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    When I was a child,everyone I knew celebrated festivals in the same way: in the family home with all kinds of sweets and delicious vegetables made according to recipes guarded by a grandmother.Days,often weeks,were spent in cutting,chopping,boiling,frying and storing them to be shared with every neighbor and relative within reach.

   My childhood was spent in Nainital,then a small,sleepy town high up in the Himalayan foothills and we lived actually on top of a hill. So I wonder,who makes those sweets and vegetables now?

   I now package these memories as popular bedtime stories to tell my wide-eyed grandchildren. And they are bestsellers: I just finish one,and then they beg another. Since my grandchildren live abroad,additional information has to be provided to serve as cultural footnotes.

   As I recycle my memories,I realize that what has also disappeared with the day-long kitchen work is the special flavor (XP?) of slow-cooked food. In the early 1960s,our food was often cooked overnight to be ready for the morning meal. This was also the secret of the melt-in-the-mouth Awadhi dum-pukht food cooked overnight.

   If you tiy overnight cooking in a modem kitchen,thea/arw (火警的警铃) will frighten your neighbors out of their beds at night. I tried making pamí/?íiy (印度煎饼) for my granddaughter in a Los Angeles kitchen at night. Just as she was waiting for her next one,the fire alarm sounded so hard.

   Somehow,our warmest memories are always those that are related to food. I have never forgotten the taste of my grandmother's wonderful dal(木豆) . Even today,when I am unable to sleep at night,I think of the taste of that delicious dal.

1. In the author* s hometown,sharing food .

   A. was very rare

   B. was a waste of time 

    C. was a festival custom   

    D. was ? children's game

2. The author's grandchildren think her childhood stories are.

   A. boring        B. interesting

    C. frightening   D. acceptable

3. The food in the author's childhood had a special flavor partly because

   A. it used special vegetables

   B. it was made in the kitchen 

    C. it was guarded by her mother   

    D. it was cooked for a long time

4. What happened while the author was making parathas for her granddaughter?

   A. Her kitchen caught fire.

   B. She troubled her neighbors,

    C. Her neighbors offered to help.

   D. Her granddaughter set off the alarm.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

        A  ★★★☆☆

    Since mobile phones slimmed down from the size of bricks,I’ve had one pressed to my ear. It has become my personal assistant,best friend and connection to the outside world. I even go to bed with it!We’ ve become addicted to our mobiles — and I,as ? journalist ?n? natural talker,suffer more than most.

    So I decided to go cold turkey for two weeks,to see if I could keep the bills down (It once cost me £4,500 a month) and survive without a mobile.

    The feeling is one of freedom,escape and calm. You can have a coffee without seeing 25 messages,and read the newspaper without being interrupted (?T ^b) . I went old-school and started to make appointments using email and phone boxes (if I could find one) . But soon I realized that,much as I was managing without my mobile,others were unable to do the most basic practicalities without me.

    Taxi companies couldn’t find me,my wife got angiy because she needed me to pick up the kids,and colleagues thought I’d died because the phone didn't ring.

    But I re-engaged with the art of observation. I saw the world around me instead of texting or playing with some new (应用软件) .It was the old me around 1990,and I quite liked it — but no one else did. So the mobile is back,but the bills are lower,and I now turn it off once a week and leave ther world of my pocket behind. Try it!

1. Why did the author try to stop using a mobile?

   A. It did harm to his ears.

   B. It made him get into debt.

    C. It gave him some unpleasant feelings.

   D. It made him impossible to fall asleep.

2. How did the author feel about giving up his mobile at first?

 A. Unsafe. B. Strange,

 C. Embarrassed. D. Wonderful.

3. What can we infer about the author’s no-mobile act?

   A. It made him lose many business deals.

   B. It caused others inconvenience,

    C. It kept his friends at a distance.

   D. It got his family's praise.

4. What can be the best title for the text?

   A. Addicted

   B. Disconnected 

    C. High phone bills

   D. This annoying world


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I took my first trip abroad 21England when I was eight years old. My mom .and I went to visit my two aunts 22 (live) in Crowthome,Berkshire andLetchworth,Hertfordshire for summer vacation. It was my first 23 (fly) ever. We flew with Turkish Airlines Boeing 727 from Istanbul Atatürk Airport to London Heathrow Airport.

