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    SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999, Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and “anything else that came up.”

    Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50-meter butterfly(蝶泳)in the Australian championships at Homebush Bay.

    Gould, now a 47-year-old mother of four,  has announced she will be making a return to elite competition (顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying (合格的) time of 30.32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships. Her comeback comes32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics.

    Schipper, now a 17-year-old from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled (回忆) her time with Gould five years ago.

    “I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train,” Schipper explained. “It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”

    “She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp. She told us stories about what it was like at big meets like the Olympics and what it’s like to be on an Australian team. It was really interesting.”

    Next time, things will be more serious. “I will still be swimming in the 50m butterfly at the nationals, so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould, ” said Schipper, who burst onto the scene at last year’s national championships with second places in the 100m and 200m butterfly.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Stories happening in swimming competitions.

B. Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds.

C. Lessons learned from international swimming championships.

D. Friendship and competition between two swimmers.

2. Gould and Schipper are going to ________.

A. talk about sport and life

B. go back to elite competition

C. set a qualifying time and win gold

D. take part in the same sports event

3. Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was ______.

A. 15

B. 17

C. 22

D. 30

4. The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to ______.

A. the Olympics

B. the youth camp

C. the friendship

D. the Australian team

5. What Schipper said showed that she _______.

A. was no longer Gould’s friend

B. had learned a lot from Gould

C. was not interested in Gould’s stories

D. would not like to compete against Gould



1. 提炼主旨大意题。本文以发自悉尼的报道形式,介绍两位游泳运动员Shane Gould和Jessicah Schipper通过相识、相知和比赛,彼此互相了解,从而建立起来的良好关系的过程。因此,本文的中心思想应为D项最恰当。

2. 细节判断题。从原文第二节“Yet in Sydney next month they will meet again by the pool,…will race against each other in the 50-meter butterfly…”中的“they”即指Gould and Schipper。她们下月将再次相遇,同时参加50米蝶泳。可见,本题D项是正确答案。

3. 细节判断题。原文第三节“Gould, now a 47-year-old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competition… Her comeback(她的复出)comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics.”中清楚地表明:Gould现年47岁,在她获得慕尼黑奥运会三块金牌之后32年的今天复出,可见,她获金牌的时间为47岁减去32岁,等于15岁。

4. 语境词义判断题。原文第五节中,年轻有为的Schipper回忆起她五年前和Gould相见时的情况时说,“…Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train. It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”那时,她们互相交谈,Shane还看她们训练,好像她们已是多年的老朋友似的。Schipper解释她都不清楚为什么她们从交谈中产生了解和友情。故it 意为the friendship最贴切。

5. 归纳综合题。从本文倒数第二、第三节Schipper的解释中,尤其是“She had a lot to share with all of us at the camp. She told us stories about what it was like at big meets like the Olympics and what it’s like to be on an Australian team.”可以清楚感觉出,她作为新秀,从老将Gould身上学到很多。而本题A、C、D都使用了否定词was no longer, was not interested, would not like,显然与Schipper的解释背道而驰的。



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省潮州市2010届高三下学期4月月考 题型:阅读理解


SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999. Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and anything else that came up.

Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50 – meter butterfly in the Australian championships at Homebu Bay.

Gould, now a 47 – year – old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competition (顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying (合格的)time of 30. 32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships. Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics.

Schipper, now a 17 – year – old girl from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled (回忆) her time with Gould five years ago.

“I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train.” Schipper explained. “It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”

“She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp. She old us stories about what it was like at big meets like Olympics and what it was like to be on an Australian team. It was really interesting.”

Next time, things will be more serious: “I will still be swimming in the 50 m butterfly at the nationals, so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould.” said Schipper, who burst onto the scene at last year’s national championships with second places in the 100 m and 200 butterfly.

46.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Stories happening in swimming competitions.

B.Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds.

C.Lessons learned from international swimming championships.

D.Friendship and competition between two swimmers.

47.Gould and Schipper are going to____________.

A.talk about sport and life          B.go back to elite competition

C.set a qualifying time and win gold  D.take part in the same sports event

48.Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was____________.

A.15     B.17     C.22     D.30

49.The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to         .

A.the Olympics          B.the youth camp

C.the friendship          D.the Australian team

50.What Schipper said showed that she___________.

A.was no longer Gould’s friend         B.had learned a lot from Gould

C.was not interested in Gould’s stories      D.would not like to compete against Gould



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999. Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and anything else that came up.

Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50 – meter butterfly in the Australian championships at Homebu Bay.

Gould, now a 47 – year – old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competition (顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying (合格的)time of 30. 32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships. Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics.

Schipper, now a 17 – year – old girl from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled (回忆) her time with Gould five years ago.

“I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train.” Schipper explained. “It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”

“She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp. She old us stories about what it was like at big meets like Olympics and what it was like to be on an Australian team. It was really interesting.”

Next time, things will be more serious: “I will still be swimming in the 50 m butterfly at the nationals, so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould.” said Schipper, who burst onto the scene at last year’s national championships with second places in the 100 m and 200 butterfly.

46.What is the passage mainly about?

       A.Stories happening in swimming competitions.

       B.Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds.

       C.Lessons learned from international swimming championships.

