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It is hoped that they can__________________ this time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  How do you get your copy of Teens^ Do you order it from us,or is it dis?tributed to you at school? At any rate,it is very unlikely that it will be deliv?ered to your door by a newspaper boy or newspaper girl early in the morning,before you have started out for school.

  But this is just the way that many newspapers are delivered in the UK. Ne?wsagents―small shops in the neighbourhood―employ schoolchildren aged be?tween 14 and 16 to deliver newspapers to their customers. It is a way for young people to earn a little money,and a first adventure in the world of work―on however small a scale.

  I first had a "paper round" when I was 14. I have vivid memories of it, be?cause it showed me a world I had not seen before. I would rise in the morning at 5:30,eat a quiet breakfast, and ride my bike to the newsagent. It would still be dark at that hour and in the wintertime,bitterly cold. It was new and strange and, before I got used to it, rather unpleasant. The experience taught me that I was growing up into an adult.

  At the newsagents,I would pick up a big,heavy bag of newspapers and do a tour of the streets, taking people The Suns , Daily Mails and The Guard?ians they had ordered from the shop. The job would take an hour or so and it could be very tiring. Those bags were really heavy!At first I had problems because of the tiredness,since once I had returned home I had to set out for a full day of school. Still, it was worth it on Saturday morning when I would be paid for my work. What satisfaction to have some spending money in my pock?et,and to know that I had earned it all by myself!

4.What's the meaning of the first paragraph?

   A.It is impossible that you will get a copy of Teens before you go to school.

   B.It is possible that you will get a copy of Teens before you go to school.

   C.Possibly you will get a copy of Teens after you go to school.

   D.It is certain that you will get a copy of Teens before you go to school.

5.Why do the UK newsagents employ schoolchildren aged between 14 and 16 to deliver newspapers to their customers?

   A.Because the UK newsagents are willing to get a little money.

   B.Because schoolchildren will get a lot of money.

   C.Because it is a first adventure for schoolchildren.

   D.Because the young people will get a little money.

6.The newspaper delivery children's work experience taught the author .

   A.how to carry a big bag

   B.how to grow up into an adult

   C.how to endure tiredness

   D.how to earn money

7.What does the author think of the newspaper delivery children's work? 

A. Pleasant.   B. Bitter.   C. Vivid.   D. Tiring.

8.What do the last two paragraphs talk about?

A. The author's school life.

B.The author's favourite work.

C.The author's experience of being a newspaper delivery child.

D.The author's childhood life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

15.While in college,he was often seen ________(practise) kung fu in Shaolin Temple at the weekends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6.The boy has a good m_______________, and he can memorize 50 words in only 10 minutes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.America is seen_________ the land of opportunity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.The fire had put out before the firefighters arrived.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7.The boy is looking forward to _________(be) given a birthday gift.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

24.A lot _________(do) to protect the environment up to now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.The poor boy was separated from his mother_________ force,

