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Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days water in the village wells rose and fell, rose and fell. Farmers noticed that the well walls had deep cracks in it. A smelly gas comes out of the cracks. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were so nervous to eat. Mice ran out of the fields looking for place to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. At about 3:00 am in July 28, 1976, some people saw bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes could be heard of outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and bursting. But the one million people of the city, that thought little of these events, were asleep as usually that night.


¡¾1¡¿ÔÚdays ºÍwaterÖ®¼ä¼Óthe












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¡¾10¡¿usually¡úusual ¹Ì¶¨´Ê×飺as usualÏñƽ³£Ò»Ñù£¬¹Ê°Ñusually¸ÄΪusual¡£


1.burst into tears/burst out doing ·ÅÉù´ó¿Þ£»burst into laughter/burst out laughing·ÅÉù´óЦ¡£

2.a place of interestÃûʤ¹Å¼£



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A Brave Maid

A wooden vase from the Ming Dynasty at the entrance of the reception hall ¡¾1¡¿ (amaze) everyone. The artists designed it in a rare style and selected ¡¾2¡¿ (value) jewels to decorate it. People thought highly ¡¾3¡¿ its fancy colour of honey and the beautiful ¡¾4¡¿ (paint ) on it.

The vase used to belong to a former castle. But when the country was at war, the enemy troops exploded the castle. Debates on how the vase survived went on and on. In order ¡¾5¡¿ (remove) people¡¯s doubt, a team of no less than 20 people carried out¡¾6¡¿ informal investigation. The evidences they found ¡¾7¡¿ (show) a maid took the vase apart and asked a sailor to sink it in a local well. ¡¾8¡¿ never gave away the secret even under the cruel trial of the enemies ¡¾9¡¿ were in search of treasures.

It is worth ¡¾10¡¿ (give) this brave maid a fortune in return.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Welcome to your future life!

You get up in the morning and look into the mirror. Your face is firm and young-looking. In 2035, medical technology is better than ever. Many people your age could live to be 150, so at 40, you¡¯re not old at all. And your parents just had an anti-aging(¿¹Ë¥ÀϵÄ) treatment. Now, all three of you look the same age !

You say to your shirt, ¡°Turn red.¡± It changes from blue to red. In 2035, ¡°smart clothes¡± contain particles(Á£×Ó) much smaller than the cells in your body. The particles can be programmed to change your clothes¡¯ color or pattern.

You walk into the kitchen. You pick up the milk, but a voice says, ¡°You shouldn¡¯t drink that!¡± Your fridge has read the chip (оƬ) that contains information about the milk , and it knows the milk is old . In 2035, every article of food in the grocery store has such a chip.

It¡¯s time to go to work. In 2035, cars drive themselves. Just tell your ¡°smart car¡± where to go. On the way, you can call a friend using your jacket sleeve(Ðä×Ó). Such ¡°smart technology¡± is all around you.

So will all these things come true? ¡°For new technology to succeed,¡± says scientist Andrew Zolli , ¡°it has to be so much better that it replaces what we have already.¡± The Internet is one example --what will be the next?

¡¾1¡¿We can learn from the text that in the future__________.

A. clothes will be able to change their pattern

B. everyone will look the same

C. red will be the most popular color

D. people will never get old

¡¾2¡¿What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A. Food in the grocery store will carry electronic information.

B. More drinks will be available for sale.

C. Milk will be harmful to health.

D. Milk in the grocery store will stay fresh much longer.

¡¾3¡¿What is the text mainly about?

A. Food and clothing in 2035.

B. Medical treatments of the future.

C. Future technology in everyday life.

D. The reason for the success of new technology.


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Some Ways to Deal With Hardship and Pain in Life

Regardless of the difficulties you may face, it¡¯s getting back up and moving forward that counts the most when you need to deal with hardship. ¡¾1¡¿

Write or talk about how you feel

Keeping my feelings to myself used to make me feel lonely, but when I found someone who actually cared about me, it became natural to share how I felt with him and that contributed to my ability to overcome troublesome situations. ¡¾2¡¿ Although talking to strangers about your issues may seem crazy, it actually isn¡¯t.