   Both my aunts lived in the 似办奶加(郊区) of small towns. It was a new experience for me,24 grew up in downtown Istanbul. I 25 (real) enjoyed playing in the garden with my cousins and other children. I learned 26 (climb) trees and ride a bicycle that summer. Thanks to this trip,I started to learn English and practice it. During this vacation we went to London and visited some 27 (place) of interest in London,such as Buckingham Palace,Whitehall,Tower Bridge,and so on. My aunts bought me many London souvenir toys (玩具纪念品) . Back then (进口) goods 28 (limit) in Turkey,so these toys were like magic for 29 child like me.

   It was 30 (probable) the beginning of my love of different cultures and travel.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Christie stuck out her head against the lever (操纵杆)to turn her wheelchair toward Ben."Thanksfor ... believing …in me,…Ben,” she said,determined to get the words out 21  “But I don’ t want to. be your 22 want to be like everyone else."

   Ben had said how Christie 23 him. She had learned to do so many things for 'herself since the 24 . She never let someone hand her something if she could learn to 25 it by herself. Sometimes it took hours of 26 and practicing. To Ben that kind of 27 was heroic.

   On 28 like this one,Ben got up early to see Christie before catching the bus to school. Although Christie would come to 29 later in a special bus,Ben didn’ t want to 30 his day without her view on the world. Christie always got up early to catch the latest 31 on TV. She would swmmaWze (概括) it for him. She always 32 (积极的) news that made him feel 33 about life.As Ben stood up to walk to the bus,he 34something. “Where's Alisha?” he asked. Christie' s cat,Lexi,had had ?r?íms (小猫) .Alisha was the last

? kitten to be bom,and Christie's 35 . The kitten had learned to jump onto Christie's lap and lick her hand.

Christie had planned to 36 her.

  “She's at Karen's house,” Christie said.

:“Karen's grandmoth?r 37 last week. Karen is so sad. She really  38 a special friendlike Alisha,”

  “You gate Alisha away?” Ben asked.

  “Karen will be good to Alisha ,” Christie said. aYou are really 39 ,” Ben said. “You are my hero,no matter what yoi? do.

 “No,” Christie said. “I  40 did what you would do, Ben."

21. A. angrily   B. quickly   C. simply   D. clearly

22. A. neighbor   B. hero    C. audience   D. friend

23. A. amazed   B. noticed    C. satisfied   D. forgot

24. A. activity   B. performance

   C. event   D. accident

25. A. get   B. buy   C. control   D. guess

26. A. remembering   B. playing

   C. trying   D. crying

27. A. kindness   B. excitement

   C. determination   D. freedom

28. A. weekends   B. weekdays

  C. holidays   D. festivals

29. A. meeting   B. street  C. school   D. hospital

30. A end   B. start    C. waste   D. make

31. A. movie   B. fashion

   C. means   D. news

32. A. stressed  B. wrote    C. doubted   D. ignored

33. A. curious   B. disappointed

   C. good    D. worried

34. A. understood   B. realized

   C. accepted   D. predicted

35. A. pain   B. pressure

  C. favorite   D. dream

36. A. touch   B. hold   C. sell   D. keep

37. A. passed away   B. ran out

   C. turned up   D. settled down

38. A. trusts   B. needs   C. enjoys   D. misses

39. A. nice   B. strange   C. shy   D. brave

40. A. Still   B. just    C. also   D. already


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Everything worked out so smoothly and everyone was so kind to me,an America girl,that I had the most wonderful time as a volunteer teacher there.

   I felt at home right away. Also my host family was amazing.  I really found ? secoiid family in Thailand and we got along well even without speaking the same language. My host mother made a great effort to leam some English and I did my best to learn a couple of Thai words .

