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12.It's never a real problem for us when the weather gets cold.  We have many different ways of coping with the cold.We can put on more clothes,stay next to a fireplace,turn on the air conditioner or simply travel to a warmer city to spend the winter.But things are not as easy for plants.Unlike humans,plants can't move to escape the cold or generate heat to keep themselves warm.So how do they manage to survive the freezing winter?
    The cold is a big challenge for plants.Their living tissues can be damaged when they freeze.It's like a plant's equivalent(相等物)to frostbite(冻疮).Also,the process of freezing and thawing(解冻)can cause air bubbles to form in the plant's water transport system.If enough of these air bubbles come together as water thaws they can block the flow of water from the roots to the leaves and kill the plant.
    To live through cold weather,plants have developed three strategies,Some plants,such as oak trees,avoid freezing damage by dropping their leaves,before the winter chill sets in-effectively shutting off the flow of water between roots and leaves-and growing new leaves and water transport cells when the warm spring returns.Other plants,pine trees for example,protect them-selves by narrowing their water transport cells,which makes it easier for cells to travel among air bubbles.The third strateg is also the most extreme.Some plants; die on the ground in winter and start growing as new plants from seeds when conditions get warmer.
    However,these smart strategies were developed very slowly-over millions of years of evolution.This leads scientists to worry that plants may not be able to deal with human-caused climate change,which has only started occurring over the past few decades.Scientists are hoping to find possible ways to save plants from the threat of climate change.

51.What is the text mainly about?B
A.Different ways for people to keep warm.
B.How plants live through the freezing winter.
C.How plants develop the 8tratef;ies to keep warm*
D.The ways to save plants from the cold,
52.If the water transport from roots to leaves is blocked,D.
A.the plant will suffer from f'rostbite
B.air bubbles will be formed
C.the plant's living tissues will be damaged
D.the plant will be killed
53.Oak trees protect themselves byA.
A.stopping the water transport from roots to leaves
B.dropping their leaves to grow seeds
C.slowing the flow of water from roots to leaves
D.storing enough water in the roots
54.What does the underlined phrase"sets in"mean in Paragraph3?B
55.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?C
A.Plants can,easily adapt to climate change.
B.Scientists are making efforts to save plants.
C.Climates change is a great threat to plants.
D.Plants are developing new strategies to survive.

分析 在寒冷的冬天,人们有各种各样保暖的方法,但是植物怎么过冬呢?这篇文章讲的是植物在寒冷的天气生存的方法.

解答 51.答案 B 主旨归纳题 从全篇文章和第二段的句子:But things are not as easy for plants.Unlike humans,plants can't move to escape the cold or generate heat to keep themselves warm.So how do they manage to survive the freezing winter?可知这篇文章讲的是植物在寒冷的天气生存的方法,故答案为B
52.答案 D 细节理解题 根据If enough of these air bubbles come together as water thaws they can block the flow of water from the roots to the leaves and kill the plant.
53.答案 A 细节理解题:从第五段的句子:Some plants,such as oak trees,avoid freezing damage by dropping their leaves before the winter chill sets in-effectively shutting off the flow of water between roots and leaves 可知橡树是通过在冬天将树叶落下,这样来在冬天幸存的,选A.
54.答案 B 词义猜测题 根据句意Some plants,such as oak trees,avoid freezing damage by dropping their leaves before the winter chill sets in…可知,set in 此处的意思是"开始"故答案为B
55.答案 C 主旨归纳题  根据文章倒数第二段的句子:This leads scientists to worry that plants may not be able to deal with human-caused climate change,which has only started occurring over the past few decades.可知科学家担心的是人类造成的气候变化对植物来说是个威胁.

