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12.Water is very important to living things.Without water there can be no life on the earth.All animals and plants need water.Man also needs water.We need water to drink,to cook our food and to clean ourselves.Water is needed in offices,factories and schools.Water is needed everywhere.
There is water in seas,rivers and lakes.Water is found almost everywhere.Even in the desert part of the world,there is some water in the air.You can not see or feel it when it is a part of the air.The water in the seas,rivers and lakes is a liquid,the water in the air is a gas,and we call it water vapour (蒸气).
Clouds are made of water.They may be made of very small drops of water.They may also be made of snow crystals(结晶体).Snow crystals are very small crystals of ice.Ice is frozen water.It is a solid.There can be snow and ice everywhere in winter.
Water may be a solid or a liquid or a gas.When it is a solid,it may be as hard as a stone.When it is a liquid,you can drink it.When it is a gas,you can not see or feel it.

21.Where can we find water?B
A.We can find water when it turns into vapour.
B.Water can be found almost everywhere.
C.We can see water in deserts here and there.
D.Water is only in seas and rivers.
22.We can drink water when it isA.
A.a liquid         B.a solid        
C.in the air       D.turned into ice
23.Clouds are made ofC.
A.seas,rivers and lakes                           
B.blocks of ice
C.very small drops of water or snow crystals      
D.solid,liquid and gas
24.Water has three states(状态).They areD.
A.ice,snow and air                                    
C.drops of water,blocks of ice and crystals of water  
D.solid,liquid and gas.

分析 根据全文内容可知,讲述了什么是水以及水的重要性;水对所有的生物都至关重要.

解答 21.B细节理解题. 根据第二段内容:Water is found almost everywhere.可知水资源几乎是随处可见的.故选B.
22.A细节理解题. 根据最后一段:When it is a liquid,you can drink it.可知当水是液体的时候,你可以喝.故选A.
23.C细节理解题. 根据第三段:Clouds are made of water.They may be made of very small drops of water.They may also be made of snow crystals (结晶体).可知云是被水汽凝结的水滴或者雪的晶体组成的.故选C.
24.D细节理解题. 根据最后一段:Water may be a solid or a liquid or a gas.可知水是固体、液体也是气体.故选D.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Ann Makosinski,16,was just another teenager with another science project when she joined her local science fair(展览会) in Victoria,Canada.Her invention,a flashlight that is powered from hand heat,took second place at the competition.
"It's a very simple project,"said Arthur Makosinski,Ann's father."Let's move on and do something different."
But if Ann had left her project,the world may have missed out on a light source that doesn't use batteries,solar power or wind energy.
Two years ago,Ann found that a friend of hers in the Philippines didn't have electricity.According to Ann,her friend couldn't complete her homework and was failing in school."So I wanted to do something to help my friend in the Philippines,"said Ann.
Ann got to work.After a few experiments,her"hollow flashlight"was born.It shines for as long as you hold onto it.At the suggestion of Kate Paine,her ninth grade biology teacher,Ann submitted her flashlight into the Google Science Fair.
A few months later,in September,Ann was named a finalist in her age group.At the science fair's celebration night,Ann and Arthur stayed with top Google engineers,well-known scientists and some of the most creative kids on the planet.
Hers was the last name they expected to be called out the winner for her age group.When it was,Arthur almost dropped his camera!
And then there's the business of changing the original design for market.At about 24lumens (流明;光束强度单位),Ann's flashlight's brightness falls shy of commercial flashlights.
Of her efforts to increase her flashlight's efficiency,she said,"I want to make sure my flashlight is available to those who really need it."

29.What did Ann's father think about her idea of the flashlight?A
A.He didn't think much of it.
B.He was satisfied with it.
C.He considered it to be different.
D.He thought it would be hard to carry out.
30.Ann decided to work on the flashlightC.
A.at the request of her friend
B.under her parents'encouragement
C.after learning about her friend's situation
D.to help people who lack access to electricity
31.The underlined part"Arthur almost dropped his camera"shows thatB.
A.he was a little careless
B.he was shocked by the result
C.he was delighted at the result
D.he was eager to take a picture of Ann
32.What do we know about Ann's flashlight?D
A.It works better than commercial flashlights.
B.It has made a difference to the poor.
C.It has been put on the market.
D.It needs improving.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-I think this house is overcharged(要价过高).
-Don't you think it worthwhile?It is with good________to the downtown.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Jenny,
Yours LiHua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear John,
I'm sorry to hear that you're addicted to computer games which have had a bad influence on your health.
Yours sincerely,

Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Research shows that keeping a busy social life among lots of friends may keep people thinner than spending hours doing some exercises,according to scientists.They say that socializing and meeting with friends help increase levels of brown fat in the body which burns calories to produce heat.
Living in an exciting social environment was found to reduce fat in mice's belly by half over four weeks,even if they ate more.US researchers say that social excitement aids weight loss by turning white fat into brown.White fat stores calories and makes us fatter,while brown burns energy to produce heat.Turning white fat into brown is extremely difficult,normally requiring long-term stay in cold conditions or exciting part of the body's nervous system.
However,scientists from Ohio State University now think that having a busy social life is an even more effective way of changing white fat into brown.The team came up with their theory by studying the effects of various living environments on mice.Those,who lived alongside a greater number of mice,had more space and toys to excite themselves and then lost far more weight over the course of the study than their"couch potato"fellows.
Study author,Dr Matthew During,whose team's findings appear in the journal Cell Metabolism,said,"I'm still amazed at the degree of fat loss that occurs."Explaining how new technology had threatened face-to-face socializing,he added,"It's not just a sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle and high calorie foods,but an increasing lack of social activities."Co-author Dr Lei Cao said,"Loneliness is a potential factor for cancer and death; it's equal to cigarette smoking to a certain extent.Social activities are very vital."

12.What information can we get from the first two paragraphs?C
A.Brown fat stores calories and makes us fatter.
B.Social excitement helps gain more weight.
C.Brown fat can burn energy to produce heat.
D.It doesn't take long to turn white fat into brown.
13.Which of the following statement does the text support?B
A.The mice lacking social life lose more weight.
B.Levels of brown fat can be increased by socializing.
C.The research findings haven't been published so far.
D.Dr Matthew During wasn't convinced of the result.
14.We can conclude from the text thatD.
A.the fat in mice's belly was reduced because of the relaxing environment
B.a sedentary lifestyle and high calories foods influence people's social life
C.cancer and death are mainly caused for lack of social life
D.surfing the Internet may influence people's face-to-face communication
15.What's the main idea of the text?B
A.Socializing is unnecessarily important in people's daily life.
B.Socializing contributes to people's losing weight.
C.White fat can be changed into brown fat.
D.Brown fat is of benefit to people's health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Frankenstein is one of the world's most famous horror stories.It's about a doctor who creates a new man from the body parts of dead people and brings it to life.But the experiment goes wrong and the monster(怪兽) kills the doctor and many others.The story has been read by millions since it was first published and in the last hundred years it has been made into dozens of movies.Many people are surprised to learn its writer was a 19-year-old woman,called Mary Shelley.
Mary was born into a rich London family in August 1797.She was educated by her parents and when she was 13 decided to become a writer.In 1812,she met the famous writer Percy Shelley and they soon got married.Sadly for Mary,their first child died soon after birth in Italy.In her diary,Mary wrote about a dream:"I dreamt that my little baby came to life again-that it had only been cold and that we rubbed it before the fire and it lived."
In 1816,Percy Shelley and 19-year-odl May visited the poet Lord Byron at his home in Switzerland.Because of the bad weather they stayed indoors reading horror stories.One night,Byron asked everyone to write their own story.Mary thought of her dream and wrote the story Frankenstein.
Frankenstein was published when Mary was 21,and became a huge success.Many people didn't think a 19-year-old woman could write so well and believed her husband was the real writer.
Although famous,Shelley's life was full of sadness.Only one of her four children lived and in 1822 her husband died in a swimming accident.Mary was broken-hearted and decided not to marry again.She devoted herself to her child and continued to write until her death in 1851.
46.What do we know about he story Frankenstein?B
A.It was really written by Mary Shelley's husband.
B.It was been read by millions of people.
C.It was written to remember Shelley's husband.
D.It is the most famous story in the world.
47.Where was Mary Shelley when she wrote the story Frankenstein?B
A.In England.
B.In Switzerland.
C.In Italy.
D.In France.
48.In which order to the following take place?B
a.Bad weather made everyone stay indoors reading horror stories.
b.The story Frankenstein was first published.
c.Mary wrote about a dream in her diary.
d.Mary met the famous writer Percy Shelley.
e.Movies based on the story of Frankenstein were made.
49.How old was Mary Shelley when she died?C
50.What can we learn about Mary Shelley from this passage?A
A.She experienced a lot of sadness in her life.
B.She wasn't considered a good writer during her life.
C.She was educated at her local school.
D.She became very rich because of the story Frankenstein.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.High heels,coffee cups and dogs have been regarded as three of the most dangerous things to have in a car.The seemingly harmless items have been responsible for more than 13million crashes and near misses on Britain's roads.
While men were responsible for the greater number of accidents reported,women played their part by driving in high heels.Putting fashion over function meant 44percent of female motorists had been prevented from using the pedals correctly by their high heels-with those aged 25to 34accounting for most of the incidents reported.
Those keen for a caffeine kick while driving can also create an accident if they leave empty coffee cups lying around their vehicle.Twenty percent of those surveyed admitted they had crashed their car or had a near miss after a deserted coffee cup or empty drink bottle rolled under their brake pedal(刹车踏板).
However,it is not just wearing and eating that cause a threat from inside the car,man's best friend could also cause a catastrophe if not safely secured.One in eight motorists claimed to have had a scrape(刮檫)or near miss on the road due to their dog's wandering freely,climbing into the front seat or trying to escape through the windows.
The accidents meant drivers took their eyes off the road for more than three seconds each time,according to the poll of 2,000British motorists.The survey has found drivers will pick up an average bill of£261.47for the damage caused by every crash.Londoners were the most at risk of an accident closely followed by motorists in the West Midland and Wales.
Janet Connor,a managing director,said many accidents could be avoided if people cleaned their cars regularly,as one in ten drivers involved in crashes admitted to driving inside a mountain of debris.She said,"The possible dangers and distractions outside the car are well known but as the evidence suggests,those within the car are often forgotten."

