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Dear Lily,

I am so pleasant to have a word with you about what you are going through right now. It is natural that people often miss your parents the first time they leave home. The fact is you cannot live with your parents forever. Most people had to leave home for higher education or employment. It is important that you should realize that present separation contributes to the healthy and optimistic personality.

You need to make friend in school and share ideas with those live closest to you now. Because you will still,miss your parents,your new friends will bring happiness and joy to your new life. Beside,I suggest that you enjoy yourself by taking an active part in various activities in school, from whom you will get much pleasure.

Wish you happiness every day.

Faithfully yours,



科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江大庆一中高一上期第三次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Seventy years ago, a group of well-known people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theater in Edinburgh. The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.

It quickly attracted famous names such as Alec Guinness, Richard Burton, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras (交响乐团). It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly.

At the same time, the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge to the official festival. Eight theater groups turned up uninvited in 1947, in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform, and they did so in a public house disused for years.

Soon, groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University, and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theater by little-known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.

Today the “Fringe”, once less recognized, has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theater, music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts. And yet as early as 1959, with only 19 theater groups performing, some said it was getting too big.

A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971, and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself. In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries. More than 1.25 million tickets were sold.

1.What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning?

A. To introduce young theater groups.

B. To honor heroes of World WarⅡ.

C. To attract great artists from Europe.

D. To bring Europe together again.

2.Why did some uninvited theater groups come to Edinburgh in 1947?

A. They owned a public house there.

B. They wanted to take part in the festival.

C. They thought they were also famous.

D. They came to take up a challenge.

3.Who joined the "Fringe" after it appeared?

A. Popular writers

B. Artists from around the world.

C. University students.

D. Performers of music and dance.

4.We may learn from the text that Edinburgh Festival______.

A. keeps growing rapidly

B. has gone beyond an art festival

C. gives shows all year round

D. has become a non-official event


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年内蒙古高二上期第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We can never imagine the trouble Mrs. Black had ______ her daughter.

A. to have brought up B. to bring up

C. bringing up D. brought up


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山西省高二上期中考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Land Art, sometimes referred to as Earth Art or Earthworks, is a form of art which involves using physical landscapes to create art, taking art out of the museum and into the outside world. Modern Land Art movement really got going in the 1960s when American artists began creating Land Art on a large scale. Today, works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world, sometimes right alongside much older pieces of Land Art created by people who lived thousands of years ago.

Land Art, which is not necessarily unchangeable, can take a number of forms. For examples, in 1970 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty(螺旋状防波堤), made of a collection of stones and mud, in the Great Salt Lake. The American artist made a large jetty in a spiral shape which sticks out into the waters of the lake.

Reshaping the landscape is a common characteristic of Land Art, which can be created by moving parts around. People can also add things to the environment to create Land Art, like salt, which is added to the Spiral Jetty. It is possible to use plants. In all cases, Land Art is immovable.

Land Art is designed to gradually form, change, and eventually decay(衰落). That’s one of the biggest differences between Land Art and most of the art one sees in the museums. Some works of art can exist only for a few hours or days. Others are exposed to rain and wind so that they develop and decay over time, which is part of the attractiveness in the eyes of the artists.

1. What do we know about Robert Smithson?

A. He is a great creative artist.

B. He lives near the Great Salt Lake.

C. He made the most famous Land Art.

D. He was a pioneer in creating Land Art.

2.One of the unique characteristics of Land Art lies in _______.

A. it shows the extreme beauty of nature

B. it develops and decays gradually over time

C. it combines the landscapes around completely

D. it offers the artists a chance to get close to nature

3.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Works of Land Art. B. History of Land Art.

C. Changes of Land Art. D. Introduction of Land Art.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届安徽蚌埠二中高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The deadliest Ebola outbreak in history that has so far killed almost 1000 people in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in West Africa has caused fear around the world.

The outbreak is unprecedented(空前的)both in infection numbers and in geographic scope. Officials from the World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier this month the outbreak “is moving faster than our efforts to control it”, reported CNN. So far, the battle against the virus doesn’t appear to be slowing down.

The Ebola virus is terrifying no matter where it strikes: It’s a disease with no cure that causes headaches and fever, severe diarrhea(腹泻), vomiting and bleeding and has been known to kill up to 90 percent of its victims.

It is understandable for people to be panicked, but those living outside Africa shouldn’t be particularly concerned about contracting the virus, says a Washington Post article.

This is because transmission of Ebola requires direct contact with an infected person’s blood, vomit or other bodily fluids during the period that he or she is contagious(接触传染的). It is something that is extremely unlikely for anyone but healthcare workers. The virus is not spread by coughing or sneezing.

Media outlets in the US and the UK are using terrifying headlines, wrongly claiming that people infected with the virus have traveled to their countries.

James Ball at The Guardian says the Ebola outbreak in Africa is tragic, but it is important to keep a sense of proportion. Other infectious diseases, including common influenza, are far, far deadlier.

1.What does the author say about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa?

A. It has caused thousands of African deaths.

B. Its spreading speed is beyond people's imagination.

C. It has already traveled to the US and the UK.

D. The fight against it is slowing down.

2.The Ebola virus is terrifying because ________.

