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【题目】Mozart was a great man born with a given talent. He was writing songs at the age of five and performing before the queen by the time he was six years old. Early on, Mozart realized what his talents were, practiced or honed what he was born to do and used his natural abilities to create amazing pieces of music.

Mozart was not the first to be born with natural talents and he wasn't the last. We all have them. We only need to discover what they are and use them to the best of our abilities. You have been given amazing gifts that are meant to be shared with the world. Your job is to find out what those talents are and master them.

Finding your natural talents may not be an easy task. Perhaps your parents except fewer wouldn't approve of (赞成)your artistic ability to paint or sing, because they want you to be a successful doctor or lawyer. Maybe your gift wouldn't seem to have the ability to bring the kind of wealth you hope. These may be excuses; it's up to you. Have you ever noticed that when you engage in an activity in which you are naturally talented, you feel active and excited? That's a sign that these are the things you should do. Discover your brilliance (才华)in life and practice, practice, practice.

Look at the world's greatest athletes. They practice what they're naturally good at, and what they love. You don't see Jordan sitting trying to study DNA. If that was something he was talented at, that's what he would be doing. But it's not. He's a brilliant athlete. He sticks to what he does best and he realizes his dream.

There are only two steps to success-discover your brilliance and perfect it.

1In the writer's opinion Mozart's success lies in __________.

A. his great given talent

B. making good use of his natural talent

C. learning from others

D. his favorable conditions

2What does the underlined word " honed" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. To do something repeatedly to improve one's skill.

B. To find out what one is always good at doing.

C. To do what one likes and what is interesting.

D. To ask others for some advice of doing something.

3In Paragraph 4 the writer advises us to __________.

A. work hard at what we are engaging in

B. fear no difficulty and realize our dream

C. practice what we are naturally good at

D. become a great athlete like Jordan







2A 词义猜测题。由文中practiced or honed可知,honedpracticed同义,即磨练,训练。故A项是最佳答案。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a story from a doomsday movie.

Many experts and green groups fear they will come true unless there is a united global effort to hold back greenhouse gas outpouring.In the decades to come, Asia—home to more than half the world's 63 billion people—will change from one climate extreme to another, with tired farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels.

"It's not a pretty picture," said Steve Sawyer, climate policy adviser with Greenpeace in Amsterdam.Global warming and changes of weather patterns are already occurring and there is more than enough carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to come.

Already, changes are being felt in Asia but worse is likely to come.Sawyer and top climate bodies say, and could lead to mass migration and widespread human disasters.According to predictions, icebergs will melt faster, some Pacific and Indian Ocean islands will have to evacuate or build sea defenses, storms will become stronger and insects and water-borne diseases will move into new areas as the world warms.

All this comes on top of rising populations and demand for food, water and other resources.Experts say environmental worsening such as deforestation and pollution will likely enlarge the results of climate change.

In what could be a sign of the future, Japan was hit by a record of 10 typhoons and tropical storms this year, while two - thirds of Bangladesh, parts of Nepal and large areas of northeastern India were flooded, affecting 50 million people, destroying livelihoods and making tens of thousands ill.

The year before, a winter cold strike and a summer heat wave killed more than 2,000 people in India.

【1】This passage is mainly about ____

A.present situation and predictions of environmental problems in Asia.

B.the weather predictions for Asia in the future and the reasons

C.how to improve our environment

D.reasons why the world will no longer be suitable for us to live in

【2】In the future the Asian farmers will have to face the following except ____

A.food shortages B.wars

C.droughts D.floods

【3】The underlined word "doomsday" in the first paragraph may mean____

A.the hell B.the end of the world

C.a great world war D.mystery

【4】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Asian climate will change greatly.

B.Some islands may be flooded in the future.

C.People may meet with some new diseases resulting from water.

D.More than 50 million people have been ill in Asia the year before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As more people use smart phones to pay bills and store personal information, strict password security has become more important than ever. A new study shows that free-form gestures–sweeping fingers in shapes across the screen of a smart phone—can be used to unlock phones. These gestures are less likely to be observed and reproduced by others than traditional typed passwords.

