类型的乐器写古典音乐。

38. F. 由该段中的 A musical work may be written for only one instrument,a few instruments,or a large group of instruments. An orchestra is a large group of instruments可知,F项“作曲家通常决定演奏一部古典音乐作品需要多少乐器”符合此处语境。

39. D. 由该空前的 Classical music grew and changed rapidly …以及 The modem orchestra was formed during‘this time 可知,D项“此外,音乐家创作了新类型的古典音乐,比如歌剧”符合此处语境。

40. B. 由该空前的 a time of gyeat experimentation in classical music 和该空后的 electronic instruments opened up new ways of expression for composers and musicians可知,B项“作曲家采用新的形式,甚至新的乐器”符合此处语境。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第50期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. (P21


① 本句是一个主从复合句。

② Only修饰状语从句位于句首,故主句采用部分倒装结构。

③ after引导时间状语从句;主句是can you say ... an inventor,其中say后跟由that引导的从句。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Dear Sir / Madam,

              I live next to your school in Grasmere Road and I am writing regarding the very bad behaviour of some of your younger students. In addition to this,I should like to bring to your attention to the irresponsibility of certain members of your staff when supervising (监督) students,evening activities.

              Firstly,concerning the students' behaviour,I should like you to make it very clear to those students walking along Grasmere Road towards the station that my front garden is not a place where people are allowed to leave their rubbish. When they leave school in the afternoons,they pass my house and throw empty cans,waste paper and even cigarette packets(although most of them are below the age for smoking) on my grass.

               Could you also please ask your students not to .... shout and use bad language in the street,as this is harmful to the reputation of both your school and the area?

               Regarding certain members of your staff,you are perhaps unaware of the fact that their evening activities sometimes continue well beyond ten and the noise is too loud. Last Thursday night the noise did not stop until 10:30 pm. Surely the members of i staff supervising these activities could bring the events to a close at a suitable moment.

               I know that I am speaking for many families in the area when I ask you to speak to your students and staff about these matters.

               Should they continue to be so inconsiderate,I shall be forced to take matters further and shall have no choice but to write to the council(地方议会) .

                                                 Yours  faithfully,

                                                 Mrs J Barker

33. The text is a letter of.

   A. introduction   B. complaint

   C. invitation   D. thanks

34. Which of the following is destroying the area's reputation in Mrs J Barker's eyes?

   A. Throwing rubbish.

   B. Smoking cigarettes.

   C. Making too much noise.

   D. Shouting and using bad language.

35. What is Mrs J Barker going to do if these matters are not solved?

   A. Turn to a lawyer.

   B. Take further action.

   C. Keep an eye on them.

   D. Continue to write to the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



                A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A series of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts; to determine whether a pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity (强度) .They are also able to determine whether an air mass is keeping its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus,a most important function of the map is to show a general picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.

                All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain a large amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms,floods,frosts and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “out-look” which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses,fronts,and storms.

                Much effort is being made today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites,big gains have taken place recently in recognizing and tracking storms over regions which have few meteorological stations(气象台). A lot of experiments are also in progress for weather modification(人工改变天气) studies. But the limitations of weather modification have produced few results except in the seeding(撒干冰) of super cooled,upslope mountainous winds which have produced additional rainfall on the windward(上风的) side of mountain ranges.

6. Paragraph 1 mainly deals with .

   A. the functions of weather maps

   B. the work of weather forecasters

   C. the importance of weather forecast

   D. the relationship among weather elements

7. What's the advantage of using weather maps?

   A. It uses electronic instruments.

   B. It enables man to control the weather.

   C. It gives general information about climate.

   D. It offers much information about the weather.

8. The 30-day forecast is determined by examining.

   A. air masses           B. upper air levels

   C. satellite reports    D. changing fronts

9. At the present time,experiments are being performed in .

   A. 30-day outlooks

   B. controlling storms

   C. controlling weather

   D. accurate weather predictions

10. Artificial rainfall has been most successful in the .

   A. lake areas

   B. grasslands

   C. western slopes of mountains

   D. windward sides of mountains


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C知D) 中,备出最佳选项。

                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

            You will probably never find his name in a history book,but to this day,Walker Lee continues to contribute to American heritage (遗产) .Walter Lee is an old-fashioned,modern-day blacksmith(who makes and repairs things made of iron) , still practicing the fine art of shaping metal over a hot fire.

            Walker Lee began his career in hand-forged (手工锻造的) ironwork at the age of 30.The idea of creating an object out of iron,an extremely hard material,appealed to him. He started on this new business by collecting and reading every book he could find that described the process of black-smithing,including its history,its practical and decorative uses,and the equipment.

            During the course of his research,Lee discovered a tool necessary for the success of any blacksmith: the anvil,a heavy block of iron or steel on which a blacksmith shapes the hot metal with a hammer(锤子) .

            Lee bought his first anvil from 84-year-old Hurley Alford Templeton of Philadelphia. It weighed 100 pounds. The anvil cost him $100,and four months later,he paid $75 for another anvil from Cornell University in New York.

            When building his blacksmith shop,in the interest of economy,he constructed it out of inexpensive wood. It was a simple little building that stood for only nine years. Lee replaced his first shop with a finer one made of more expensive wood.

            The very first object Lee forged in his shop was a long,pointed Hudson Bay knife. As he recalls that event he says, “From the minute I first saw the thing take shape,I was attracted ...still am. There's something magic in it. You heat it up and pound it with a hammer and it goes where you want it to go."

             Years later,at a family event,Lee,discovered that his Italian ancestors were expert coppersmiths (铜匠) .During the gathering,Lee's great uncle Johnny said that Lee’s love for blacksmithing was “in the blood,” and he happily presented Lee with a new 125-pound anvil.

1. Why did Lee choose to be a blacksmith?

   A. He hoped to protect American heritage.

   B. He wanted to experience a new career.

   C. He needed to support his family.

   D. He took a great interest in it.

2. Lee learned blacksmithing.

   A. by teaching himself

   B. from his great uncle

   C. from an 84-year-old man

   D. by studying at a university

3. How do blacksmiths use the anvil?

   A. They put it on a hammer and hit hot iron.

   B. They place iron on it and shape the iron.

   C. They use it to produce a hot fire.

   D. They use it to make hammers.

4. The underlined words “that event” refer to.

   A. the family event 

   B. the meeting with Johnny

   C. the making of the Hudson Bay knife

   D. the construction of his blacksmith shop

5. Why does the author write the article?

   A. To advertise hand-forged objects.

   B. To describe a modem blacksmith.

   C. To teach basic blacksmithing skills.

   D. To introduce the art of blacksmithing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Have you ever heard a song (sing) in Japanese?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. If you really want to buy the diamond necklace,I will give you a(n) (折扣) of 15 percent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. If you have any problems,don't (hesitate / seek) to turn to us. We are at your service.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. Peter was laughing hard,but his wife was laughing (the hardest / even harder) !

