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________studying journalism at Peking University, Sang Lan also hosted a sports programme.

      A. Apart from             B. Except                    C. In addition                     D. Except for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only be used once. One word is not needed.

A. understanding     B. industry        C. range      D. improve       E. adopted

F. pronounce          G. flooding       H. valued     I. operating       J. tend      

The speeches of US President Barack Obama have become the favorite way for Japanese to study the English language. Japanese publishers have been ______ the market with over a dozen language-learning titles. Companies are trying to enter a foreign-language teaching _______ which was _______ at $8.6 billion in 2008 by some research institutes.

Why is there such a huge Japanese market for recordings and books of Obama's speeches? Japanese say that listening to Obama speak is a good way to ______ their English-speaking skills.  

Most Japanese, including those studying English, would have difficulty ___ a speech given by a native English speaker. But “Obama's English is easy to understand because he can _______ words clearly and speaks at a relatively slow speed,” said Professor Tadaharu Nikaido, a communication specialist. “Movies ______ to be the most difficult for Japanese, especially when actors mumble (咕哝) their words.” Obama sets his _______ of vocabulary wide enough to accommodate (迎合) all levels of English speakers, Nikaido added, and at the lower end, it sometimes comes within the range of non-native speakers' comprehension.

The Obama speech phenomenon has given way to more books and magazines that focus on how Obama's communication skills might be ______ in Japan for business and political purposes. At least half a dozen books and magazine covers of this kind have appeared in the past several months in Japan.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省靖安中学高三10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

On Saturday nights, A.J.Coston doesn’t get a lot of sleep. Usually three or four times a night, a loud bell rings, a red light flashes, and he has to jump out of his bed. That’s because he’s a weekend volunteer firefighter(消防员)with Loudoun County Fire and Rescue Station 13 in Northern Virginia. During the week, he lives at home with his mom, dad and sister and does his main job which is going to high school.
“I have always wanted to get into firefighting since I was a little kid watching fire trucks go by,” he says. “One day on the Internet I noticed that Loudoun County offered a junior firefighter program.” He was only 16, but he got it.
Fighting fires is dangerous work. Firefighters never stop practicing the skills they need to stay safe. Once Coston learned those skills, he was allowed to work inside burning buildings.
“Teamwork is most important,” he says. “It’s the whole team that puts the fire out.”
Firefighters feel great about helping people. “My most unbelievable call was probably the time four kids were struck by lightning,” says Coston. He will be off to college next fall, building on his dream job. “I’ll get my degree in emergency(紧急情况) medical care. and then work in a fire and rescue company for a while. I want to be a flight doctor on a helicopter in the end, but I will never forget the days as a firefighter. These are my unforgettable experiences,” he says.
【小题1】 Coston can’t sleep well on Saturday nights because _____.

A.he has to work part-time at weekends
B.he has some sleeping problems
C.he has to do his job as a volunteer firefighter
D.he always worries that there may be a fire
【小题2】What do we learn about Coston from the passage?
A.He doesn’t like studying at school.B.He will go to college next year.
C.He dreams to be a great hero one day.D.He is only sixteen years old.
【小题3】In Coston’s opinion, what is the key thing in putting out a fire?
A.Skills.B.Teamwork. C.Courage.D.Equipment.
【小题4】All of the following are true EXPECT that _____.
A.Coston wanted to be a firefighter when he was a kid
B.Coston tried several times before he became a volunteer firefighter
C.firefighters feel proud that they can help people
D.firefighters have to practice skills all the time to stay safe


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年上海市虹口区高考一模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. based      B. schedule      C. individual     D. determined     E. achieving

F. ambitious   G. success       H. studying       I. marvel         J. smarter

The Secret of Success

The secret of success is that there is no secret. Some people succeed because they are just __1__ than other people. Some people succeed because they just work harder than other people. And some people succeed because they are just plain lucky.

  Ma Donghan is a student at Tsinghua University who is __2__ to be successful and she’s not going to leave it to luck. Ma is obviously smart because she’s a student at the best university in China, but her plan for success is __3__ on the old fashion value of hard work. You can see that by the weekly schedule she’s set up for herself which was recently posted online.