   Teaching was great fun and also quite challenging because I taught many different classes at different levels of English. So I always had to first check and then quickly adapt to (适应) their levels of English.

   But luckily,all the former teachers kept a teacher’ s diary and wrote down their exp?riences with the students so I could check in advance what kind of games or exercises they had been doing. Its stress was on conversation. And this was best done through little games. Students loved the competition and teaming up against each other. It sometimes took a bit to involve them because they were often very shy. But once they warmed up it was so much fun. I must say I enjoyed all the classes.

   On Sundays I went to temple school to teach the little students together with other teachers from Prangku. All the teachers at Prajigku were willing to spend much of their own free time helping these students. And the students were so nice,polite and really eager to learn English.

  I want to share this experience with everyone who enjoys being with children,and with everyone who is interested in getting to know a new culture. This is really an unforgettable experience.

1. Living with the host family,the author .

   A. became part of the family quickly

   B. found what the family did was strange 

    C. was often misunderstood by the family   

    D. could talk with the family fluently in Thai

2. Why did the author consider teaching in Thailand a challenge?

   A. No teacher gave her a helping hand.

   B. Her students were too shy to speak English,

    C. She had difficulty dealing with large classes.

   D. Her students were at different levels of English.

3. According to the author,teachers,from Prangku

   A. recorded studentsJ activities in a diary

   B. thought highly of what the author did 

    C. had a strong sense of responsibility   

    D. were not good at organizing games

4. The author thinks her experience in Thailand is

   A. worthwhile   B. adventurous

    C. uncomfortable   D. doubtful 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   To make the earth the better place to live,we must do how we can to protect our environment. In my opinions,we' d better not buy bottles or boxes can only be used once. We should turn on lights when we are not using them. When we go shopping,we ought to take a cloth bag rather than to use plastic bags. Measures should be taking to prevent factories from pouring waste water into rivers,or lakes. I s?ong believe that though everyone does that,our world will become more and more beautiful. We only have one planet and we must act now to save them from further pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Julia McWilliams,who would later be known as the French Chef(大厨) Julia Child,was bom in California in 1912. She was an athletic young woman who played tennis,golf,and basketball,but cooking was not yet on her mind. She hoped to be a writer. Therefore,when she graduated from Smith College in 1934 with a degree in English,Julia headed to New York and began ? career in advertising as ? copywriter.

    Julia got married with Paul Child in 1946. Two years later,they moved to Paris. After eating at France's oldest * restaurant,La Couronne,Julia realized that cooking was her passion and she attended the world-famous Le Cordon Bleu cooking school. She also joined a women's cooking club.

    Through the club,Julia met two French women who were writing a French cookbook for Americans. They hoped that Julia would be able to work with them to make the book attractive to Americans. They worked together on the book for 10 years. Several times it was rejected for being too big or too much like an (百科全书) . But finally,in 1961,when the 726-page Mastering the Art of French Cooking was published in the United States,it became a best-seller.

    Based on the popularity of her book,Julia was invited to cook live on air as a guest on a public television show in Boston. Her segme咐(视频片段) was so popular that the station decided to invite her back to host her own cooking show — The French Chef.

    When Julia died in 2004,she was arguably the most famous French chef.

5. When Julia graduated from Smith College,her dream was to be .

   A. an advertiser   B. a writer

    C. a chef         D. an athlete

6. What inspired Julia to become a chef?

   A. A cooking show.

   B. A cooking book.

    C. A meal in La C?uronne.

   D. A women's cooking club. .

7. What do we know about Mastering the Art of French Cooking?

   A. It was very expensive.

   B. It was written for the French,

    C. It took two years to complete.

   D. It was very popular in America.

8. The text is mainly written .

   A. to introduce Julia Child

    B. to advertise French food 

    C. to introduce a cooking book   

    D. to popularize a cooking show 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. When you (感冒) ,food has very little flavor (味道) to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 24. I was surprised to see Joe at the park. I didn't expect him there.

   A. meet   B. to meet     C. meeting   D. to meeting 