“All that it takes to steal a password is a quick eye,” said one of the researchers of the study. “With all the personal information we have on our phones today, improving their security is becoming increasingly necessary.” In developing a secure solution to this problem, the researchers studied the practicality of using free-form gestures. With the ability to create any shape in any size and location on the screen, the gestures were popular as passwords. Since users create them without following a template, the researchers predicted these gestures would allow for greater complexity.

The researchers carried out a create-test-retest experiment where 63 people were asked to create a gesture, recall it, and recall it again 10 days later. The gestures were captured on a recognizer system designed by the team. Using this data, they tested the complexity and accuracy of each gesture using information theory. The result of their analysis is that people are favorable to use free-form gestures as passwords.

To put their analysis into practice, the researchers then had seven students in computer science and engineering, each with considerable experience with touchscreens(触摸屏), attempt to steal a free-form gesture password by observing a phone user secretly. None of them were able to copy the gestures with enough accuracy. The gestures appear to be extremely powerful against attacks.

Though the testing is in its early stage and widespread adaptation of this technology is not yet clear, the research team plans to continue to analyze the security and management of free–form passwords in the future. They believe this is the first study to explore free-form gestures as passwords. They will soon publish their findings.

1What can we learn about free-form gestures?

A. They are improving mobile security in a way.

B. Users will have to make use of simple gestures.

C. They will never be copied by others.

D. Users must move their fingers in fixed shapes.

2The experiment in paragraph 4 is to test _________ of free - form gestures.

A. template B. application C. accuracy D. security

3According to the text, the researchers think that ________.

A. it is easy to steal any password with a quick eye

B. better ways of setting passwords should be developed

C. people had better not use smart phones to pay bills

D. personal information should not be stored in a phone

4The main purpose of the text is to ________.

A. advise people to use free-form gestures

B. discuss whether smart phones are safe

C. talk about the practicality of passwords

D. introduce the study of a new password


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is generally believed that constant reading and comprehending can __________ our mental ability of comprehension while physical exercise can help build up our body.

A. stress B. effect

C. strengthen D. decide


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If the population of the Earth keeps on 【1】 (increase) at its present rate, there will 2 (eventual) not be enough resources left to support life on the planet. By the middle of the 21st century, if present trends continue, we 3 (use) up all the oil that drives our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on Earth will make it 4 (necessity) for us to look for open space somewhere else. But 5 of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, 6 , has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. Sagan believes that 7 the Earth’s resources are completely 8 (exhaust), it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and 9 create a new world almost as large as the Earth itself. The difficulty is that Venus is much hotter than the Earth. 【10 , there is only a tiny amount of water there.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I am quite __________ that the new cosmetics, whether it appears in the form of tablet, capsule, powder or injection, will __________ through the country among young ladies.

A. optimistic about; sweep B. optimistic; sweep

C. pessimistic; spread D. pessimistic about; spread


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】2014年全国发生数起严重的校园暴力事件,某中学高三8班围绕校园安全问题召开主题班会。假定你是班长李华,以“How to protect ourselves in campus violence”为标题写一篇发言稿,主要包括如下内容:







How to protect ourselves in campus violence

Dear friends,

This year, some seriously violent incidents happened in campus, resulting in very bad results.




That’s all. Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你的美国朋友Tom 一周前给你发电子邮件,询问你暑假里的打算,但你因准备期末考试未能及时回复。请根据以下要点给他回封邮件:

1. 未及时回信的原因;

2. 你假期的打算(如做兼职、旅行、做志愿者等)。

注意:1. 词数:120-150;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mum: (putting on her coat) I'm going to have to go down to the shop for more bread.

Alan: Why?

Mum: I'm not sure what 【1】 (happen). I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table 2 I went to answer the phone. But someone must have taken them because they're3 (go).

Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad. I'm sure he was in the kitchen 4 (early).

Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished5 (make) them, so he couldn't have done it.6 , he couldn't carry a plate of sandwiches as well as all his tennis stuff, so I'm sure7 wasn't him.

Alan: (opening the fridge door) Well, it wasn't me. But Mum, look! Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of8 fridge?

Mum: Are they there? Oh, my goodness. I 9 (put) them in there when the phone rang. Oh, dear. I really must be losing my 【10 . Now, why did I put on my coat?