       D.Friendship and competition between two swimmers.

47.Gould and Schipper are going to____________.

       A.talk about sport and life           B.go back to elite competition

       C.set a qualifying time and win gold  D.take part in the same sports event

48.Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was____________.

       A.15     B.17     C.22     D.30

49.The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to         .

       A.the Olympics          B.the youth camp

       C.the friendship          D.the Australian team

50.What Schipper said showed that she___________.

       A.was no longer Gould’s friend          B.had learned a lot from Gould

       C.was not interested in Gould’s stories      D.would not like to compete against Gould


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999 , Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well , chatting about sport , life and “ anything else that came up . ”

    Yet in Sydney next month , they will meet again by the pool , and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50-meter butterfly(蝶泳)in the Australian championships at Homebush Bay .

    Gould , now a 47-year-old mother of four , has announced she will be making a return to elite competition(顶级赛事)to swim the one event , having set a qualifying(合格的)time of 30.32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships . Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics .

    Schipper , now a 17-year-old from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics , yesterday recalled(回忆)her time with Gould fie years ago .

    “ I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train , ” Schipper explained . “ It seemed as if we had long been good friends . I don’t know why . We just started talking and it went from there . ”

    “ She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp . She told us stories about what it was like at big meets like the Olympics and what it’s like to be on an Australian team . It was really interesting . ”

    Next time , things will be more serious . “ I will still be swimming in the 50m butterfly at the nationals , so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould , ” said Schipper , who burst onto the scene at last year’s national championships with second places in the 100m and 200m butterfly .

1. What is the passage mainly about ?

   A. Stories happening in swimming competitions .

   B. Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds .

   C. Lessons learned from international swimming championships .

   D. Friendship and competition between two swimmers .

2. Gould and Schipper are going to ________ .

   A. talk about sport and life                  B. go back to elite competition

   C. set a qualifying time and win gold      D. take part in the same sports event

3. Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was  ________ .

   A. 15          B. 17         C. 22        D. 30

4. The underlined word “ it ” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to ________ .

   A. the Olympics                  B. the youth camp      

   C. the friendship                   D. the Australian team

5. What Schipper said showed that she  ________ .

   A. was no longer Gould’s friend            B. had learned a lot from Gould

   C. was not interested in Gould’s stories     D. would not like to compete against Gould


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999. Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and anything else that came up.

Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50 – meter butterfly in the Australian championships at Homebu Bay.

Gould, now a 47 – year – old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competition (顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying (合格的)time of 30. 32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships. Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics.

Schipper, now a 17 – year – old girl from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled (回忆) her time with Gould five years ago.

“I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train.” Schipper explained. “It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”

“She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp. She old us stories about what it was like at big meets like Olympics and what it was like to be on an Australian team. It was really interesting.”

Next time, things will be more serious: “I will still be swimming in the 50 m butterfly at the nationals, so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould.” said Schipper, who burst onto the scene at last year’s national championships with second places in the 100 m and 200 butterfly.

46.What is the passage mainly about?

       A.Stories happening in swimming competitions.

       B.Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds.

       C.Lessons learned from international swimming championships.

       D.Friendship and competition between two swimmers.

47.Gould and Schipper are going to____________.

       A.talk about sport and life            B.go back to elite competition

       C.set a qualifying time and win gold   D.take part in the same sports event

48.Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was____________.

       A.15     B.17     C.22     D.30

49.The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to         .

       A.the Olympics           B.the youth camp

       C.the friendship          D.the Australian team

50.What Schipper said showed that she___________.

       A.was no longer Gould’s friend          B.had learned a lot from Gould

       C.was not interested in Gould’s stories      D.would not like to compete against Gould



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


SYDNEY: As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999. Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and anything else that came up.

Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50 – meter butterfly in the Australian championships at Homebu Bay.

Gould, now a 47 – year – old mother of four, has announced she will be making a return to elite competition (顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying (合格的)time of 30. 32 seconds in winning gold at last year’s United States Masters championships. Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics.

Schipper, now a 17 – year – old girl from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled (回忆) her time with Gould five years ago.

“I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train.” Schipper explained. “It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don’t know why. We just started talking and it went from there.”

“She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp. She old us stories about what it was like at big meets like Olympics and what it was like to be on an Australian team. It was really interesting.”

Next time, things will be more serious: “I will still be swimming in the 50 m butterfly at the nationals, so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould.” said Schipper, who burst onto the scene at last year’s national championships with second places in the 100 m and 200 butterfly.

46.What is the passage mainly about?

       A.Stories happening in swimming competitions.

       B.Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds.

       C.Lessons learned from international swimming championships.

       D.Friendship and competition between two swimmers.

47.Gould and Schipper are going to____________.

       A.talk about sport and life           B.go back to elite competition

       C.set a qualifying time and win gold  D.take part in the same sports event

48.Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was____________.

       A.15     B.17     C.22     D.30

49.The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to         .

       A.the Olympics          B.the youth camp

       C.the friendship          D.the Australian team

50.What Schipper said showed that she___________.

       A.was no longer Gould’s friend          B.had learned a lot from Gould

       C.was not interested in Gould’s stories      D.would not like to compete against Gould

