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-No,I've got _____ three questions to answer、(  )
A.otherB.anotherC.othersD.the other

分析 -完成了吗?

解答 答案选B.考查不定代词.another+数词+名词,表示"又、再".Other可以作形容词,也可以作代词.作形容词时,表"别的,其它的".other作代词时,表示"另一个人(物);其余的人(物);其他人(物)",即the other,the others,others.others指代"其他人",为复数;the other特指两者中的另外一者.故选B.

点评 考查不定代词的题,要在题干中找到具体所指代的事物.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Enid's wedding(婚礼) dress arrived at five o'clock in the evening just seventeen hours before her marriage!
"I must try it on,Mother!"she cried,as she ran upstairs.
Three minutes later Enid's cries brought her mother in.The dress was much too big for her.It was baggy in the front,and the neckline looked all wrong.Enid was in tears.
"Take it back to dressmaker's,"Mrs Bale said."She must  alter  it tonight.Hurry now.Take it off and go."
The dressmaker's shop was closed."CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK'S HOLIDAY"said a notice on the door.Fresh tears rose to Enid's eyes.She ran home again to her mother.
"This is unlucky,"Mrs Bale said."But what are we going to do?Shall I ask Mrs Peters to help?She was a dressmaker once.I'm sure she could alter it for you."
Mrs Peters was brought in and began to work.She could see what was wrong.She had to take in a lot of material at the front,and that was a big job.Then she altered the neckline-in fact she made it again.At ten o'clock the work was finished,and Enid tried the dress on.It fitted her beautifully.
The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang.Mrs Bale answered it and looked into the worried eyes of a fat young woman.The woman was carrying a large,flat box.
"Does Miss Enid Bale live here?"she asked breathlessly.
"Yes.She's my daughter."
"Oh,I'm glad I've found you!There's been a mistake.Your daughter has my wedding dress,and I've got hers.And I'm getting married tomorrow!She held out the box to Mrs Bale.

51.Why did Enid cry after she tried on the wedding dress?BecauseB.
A.she found that she had taken another women's dress
B.the dress didn't fit her
C.she was very excited when she put on the dress
D.she was very angry
52.According to the passage,the word"alter"means"C".
A.to buy something               B.to repair something which is broken
C.to make something different    D.to do something again
53.The dress maker's shop was closed,becauseD.
A.it was a holiday
B.it was late in the evening
C.the dressmaker went home from work
D.the dressmaker went on a holiday
54.The three women were having a cup of tea when the doorbell rang becauseA.
A.they felt happy to get the wedding dress prepared before the wedding
B.they were waiting for another women who would brought them another dress
C.they were planning to attend the two weddings the next day.
D.None of the above is right
55.Which of the following is NOT true?D
A.Mrs Peters was a kind and helpful woman.
B.The young woman was worried about her wedding dress very much.
C.The dressmaker made a mistake when she sent out these two dresses.
D.The young woman could not get married the next day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Tom,you _____leave all your clothes on the floor like this next time.(  )
A.wouldn'tB.mustn'tC.needn'tD.may not


