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11.I have learned toadaptto(适应)my disability?

分析 我已经学会适应我的残疾了.

解答 答案是adapt to.考查固定词组learn to do sth.学会做某事.词组adapt to sth.适应某物.句意是"我已经学会适应我的残疾了."所以learn to后面接动词adapt原形.故答案是adapt to.

点评 本题考查翻译填空.首先要判断填写的单词及固定搭配,然后根据句意和相关语法填写正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The right name is important in the business world.All you have to do is think of the names for some of the products you buy every day and you'll agree that the name and the product are connected in everyone's mind.
In many countries,successful trade or brand names are protected by law.This is so that other companies cannot make a product that looks like another.People might think that they were buying one product and,in fact,be buying something different.Businesses register a company or a product name with the government.In fact,more than 1,000 product and company names are registered every hour.Many companies spend a lot of money to find the right name for their products.A good example of this is in the car industry.Some successful names for cars have powerful associations.The Ford Mustang and the Jaguar are only two examples of choosing the names of animals that are fast and strong.
When a U.S.company decides to sell its product in another country,it has to make sure that the product name translates properly.When Coca-Cola introduced its soft drink to China,it looked for the right name.It wanted a name that would do two things.One was to present its image in Chinese and the second was to be close to its first brand name-Coke.It took some efforts before finding the right word-which sounds similar and translates as"happiness in the mouth".Asian company names are not new to the United States.The brand names of Samsung and Sony have been successful.Finding the right brand name is a big business.Asian companies that sell to foreign markets pay to find a name that will connect with its customers.There are even naming companies that specialize in inventing product names.These companies can charge up to $ 100,000 a word for their creations.But it's worth it.Successful companies know how important the right brand names are for their development.
59.Why are trade names protected by law in many countries?D
A.To make companies pay for naming service.
B.To help people choose the best products.
C.To present good images of the products.
D.To prevent products from being copied.
60.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Many companies care about the cost of finding the right names.
B.Creative trade names can help companies to have a larger sale.
C.The government often does business with naming companies.
D.It is considered necessary for cars to be named after animals.
61.What's the best title for the passage?A
A.The Business of Names
B.The Development of Names
C.The Rules of Naming Business
D.The Methods of Choosing Names.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.A blue hole is a flooded sea cave with a hole that opens up at the land's surface.These cave systems form in carbonate rock,often on islands.Some blue holes have very special rock formations and water chemistry.Far below sea level,they contain some of the harshest environments on Earth,with no oxygen and no light.Yet these areas are filled with life forms that have adapted to the extreme conditions.
Information gathered from these blue holes is helping scientists to increase their understanding of biology,archaeology and geology.But exploring these blue hole environments brings danger as well as discovery.
Blue holes get their name from the color some have when seen from the air.The color is usually a reflection of the sky on the water.But not all of these cave systems have blue surfaces.Some contain dark or muddy water.
Blue holes are the result of erosion in which water breaks down rock.Rain falling thousands of years ago contained chemicals which slowly wore away at the limestone landmass.These holes were later filled with sea water as the sea level changed.The rising and falling of sea levels and the mixture of salt and fresh water further wore away at these cave formations.Blue holes are vertical caves.But they can also have horizontal cave formations that may be hundreds of meters long.
These flooded cave systems can be found in the ocean,or they can be found inland.Ocean caves are affected by tides,so they always have water movement.But blue holes on land are very still.They have several layers of water,chemicals,and bacteria.The top layer of fresh water comes from rainfall.This layer acts like a cap on top of the layered mixture,and keeps out oxygen from the atmosphere.The fresh water floats on a denser layer of saltwater.Underneath this is a layer of poisonous hydrogen sulfide,produced by bacteria living in the water.Underneath this layer is anoxic seawater--water that does not contain any oxygen.
Underwater caves are probably one of the least explored ecosystems on the planet.One reason blue holes have not been fully explored is that they can be extremely dangerous.There are many safety rules that divers must follow to help ensure their survival.
First,divers must have training and experience to swim in these caves.Those who explore a cave for the first time must establish a thin rope called a guideline.This line helps them to safely enter and bring more than one set of breathing equipment in case one device fails.Meanwhile,they must pay careful attention to their air supply.The rule is to use a third of their air to enter the cave,a third to exit,and a third for emergencies.
    For most explorers,though,the possibility of discovery in these cave environments makes the experience worth the risk.You can jump into what looks like an insignificant little hole in the ground,and come out with information that's of value to many different disciplines,Scientists are interested in these caves because oxygen-free conditions there are similar to those on Earth long ago,before oxygen existed on our planet.,as well as similar to space.
50.According to the Passage,blue holesB.
A.are now a popular choice for tourists
B.are flooded caves found mostly on islands
C.have appeared as rocks pile up year by year
D.can give off bright blue light deep in the caves
51.It can be inferred front the passage thatD.
A.quantities of advanced life forms exist in blue boles
B.blue holes are not fully explored due to their low value
C.blue holes are vertical caves because of strong currents
D.the chemicals in the rain lead to the formation of blue caves
52.The fifth paragraph mainly talks aboutA.
A.two different types of blue holes    
B.how a blue hole comes into being
C.why scientists are interested in blue holes       
D.rules for divers exploring blue holes
53.When exploring blue holes,divers mustD.
A.have a thin rope as a guideline anytime           
B.wear glasses in case of bright blue light
C.swim as quickly as possible to save time          
D.learn to make good use of their air supply
54.The exploration of blue holes can help usB.
A.discover moue energy resources  
B.understand the origin of life on Farth
C.learn about the movements of seawater
D.get ready for the exploration of the ocean.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.______ was in 2010 ______ I graduated from Oxford University.(  )
A.That; thatB.It; whenC.That; whenD.It; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.My disability has helped me grow strongerpsychologically(心理上).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxation.Once you are in the habit of rushing through life,being on the go from morning till night,it is hard to slow down.But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.
Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.In fact,it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.
The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual.Some people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities,others lose heart at the first sign of unusual difficulties.When exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physically.In fact we make choice between"flight or fight"and in more primitive days the choices made the difference between life or death.The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same response.It is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health becomes endangered.Since we can't remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could),we need to find ways to deal with it.