  Every hour of every day is accounted for. There is her classroom __4__, of course, but then blocks of time are set aside for __5__ each subject and also for a few activities like playing sports. There are no hours set aside for just relaxing and there are only five hours allotted (分配) each night for sleeping. She has set a very __6__, almost punishing schedule for herself, but it seems to be working.

  Other students __7__ at Ma’s diligence and discipline but doubt that they could achieve the same level of success. Perhaps not, but Ma is obviously a unique and special __8__. She has set high goals, made a plan to achieve those goals, and worked hard to keep to her plan. This is what other students can learn from Ma.

In school, as in life, __9__ is never guaranteed and not everyone will find him or herself at the top of the pyramid. The important thing to remember is that having a plan and working hard to stay with the plan will bring you a level of success that just being smart and lucky cannot.



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2010届高三下学期月考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Most people are worried about the health of economy. But does the economy also affect your body health?

It does, but not always the ways you might expect. The data(数据) on how an economic downturn influences an individual’s health is mixed.

It’s clear that a long-term economic rise leads to improvements in a population’s overall health, in developing and developed societies alike.

But whether the short-term economic fall will damage your own health depends on your health habits when times are good. And economic studies suggest that people usually do not take care of themselves in good times—drinking too much, dining on fattier restaurant meals and skipping exercises.

“The value of time is higher during good economic times,” said Grant Miller, a professor of medicine at Stanford. “so people work more and do less of the things that are good for them, like cooking at home and exercising. ”

Similar patterns have been seen in some developing nations. Dr. Miller, who is studying the effects of fluctuating coffee prices on health in Colombia where coffee plays an important role in economy development, says that although falling prices are bad for the economy, they appear to improve the population’s overall health. When prices are low, laborers have time to enjoy their own life such as doing housework, exercising and taking care of their children, etc.

“When coffee prices suddenly rise, people work harder on their coffee fields and spend less time doing things around the home, including things that are good for their children,” he said.

Christopher J. Rohm, professor of economics at University of North Carolina. US shares similar ideas.

57. What would be the best title?

A. Does the economy affect your body health?

B. Does your life habit play an important role in economy development?

C. Economic rise leads to improvement in people’s health.

D. Coffee prices affect people’s health.

58. According to Grant Miller, it is implied that_______.

A. a long-term economic rise can damage your body health

B. a long-term economic fall can damage people’s body health

C. a short-term economic rise can improve people’s body health

D. a short-term economic fall can improve your body health

59. What does the underlined word “fluctuating” in the sixth paragraph mean?

A. lasting         B. changing        C. rising       D. falling\

60. Professor Christopher J. Rohm thinks that_________.

A. people work harder when it is in long-term good economy times

B. people work less when it is in short-term good economy times

C. people have more time to enjoy their own life in short-term bad economy times

D. people do less of the things around the home in long-term bad economy times



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年上海市高三上学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:其他题

Complete the passage with the proper words in the box. Each word can only be used once. One word is not needed.

A. understanding     B. industry       C. range      D. improve     E. adopted

F. pronounce          G. flooding       H. valued     I. operating       J. tend      


The speeches of US President Barack Obama have become the favorite way for Japanese to study the English language. Japanese publishers have been ___1.___ the market with over a dozen language-learning titles. Companies are trying to enter a foreign-language teaching ___2.____ which was ____3.___ at $8.6 billion in 2008 by some research institutes.

Why is there such a huge Japanese market for recordings and books of Obama's speeches? Japanese say that listening to Obama speak is a good way to ____4.__ their English-speaking skills.  

Most Japanese, including those studying English, would have difficulty __5._ a speech given by a native English speaker. But “Obama's English is easy to understand because he can ____6.___ words clearly and speaks at a relatively slow speed,” said Professor Tadaharu Nikaido, a communication specialist. “Movies ____7.__ to be the most difficult for Japanese, especially when actors mumble (咕哝) their words.” Obama sets his ____8.___ of vocabulary wide enough to accommodate (迎合) all levels of English speakers, Nikaido added, and at the lower end, it sometimes comes within the range of non-native speakers' comprehension.

The Obama speech phenomenon has given way to more books and magazines that focus on how Obama's communication skills might be ___9.___ in Japan for business and political purposes. At least half a dozen books and magazine covers of this kind have appeared in the past several months in Japan.


