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  Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on.It is worthwhile to consider, therefore, what are the causes of stress in our life, and whether we can do anything about them.

  Are we underemployed, or overburdened with too many responsibilities?Do we have a right balance of work and leisure in our lives?Are our relationships with family, friends or fellow workers all they should be?

  All these things can be a cause of stress, and it is best to face them honestly, and to bring our frustrations into the open.People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health better than those who bottle up their feelings.

  If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light, let us consider what we can do about them.It is possible to change jobs.We can make more leisure and fill it more happily, if we will accept a different living standard.We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude.It is we who allow other people to make ourselves unhappy.Often the little things that disturb us are not worth an hour's anger.The teaching in the Bible "Don't let the sun go down upon your wrath" is good advice from the health point of view as well as the religions.


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


Freedom from responsibilities helps relieve stress.


Stress is the direct cause of cancer.


The causes of stress are worthy of serious study.


Cancer is the number one killer in our society today.


According to the text, which of the following types of people is more likely to suffer from stress?

[  ]


People who have cancer.


People who like to quarrel with others.


People whose living standard is low.


People who have more responsibilities than they can handle.


Judging from the context, the word “row” in the third paragraph most probably means ________

[  ]


a noisy quarrel


a very loud noise


a neat line of things side by side


a journey in a boat


Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce our stress?

[  ]


Changing our jobs.


Changing our attitude about little things that make us unhappy.


Speaking out about our frustrations.


Reading the Bible.



推理判断题。文章的开头说明了压力会促使癌症的产生,而且值得考虑。从第二段的开头可以知道many responsibilities会造成压力,但并不意味着我们可以脱离任何责任,A项不止确;癌症的直接原因还没有找到,所以B项不正确。cancer只是排在前列,并不是第一位,D项不正确。


细节考查。文章的第二段向我们说明了哪些人容易有压力。A项是压力造成的结果,并非原因。B项说喜欢和人吵架,文章没有涉及。C项说生活水平低的人,文章也没有涉及。而我们可以从overburdened with too many responsibilities 得出责任太多的人最容易因为压力太大引起身体不适,所以D项正确。


句意理解题。have a good row的人和bottle up their feelings的人作比较,前者更容易免于压力。bottle up their feelings的意思是“隐藏感情”,那么have a good row的意思就是“宣泄感情”,吵架也是宣泄的一种方式,A项正确,其他三项均不符合题意。


推理判断题。文章中涉及减轻压力的方法说到更换工作,改变生活态度和宣泄内心的苦闷与情感,这些在文章中都提过,所以A、B、C项正确,不能选。文章的最后选自圣经Don’t let the Sun go down upon your wrath的-句话只是用来鼓励人们的,并不是减轻压力的方法,得出D项错误。


科目:高中英语 来源:海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习·英语 题型:050


  Harbour Cruises LTD.

  Dining, Sightseeing and Special Events

  Get on board to experience Vancouver from a different perspective (视角) . Join Harbour Cruises Ltd. for Vancouver's only guided tour of the inner harbour, the always popular dinner cruise, or a luncheon cruise through a quiet coastal mountain bay. Special event cruises are available throughout the year including during the yearly fireworks competition and December's Christmas Carol Ships. Harbour Cruises Ltd. is located next to world-famous Stanley Park.

  Dates of Operation: April-October and December

  Seasonal Hours: 8:00 am-7:00 pm, 7 days a week

  Directions: Drive west on Georgia and turn right at the lights at Denman Street. Take the #135 Stanley Park bus or walk west along Georgia for 15 minutes towards Stanley Park from downtown.

  Information: 604.688.7246

  Reservations: 1.800. 663.1500

  Website: www. boatcruises. com

  Email: tours@boatcruises . com

  #1, North Foot of Denman Street, Vancouver, BC V6G 2w9

  The Lookout

  at Harbour Centre Tower

  Not sure where to start? The Lookout, which is high atop Harbor Center Tower, is your best first choice in Vancouver. Majestic cruise ships, mountains sprinkled with fresh snow and a west coast sunset are but a few highlights of this grand view. Drink your cappuccino, join a free guided tour, learn something new about Vancouver and enjoy the view!

  Dates of Operation: Open 365 days / year

  Seasonal Hours: Winter 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

         Summer 8:30 am - 10:30 pm

  Directions: Located downtown at the SeaBus and SkyTrain station.

  Just steps away from the Cruise Ship Terminal and historic Gastown.

  Information and Reservations: 604.689.0421

  Website: www. vancouverlookout. com

  Email: info@vancouverlookout. com

  555 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 4N4

  Burnaby Village Museum

  And Carousel

  Step back in time to 1925. The museum features a village, a farmhouse and the historic CW Parker Carousel. Costumed townspeople welcome you to exhibits that include a schoolhouse, a blacksmith, a Chinese medicine store and an ice-cream parlour.

