精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

  You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing, followed by a list of examples.Choose the best example from the list A-F for each numbered subheading(1-5).There is one extra example which you do not need to use.

  What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read-a resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.

1.Put yourself first:

In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself.

2.Sell what you can do, not who you are:

Practise translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into skill areas.There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work .

Many people are at a loss when asked to think about their abilities, some think they have none at all! But everyone does, and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch-if only you show it.

3.Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!

Remember that“brevity is the best policy.”

4.Turn bad news into good:

Everybody has had disappointments in work.If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.

5.Never apologize:

If you’re returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph(summary of background)in place of a chronology of experience.Don’t apologize for working at being a mother; it’s the hardest job of all.If you have no special training or higher education, just don’t mention education.

The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself.Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective.When you’re satisfied, send it to a printer.It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work,worth doing right.

Isn’t that the kind of person you’d want working for you?


A woman who lost her job as a teacher’s aide due to a cutback(缩减)in government funding wrote:“principal of elementary school said I would be the first teacher they would rehire if, government funds became available.”


One resume I received included the following:“Invited by my superior to straighten out our organization’s accounts receivable(应收款的).Set up orderly repayment schedule, reconciled(调和,和解)accounts weekly, and improved cash flow 100 per cent.Rewarded with raise and promotion.”Notice how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her reward-all in 34 words.


For example,if you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have money management skills.


An acquaintance complained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement“Ready to learn though not so well educated”.


One of my former colleagues, for example, wrote three resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred.The result is, of course, the one that highlights skills and education background.


A woman once told me about a cash flow crisis her employer had faced.She’d agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved.Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus.I asked why that marvelous story wasn’t in her resume.She answered,“It wasn’t important.”What she was really saying of course was“I’m not important.”
















  1.F Put yourself first意为把自己放在第一位。在本文中的意思是“要想让自己的简历使读的人充满热情,那么你首先就要觉得自己是个人物”。[F]就论证了这个观点。作者举例说明,不要认为自己做过的事情不值一提,如果连你都看不起自己,那么别人又怎么会看重你呢?

  2.C Sell what you can do, not who you are重要的是你能做什么,而不是你是谁。下文则详细说明“要学会把自己的个性和成就诠释成具体的技能,世界上有至少5000种技能”(你总能找出一种自己拥有的技能)。[C]项“例如,如果你有节约、投资、管理钱财的天份,那么你就拥有理财的能力。”最贴切。

  3.B Be specific, be concrete, and briefly!言语简洁。[B]项的例子说明了这点,一位女士仅用了34个词就把重点说明白了。

  4.A Turn bad news into good将坏就得消息变成好消息。下文解释道“每个人在工作中总有不尽如人意的地方。如果要提到这些事,那么从积极的角度去看。”[A]项就是一个例子。一个女助教因为政府缩减资金而被解雇。这似乎不大光彩,但是这位女士谈起此事时却说:“校长说了,如果政府的资金够的话,她第一个重聘的就是我”,言语充满了自信。

  5.D Never apologize不要道歉。每个人都有短处,要扬长避短,没有必要为自己的短处羞愧。求职就是要让雇主看到自己的闪光点,个人简历不是进行道歉的地方。[D]项说明了这一点:作者的一位朋友说他求职时遭到了歧视。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

           When sailors are allowed ashore (登岸) after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble. 1 this reason, the navy (海军) 2 has its police in big ports. 3 sailors cause trouble, the police come and      4them.

           One day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call 5 a bar(酒吧)in the town. The barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and      6 the furniture in the bar. The officer 7 the police guard that     evening said that he 8 immediately.                   

       Now, officers who 9 and punish the sailors who were      10 drunk usually choose 11 policeman they could find to go with them.      12 this particular officer did not do this. Instead, he chose the smallest and 13 man he could find to go to the bar with him and 14 the sailor.   Another officer who      15 there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard choose      16 small man. 17 he said to him. "Why 18 you take     a big man with you? You have to fight the sailor who 19."    


