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19.Whether you like it or not,you've got to open your eyes to face thereality(现实).

分析 不论你是否喜欢,你都必须睁开眼面对现实.

解答 答案是reality.考查翻译填空.定冠词the后面接名词.题干表达的是"你都必须睁开眼面对现实",所以用名词reality表示"现实",故答案是reality.

点评 解答此类题目,首先需要明确句意,确定单词词性,然后根据相关语法填写正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Not for the first time,Paul Mathis wants us to change.But this time he isn't trying to get us to go vegetarian,or dine only on locally grown ingredients.This time he's trying to get us to type differently.
Paul Mathis,a restaurateur from Melbourne who owns a string of dining establishments,has designed the letter"?"-representing the word"the".Now he is pushing Apple to allow him to promote his app,which features the new character,in its iTunes store.
   In a move to branch out of the food business,Paul has invested AUS $38,000 (£23,500)in the new app,but has so far been rejected by Apple.He is hoping he can change their mind,pointing out that reducing the word"the"-the most used word in the English language-to one character would be helpful for Twitter and swift typing.
"Is this important?"he said,in an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald."No.Is this going to change the world?Not really.But is it something that might be useful for people?I think so,because it can save people lots of time on keyboard."
"The word‘and'is only the fifth-most used word in English and it has its own symbol-the ampersand‘&',"said Mr.Mathis."Isn't it time we gave the same respect to‘the'?"
The top five most commonly used words in the English language are said to be:the,be,to,of,and"and".The ampersand"&"has at times been used as the 27th letter of the English alphabet.
Paul has developed the typography-effectively an upper-case"T"and a lower-case"h"bunched together so they share the upright stem-and an app that puts it in everyone's hand by allowing users to download an entirely new electronic keyboard complete not just with his symbol but also a row of keys of 15 most frequently typed words.
So far,though,the take-up has been minimal.But that might change if he can get his innovation into Apple's app store.The problem is,the Californian tech giant has so far resisted his advances.But who knows-maybe in 500 years'time people will be amazed that there was a time when we didn't use‘?'.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS)
78.What is Paul Mathis?He is a restaurateur from Melbourne owing a string of dining establishments
79.Paul designs the new letter"?"to represent the word"the"because he thinksit would be helpful for Twitter and swift typing
80.The main difference between the new and the old electronic keyboard is that the new onecontains"?"and a row of keys of 15 most frequently-used words
81.How can Paul attract more people to download his new keyboard?By promoting his app in iTunes store.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.As the old saying goes,beauty is in the eye of the beholder.But Venezuela,whose beauty queens have won Miss Universe and Miss World over six times,doesn't leave it to chance.In Venezuela,girls as young as four can be found attending beauty schools,where they can learn a range of skills from how to walk to the correct way to hold a wine glass.
"Hair must always be completely clean,make-up should look natural,and you should always,always wear high-heels,"advises Andrea Reyes,a teacher in a school of Caracas with 160 students.
Beauty contests are treated in Venezuela much as sporting competitions are elsewhere.Many Venezuelan parents believe that if their daughters can succeed and get the beauty crown,their future as famous and public persons is sure to come.As a result,the girls are trained to compete at a young age.
Among former beauty queens are Irene Saez,who went on to compete for the country's president,and Eva Ekvall,whose battle with cancer helped to make more people know about the illness in Venezuela.
However,voices against the trend can be heard all over the country.At one time,a feminist (男女平等主义者) group tried to stop the Miss Venezuela broadcast.President Hugo Chavez has spoken out against the culture of plastic surgery(整形手术)in Venezuela,calling it a"frightening thing".
The BBC reporter Sarah Grainger says that acceptance of the contests is partly a result of the country's"machista"(大男子主义的) view of the different roles that men and women should play,"Men are supposed to be strong and brave and women to be gentle and beautiful".
Miss Universe 1996,Alicia Machado,knows the price to be paid when you're no longer seen as attractive.After winning the beauty contest,she said all she wanted to do was"eat,eat and eat".Her weight gain later and warning by the organizers of the contest to replace her as queen with the runner-up was among the hottest topics in the country,especially in Latin America.
63.What's the advice given by a teacher in Caracas to her students?C
A.Attending beauty schools as early as possible.
