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2.-Has Tom already finished his new story?
-I Have no idea.He       it last month.(  )
A.had writtenB.was writingC.would writeD.wrote

分析 ---汤姆写完他的新故事了吗?

解答 答案:B.根据 Have no idea可知He       it last month表示他上一个月一直在写,所以答案是B 用过去进行时.其他选项的时态分别是A过去完成时;C过去将来时;D一般过去时.

点评 考查过去进行时.过去进行时(Past continuous tense或Past Progressive tense)表示在过去某一时刻也可以表示在某一段时间内发生或进行的动作或状态.本题就是第二种用法.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Michelle Obama has just started a campaign against childhood obesity(肥胖)with the admission that she put her girls Malia and Sasha on a diet because they were getting fat.Clearly,childhood obesity must be solved and urgently.But is it a good idea for mothers to put their daughters on diets?
Studies show that the more children diet,the more likely they are to become obese as adults.Research also shows that girls are highly influenced by their mothers when it comes to eating habits and body image.
This was the case for Carly,40,who blames her mother for her lifelong struggle with weight."My mother was on a diet the whole time 1 was growing up,"she says."And she put me on my first diet when 1 was 10.I lost puppy fat,gained her approval and never ate normally  again,America's First Lady clearly has a vital healthy eating message to.convey.But could this be damaging for Malia and Sasha?Could they develop eating disorders because of it?
"It's wrong just to blame mothers for their daughters'eating disorders,"says Susan Ringwood,chief executive of the eating disorders charity,Beat."There is a genetic(基因的)component to eating disorders."However,"We do know that parents have a very strong influ.ence over a child's eating.It's important to realize that you are your daughter's role model.Girls idolize the ir mothers."says Ringwood.
"Nofoodshould ever be‘good'or‘bad',"Ringwood says.Instead,"You have to make it clear that food is a sociable,healthy and fun part of life,not something to be feared."
"Talk to her about body image,"Ringwood says."Talk about how curves are an important and exciting part of being a woman.Show her that anorexic(厌食的)fashion models are not sexy,but i11.The pressure on girls today is immense,"she says."But don't forget that you are the authoritative voice,too."
66.Michelle Obama has started a campaign toA.
  A.solve childhood obesi ty across the country
  B.attract the attention of the world
  C.show her first lady identity
  D.please the public
 67.The author mentions Carly in Paragraph 3 to show thatA.
  A.mothers have a great influence on girls,eating habits
  B.the more you diet,the more weight you will put on
  C.mothers are to blame for the unbalanced diet
  D.side effects of dieting are hard to avoid
 68.According to Ringwood,D.
  A.food is considered something fearful
  B.food can be recognized as"good"or"bad"
  C.only slim mothers are role models of their daughters
  D.eating di sorder has something to do with genetic component
69.The passage tells us thatA.
  A.mothers'lead is of great importance
  B.daughters are victims of mothers'authority
  C.dieting teenagers can't turn into obese adults
D.experts have arguements about eating disorder
70.It can be concluded thatD
  A.eating disorder always goes hand in hand with being slim
  B.girls are more concerned about body shapes than boys
  C.daughters tend to have a lifelong struggle with weight
  D.the author is against children's dieting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Daryl set out to watch an overnight sky-watching event on 18th November 2007.He lived on Bainbridge Island,Washington and left home to attend the event to be held 180miles to the Southeast of Trout Lake.He wanted to come back immediately in order not to miss the football game the next day.
As fate would have it,he never reached Trout Lake.He was stuck in a heavy autumn snowstorm.As he was driving along the forest service road,which was thankfully in good condition,he realized that snow was fast piling up.The tires of  his jeep Cherokee sank into soft,deep snow 35miles from his destination.
Luckily,Daryl had filled his jeep with full gallon water and had kept a Wal-Mart sleeping bag.He had a jacket and some food for the night.He settled down in his jeep confident in his hope that someone would find him and save him the next day.
But,no one came and he continued to survive drinking very little water.He had to try hard to keep brushing off the snow on the roof and door of his jeep,or it would be impossible to be found.In order to do this,he slept and woke up in fits and starts (间歇地).He knew that leaving his vehicle in search of help was not a good idea.He managed till day 8,after which he became completely dehydrated(脱水的).Daryl had the presence of mind to fight his hopelessness and reach out for snow but knew that eating snow would lower body temperature after which the body had to spend more energy to keep itself warm.
He finally decided to go in search of water.He discovered water,drank to his heart's content and filled himself with renewed energy.It was not until 14days of struggle for survival that Daryl was discovered by a local snowmobile.Fortunately,he neither suffered from hypothermia or frostbite(体温过低或冻疮)even though he lost ten pounds.
Daryl's survival is amazing,He kept his brain active and continuously surveyed his environment,looking for solutions.Most importantly,he did not panic.