点评 阅读理解题主要考查考生对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受及处理具体信息的能力.试题的取材,密切联系当前我国和世界经济、科技等方面的变化,有关数据的来源真实可信.因此科普知识类文章是每年的必考题.分析历年的科普类文章我们不难发现以下特点:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.The Great President
As the f (25)founder of the republic,the president had many good q (26)qualities.Before coming to p (27)power,he was a g (28)generouslawyer.He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him.He accepted no fee to offer legal g (29)guidance and opinions to those who were out of work or uneducated.Later,believing all mankind to be e (30)equal,he d (31)devoted himself to stopping the unfair anti-black laws.He set up the Black Youth League and was voted to be the leader.However,though he kept peaceful principles without v (32)violence or terror,his mean enemies still blew up his house and a (33)attacked his relatives,and he himself couldn't escape being s (34)sentenced to 30years in prison.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for the London bus.The bus for London would not leave until five to twelve.He saw a lot of people waiting in the station.Some were standing in lines,and others were walking about.There was a group of school-girls.Their teacher was trying to keep them in order.Tom looked around but there was nowhere for him to sit.
He walked into the station café.He looked up at the clock there.It was only twenty to twelve.He found a seat and sat down,facing a large mirror on the wall.Just then,John,one of Tom's friends,came in and sat with Tom.
"What time is your bus?"asked John.
"Oh,there is plenty of time yet,"answered Tom.
"Oh,I'll get you some more tea then,"said John.
They talked while drinking.Then Tom looked at the clock again.
"Good heavens!It's going back-ward!"he cried."A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it's half past eleven."
"You are looking at the clock in the mirror,"said John.
Tom wanted to kick himself for being so foolish.The next bus was not to leave for another hour.He has never liked mirror since then.
56.Tom went into the station café becauseD.
A.he wanted a drink there
B.John asked him to have a cup of tea
C.he would meet a friend of his
D.it was early yet and he could find a place to sit
57.What time was it in fact when he looked at the clock in the mirror?
A.Half past twelve.
B.Half past eleven.
C.Twenty to twelve.
D.Half past one.
58.When we look at a clock in the mirror we'll seeC.
A.the right time       
B.it is going slower
C.it is going backward      
D.it is going fast
59.Which of the following is true?B
A.He liked mirror even before.
B.Tom missed his bus.
C.The next bus would leave soon.
D.Tom arrived in London on time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

A.primarily    B.delayed      C.interact        D.equivalent      E.identified
F.intentions    G.acquisition   H.overwhelming   I.permanently     J.comparative
Quite often,educators tell families of children who are learning English as a second language to speak only English,and not their native language,at home.Although these educators may have good(41)F,their advice to families is misguided,and it arises from misunderstandings about the process of language (42)G.Educators may fear that children hearing two languages will become (43)I confused and thus their language development will be (44)B.Children are capable of learning more than one language,whether simultaneously (同时地) or sequentially (依次地).In fact,most children outside of the United States are expected to become bilingual or even,in many cases,multilingual.Globally,knowing more than one language is viewed as an asset (资产) and even a (45)K in many areas.
It is also of concern that the misguided advice that students should speak only English is given (46)A to poor families with limited educational opportunities,not to wealthier families who have many educational advantages.Since children from poor families often are (47)E as at-risk for academic failure,teachers believe that advising families to speak English only is appropriate.Teachers consider learning two languages to be too (48)H for children from poor families,believing that the children are already burdened by their home situations.
If families do not know English or have limited English skills themselves,how can they communicate in English?Advising non-English-speaking families to speak only English is(49)D to telling them not to communicate with or (50)C with their children.Moreover,the underlying message is that the family's native language is not important or valued.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Dear David,
I'm glad you would like to share your feelings with me.It's hardly surprising that your feelings of not being"grown up"have come on strongly at this point in your life,just before you're about to become a father.You are asking:will I make a good father?How will I cope?Should I have brought another little person into the world?Can I provide for it?Heeelp!I think nearly every sensitive about-to-be-parent must have these occasional feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy (不适) before the birth and it would be most unusual if you didn't share them.
