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TIME is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. It was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the US. Hadden was considered carefree, liked to tease Luce and saw TIME as important but also fun. That accounted for its heavy coverage of celebrities(including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop culture—criticized as too light for serious news.

It tells the news through people, and for many decades, the magazine’s cover depicted a single person. On Hadden’s death in 1929, Luce became the most important man at TIME and a major figure in the history of 20th-century media.

TIME is also known for its signature red border, first introduced in 1927. It has only changed four times since then. The issue released shortly after the September 11 attacks on the United States featured a black border to symbolize mourning. However, this edition was a special “extra” edition published quickly for the breaking news of the event; the next regularly scheduled issue contained the red border. Additionally, the April 28, 2008 Earth Day issue, dedicated to environmental issues, contained a green border. The next change in border was in the September 19, 2011 issue, commemorating the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a metallic silver border. The most recent change(again with a silver border) was in the December 31, 2012 issue, noting Barack Obama’s selection as Man of the Year.

TIME has a division magazine, TIME FOR KIDS(TFK), which is especially published for children and is mainly distributed in classrooms. TFK contains some national news, a “Cartoon of the Week”, and a variety of articles concerning popular culture that the younger U.S. citizens are interested in. All the stories in TFK are written by young reporters.

In some advertising campaigns, the magazine has suggested that the letters TIME stand for “The International Magazine of Events”.

1.TIME has a history of _______.

A. about 50 years B. about 70 years

C. about 90 years D. about 150 years

2.Why did some people dislike TIME in the beginning?

A. It had kept its cover the same since the 1920s.

B. It didn’t have a serious tone for important events.

C. It didn’t report important events quickly enough.

D. Henry Luce was in charge of the magazine for too long.

3.Why did TIME change its red border for the first time?

A. To remember the 10th anniversary of an attack.

B. To remind readers to protect the environment.

C. To show great sadness about the deaths.

D. To call on readers to vote for Obama.

4.What do we know about TFK?

A. It has young reporters writing articles.

B. It has a division magazine called TIME.

C. It is designed for kids and teachers.

D. It mainly contains popular culture.








1.C 细节推断题。根据第一段提到It was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the US创于1923年,故选C项。

2.B 细节理解题。根据第一段提到That accounted for its heavy coverage of celebrities(including politicians), the entertainment industry, and pop culture—criticized as too light for serious news.重要版面的政治,娱乐而,对于严肃新闻的报道太少,故选B项。

3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段提到TIME is also known for its signature red border, first introduced in 1927. It has only changed four times since then. The issue released shortly after the September 11 attacks on the United States featured a black border to symbolize mourning.时代周刊出名以出现红色的边框,一共改变了四次,当911恐怖袭击之生,这样的内容出现了,故选C,为了表达对死者的哀悼。

4.A 细节推断题。根据倒数第二段提到All the stories in TFK are written by young reporters.所以的文章由年轻记者所写,故选A项。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省揭阳市高三上学期第一次阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


As a kid, I was a little fat. In college, I was less active, and I started blowing up. It got out of control when I went to law school. At the age of 30, I weighed 414 pounds. I was always tired. I have a family history of heart disease, and I was scared. I also wanted to look better. So a few weeks after my birthday, in the spring of 2006, I started to lose weight.

Walking was all I could do at first. I started by walking to a subway stop a few blocks away instead of the one closest to my apartment. I gradually increased the distance. A year later, I started to run. At first I could run for only two minutes, but I kept on.

I made a difference. I was losing nine or ten pounds a month, and I had a lot more energy. I started to think about the New York City Marathon, which goes right past my apartment building. For years, I thought I could never do that. But now I realized that maybe I could…

By my 33rd birthday, in the spring of 2009, I was down to 180 pounds. That summer, I started formally training for the marathon. And on the morning of November 1, I stood on the Verrazano Bridge in Staten Island with more than 40,000 other runners, waiting for the event to start.

When we started moving, it was an amazing feeling to have people cheering me on, handing me cups of water. In Harlem, my mom and brother stood on a street corner, waving. And then I crossed the finishing line in Central Park, and somebody put a medal around my neck. I was in tears from being so happy.




