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注意:1. 每处错误仅限1

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

We were just leaving the house at dinner, when the telephone rang. He was Uncle Jim, who had a bad news for us. Grandmother took a turn for the worse and was struggling breathe. I was such sad that I began to cry. I didn’t want Grandmother to die because I loved her. We forgot about our hungers and left at once to see Grandmother. She had become thin and weak. Her eyes were opened, but she could not recognize us. I sang a song, “A Little White Boat”, which Grandmother had taught me whenever I was small. Slow, her lips moving, and then she called my name.







7.opened—open 去掉were




【解析】小题1. 考查介词。leave for去某地,此处的for表示为了,故把at—for。

小题2. 考查代词。.强调句式,故把He—It。

小题3. 考查冠词。. news是不可数名词,故去掉a。

小题4. 考查不定式。. struggle to do sth.挣扎着去做某事,故在breathe前加to。

小题5. 考查副词。. sad是形容词,故把such—so。

小题6. 考查名词。. hunger是不可数名词,故把hungers—hunger。

小题7. 考查形容词。. open在这里可以当做形容词,或当做不及物动词,故opened—open 去掉were。

小题8. 考查关系词。.句意:当我小的时候,故把whenever—when。

小题9. 考查副词。.副词修饰整个句子,故把Slow—Slowly。

小题10. 考查动词时态。.此处是简单句,句中缺少谓语动词,根据句意可知用一般过去时态,故把moving—moved。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Recently a really strange thing happened in a middle school in China’s Hubei Province. Over 600 students there took part in a “caring for an egg like a baby”1(active) in which they were asked to keep an egg close at hand for a month2breaking it.

"It's hard for parents to bring up their children,3many students just ignore it,” said Liu Kang, the school's director. "They should4(teach) to be grateful to their parents, who have given them life but ask for nothing in return.”

Li Ming is one of the students. His egg didn't break during the month, but he felt5(exhaust). "I now realize that my parents have had great difficulty6(bring) me up. I’ll do all I can to make their life easier and more7(comfort) when I grow up.” promised the 13-year-old boy.8(luck), about 450 students broke their eggs. Yan Yueming broke his egg after just five days, which made him frustrated. He said, "I can't imagine9sad my parents would be if there was something wrong with me, their 'egg'!" It is time I10(do) something in return for their love.” said Yan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其右面的横线上写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,并在其右面的横线上写出多余的词,并用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词右面横线上面写出修改后的词。


1Other fashions may gain popular quickly.

2Short skirts were popular in 1920s.

3A rainbow of colored, vertical stripes represent the five food groups plus fats and oils.

4On the bottom of the pyramid are complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta and potatoes.

5Profits are rose from $842,000 to $900,000.

6The car slowed down as Jim approach the intersection.

7When it comes to eat, Tom is full of joy.

8Food is too much a part of daily life that people often take eating for granted.

9This is a film base on a true story.

10A spring outing has organized for a long time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Tu Yoyo was honored with the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1Oct. 5. She was the first Chinese citizen2 (win) a Nobel Prize in science. Tu3 (share) the prize with the Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi Omura of Japan.

Tu is a researcher at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine now. She 4(give) the prize for 5 (develop) artemisinin (青蒿素) , a new drug therapy against malaria( 疟疾),6 has saved millions of lives worldwide, especially in developing countries.

Tu and her colleagues joined a government project to find a new malaria drug in the late 1960s. They made 380 herbal extracts from two thousand recipes from traditional Chinese medical books. In 1971, after nearly two hundred 7 (fail), Tu’s team 8 (final) found an extract that was 100% effective against the malaria parasites-atremisinin. In 2001, the World Health Organization made artemisinin 9 (it) first choice in the treatment of malaria.

“The discovery of artemisinin is a gift to mankind from traditional Chinese medicine. It’s the achievement of the research team. Winning the prize is 10 honor for Chinese science and traditional Chinese medicine,” Tu said.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Everywhere I look outside my home I see people busy on their high-tech devices, while driving, walking, shopping, even sitting in toilets. When connected electronically, they are away from physical reality.

People have been influenced to become technology addicted. One survey reported that "addicted" was the word most commonly used by people to describe their relationship to iPad and similar devices. One study found that people had a harder time resisting the allure(诱惑) of social media than they did for sleep, cigarettes and alcohol.

The main goal of technology companies is to get people to spend more money and time on their products, not to actually improve our quality of life. They have successfully created a cultural disease. Consumers willingly give up their freedom, money and time to catch up on the latest information, to keep pace with their peers or to appear modern.

I see people trapped in a pathological(病态的) relationship with time-sucking technology, where they serve technology more than technology serves them. I call this technology servitude(奴役). I am referring to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money.

