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12.It was the first time that the childrenhad seen (see)such a big watermelon.

分析 孩子们第一次看到如此大的一个西瓜.

解答 答案是had seen.考查固定句型it was the first time++从句的结构中,从句用过去完成时.句意是"孩子们第一次看到如此大的一个西瓜."所以用过去完成时态had+seen.故答案是had seen.

点评 本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空.首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变动.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Are we getting more stupid?According to Gerald Crabtree,a scientist at Stanford University in the US,we are.
You may not want to hear this,but Crabtree believes that human intelligence reached its peak more than 2,000 years ago and ever since then has been going downhill."If an average Greek from 1,000 BC were transported to modern times,he or she would be one of the brightest among us,"Crabtree told The Guardian.
At the heart of Crabtree's thinking is a simple idea.In the past,intelligence was critical for survival when our ancestors had to avoid dangerous animals and hunt for food.The difference of being smart or stupid is often life or death.However,after the spread of agriculture,when our ancestors began to live in dense farming communities,the need to keep their intelligence in peak condition gradually reduced.
This is not hard to understand.Most of the time,pressure is what keeps us going-you need the pressure from your teachers to finish your homework; the pressure of looking pretty prompts(促使) you to lose weight when summer comes.And the same is also true of our intelligence-if we think less,we become less smart.
These mutations(变异) are harmful to our intelligence and they were all developed in the past 3,000 years.The other evidence that Crabtree holds is in our genes.He found that among the 2,000 to 5,000 genes that we have that determine human intelligence,there are two or more mutations in each of us.
However,Crabtree's theory has been criticized by some who say that early humans may have better hunting and surviving abilities,but people today have developed a more diverse intelligence.For example,spearing a tiger doesn't necessarily require more brainpower than playing chess or writing a poem.Moreover,the power of modern education means a lot more people have the opportunity to learn nowadays.
"You wouldn't get Stephen Hawking 2,000 years ago.He just wouldn't exist,"Thomas Hills of the University of Warwick,UK,told Live Science."But now we have people of his intellectual capacity doing things and making insights(洞察力) that we would never have achieved in our environment of evolutionary adaptation."
61.What is Crabtree's recent finding according to the article?D
A.The Greeks from 1,000 BC could have been the smartest in human history.
B.Our ancient ancestors had no better surviving abilities than we do nowadays.
C.Humans have been getting steadily more intelligent since the invention of farming.
D.Mutations in genes that decide human intelligence have affected the development of intelligence.
62.According to Crabtree,ancient humansB
A.had much more genes that determine human intelligence
B.were forced to be smart due to natural selection pressures
C.relied more on group intelligence than individual intelligence
D.developed a diverse intelligence to adapt to the hard realities
63.Some argue that Crabtree's theory is false because they thinkD.
A.people today are under much more pressure than early humans
B.it's ridiculous to compare a hunter's and a poet's intelligence
C.modern education is far more advanced than ancient education
D.human intelligence nowadays is different from that of the distant past
64.What is Thomas Hills'attitude toward Crabtree's theory?B
A.Supportive          B.Unfavorable           C.Worried            D.Confused.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.Li Hua has just come back from the US and intends to give some of his relatives mentioned in 61-65 some DVDs as gifts.He brings back six DVDs(A-F).After the description of each person,decide which DVD is the most suitable one for the people.There is one extra DVD,which you do not need to use.
A61.Li Hua's Grandfather is a fan of Jules Verne,the father of modern science fiction.He dreamed to be a hero and save people in trouble when he was young.Although he is old now,he will not miss a good science fiction movie.
B62.Li Hua's mother works in a primary school as an English teacher.She thought English learning should be interesting,and she often puts on some English movies in class,so students can not only learn the language but history and culture.Of course the language in the movie will not be difficult and it will be better if there is a beautiful English song in it.
D63.Li Hua's father is a history professor in a college.He is especially interested in the history of some foreign countries such as Egypt,Germany and the UK.Now he is preparing a lecture about the history of the UK and needs some materials.
E64.Li Hua's elder sister loves reading love stories ever since she was a middle school student.Now,she has just fallen in love with a good guy.They both love seeing good films,and now,of course,a film about love is their favorite.
C65.Li Hua's elder brother is a history lover under his father's influence.He was fond of movies about wars in history.He has seen many movies about people struggling in Japanese or Nazis'prisons,and he would like to see something different.
A.The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
       A hunter,a scientist,a vampire,an invisible man,an immortal,a spy,a beast…When a masked madman known as"The Fantom(幽灵)"tries to control the world,great adventurer Allan Quatermain sets up a team of superheroes,the likes of which mankind has never seen.Now,despite fighting their own personal demons and each other,they must join forces to save the world.
B.The Prince of Egypt
This cartoon movie attracted audiences the world over with its fantastic artistry,timeless story and powerful music.This masterpiece became one of the top animated films of all time.The extraordinary tale of two brothers---one born of royal blood,one an orphan with a secret past---is brought to life as never before,with unforgettable characters voiced by many stars.One of the two brothers becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth,the other the chosen leader of his people.What they do will forever change their lives---and the world.
C.As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me
       Based on the true story of Josef Martin Bauer's best-selling novel,this powerful movie tells us the unbelievable journey of German soldier Clemens Forell in his dramatic escape from a Siberian(西伯利亚的) labor camp after World War II.Through the bitter cold of winter,deserted landscapes,and life-threatening adventures,Forell who was determined to return to his family makes his way,step by step,day by day,towards Persia and freedom.14,000 and 3 endless years of uncertainty later,he is finally about to reach his destination.
       This Academy Award winning film,directed by Mel Gibson,tells the story of the great thirteenth century Scottish hero William Wallace,known to his countrymen as Braveheart.Gibson stars as Wallace,who leads the Scots to fight against the cruel English king Edward I after he suffers a personal tragedy at the hands of English soldiers.Willing to fight to the death for Scotland's freedom,Wallace and his companions,whose faith in freedom is stronger than any English army,fight bravely with their enemy.
E.The wedding Planner
       Mary Fiore is the wedding planner.She's ambitious,hard-working,extremely organized,and she knows exactly what to do and say to make any wedding a fantastic event.But when Mary falls in love with a handsome doctor,her life is turned upside down---he's the groom in the biggest wedding of her career!Will she help him marry his rich girlfriend,or will Mary finally get to be the bride herself?As this sweet romantic comedy proves,when it comes to love,you can never plan what's going to happen.
F.Agent Cody
       Frankie Muniz and Hilary Duff star in this"clever and lively action-adventure"(Los Angeles Times) about a junior CIA agent on a mission to save the world,stop the bad guys and win the girl's heart…Catching your eye with cool tools,exciting special effects and the wonderful skateboard chase,Agent Cody Banks delivers great fun for the entire family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.He hurried to the station onlyto find(find )that the train had left.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.The disaster is so serious that the people in that area really have a lot of difficultygoing  (go) onwith their lives.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Steve Flaig of Grand Rapids,Michigan,knew he'd been adopted as a baby,and when he turned 18,in 2003,he decided he'd try to track down his birth mother.The agency from which he'd been adopted gave him his mother's name:Christine Tallady.But online searches didn't turn up any results,and Flaig let it go.
In 2007,though,he searched for the name again online.This time,the search results included a home address near the Lowe's store where Flaig,then 22,worked as a deliveryman.When he mentioned the coincidence to his boss,his boss said,"You mean Chris Tallady,who works here?"
Flaig and Tallady,45,a cashier,had said hi to each other a few times at the store,but they'd never really talked.He hadn't even known her name.Flaig thought,"There's no possible way she's my mother."
For a few months,Flaig avoided Tallady."I wasn't sure how to approach her,"he told a local reporter.Finally,an adoption agency employee volunteered to call Tallady for him.
When Tallady realized that the nice guy she'd been waving at was her son,she blubbered."I wasn't ready to be a mother at that time."She'd given him up for adoption in 1985,when she was 23.However,she'd always hoped to meet her birth son one day.Later that day,mother and son talked for almost three hours at a nearby bar.
Married with two other children,Tallady said,"I have a complete family now."