(1) 你读后的感受;

(2) 用你自己或他人的经历说明持之以恒的重要性;

(3) 呼吁大家坚持就是胜利。


1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事.也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。















科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东从化第二中学高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Stage fright or performance anxiety is the anxiety, or fear which may occur in an individual by the requirement to perform in front of an audience. It is most commonly seen in school situations, like stand-up projects and class speeches. It has numerous forms: heart beating fast, trembling hands and legs, sweaty hands, dry mouth etc.

In fact, most of the fear occurs before you step on stage. Once you’re up there, it usually goes away. Thus, it is a phenomenon that you must learn to control. Try to think of stage fright in a positive way. It heightens your energy, adds color to your cheeks. With these good side effects you will actually look healthier and more physically attractive.

Many of the top performers in the world get stage fright so you are in good company. Stage fright may come and go or decrease, but it usually does not disappear permanently. You must concentrate on getting the feeling out and present what you have prepared calmly.

Remember “Nobody” ever died from stage fright. But, according to surveys, many people would rather die than give a speech. If that applies to you, and you are an unlucky guy who is with stage fright the whole time, try out some of the strategies(策略) as follows to help get yourself under control. Realize that you may never overcome stage fright, but you can learn to control it, and use it to your advantage.

Strategies are as follows when the program begins:

1) If legs are trembling, lean on table or shift legs or move.

2) Don’t hold notes. The audience can see them shake. Use three-by-five cards instead.

3) Use eye contact. Look at the friendliest faces in the audience.

Remember nervousness doesn’t show one-tenth as much as it feels. Before each presentation, make a short list of the items you think will make you feel better. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations. You never know which ones will work best until you try. Use these steps to control stage fright so it doesn’t control you. Once you are used to stage fright, you will find you on the road to a great speech-maker.

1.Someone may be most likely to suffer from stage fright when he/she is ______.

A. attending an English class

B. standing in a classroom

C. watching a performance

D. talking in front of people

2.By thinking of stage fright in a positive way, one could ______.

A. learn to control stage fright

B. get rid of stage fright

C. calm down before stepping on stage

D. become more physically attractive

3.Which of the following is true?

A. Top performers usually suffer from stage fright.

B. Stage fright may stay with a person for a life time.

C. Nobody would rather die than give a speech.

D. No one can overcome or control stage fright.

4.The author advises people with stage fright to ______.

A. show one-tenth of their nervousness

B. experiment with different kinds of stage fright

C. refer to the strategies whenever they feel the need

D. use one of the strategies each time

5.The passage mainly talks about ______.

A. how to deal with stage fright

B. what stage fright is like

C. when stage fright occurs

D. why people have stage fright



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西忻州第一中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

That morning, I stepped into the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventy-five students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in for seventeen years, I had no about my ability to hold their attention and to on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.

I was shocked when the monitor shouted, " !" The entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness was over, I quickly my calmness and began what I thought was a fact-packed lecture, sure to gain their respect—perhaps their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement.

My students diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually 49 by a strong sense of sadness. The first diary said, "Our literature teacher didn’t teach us anything today. her next lecture will be better." Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a theme. "Didn’t I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought and laid the historical for all the works we’ll study in class," I complained." How they say I didn’t teach them anything?"

It was a long term, and it became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as of my students. I thought a teacher’s job was to raise questions and provide enough background so that students could their own conclusions. My students thought a teacher’s job was to provide information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference!

, I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a American teacher, knowing how to teach in a different culture.