       "Yes, you are 20 right," answered the officer of the guard. "That is exactly      21 I 22 this small man. If you saw two policemen coming      23 you, and one of them was 24 the other, which one      25 you attack(攻击)?"                   





A. In spite of      


B. Because of      


C. For      


D. To      


[       ]      




A. always      


B. seldom      


C. forever      


D. sometimes      


[       ]      




A. As          


B. Where          


C. Wherever        


D. Whenever          


[         ]        




A. meet with        


B. deal with        


C. meet        


D. judge           


[         ]        




A. about          


B. from          


C. in        


D. of        


[         ]        




A. was breaking        


B. would break        


C. had broken into        


D. was breaking in        


[         ]        




A. charging        


B. charged by        


C. in charge of        


D.in charge from        


[         ]        




A. was leaving        


B. is coming        


C. will leave        


D. would come        


[         ]        




A. would go        


B. need come        


C. dared come        


D. had to go          


[         ]        




A. very        


B. very much        


C. heavily        


D. much more        


[         ]        




A. the biggest        


B. a much bigger        


C. a bigger        


D. a big        


[         ]        




A. In fact        


B. But        


C. So        


D. And        


[         ]        




A. strong-looking          


B. weakest-looking          


C. stronger-looking        


D. strongest-looking        


[         ]        




A. seize        


B. caught          


C. get rid of          


D. deal        


[         ]        




A. was        


B. had been        


C. would be        


D. happened to be        


[         ]        




A. such an        


B. so a        


C. such a        


D. a such        


[         ]        




A. Yet          


B. But          


C. So        


D. Then        


[         ]        




A. don't        


B. didn't        


C. can't        


D. do        


[         ]        




A. had got drunk        


B. is drunk        


C. is drinking        


D. drank        


[         ]        




A. all        


B. very        


C. too        


D. quite        


[         ]        




A. how        


B. what        


C. why        


D. that        


[         ]        




A. will carry        


B. take        


C. am taking        


D. am holding        


[         ]        




A. up        


B. at        


C. onto        


D. towards        


[         ]        




A. not smaller than        


B. as big as        


C. as small as        


D. much smaller than        


[         ]        




A. would        


B. will        


C. shall        


D. can           


[         ]        






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


A Joke on a Friend

  Mark twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many famous stories which are still popular in many countries today.Mark Twain was also famous in his day 1 a public speaker.In his speaking Mark Twain always liked 2 funny stories.He also liked to listen to funny stories and to 3 his friends.One day one of his friends 4 his wallet and asked him 5 his train fare for him. 

  “But I don’t have enough money to pay 6 your fare and my fare,”Mark Twain said.

  The friend didn’t know 7 to do.He was very sad. “We can do this.”said Mark Twain.“We can 8 the train and when the conductor comes to take the tickets you can hide 9 my seat.”

  Later, 10 ,on the train,when the conductor came to take the tickets,Mark Twain gave him two tickets 11 for Mark Twain and one for his friend.Then 12 a loud voice,Mark Twain explained.

  “My friend here is a 13 strange man.When he travels on a train he doesn’t like to sit 14 a seat.He prefers 15 on the floor under the seat.”

  Of course,everybody in the train then looked at the poor friend under the seat and laughed at him loudly.


[  ]      










[  ]      


Ato say


Bto make


Cto speak


Dto tell


[  ]      

   Amake a joke about          Bhave a joke with      

Cplay jokes on


Dplay a trick on


[  ]      










[  ]      


Ato buy


Bto cost


Cto pay


Dto charge


[  ]      








Das well as


[  ]      










[  ]      


Aget on


Bgo on


Cget in


Dgo in


[  ]      










[  ]      










[  ]      






Ca ticket


Dthe one


[  ]      










[  ]      










[  ]      










[  ]      


Ato lay


Bto lie


Cto laying


Dto be lying



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

In the middle of the night, Peter’s wife suddenly fell ill. She couldn’t help crying, “Oh, my stomach! Get the   1    !”