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.With his game-winning three-pointer at the buzzer,Jeremy Lin (林书豪) finished the New York Knicks'dramatic reversed victory to defeat the Toronto Rapters.
   The Knicks have won six games in a row,and Jeremy Lin has put up impressive numbers during the continuous period of competitions.Although the season is still young,the Knicks have reversed course in just one week from the NBA's most disappointing team to a playoff (季后赛) contestant.Lin,not team's high-paid stars,has saved the Knicks season and likely coach D'Antoni's job.
After nearly 15 years of disappointing,sometimes unsuccessful seasons,Madison Square Garden is alive again,and New York City can't stop talking about the Knicks.To put things into perspective,consider this:Just several years back,Knicks fans protested nightly outside of the Garden calling for the team's ownership to fire their resented coach Isiah Thomas.
Now,Madison Square Garden Co.shares are at a record high,the Knicks'average household television rating is up 70 percent since Lin joined the starting lineup (首发阵容),and jersey sales are increasing very quickly.I watched the Knicks-Lakers game at a bar in Harlem,and have not felt that kind of energy from fans since the great playoff between the Knicks and Miami Heat in the late 1990s.
Beyond the Knicks,Lin may be saving the NBA as well.Just a few months back,the NBA took a massive credibility hit during a multi-month lockout,where the owners did not allow the players to go back to play until they accept the new salary levels.As a consequence,the season did not even begin until Christmas Day.Over the past few years,LeBron James'(勒布朗﹒詹姆斯) relatively long and unpleasant free-agent (自由职业球员) events,combined with poor play around the league,have angered fans and damaged the league's brand.
Lin is leading a one-week NBA basketball revival.His legendary story has inspired Asian-Americans,increased NBA sales in China,and turned the basketball world upside down.
51.According to the passage,Jeremy Lin's excellent performance saved the following exceptD.
A.The NBA                                     
B.Madison Square Garden Co.'s shares
C.The Knicks                                    
D.Coach Isiah Thomas
52.The underlined word"young"in Paragraph 2 probably means"A."
A.in the early stage    
B.not old yet.
C.not completely grown.
D.in the development      
53.Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.These Knicks'stars who were paid well saved the Knicks season
B.The fans objected to dismissing Coach Isiah Thomas outside the Garden
C.The owners and the players didn't agree on raising the TV ratings
D.The Knicks didn't satisfy its fans for nearly 15 years until this season
54.The passage is mainly aboutA.
A.how Jeremy Lin saved the Knicks,probably including the NBA
B.why Jeremy Lin became a member of the Knicks  
C.how the Knicks defeated its opponents in a great playoff  
D.why the New Yorkers thought well of Jeremy Lin.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Britain's most popular lie has been disclosed,with one in four people admitting using"sorry I had no signal"when returning a missed mobile phone call,a survey found.
Researchers found the average Briton tells on average four lies every day or almost 1500 every year.Almost one in six men admitted they were most likely to lie to their wife or girlfriend,on average at least twice a day.The most popular lie was saying you had no mobile phone signal,with one in four people admitting regularly using the little white lie.It usually came after they hit the"ignore"button when their mobile rang.
Three quarters of people think women are better liars.The research found 46 per cent of girls have been caught lying,compared to 58 of men.
The second most common fib(无关紧要的谎言) is"I haven't got any cash on me"when asked for money by tramps (流浪者),beggars and Big Issue sellers."Nothing's wrong-I'm fine"came third followed by"You look lovely"and"Nice to see you".
Modern technology turned out to have contributed to many lies with"I didn't get your text"in 18th,"Our server was down"in 20th and"My battery died"in 26th place.
Other lies to make the top ten included"I'll give you a ring","We're just good friends"and"We'll have to meet up soon"."I'm on my way"and"No,your bum doesn't look big in that"completed the top ten.
Men tell the most fibs,coming out with five every day compared to women who lie just three times.
In many cases perhaps it is better to flatter with a fib than destroy someone with the truth,according to a spokesman for OnePoll,which carried out the research of 4,300 adults.
66.Whether the person being called has pushed the"ignore"button orA,the caller at the other end hears the same tone.
A.really has no signal                                          
B.can't get the text
C.has a battery failure                                     
D.answers the call
67.Most people think women are better liars becauseB.
A.there're more women liars                                     
B.fewer women liars are found out
C.women tell less harmful lies                          
D.women are harder to convince
68."Our server was down"is perhaps a lie told as an excuse for notB.
A.inviting a friend to dinner                               
B.responding to an e-mail
C.coming to a party on time                              
D.cleaning one's room
69."You look lovely"and"I'm on my way"rankCon the popular-lie list.
A.3rd and 8th       B.5th and 10th          C.4th and 9th           D.5th and 12th
70.The OnePoll spokesman seems to think it'sDfor the British to lie so much.
A.puzzling         B.disgusting        C.impossible       D.reasonable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19."The world's oceans are slowly getting more acidic."say scientists.The researchers from California report that the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
         The lowering of the waters'PH value is not great at the moment but could cause a serious threat to current ocean life if it continues,they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett,from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of oil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air,and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.Once in the water,it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.
         These researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere,"said Dr Caldeira.And we predict the amount of future acidity will exceed(超过) anything we have seen over the last several hundred million years,let alone perhaps after rare disastrous events such as asteroid(小行星) impacts
          However,it is not absolutely clear what that means for ocean life.Most organisms live near the surface,where the greatest PH change would be expected to occur,but deep-ocean life forms may be more sensitive to PH changes.Coral reefs(珊瑚礁) and other organisms whose shells contain calcium carbonate(碳酸钙) may be particularly affected if the water's acidity levels keep going up,the team predict.They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower PH.
         In recent years some people have suggested storing carbon dioxide from power station in the deep ocean as a way of dealing with global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously,most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing--because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet,and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean,it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming."
57.The ocean is becoming more acidic due toC.