46.What mistake do women drivers most probably make while driving?B
A.They wear expensive clothes.
B.They wear shoes with high heels.
C.They drink too much coffee in cars
D.They take their dog without trying it.
47.Those who like drinking coffee often have accidents becauseC.
A.the coffee may make them feel faint
B.the coffee may make the car smell terrible
C.the deserted coffee cups may make the brake fail
D.the deserted coffee cups may look the same as brake pedals
48.Why shouldn't drivers put their dogs in the car while driving?C
A.Dogs may bark loudly when they see the traffic lights.
B.Dogs may make the inside of the car dirty.
C.Dogs may walk around or even try to escape.
D.Dogs may break the window to get fresh air.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.You have heard of Google,MySpace,Facebook and some geniuses who made billions from brilliant computer ideas.Now meet a girl genius-a New Jersey teenager who turned her high school inspiration into the fastest growing and the third largest online social network in America,behind MySpace and Facebook.
  She's only 18,but Catherine Cook has become a millionaire by updating one of the symbols of the American educational experience-the high school yearbook.
  Not long after Catherine arrived at her new high school at 15,she was flipping through an old yearbook with Dave,her 16-year-old brother,when they found the name of a girl they both knew.Yet the yearbook picture looked nothing like her.In that moment an idea occurred to Catherine.
"The pictures always smell horrible and the books never really tell you anything about the person.So we thought:why not put it online?Why not have a profile page that can list your TV interests,the music you like,your additional activities?"she said.
  However,neither Catherine nor her brother knew anything about building a website,but family help was at hand.Catherine and Dave have an older brother,Geoff,who had already made an Internet fortune of his own while studying at Harvard University.
  Geoff immediately saw the promise in his younger sister and brother's idea and helped them build the teen networking site myYearbook.com.The website allows friends to stay in touch,share videos and music,provides games and acts as a matchmaker.
   By April 2005 the family was ready to test its new toy.Catherine and Dave turned up at school wearing T-shirts with slogans that read:"Are you the prettiest girl in school?How about the most foolish?Find out at myYearbookxom."
  As teenagers around the country poured into the site,they were followed by a group of investors and advertisers.
   With 10 million users,most under 18,the site is now earning more than $10 million a year in advertising sales.
   Catherine is starting her second year as a student at Georgetown University in Washington DC,but she still works more than 25 hours per week-outside of school hours.

56.What does this passage mainly talk about?(no more than 10 words)A New Jersey teenager updated the high school yearbook.
57.What is the meaning of the underlined part in paragraph 3?(no more than 10 words)suddenly catherine came up with an idea.
58.Who helped  Catherine build the teen networking site my Yearbook.com?(One word)Geoff
59.Besides individual information,what others functions does Catherine's teen networking site myYearbook.com.provide?(no more than 20 words)The website allows friends to stay in touch,share video and music,provides games and and acts as a matchmaker.
60.What do you think makes Catherine Cook succeed?(no more than 10 words)Her creativity,hard work as well as her family's help..