21.What did Steve Flaig do in the Lowe's store in 2007?A
A.He worked as a deliveryman.   B.He was as a cashier.
C.He was the boss of the shop.  D.He was a local reporter.
22.The underlined word"blubbered"in Paragraph 5probably meansC.
A.shouted aloud     B.read aloud    C.said while crying   D.sang happily
23.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Remarkable Reunion.          B.An Adopted Son.
C.A Boss Helped Flaig           D.A Cashier's Experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.The winner was awardeda gold medal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.When we finally________ to get home after the tiring long journey we could hardly move a step farther.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.I did very badly at school.My headmaster thought I was (41)B and when I was 14he said,"You're never going to be (42)A but a failure."
After five years of (43)B jobs,I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl.It was the best (44)D that could have happened to me.I (45)B I wanted to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to (46)C that what people said about me was (47)A.Especially her mother,who had said to me,"Let's (48)D it,you've failed at everything you've ever done."So I tried hard with my(49)C and went to college.My first novel (50)C when I was at college.
After college I taught during the (51)A in high school and attended evening classes at London University,where I got a (52)C in history.I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of (53)D that job to write full time (54)C I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University.I began to feel proud of myself-(55)B was a working-class boy who'd (56)A school early,now teaching at the university.
My writing career took off when I discovered my own style.Now I'm rich and (57)D,have been on TV,and met lots of film stars.(58)B what does it mean?I(59)A wish all the people that have put me down had (60)B:"I believe in you.You'll succeed."

50.A.came onB.came inC.came outD.came back
53.A.giving inB.giving backC.giving outD.giving up