1.A. the UK B. the US C. China D. Australia

2.A. worry B. idea C. doubt D. experience

3.A. impress B. put C. leave D. fix

4.A. Attention B. Look out C. At ease D. Stand up

5.A. puzzled B. sure C. curious D. worried

6.A. found B. returned C. regained D. followed

7.A. more B. even C. yet D. still

8.A. passed B. borrowed C. read D. kept

9.A. replaced B. taken C. caught D. moved

10.A. Naturally B.Perhaps C. Fortunately D. Reasonably

11.A. different B. strong C. similar D. usual

12.A. happenings B. characters C. development D. background

13.A. should B. need C. will D. must

14.A. immediately B. certainly C. simply D. gradually

15.A. that B. what C. those D. ones

16.A. difficult B. interesting C. ordinary D. unusual

17.A. draw B. look C. search D. offer

18.A. strange B. standard C. exact D. serious

19.A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Though

20.A. normal B. happy C. good D. better



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西太原第五中学高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错

假定在英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文。请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






I, together with my two friends, were eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant, locating in the center of New York. I noticed the young woman eating with two kids. We stopped by and I asked the kids if he believed in Santa. The elder boy, whom was about seven years old, pointed his younger sister and said, “She does, but I don’t.” I told them Santa was real and as we were paying for our dinner, I paid for theirs, either. I didn’t know that whether the woman was alone, but I grow up with my mother supporting us four kids alone. I still feel good thinking I may have helped on some small ways.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东聊城第一中学高三10月阶段性检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

MOOCs, an acronym(缩写)for “massive open online courses,” mark an important, possibly revolutionary, development in education. These courses are online, free of charge, and open to anyone in the world who has a laptop and an Internet connection. Moreover, they are mainly offered by elite universities like Standford, Berkeley, Harvard and Columbia.

The courses, like normal college courses, are sequenced(按顺序排好)by difficulty, enabling students to progress from beginners to the advanced. The courses cover not only a broad range of technical subjects such as math and computer science, but also courses in the social sciences and the humanities (人文学科).

Though MOOCs are not offered for credit and degree, many students enroll in the courses for real skills or knowledge which they can put to some practical use. Some students even form online study groups, or in-person groups with students who live nearby.

The format seems superior to the traditional school class. The average quality of the lecturer is much higher, because students do not have to stick with a mediocre(平庸的) lecturer.

Besides, students can scroll back or forward—in short, they can go at their own learning speed, which they cannot do in a live lecture. And, of great importance, they do not have to travel anywhere to attend an online lecture. One can obtain a first-class American college education wherever he or she lives and however little money he or she has.

There is a problem of asking questions of the lecturer in a class of ten thousand students, but some MOOCs have solved it by allowing students to post questions online for a vote, and only the most popular questions are put to the lecturer.

In a knowledge era, lifelong learning is not confined to a traditional classroom. Of course, students enrolling in MOOCs cannot be compared with those who are in traditional universities, but we need to rethink what a “students” is.

Students in MOOCs are very clever, have work experience, and in many cases, have already developed a set of core competences. Moreover, they also offer unique international perspectives that would be the envy of any school classroom.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true about MOOCs?

A. The word “MOOCs” is an acronym for “Massive open online campuses.”

B. Anyone who has a computer and an Internet connection can take MOOCs.

C. MOOCs are usually offered by first-class universities in the world..

D. MOOCs may be a breakthrough in the development of education.

2.Students enroll in MOOCs mainly for ________.

A. credits B. degrees C. skills D. study groups

3.MOOCs seem to have an advantage over traditional school classes because________.

①the average quality of the lecturer is higher

②students can travel to many places when taking MOOCs

③students can learn at their own study pace

④there is a problem of asking questions in traditional classes

A. ①② B. ②③ C. ①③ D. ②④

4.Which word is the best to describe students enrolling in MOOCs?

A. Mediocre B. Creative

C. Practical D. Competent

5.Which of the following words does not have the same meaning as the underlined word “perspectives”in the last Paragraph?

A. Vision B. View

C. Outlook D. Scenery



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东聊城第一中学高三10月阶段性检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left ______I could ask for their names.

A. while B. before C. after D. since



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省邹城市高三10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

From the time I was seven, I had a dream of becoming a member of the Students Union. I always my school leaders for taking responsibility for all of us. So I dreamed of being a leader like them.

Years _ _ by, and soon I was able to take part in the elections, I would win. But the reality was that I hadn’t had a chance. I wasn’t beautiful. Girls across the school hardly knew me. I just did not have what it to win a school election. I was .