28.People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves becauseC.
A.they do not know how to enjoy themselves
B.they do not believe that relaxation is important for health
C.they are travelling fast all the time
D.they are becoming busier with their work
29.According to the writer,the most important character for a good manager is hisA.
A.not fearing stress                  B.knowing the art of relaxation
C.high sense of responsibility        D.having control over performance
30.Which of the following statements is true?B
A.Stress is always harmful to people
B.We can find some ways to avoid stress
C.It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work.
D.Different people can withstand different amounts of stress
31.In the last sentence of the passage,"do so"refers toC.
A."expose ourselves to stress"B."find ways to deal with stress"
C."remove stress from our lives"D."established links between diseases and stress"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.No one knows for sure when a fire will happen,so it is  (56)extremely (extreme) necessary to make preparations before a fire starts.Check the fire escape equipment in advance and make sure that you can find (57)it in the dark when lights have failed.Find out (58)Wherethe nearest fire extinguisher(灭火器) is and read the instructions to learn how  (59)to use( use) it.
Don't lose your head when a fire breaks out.First,telephone the fire department immediately when  (60)the  fire just gets started.Take care not to be overcome by smoke,(61)which can kill you quickly.Cover your mouth (62)with a wet towel or cloth,and avoid getting into the smoke.Don't get in an elevator,as you may get trapped if the electricity  (63)fails (fail).If you can not get away (64)by yourself,it is of great importance to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help.
In short,if you make preparations before hand and take precautions(预防措施) during the fire,chances are that (65)youwill survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Shut the window,_________ it'll get too cold in here.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

1.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文  中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
A boy was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young man passing by,"Let me to clean your boots."The young man said,"No.""It will spend you a penny,sir."said the boy and the young man again refused.Then the boy told him that he would clean his boots to nothing.The man agreed this,and soon one boot was shining brightly.Then he put his another boot on the box but the boy refused to clean it if he was paid two pence for his work.The young man refused to pay anything and go away.But the shining boot made the dirty one looks so bad that he had to turn back,gave the boy the two pence and asked him to clean it.