  Seasonal Hours: May 4-Sept 2 (11:00 am-4:30 pm)

  Christmas Hours: Nov 23-Dec 13 & Dec31-Jan 4 (12: 00-5:30 pm) and Dec 14-30 (12:00-8 : 00 pm) Closed Dec 24 & 25

  Directions: Take exit 33 from Hwy 1 to Canada Way. Follow the signs along the sidewalk to Deer Lake Park. 20 minutes from downtown Vancouver.

  Information: 604.293.6501

  Telephone: 604.293.6500

  Website: www. city. burnaby. cb. ca

  6501 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3T6

1.To get a bird's-eye view of Vancouver, you can go to ________.

[  ]

A.Harbour Cruisevs LTD

B.Harhour Centre Tower

C.Burnaby Village Museum

D.Stanley Park

2.If you want to visit one of the places from 8:30 am to 10:30 am on Christmas Day, you can get further information on ________.

[  ]

A.Website: www. vancouverlookout. com

B.Email: info@vancouverlookout. com

C.Website: www. city. burnaby. cb. ca

D.Website: www. boatcruises. com

3.Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]

A.A guide is necessary for people to visit Harbour Center Tower.

B.There is fresh snow at Harbor Center Tower for people to enjoy.

C.Harbour Cruises LTD is closer to downtown than Burnaby Village Museum.

D.The ice-cream parlour provides you local delicious food at lunch time on Christmas Day.

4.The main purpose of the advertisements is to attract tourists to Vancouver ________.

[  ]

A.for the view of mountains

B.for a ship sightseeing

C.for a cultural visit

D.for great fun


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Whether the hair is long or short,it must be regularly brushed and washed.For greasy(油腻)hair,especially if the owner lives in a town,it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days.Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer,but this is a matter for the individual to decide.

  If a woman is not able to go to hairdressers very often,it is important that she chooses a style she can easily manage for herself,and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standard(标准的)。

  One thing should be remembered though,that is ,whatever you apply to(用于)the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care.Or you may use milder products.As for style,this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit the individual at different times of the life.

  Young people who have spots of skin troubles on their faces,should take particular care to make sure that the hair is both clean and does not touch the affected piece of skin.Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards touching their face ,or letting their hair fall over their faces,might spread infection(感染)from one place to another.Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face,so if you want to look nice,please start with your hair.

1.According to the text,the most basic thing to do in hair care is to______.

[  ]

A.go to hairdressers very often

B.choose better milder products for the hair

C.wash and brush the hair regularly

D.keepthe hair away from the skin trouble

2.The best hair style ca be achieved by______.

[  ]

A.having the hair cut standard

B.following the latest fashion to suit one’s age

C.not combing the hair with hand

D.not applying anything strong to the head

3.The thing you wash your hair with must be______.

[  ]

A.used with care

B.very strong

C.extremely mild


4.To prevent the hair from infecting the skin,we’d better______.

[  ]

A.keep the hair completely clean

B.wash the hair very often

C.have hair cut four times a year

D.avoid combing the hair with our hands

5.“Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer”means if your hair is dry______.

[  ]

A.you can walk longer

B.your hair can grow longer

C.you don’t have to wash it as often

D.you can grow taller


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  To:manager@ tastytreat.com.Ca

  Date:Monday,7 October, 3∶34 p. m.

  From:raymondyuen@ Canada.Net


  Dear Mr Price,

  I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service.This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.

  It was my son’s birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7∶30 p. m.We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready.At 8∶00 p. m., we were given a table in the smoking section.I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables.A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.

  Our first waitress, Janet, was very polite and helpful.She gave us free drinks for waiting so long.Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty.When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found a dead cockroach(蟑螂)in her vegetables.She was shocked and wanted to leave.At first, the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic.When we told her that garlic does not have legs, she apologized and took the food away.

  We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife’s meal.Nobody came.After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager.The head waiter told us that you were on holiday.I complained again about the horrible cockroach.He told me Janet had finished work.He didn’t believe my story and gave me a bill for three meals.I argued with him but was forced to pay.

  The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund for our meal.It cost $ 68.Until then, I will not be eating at your restaurant or recommending it to anyone.

  You can contact me at 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.

  Thank you for your attention.

  Yours sincerely,

  Raymond Yuen


We learn from the text that, before Sunday, Mr Yuen ________.

[  ]


was satisfied with the restaurant


was disappointed with the restaurant


had to wait for his table


rarely ate at the restaurant


The head waiter didn’t believe Mr Yuen because ________.

[  ]


the waitress hadn’t told him about what happened


he believed that the cockroach was garlic


he didn’t want to pay Mr Yuen back


the manager was on holiday


What does Mr Yuen want to pay for now?

[  ]




Two meals.


Three meals.