It's difficult,honestly,to feel grown-up unless you have something less grown-up to relate to.A hen-pecked (惧内的) boss may feel like a seven-year-old when he's at home.But as he walks through the office door,and knows he's going to be surrounded by staff looking to him for advice,he grows into a fully mature man.And I think it's a mistake to imagine that we all feel,as we age,a kind of progression of states,from the baby to the adult.Most people feel,on Tuesday,about three years old,and on a Wednesday,around 80.I remember feeling very grown-up at eight,a time when I was weighed down with responsibility.These days,much older,I can,in the company of people I feel at ease with,feel like a young girl.
There's a common remark that"all men are little boys",but it's not true.It's more true that men often behave like little boys.But nearly all people,at some moments in their lives,are capable of great maturity.
Once your baby arrives,you'll soon feel less childlike,or rather,less often.When your child tries to put its fingers into the electric plug,the adult in you will rise up to prevent it.You'll see you have very little in common with a needy child,particularly if it's looking to you for comfort and support.
Comfort yourself,David,with two truths.One is that your friends laugh when they talk about this subject because they,like you,feel frightened.And remember that people who haven't grown up don't go around talking about the fact that they don't feel grown-up.
Hope my advice will be helpful and good luck to you and your little one.
Sincerely Yours,
Miss Advice
43.According to the passage,Miss Advice thinks David's self-doubtB
A.valuable     B.natural          C.unusual      D.bearable
44.From Paragraph 2,we can learn that people's sense of maturityC
A.will increase with age
B.is obviously seen at home
C.changes with different situations
D.becomes stronger with familiar people
45.Miss Advice holds thatC.
A.all men behave like little boys
B.people tend to laugh at the subject
C.men with a baby feel more grown-up
D.people enjoy talking about their immaturity
46.Miss Advice wrote the letter toB.
A.teach people how to grow up
B.offer suggestions to a future father
C.encourage people to be responsible
D.solve problems of the less grown-u.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.It is well-known that twins are closer to each other than most brothers and sisters----after all,they probably spend more time with each other.Parents of twins often notice that they develop special ways of communicating:they invent their own words and one can often finish the other's sentence.In exceptional circumstances,this closeness becomes more extreme:they invent a whole language of their own,as in the case of Grace and Virginia Kennedy from Georgia in the USA,who communicated so successfully in their own special language that they did not speak any English at all until after they started school.
However,these special relationships are the result of lives spent almost entirely in each other's company.What happens when twins do not grow up together,when they are separated at birth for some reason?Are they just like any other strangers,or are there still special similarities between them?Professor Tom Bouchard,of the University of Minnesota,set out to find the answer to this question.He traced sixteen pairs of twins,who were adopted by different families when they were babies,and often brought up in very different circumstances.Each twin was then interviewed about every small detail of their life.
The results of this research make a surprising reading.Many of the twins were found to have the same hobbies,many have suffered the same illnesses,and some have even had the same type of accident at the same point in their lives.One pair of middle-aged women arrived for their first meeting in similar dresses,another pair were wearing similar jewellery.The most incredible similarities are to be found in the case of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis from Ohio in the USA.The story of the'Jim Twins'made headline news across USA.Born to an immigrant woman in 1939,and adopted by different families at birth,both babies were named Jim by their new parents.
But what can be the explanation for these remarkable similarities?Is it all pure coincidence,or is the explanation in some way genetic?Research into the lives of twins is forcing some experts to admit that our personalities may be at least partly due to'nature'.On the other hand,analysts are also anxious to emphasise that incredible coincidences do happen all the time,not just in the lives of twins.
73.The case of Grace and Virginia Kennedy (Para.1)is to show thatA.
A.twins communicate with each other in an unusual way
B.twins are more likely to suffer from speaking problems
C.most twins have exceptional abilities to invent a new language
D.twins won't have an effective communication until they go to school
74.The purpose of Tom Bouchard's study is to findC.