A. it cannot be cured at the moment

B. it is easily infected

C. it spreads faster than any other infectious disease

D. it has caused more deaths than other infectious diseases

3.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph means

A. keep a secretB. stay calm

C. keep silentD. stay away from it

4.What is the author's attitude towards people's panic?

A. Objective.B. Supportive.C. Doubtful.D. Understandable.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届甘肃省高三上第三次月考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here are some tips on how to keep you,your belongings and your money safe during traveling. After all,it'd be a shame to spend all that time finding the best price for your trip,only to lose your cash and credit cards to a thief.

Don't let others know that you are new here.

You're a tourist. You know that,but you don't want anybody else to know that. Don't unfold your big map on a busy corner. Don't ask strangers on the street for directions. Learn your route ahead of time,and step into a business for directions whenever possible. Avoid flashing your Lonely Planet guidebook around,or publicly referring to your language dictionary when traveling abroad.

Keep your friends close and your money closer.

A lone traveler equals easy pickings for a seasoned criminal. If you are traveling alone,try to hide that fact. Stick with groups whenever possible and keep information sharing with chatty cab drivers and the like to a minimum.

Another thing you don't want to advertise:where you keep your money. A fanny pack(腰包) may be convenient,but it means “I'm not from around here!” If you have a purse,keep it close to your body,preferably under an item of clothing like a jacket or a sweater so that thieves can't steal it. Be sure that your wallet is in a securely fastened pocket. Or go like 007 with a hidden money belt. How cool is that?

Be careful,even in your hotel room.

Never blindly answer a knock at your door. If the knocker identifies himself as a hotel employee,call the front desk to confirm. Always make sure your hotel door completely closes when entering or exiting.

Don't leave your valuables lying around when you leave for the day. That hotel safe is there for a reason!

1.Why shouldn't tourists wear a fanny pack?

A.Because it shows that you are not a person around here.

B.Because it is not convenient.

C.Because it can't be hidden under your jacket.

D.Because it can't hide money.

2.Why does the author mention 007's money belt?

A.To persuade readers to learn from 007.

B.To persuade readers to buy the belt worn by 007.

C.To persuade tourists to hide money in their belt.

D.To persuade tourists not to show others where you keep your money.

3.Who is this passage written for?

A.Locals.B.Tourists.C.Hotel owners.D.Thieves.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. When traveling abroad, you shouldn't open your language dictionary in public areas.

B. Try your best to travel alone.

C. If you hear a knock at your hotel door,go to open it.

D. You can leave your money at the hotel when traveling.


科目:高中英语 来源:【百强校]2016-2017学年福建省高一上期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完成句子

根据句意从方框中选出合适的动词或动词短语, 用其适当的形式完成句子。

take off set up base… on go through come up give in

punish blow up

1.My grandfather ____________________ a long illness before he breathed his last.

2.The past two years have seen the app he developed really_______________ and made him a millionaire.

3.The research group produces two reports _______________ the survey, but neither contained any useful suggestions.

4.It is always the elder brother who __________________ first when a quarrel breaks out between the two brothers.

5.Whoever breaks the law won’t escape _____________________.

6.His name _____________whenever the problem of nuclear energy was discussed.

7.According to today’s newspaper, the escaped prisoner threatened to _____________ the police station in the near future.

8.It was requested that a fund ________________for the dead men’s families.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广东中山一中等七校联合体高三上第二次联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


I like travelling and my dream of visit Beijing, the capital city of our country, come true during the National Day holidays this year. In October 1st, I went to Tian’anmen Square with my parents, there we watched the flag-raising ceremony. As I watched flag rising slowly, I sang the national anthem, feeling extremely exciting. Then we went to some other famous tourist attraction, like the Great Wall. Standing on the Great Wall, I felt very proudly. I thought of the old saying that “One who fail to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.” Although I was tired, but I really had a good time.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届四川宜宾市高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


It’s very hard to write your own resume because a resume is a macro view of your life, but you live your life at the micro level. 1.__________ After all, spending money on a resume writer is one of the few payouts that will have good return right away.

But some of you will be able to do a proper job rewriting your resume on your own. 2.________ You need to rethink the goals and rethink the rules of a resume in order to approach the project like the best of the resume professionals.

3.___________ A resume is not your life story. No one cares. The only things that should be on your resume are achievements. Anyone can do their job, but only a small percentage of the population can do their job well, wherever they go. The best way to show that you did your job well is from achievements. The best achievement is a promotion. It is an objective way to show that you impress the people you will work for. Presenting clearly your achievements is enough and also necessary. 4._________

Don’t make your resume a moral statement. It’s a marketing document. Think about when a company announced the launch of their product. You need to take the same approach with your resume, because a resume is a marketing document. The best marketing documents show the product in the best light, which is to use whatever possible means to make you look good. 5._________

A. As long as you are not lying, you will be fine.

B. Don’t focus on your responsibilities, focus on what you achieved.

C. Write what achievements you will make for the people you work for.

D. Anything on your resume that is not an achievement is wasting space.

E. So I recommend to a lot of people that they hire someone to help them.

F. The first thing you’ll have to do is to make some mental shifts.

G. So learning to write your own resume is important.