As I cried in my room that evening, I suddenly took a deep breath and decided I wouldn’t stop dreaming. I decided that I would for elections again in my final year at school — and I would make every effort to the election.

I recognized that my rivals had a lot of things in their favor. What were the points that would work in _ _ favor? I had good grades, and I was friendly and helpful. And my biggest was the faith I had. I would not allow my plain appearance to hold me _ _ from putting my best foot forward. That evening, I my election plans a whole year ahead of time.

I realized that girls would have to get to know me and recognize that I had the ability to them. I loved making friends and I liked being helpful, I decided that perhaps I could use these qualities to work to my advantage. In order to learn how to present a great election , I also attended a course on effective public speaking.

The day after the election, when the principal announced I won the second highest number of votes, the students . That joy on the faces of all my friends showed me that my victory was theirs.

Suddenly, I realized that I had much more than I had dreamed of. I had made many new friends and had helped people along the way. I had won the and love of my school-mates and they me as somebody who would stand by them. I was able to put a smile on their faces and their day.

1.A. praised B. remembered C. admired D. believed

2.A. flied B. flowed C. flew D. passed

3.A. pretending B. planning C. hoping D. judging

4.A. took B. provided C. meant D. offered

5.A. concerned B. angry C. surprised D. upset

6.A. enter B. speak C. pay D. wait

7.A. win B. beat C. defeat D. earn

8.A. their B. your C. my D. our

9.A. problem B. worry C. strength D. dream

10.A. in B. back C. out D. up

11.A. discussed B. began C. announced D. challenged

12.A. reconsider B. accompany C. support D. represent

13.A. but B. and C. or D. so

14.A. speech B. capsule C. meeting D. promise

15.A. nodded B. gathered C. cried D. cheered

16. A. also B. still C. almost D. only

17.A. accomplished B. absorbed C. devoted D. developed

18.A. announcement B. admission C. recognition D. arrangement

19.A. thought B. spoke C. considered D. said

20.A. enlarge B. brighten C. wish D. experience



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东济宁微山第一中学高三10月阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In the mid-1950s, I was a somewhat bored early-adolescent male student who believed that doing any more than necessary was wasted effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment

In Mrs. Totten’s eighth-grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract decimals (小数).

Our teacher typically assigned daily homework, which would be recited in class the following day. On most days, our grades were based on our oral answer to homework questions.

Mrs. Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting answers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets. She would start either at the front or the back of the classroom and work toward the other end.

Since I was seated near the middle of about 35 students, it was easy to figure out which questions I might have to answer. This particular time, I had completed my usual two or three problems according to my calculations.

What I failed to expect was that several students were absent, which threw off my estimate. As Mrs. Totten made her way from the beginning of the class,I desperately tried to determine which math problem I would get. I tried to work it out before she got to me, but I had brain freeze and couldn’t function.

When Mrs. Totten reached my desk,she asked what answer I’d got for problem No. 14. “I…I didn’t get anything,” I answered,and my face felt warm.

“Correct,” she said.

It turned out that the correct answer was zero.

What did I learn that day? First, always do all your homework. Second, in real life it isn’t always what you say but how you say it that matters. Third,I would never make it as a mathematician.

If I could choose one school day that taught me the most, it would be that one.

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 1 indicate?

A. It is wise to value one’s time.

B. It is important to make an effort

C. It is right to stick to one’s belief.

D. It is enough to do the necessary.

2.Usually, Mrs. Totten asked her students to _______.

A. recite their homework together

B. grade their homework themselves

C. answer their homework questions orally

D. check the answers to their homework questions

3.The author could work out which questions to answer since the teacher always _______.

A. asked questions in a regular way

B. walked up and down when asking questions

C. chose two or three questions for the students

D. requested her students to finish their usual questions

4.The author failed to get the questions he had expected because _______.

A. the class didn’t begin as usual

B. several students didn’t come to school

C. he didn’t try hard to make his estimate

D. Mrs. Totten didn’t start from the back of the class

5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. An Unforgettable Teacher B. A Future Mathematician

C. An Effective Approach D. A Valuable Lesson