Peter, awaking from a deep sleep, thought his wife was only having a    2    dream.

“Stop that noise, ” he said to her. He turned over and tried to go to   3   again, but his wife still cried out, “On, help! help! I’m sure I’m   4    . ”

Peter got out of bed and started   5    , but he could not find him any clothes.

“Where is my shirt? ” he asked. His wife was   6    ill to tell him, and she could only cry, “Oh, my    7   stomach!”

As soon as he had put his clothes    8    , he said, “Now, my dear, are you quite   9  

that you need the doctor?  Surely you can wait   10   morning, can’t you? ”

“No, I can’t. Go, go, go, ”his wife shouted, “    11    you will find me dead    12  

the morning. ”

So Peter went out into the dark street. He had only gone a few meters   13   he heard his wife calling him again.

“I’m   14   again now, and I shall not want the doctor, ” she said, softly.

Hearing this, he started running as   15    as he could towards the doctor’s. When he arrived there, he knocked at the door loudly enough to wake   16    around.

The doctor put his sleepy head out of the bedroom window and said, “Er?  Who’s there? ”

“Oh, Doctor, ”Peter called up to him, “I’ve very   17    news for you. My wife    18  

ill with a terrible stomachache. I was on my way to bring you to her, but she called me back to say the trouble had suddenly   19    her. So you need not come. Go back to    20   now, and sleep well!”

1. A. driver                                   B. nurse

C. doctor                                     D. child

2. A. terrible                                     B. interesting

C. surprising                                    D. wonderful

3. A. bed                                       B. sleep

C. dream                                       D. hospital

4. A. walking                                   B. dying

C. aching                                       D. sleeping

5. A. dressing                                  ; B. wearing

C. raising                                       D. working

6. A. very                                         B. so

C. too                                         D. quite

7. A. good                                     B. bad

C. wrong                                       D. poor

8. A. down                                    B. off

C. on                                        D. up

9. A. surprised                                      B. afraid

C. certain                                         D. worried

10. A. before                                    B. for

C. to                                            D. until

11. A. and                                      B. but

C. so                                         D. or

12. A. after                                    B. in

C. before                                       D. until

13. A. after                                    B. when

C. before                                       D. while

14. A. good                                      B. wrong

C. all right                                     D. right

15. A. fast                                     B. slowly

C. hurriedly                                     D. happily

16. A. everyone                                  B. someone

C. no one                                         D. doctors

17. A. good                                    B. bad

C. necessary                                    D. ill

18. A. fell                                         B. stayed

C. grew                                       D. failed

19. A. gone off                                   B. missed

C. pleased                                      D. left

20. A. your home                                 B. your bedroom

C. your dream                                  D. bed



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

In the middle of the night, Peter’s wife suddenly fell ill. She couldn’t help crying, “Oh, my stomach! Get the   1    !”

Peter, awaking from a deep sleep, thought his wife was only having a    2    dream.

“Stop that noise, ” he said to her. He turned over and tried to go to   3   again, but his wife still cried out, “On, help! help! I’m sure I’m   4    . ”

Peter got out of bed and started   5    , but he could not find him any clothes.

“Where is my shirt? ” he asked. His wife was   6    ill to tell him, and she could only cry, “Oh, my    7   stomach!”

As soon as he had put his clothes    8    , he said, “Now, my dear, are you quite   9  

that you need the doctor?  Surely you can wait   10   morning, can’t you? ”

“No, I can’t. Go, go, go, ”his wife shouted, “    11    you will find me dead    12  

the morning. ”

So Peter went out into the dark street. He had only gone a few meters   13   he heard his wife calling him again.

“I’m   14   again now, and I shall not want the doctor, ” she said, softly.

Hearing this, he started running as   15    as he could towards the doctor’s. When he arrived there, he knocked at the door loudly enough to wake   16    around.