B.Wearing high-heels at times.
C.Washing your hair quite often.
D.Fighting against cancer bravely.
64.Girls try to win in the beauty contest toC.
A.try plastic surgery               
B.practice the country's"machista"view
C.earn a good future                
D.eat as much as one pleases
65.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.Venezuela girls have won Miss Universe and Miss World over six times by chance
B.In Venezuela,people judge men and women in quite different ways
C.Eva Ekvall once competed for the country's president
D.Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has spoken out against beauty contests
66.What does the underlined word"runner-up"in the last paragraph mean?D
A.the news reporter covering the beauty contest
B.the organizer of the beauty contest
C.the girl who is slim
D.the person who comes in the second place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.There once was a goat and a donkey,(61)whichlived on a farm.The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer fed it the (62)most(much) food.Sometimes the donkey was given more food (63)thanit could eat.This made the goat so jealous(64)thatit began plotting against the donkey."Hey,donkey,"the goat said one day,"I think you do too much work on this farm.You carry such heavy things from morning to night.Why don't you pretend (65)to get(get) sick so you can take a day(66)off?"The donkey thought the goat had a great idea.So  the next morning,the donkey lay in the stable on its side with its eyes (67)closed(close).Right away,the farmer called the doctor.(68)Afterlooking at the donkey,the doctor said it needed a special medicine(69)made(make) from the heart of a goat.So the farmer killed (70)the/hisgoat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.H ave you ever gone (36)travelling(travel) abroad?(37)Actually(actual),it is interesting to visit another country,(38)whichcan broaden our mind and make us have an unforgettable experience,but sometimes there (39)are(be) some problems when we don't know the language very well.It may be (40)difficult(difficulty) to talk with the people there.We may not know how to use the telephone in the country which we are (41)visiting(visit).We may not know how to buy the things we need.In a strange country we may not know where to eat (42)orwhat to order in a restaurant.It is not easy (43)to decide(decide) how much money to tip waiters or taxi drivers.When we are helpless,we may not know how to ask (44)forhelp.After a short time,however,we learn what to do and what to say.We learn to enjoy (45)living/life(live) in another country,and then we may be sorry to leave both the place and the people.It's a pity,isn't it?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.I prefer to work in a company _____ people work as a team instead of fighting against each other.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.Starting a new school term is always exciting.It is a chance (81)to see (see) your friends again.But most exciting of all,the new term lets you take up new hobbies.It is common in Britain (82)for students to take up new hobbies after the Christmas holidays.Promising to learn something new is (83)a common New Year's resolution.
Most schools offer different kinds of hobby classes.Students (84)usually (usual) take them in their free periods or after school.Some classes you have to pay for and (85)others/some are free.For example,I once took a free Wednesday evening gymnastics class my school offered.(86)But when I learnt how to play the drum,my parents had to pay for the lessons.
The most popular extra classes at my school were piano lessons and drama club.Both classes offered exams students could take.Students with many hobbies sometimes felt (87)more stressed than those without any.But the students with hobbies left school with many extra (88)skills (skill).
I (89)haven't continued (continue) any of the hobbies I began at school.But I have never regretted (90)taking (take) them.My best friend today is someone I met in my gymnastics class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets(56)because the traffic drives on the left.Before you cross a street you must look to the right first (57)and then the left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from (58)work,the streets are very busy.Traffic is most(59)dangerous (danger) then.
When you go by bus in England,you have to be careful,(60)too.Always remember the traffic moves on the left.So you must be careful.(61)Have(have) a look first,or you will go (62)the wrong way.
In many English cities,there are big buses (63)with two floors.You can sit on the (64)second(two) floor.From (65)thereyou can see the city very well.It's very interesting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.The newly-married couple held a conventionalwedding ceremony in which they wore traditional clothes and even invited some artists to act Beijing Opera.