64.How did Daryl feel at first when he was caught in the snow?A
A.Hopeful.    B.Frightened.  
C.Worried.    D.Helpless.
65.Why did Daryl keep brushing off the snow on his jeep's roof and door?D
A.To keep himself warm.  
B.To keep it in good condition.
C.To stop himself falling asleep.   
D.To make it easily discovered.
66.What is the biggest trouble Daryl had to fight against while waiting for help?B
A.Coldness.               B.Lack of water.  
C.The fear of death.      D.Lack of sleep.
67.What message does the passage want to show?D
A.The power of nature is too great at times.
B.One should be prepared for the worst.
C.It is important to leam about first aid.
D.One should be brave in face of natural disasters.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-Hello,everyone!Have you heard the meeting will be put off?
-Yeah,that's what we         about when you came in.(  )
A.were talkingB.are talkingC.have talkedD.had talked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Unfortunately,when I dropped in,Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in the fight against SARS,so we had not enough time for a talk.(  )
A.just leftB.has just left
C.is just leavingD.was just leaving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I was going to offer you some cake but there's________left.(  )
A.noneB.nothingC.no oneD.no


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everyone was born with his own built-in burglar alarm.It's called the sense of sight and sound.Unfortunately,many of us go around with the alarm switched off.
We don't see the stranger wandering outside the house next door.
We don't notice the sounds from the flat upstairs.
(Weren't they supposed to be on holiday?)
The police can only do so much to prevent crime.There never can be enough of them to guard every home in every town.So they need your help in fighting with the burglars(窃贼),the vandals,and the car thieves.
Not,of course,by setting out to have a go every time you see something suspicious.It'll always be the job of the police to arrest criminals.
But by acting as a line of communication between them and your community.For instance,you probably know far more about your immediate neighborhoods than the police ever could.
A stranger in someone's garden would probably be far more obvious to you than it would to even the local police,if,of course,you were on the lookout.
That's the whole idea behind the Neighborhood Watch schemes,springing up around the country to create a spirit of watchfulness within a community,anything suspicious being reported to the police.
It's early days yet,but results so far are very encouraging.The crime figures are already dropping in many of the areas running the scheme.And all due to people like you.
32.The underlined word"them"refers to"B".
A.criminals            B.the police         C.neighbours              D.strangers
33.The advertisement points out that many people.B
A.are not ready to help the police
B.are not as watchful as they could be
C.don't look after their gardens well
D.don't tell their neighbors about their holidays
34.One of the ways we could help prevent crime is to.C
A.turn on the alarm system in our home
B.try to stop criminals from escaping
C.look out for people behaving suspiciously
D.inform the police if we hear noises upstairs
35.The purpose of the advertisement is to in their neighborhood.D
A ask people to join the police force
B advise people how to protect their homes
C warn people about the increasing risk of crime
D  encourage people to be on watch for possible crime.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---Does your brother serve in the army?
---No,not now.But he _____ in the army for 8years.(  )
A.would serveB.servedC.had servedD.was serving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Every month,Julia and her cousins would go to visit their grandparents.They would be excited because their grandfather would give them a few coins.Then they would buy toys or sweets.The grandparents commented that,behaving like this,the children would never learn to manage their money.So they planned a special test,in which the children would have to show,over the course of a year,just what they could manage to get with those few coins.
Some thought that they would save their money,but Ruben and Nico continued spending it all on sweets.So they give up saving.
Monty decided to manage his money by exchanging it:buying and selling things,or betting (打赌) it with others.Soon he surprised the whole family.He had accumulated (积聚) lots of money.However,Monty was not very careful,and he got involved in more and more risky deals.A few months later he became penniless after a losing bet.Alex,had a will of iron.He saved the money and at the end of the year he had collected more money than anyone.Even better,with so much money,he managed to buy sweets at a reduced price,so that on the day of the competition he was presented with enough sweets for much more than a year.And even then,he still had enough left over for a toy.He was the clear winner,and other children learned the advantages of knowing how to save and how to wait.
There was also Julia.Poor Julia didn't enjoy the competition,because even though she had had a wonderful secret plan,she had spent her money without giving her plan enough time to work.However,she was so sure that her plan was a good one,that she decided to carry on with it,and maybe change the expressions on her relatives'faces,who had seemed to be saying"What a poor girl shel is.She couldn't manage to save anything".
When she was about to complete the second year of her plan,Julia surprised everyone by turning up at the grandparents'house with a violin and a lot of money.She did it really well.
24.Who saved nothing at the end of the first year?B
A.Ruben,Julia and Alex
B.Ruben,Nico and Monty
C.Ruben,Monty and Julia
D.Ruben,Nico and Alex
25.Why did the grandparents plan a test on the children?C
A.Because they wanted the children to learn to spend money.
B.Because they wanted the children to learn to save money.
C.Because they wanted the children to learn to manage money.
D.Because they didn't want the children to buy toys and sweets any more.
26.From Monty's story,the children learnedD.
A.to save and to wait.
B.to buy and to sell things
C.to set a achievable goal.
D.to be careful and self-disciplined
27.The underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph meansB.
A.Julia will bring disasters to herself and her family.
B.Julia is not good at managing money.
C.Julia is too stupid to do anything well.
D.Julia has so many secrets that nobody likes her.