What is a healthy use of technology devices? That is the vital question. Who is really in charge of my life? That is what people need to ask themselves if we are to have any chance of breaking up false beliefs about their use of technology. When we can live happily without using so much technology for a day or a week, then we can regain control and personal freedom, become the master of technology and discover what there is to enjoy in life free of technology. Mae West is famous for proclaiming the wisdom that "too much of a good thing is wonderful." But it's time to discover that it does not work for technology.

Richard Fernandez, an executive coach at Google acknowledged that "we can be swept away by our technologies." To break the grand digital connection people must consider how life long ago could be fantastic without today's overused technology.

1From the passage, technology companies aim to _________.

A. attract people to buy their products B. provide the latest information

C. improve people's quality of life D. deal with cultural diseases

2It can be inferred from this passage that people _________.

A. consider too much technology wonderful

B. have realized the harm of high-tech devices

C. can regain freedom without high-tech devices

D. may enjoy life better without overused technology

3What's the author's attitude towards the overusing of high-tech devices?

A. Neutral(中立的). B. Skeptical(怀疑的).

C. Disapproving. D. Sympathetic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1That scientist was devoted to the study ________ (日复一日)and finally he achieved great success.

2His uncle chose to ________ (居住)the countryside.

3If you keep on eating like this,losing weight is ________(不可能的).

4Helen ________(忙于)business matters,so we didn’t want to bother her.

5________(就我而言),I cannot object to your marriage.

6Only in this way can you ________ (相处融洽) your classmates.

7In face of challenge for the moment,it's the most important to _______(保持) a good state of health.

8This region is beautiful in natural sight,and __________(……方面富有) forest and tour resources.

9They had enough money to live ___________ (舒适地)in their old age.

10_____________(适应) the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1________ ________ ________(前几天), I ________ ________(收到来信) one of my former teachers inviting me to his wedding anniversary.

2________ ________ ________(说实话), I ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(极想参加) the activity.

3We should ________ ________ ________(认识到)the importance of protecting the environment.

4They ________ ________ ________ ________(自愿帮助) the poor and the old.


________ ________ a privilege ________ ________ with you.


________ ________ he can’t ________ ________ ________ the current life?


________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ every new word you ________ ________ in the dictionary while reading.


There are many websites, ________ ________ you can find much information ________ ________ English learning.


There are 12 wells in their village, seven ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, but the rest of them can still ________ ________ ________ ________.


It is the young woman ________ ________ ________ ________ who witnessed the traffic accident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Recently, we’ve been talking about how we need better teachers. There’s no doubt that great teacher can help in a student’s learning but here’s what some new studies are also showing: We need better parents.

Every three years, the organization called O.E.C.D. organizes exams as part of the Program for International Student Assessment(评估), or PISA, which tests 15-year-olds on their abilities to deal with real problems. America’s 15-year-olds have not done as well as students in Singapore, Finland and Shanghai in the PISA exams.

To better understand the reasons, the PISA team, starting with four countries in 2006, and then adding 14 more in 2009, went to the parents of 5,000 students. They interviewed them about how they raised their kids and then compared it with the test results for each of those years. Two weeks ago, the PISA team published the main finding of its study.

Fifteen-year-olds whose parents often read books with them during their first year of primary school get much higher scores in PISA 2009 than students whose parents don’t often read with them or not at all. Parents’ concern for their children is strongly connected with better results in PISA.

According to Schleicher, the leader of the team, just asking your children how their school day was and showing great interest in their learning can help a lot. It is something every parent can do, no matter what their education level is.

The study found that getting parents concerned about their children’s learning at home is more powerful than parents attending parent-teacher meetings, volunteering in classrooms, taking part in money-raising, and showing up at back-to-back nights.

To be sure, nothing can replace a good teacher. But let’s stop putting the whole duty on teachers. We also need better parents. Better parents can make teaching more beneficial.

1What can we learn about the organization O.E.C.D ?

A. It tests teenagers’ learning skills.

B. It calls for better teachers.

C. It organizes PISA exams every 3 years.

D. It compares parents from different countries.

2Why does the PISA team interview some parents?

A. To understand students better.

B. To get along well with parents.

C. To help students with bad test results.

D. To find out why students have different test results.

3According to the study, parents are advised to .

A. try to search for better teachers

B. put the whole duty on teachers

C. care about their children’s school life

D. ask their children to read more books.

4What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Better Parents Are Needed B. Better Teachers Are Appreciated

C. A Study by the PISA Team D. An Interview with Parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】His eyes ________ on the PPT, Lee listened to the teacher ________.
A.fixed; attentively
B.have been fixed; carefully
C.fixing; interestingly
D.fixed; purposefully