Only the drinks.


Mr Yuen demanded that Mr Price ________.

[  ]


say sorry to his family


let the head waiter stop working in the restaurant


get the head waiter to say sorry


get the head waiter and Janet to say sorry


科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  To:manager@ tastytreat.com.ca

  Date:Monday, 7 October, 3∶34 p. m.

  From:raymondyuen@ canda.net


  Dear Mr.Price,

  I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service.This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.It was my son’s birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7∶30 p. m.We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready.At 8∶00 p. m., we were given a table in the smoking section.I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables.A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.

  Our first waitress, Janet, was very polite and helpful.She gave us free drinks for waiting so long.Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty.When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found a dead cockroach(蟑螂)in her vegetables.She was shocked and wanted to leave.At first, the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic.When we told her that garlic does not have legs, she apologized and took the food away.

  We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife’s meal.Nobody came.After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager.The head waiter told us that you were on holiday.I complained again about the horrible cockroach.He told me Janet had finished work.He didn’t believe my story and gave me a bill for three meals.I argued with him but was force to pay.

  The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund(退款)for our meal.It cost $68.Until then, I will not be eating at your restaurant or recommending it to anyone.You can contact me at 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.

  Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Raymond Yuen


We learn from the text that, on Sunday, Mr.Yuen ________.

[  ]


was satisfied with the restaurant


was disappointed with the restaurant


had to wait for his table


ate again at the restaurant


The head waiter didn’t believe Mr.Yuen because ________.

[  ]


the waitress hadn’t told him about what happened


he believed that the cockroach was garlic in fact


he didn’t want to pay Mr.Yuen back


the manager was on holiday


What does Mr.Yuen want to pay for now?

[  ]




Two meals.


Three meals.


Only the drinks.


Mr.Yuen demanded that Mr.Price ________.

[  ]


say sorry to his family


let the head waiter stop working in the restaurant


get the head waiter to say sorry


get the head waiter and Janet to say sorry


The writer wasn’t satisfied with ________.

[  ]


the table in the smoking section


the service Janet offered


the price of food


the apology the head waiter made


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2012届高三上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  People in Mutsuhito, Japan, lived through one hundreds, and sometimes thousands, a day.But they couldn’t get used to it.

  What was it? It was a string of earthquakes that made the small town shake all the time.This went on for more than a year.Sometimes the quakes were very small.Only certain instruments could pick them up.At other times, the quakes damaged houses and land.The people were always afraid.They wished they knew how to stop the ground from shaking.

  People all over the world would like to know when an earthquake is coming.But an earthquake is almost always a surprise.Under the surface of the Earth, huge blocks of rock drift apart or slide against each other.The ground above splits apart or rumbles and shakes.

  Some scientists hope to predict quakes by keeping a close watch on animals.It seems that some animals can sense an earthquake coming.In 1969, animals in a Chinese zoo began to act funny one day.Swans flew out of their pond.A panda sat down, covered its eyes with its paws, and groaned.The animals seemed to know that something was about to happen.And it did.An earthquake struck.What was it that the animals sensed? Scientists are trying to find out.

  Keeping close track of the Earth’s magnetic force in earthquake areas may also help.A few years ago, in Hollister, CA, scientists kept a record of the area’s magnetic pull.For one week, the force grew stronger.Then it weakened suddenly.A day later, an earthquake struck.

  It may become possible to know when and where an earthquake will happen.But it will be much harder to stop one from happening.

  Many scientists think that the Earth’s covering is not smooth.They say the earth’s “skin” is made up of huge puzzle pieces called plates.Land and ocean floors make up these huge plates.Under the Earth’s crust(外壳), or plates, is hot rock.The plates float on top of this rock.Sometimes the rock forces its way through the crust.What happens then? A volcano is born! More often, the rock moves and forces the plates to pull away from each other, causing earthquakes to happen.(Volcanoes and earthquakes often go together.)

  Sometimes, the plates end up on top of each other.When this happens, the land above may look strange.Seen from the air, there seems to be a long scar in the Earth.This is called a fault(断层).The areas along faults have more earthquakes than other parts of the Earth.

  For now, we’ll just have to shake along with the Earth.It goes through millions of small earthquakes every year.With luck, you won’t feel a thing!


In order to predict earthquakes, scientists can _______.

Which is wrong according to this passage?

[  ]


keep a close watch on animals


keep close track of the Earth’s magnetic force in earthquake areas


keep inventing instruments to pick up every earthquake


keep a record of earthquake area’s magnetic pull of force


When the rock forces its way through the Earth’s crust, _______.

[  ]


a volcano is born


an earthquake happens


a fault forms


the Earth’s covering becomes smooth


How does a fault form?

[  ]


When California rests on two separate plates.


When the plates end up on top of each other.


Before an earthquake happens.


After volcano comes.