It is said that running away from your problems will never help, and though that¡¯s partially true, it doesn¡¯t mean that you need to make yourself go so deeply into a situation that you run out of air to breathe and lose the ability to weigh the pros and cons of your choices. That happens more than we like to admit, which is why it¡¯s important to separate yourself from a situation long enough to think clearly without having people hanging over your shoulders.

Remind yourself that you¡¯re not alone

Regardless of who or what you depend on, you need to remind yourself that you are not alone; you have people who do care. ¡¾4¡¿ Sometimes it¡¯s strangers who may share the same feelings as you do. Think about it¡ªyou may not know any of these readers personally but/span> they could be in the exact same situation as you, so in fact, no one is truly alone.

Accept the results and get back up again

¡¾5¡¿ Whether the results of your choices proved to be helpful or not, it¡¯s time for you to accept them and get back up. This time you have a new experience to add to your book of life so the next time something tries to knock you down, it won¡¯t be easy because you will be strong and determined to push forward. Life will go on, time will never stand still, and it rests upon you to make the right decision of moving forward.

A. Separate yourself from the situation.

B. Tell yourself to accept the hardship.

C. Finally, it¡¯s time to accept what has happened.

D. All in all, remember that life is short.

E. Not only did I speak to him about how I felt, but I decided to blog about it.

F. Here are some things I've tried just to help me believe in a brighter future and get over a tough situation.

G. Even if it¡¯s just one person, that¡¯s enough to give you reason to remind yourself that you will never truly be alone.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Dear Mary,

I receive your E-mail just now. Don¡¯t worry about me. I¡¯m getting on well with my research work in the lab. But to my greatly surprise you say you will give up learn English. The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lost interests. I¡¯m afraid I couldn¡¯t agree with you. I know it is difficulty to learn English, and English is widely used in the world today. It will be important tool in our future work. Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life. If you study hard, you will be succeed. Do remember that where there is a will, there is a way. I¡¯ m looking forward to hearing good news from you.


Li Hua


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿One morning Wangpeng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated and ¡¾1¡¿ (know) why there were no customers in his restaurant. Suddenly he saw his friend ¡¾2¡¿ (hurry) by. To figure out why Li Chang wasn¡¯t coming to eat in his restaurant just ¡¾3¡¿ he always did, he followed him to a small new restaurant. ¡¾4¡¿ (curious) drove him inside. There Wangpeng met Yonghui, the owner of the new restaurant, whose diet was mainly slimming food to help people lose weight and be fit in a short time. After his research, Wangpeng discovered the weaknesses and ¡¾5¡¿ (strong) of the diets both in his and Yonghui¡¯s restaurants. ¡¾6¡¿ (drive) back home, Wangpeng rewrote his sign. The competition between them was ¡¾7¡¿ .

A few weeks later, Wangpeng and Yonghui met again in his restaurant. Instead of ¡¾8¡¿(quarrel) with each other, they combined their ideas and provided a ¡¾9¡¿ (balance) menu with food full of energy and fibre. Finally they got ¡¾10¡¿ (marry) and lived happily.


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2. Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦, ¶àÕߣ¨´ÓµÚ11´¦Æ𣩲»¼Æ·Ö¡£

Last weekend we go mountain climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning could not prevent us going. Set off very early, we went along an extreme narrow road, all in high spirits.

On every side of the road was green fields and some farm houses. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixing with our laughter. At noon we reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most there was the beauty of scenes. After having short rest there and sharing with the food we had brought, we started going down. It rained even harder. We were wet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.


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I¡¯m Li Hua, a senior three student. About this heated discussion, ________________








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Hi, Joe. I have read about your situation. This is common for everyone to have arguments or even quarrels with friends. So take it easy, and find the way out.

You may follow my suggestions. First, try to find out that who did wrong and cause the arguments. If it is you, be brave enough to say sorry for your friend. And unless it is your friend, you shouldn¡¯t be too hard on him or her either. Instead, try to taking it easy and be kind. Second, give yourself and your friend some times to calm down, as it is not necessary to solve the arguments immediate.

Good luck, best wishes for you!