A.what will happen if twins spend lives entirely in the same company
B.why the 16 pairs of twins have been adopted by different families
C.whether separated growing up has effect on twins'special similarities
D.when the special similarities come into being during their growing up
75.What does the word"reading"in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?B
76.According to Tom Bouchard's research,the special similarities between twinsD
A.depend on what the twins enjoy and suffer from
B.can not be proved or accepted by all the experts
C.result from the twins'growing up and development
D.are not closely linked with where the twins are raised
77.What can be learned from the last paragraph?C
A.Incredible coincidences happen to twins all the time.
B.Nature is the only way to explain the similarities between twins.
C.The differences between twins are to some extent the results of genes.
D.Similarities shows the close relationship between two strange persons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.One spring during the 1960s,when I was 10,my father was laid off.Money was tight and my mother was(21)C.So I decided to cheer her up by buying a special Mother's Day(22)D.
    There was a boutique(精品店),the Agins,nearby,which was known for its high-end fashions.Lots of actresses and(23)Awomen shopped at the store.My mother,who couldn't (24)Ato shop there,occasionally mentioned the store in a (25)Bvoice. 
    One day after (26)CI rode my bike to the Agins.I told the shop(27)DI was looking for a Mother's Day gift and I had little money.
    She treated me like a(28)Acustomer and asked me what my mother would like.I told her I wasn't sure.She walked around the store for a few minutes and returned with a(29)A.She opened it and took out an Italian purse made of soft  (30)B.
"How much money do you(31)C?"she asked.
"Twelve dollars."I said.
"You're in luck."she told me."It's only $11."
‘She wrapped the purse and thanked me for my (32)A.
     It wasn't(33)Cmany years later,when I learned that the purse was worth several hundred dollars,that I(34)Djust how wonderful the shop owner had been to me.Recently,I met someone at a party who knew her(35)C,Roberta.I called Roberta,who told me her mother(36)D22 years ago.I felt bad that I never had a chance to propdrly (37)Cher mother.She comforted me,saying that her mother never wanted (38)Afor the things she did.
My mother,who carried the leather purse for many years until it was(39)Brepair,is now 90.She can still recall(回忆)every (40)Dabout the purse and the amazement it brought to her.

34.A.rememberedB.admittedC. predictedD.appreciated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Having a great collection of books at home doesn't really mean that you are a person who has a passion for literature and reading. It can be a family inheritance or it can be just to impress people around you by the fact that you are a person of culture. On the other hand,there are many persons who cannot afford to buy books,because some of them are quite expensive,but who usually go to libraries and spend hours reading something that interests them a lot,or just borrow books to home.
From my point of view,literature is very important in our life. For example,reading is a means of gaining culture and enriching our knowledge in different areas. It can help us have a great imagination and it makes things easier when it comes to make compositions on different themes. It gives you the possibility to speak about science,even if you don't work in this domain,or you can express your opinion about a political aspect,just because you have read something connected to that.
Secondly,literature offers us the possibility to enter the world of imagination,and to leave the real one for a couple of hours. We come to meet kings and queens many years ago,dream of being in the world of the rich or imagine how life will be in the future. Sometimes,we identify ourselves with the characters in the stories we read and they can give us some clues to solve our problems and how to react in certain circumstances.
In conclusion,I would like to say that literature is the perfect means to enrich our culture,to express ourselves correctly,to have a rich vocabulary,to be able to interfere in conversations in different fields of interest and to really be considered an erudite person.
71. People who are fond of literature are those thatA
A. have much interest in reading          
B. keep many books
C. go to libraries every day              
D. buy expensive books in the bookstore
72. According to the author we can broaden our knowledge byD.
A. composing           B. imagining      C. communicating      D. reading
73. We can know from the third paragraph thatC
A. we can bring kings and queens back to life
B. it is very good for us to stay alone for some hours
C. what we read can be useful in our daily life
D. we can make friends with people in the stories
74. The underline word"erudite"in Paragraph 4 probably means"A".
A. learned        B. enthusiastic      C. smart         D. creative
75. What is the author's purpose by writing the passage?C
A. To share his own reading experience.      
B. To distinguish the true readers.
C. To attract people to literature.          
D. To stress the importance of imagination.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