The doctor put his sleepy head out of the bedroom window and said, “Er?  Who’s there? ”

“Oh, Doctor, ”Peter called up to him, “I’ve very   17    news for you. My wife    18  

ill with a terrible stomachache. I was on my way to bring you to her, but she called me back to say the trouble had suddenly   19    her. So you need not come. Go back to    20   now, and sleep well!”

1. A. driver                                   B. nurse

C. doctor                                     D. child

2. A. terrible                                     B. interesting

C. surprising                                    D. wonderful

3. A. bed                                       B. sleep

C. dream                                       D. hospital

4. A. walking                                   B. dying

C. aching                                       D. sleeping

5. A. dressing                                   B. wearing

C. raising                                       D. working

6. A. very                                         B. so

C. too                                         D. quite

7. A. good                                     B. bad

C. wrong                                       D. poor

8. A. down                                    B. off

C. on                                        D. up

9. A. surprised                                      B. afraid

C. certain                                         D. worried

10. A. before                                    B. for

C. to                                            D. until

11. A. and                                      B. but

C. so                                         D. or

12. A. after                                    B. in

C. before                                       D. until

13. A. after                                    B. when

C. before                                       D. while

14. A. good                                    B. wrong

C. all right                                     D. right

15. A. fast                                     B. slowly

C. hurriedly                                     D. happily

16. A. everyone                                  B. someone

C. no one                                         D. doctors

17. A. good                                    B. bad

C. necessary                                    D. ill

18. A. fell                                         B. stayed

C. grew                                       D. failed

19. A. gone off                                   B. missed

C. pleased                                      D. left

20. A. your home                                 B. your bedroom

C. your dream                                  D. bed



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Of course, there have  1  been people who have looked for   2  —those who have climbed the highest mountains, explored unknown parts of the world or sailed in   3  across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who   4  an immediate pleasure from a   5  activity which may only last   6   or even seconds.

I would consider bungee jumping   7  good example of   8  . You   9  a high place (perhaps a bridge or a hot-air balloon)200 meters above the ground   10  an elastic(有弹性的)rope   11  your   12  . You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the ropes   13  you from hitting the ground. It is said that 2 million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping. Other activities   14  most people would say are as dangerous as bungee jumping   15  jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high rocks.

  16  do people take part in such activities as these? Some psychologists(心理学家)suggest that it is   17  life in modern societies has become safe and boring. Not very long ago, people’s lives were constantly in danger. They had to go out and hunt for food, and life was a continuous battle for survival(生存).

Nowadays, according to many people, life offers   18  excitement. They live and work in relatively   19  condition —— they buy food in shops; and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill. The answer for some of these people is to look for   20  in activities as bungee jumping.

1. A. not                              B. never

C. always                                   D. usual

2. A. ease                                   B. adventure

C. happiness                            D. knowledge

3. A. large ship                         B. safe boat

C. small boat                            D. safe ship

4A. search                             B. look through

C. look for                             D. in search of

5. A. danger                           B. safe

C. angry                              D. dangerous

6. A. a few hours                       B. some time

C. a day                              D. a few minutes

7. A. to be                              B. is

C. being                              D. to being

8. A. such activity             B. a such activity

C. so an activity               D. such an activity

9. A. climb up                          B. jump from

C. jump off                            D. find

10. A. with                            B. by

C. and                               D. use

11. A. is tied with                       B. ties to

C. tied to                             D. tied with

12. A. arms                            B. ankles

C. hands                              D. legs

13. A. makes                            B. gets

C. has                               D. stops

14. A. as dangerous as            B. so dangerous as

C. too dangerous as              D. very dangerous as

15. A. includes                                B. including

C. include                              D. included

16. A. When                            B. Why

C. where                             D. How

17. A. because                              B. that

C. because of                           D. for

18. A. much                           B. little

C. many                              D. more

19. A. happy                            B. safe

C. exciting                             D. dangerous

20. A. wealth                           B. safety

C. danger                                   D. pleasure