A.the lower water PH value                                     
B.the warming atmosphere
C.the higher level of CO2 in the air                         
D.the increasing use of oil fuels
58.According to Dr Caldeira,D.
A.ocean absorption of carbon dioxide is a good thing
B.more oil fuels will be used in the near future
C.scientists may predict climate changes with computer models
D.the future situation of the amount of acidity is extremely serious
59.If the water's acidity level keeps rising,A 
A.ocean life whose structures contain calcium carbonate may be affected
B.the water's PH value will become higher and higher
C.organisms living near the surface are more sensitive to PH changes
D.some disastrous events will occur more often than before
60.Most experts once believed storing carbon dioxide in the ocean would reduceB.
A.the CO2 absorbed by the ocean                          
B.the amount of greenhouse warming
C.the acidity of the ocean                                         
D.the gradual release of CO2.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Jiang Nan,a full-time mother in Beijing,keeps a dozen or so cloth bags at home,carefully selecting one or two before heading out to get groceries."Most of them were giveaways from advertising marketing campaigns,but others had been handed out in the street by various environmental protection organizations,"she explained.
Since June 2008 China has forbidden the production,sale and usage of plastic bags thinner than 0.025 millimeter (毫米),and retailers(零售商) are not allowed to provide free plastic bags to their customers,regardless of the thickness.
Many Chinese consumers like Jiang have learned to refuse plastic bags whenever possible in their shopping."A plastic bag may only cost a few jiao,but it's more about how bad they are for the environment,"Jiang said.
The plastic ban is for the most part well carried out in big cities,and has been distinctly effective in reducing white waste.On the first anniversary of the plastic ban Global Village of Beijing,an NGO environmental organization,shows that during the year of the ban the consumption of plastic bags fell by about 40 billion pieces in chain supermarkets alone,saving more than 1.2 million tons of petroleum.
However,enforcement shows considerably less muscle in smaller cities,towns and country-side.In a remote town like Lichuan,the awareness of environmental protection is not as strong as that in big cities.Street vendors(街头小贩) worry that they are likely to lose customers if they charge them for plastic bags.Seeing no significance in the issue,local government often turn a blind eye to banned bag traffic in the market.
There are still those who don't have an interest in living green.Cui Lin,another Beijinger,often forgets to bring a cloth bag when shopping,and has to buy plastic bags."Anyway I think plastic bags are neater and cleaner,and I don't mind paying a couple more jiao,"he shrugged.
Mrs Yu,a vegetable vendor in Lichuan County,Jiangxi Province,recalled that before plastic bags became popular in the early 1990s,Chinese people always carried a bamboo basket when they visited the market."Plastic bags are more convenient,"she comments,and her view might be that of the tens of millions of people in the nation who still cling to plastic bags,paid or free.This is suggested by her trade where piles of plastic bags are still passed out every day.
49.In Paragraph 1,the writer uses Jiang Nan's case toA.
A.introduce a topic                                      
B.tell a story
C.describe a person                                      
D.offer an argument
50.How did Jiang Nan get her cloth bags?C
A.She bought them at a low price.
C.She borrowed them from her relatives.
B.She got them for free.
D.She made them herself.
51.Which is NOT the reason why some people still use plastic bags when shopping?A
A.Cloth bags are difficult to get and heavy to carry.
B.People's awareness of environmental protection is not strong enough.
C.People don't mind paying a couple more jiao for plastic bags.
D.Street vendors worry that they are likely to lose customers if they charge them.
52.What message does the writer mostly convey in the passage?C
A.To reduce white waste is urgent.
B.The plastic bag ban has achieved great success.
C.There is still a long way to go for the plastic bag ban.
D.People's awareness of environmental protection should be stressed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.In our culture,the sources of what we call a sense of"mastery"-feeling important and worthwhile-and the sources of what we call a sense of"pleasure"-finding life enjoyable-are not always the same.Women often are told"You can't have it all."Sometimes what the speaker really is saying is:"You choose a career,so you can't expect to have closer relationships or a happy family life."or"You have a wonderful husband and children-what's all this about wanting a career?"But women need to understand and develop both aspects of well-being,if they are to feel good about themselves.
Our study shows that,for women,well-being has two aspects.One is mastery,which includes self-respect,a sense of control over your life,and low levels of anxiety and depression.Mastery is closely related to the"doing"side of life,to work and activity.Pleasure is the other aspect,and it is made up of happiness,satisfaction and optimism.It is tied more closely to the"feeling"side of life.The two are independent of each other.A woman could be high in mastery and low in pleasure,and vice versa(反之亦然).For example,a woman who has a good job,but whose mother has just died,might be feeling very good about herself and in control of her work life,but the pleasure side could be damaged for a time.
The concepts of mastery and pleasure can help us identify the sources of well-being for women,and correct past mistakes.In the past,women were encouraged to look only at the feeling side of life as the source of all well-being.But we know that both mastery and pleasure are important.And mastery seems to be achieved largely through work.In our study,all the groups of employed women were valued significantly higher in mastery than women who were not employed.
A woman's well-being is developed when she takes on multiple roles.At least by middle adulthood,the women who were involved in a combination of roles-marriages,motherhood,and employment-were the highest in well-being,in spite of warnings about stress and strain.

65.It can be inferred from the first paragraph thatD.
A.for women,a sense of"mastery"is more important than a sense of"pleasure"
B.for women,a sense of"pleasure"is more important than a sense of"mastery"
C.women can't have a sense of"mastery"and a sense of"pleasure"at the same time
D.a sense of"mastery"and a sense of"pleasure"are both necessary to women
66.The author's attitude towards women having a career isB.
A.negative         B.positive         C.indifferent          D.realistic
67.One can conclude from the passage that if a woman takes on several social roles,D.
A.it will be easier for her to overcome stress and strain
B.she will be more successful in her career
C.her chances of getting promoted will be greater
D.her life will be richer and more meaningful
68.Which of the following can be considered as a source of"pleasure"for women?A
A.Family life                              B.Multiple roles in society
C.Regular employment                       D.Freedom from anxiety.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-I saw Lucy and her boyfriend in the park at nine yesterday evening.
-impossible.She          the Internet with me in my home then.(  )
A.surfedB.had surfedC.would surfD.was surfing

