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Now I’d like to talk to you about your final exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. Remember to bring two of three pens in case you run out of ink. And unlike the midterm exam, this test will not include multiple --- choice questions; it will consist entirely of essays(文章). You’ll have to answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive (全面的), which means you’ll be responsible for all of the subject matters we covered in class this term, I would suggest you review your midterm exam as well as textbooks and your class notes. The final exam will count as 50 percent of your grade of the course. The research project (项目) will count as 20 percent and the midterm exam 30 percent. I’ll be in my office almost all day next Tuesday. If you run into any problems, please drop in. Good luck to you and I’ll see you on Tuesday.

1.When will the final exam take place?

A.On Tuesday

B.On a Wednesday

C.On a Thursday

D.On a Friday

2.What will be included in the exam?

A.There will be only multiple-choice questions.

B.The exam will contain both multiple-choice and essay questions.

C.The exam will have an oral and a written section.

D.There will be only essay questions.

3.Why does the teacher call the exam comprehensive?

A.It will be easy to understand.

B.Students will be tested on all the material discussed in class.

C.It will cover topics from a wide variety of subjects.

D.Students must complete all parts of it.

4.The underlined phrase run into probably means .

A.go into

B.meet somebody unexpectedly

C.come up against something with force

D.come across


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建师大附中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

So many floods have cut down on the production of peanuts; _______, the price has gone up a great deal.

A. in other words B. in brief

C. even so D. as a result


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽安庆一中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The impression you make at the beginning of an interview is very important. Employers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview. They judge you by your appearance, attitude and manners.

A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important. A smile shows a confident and positive attitude.

When you introduce yourself, make eye contact with the interviewer. Some interviewers offer a handshake. Others don't.

Try to be as natural as possible. But pay attention to your body language. The way you sit, walk, gesture, use your voice and show feelings on your face is all part of your body language. It makes the interviewer know how you feel about yourself and the situation you are in. Are you feeling positively about yourself? Your abilities? Your interest in the job?

Speak clearly and loudly enough. Show interest and enthusiasm in your voice. When you speak, look at the interviewer. Also, don't say negative things about yourself, or former employer.

Listen to questions carefully. If you don't understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat or explain: "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that." "I'm not sure exactly what you mean."

Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview. Interviewers know that. They don't expect you to be totally calm and relaxed. But they expect you to try to control your nervousness. They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job.

At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for her or his time.

It's a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview, or deliver it by hand.

Phone the company if you have not heard anything after one week. Ask if they have made a decision about the job.

Good luck!

1.It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. you should always put on a smile when meeting the employer

B. you should stand still with respect before the employer

C. employers understand and like employees' nervousness

D. the first impression is very important in an interview

2. Why should we pay attention to our body language?

A. Because it is needed by our employer.

B. Because it can help us feel about the employer.

C. Because it can help us win the employer's positive impression.

D. Because we need it to improve our feelings.

3. The main purpose of the passage is _____.

A. to tell right from wrong about job interviews

B. to give you some advice on the art of finding a job

C. to explain why we should do something about an interview

D. to suggest not being shy in an interview

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Friendly Smile

B. Sending a Thank-You Letter

C. Don't Be Nervous

D. Making a Good Impression


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省高三上学期期中模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My normal monthly emails to and ______ pen pals have disappeared with my tightschedule.( )




科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南省八市高三12月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



I love a good murder mystery.It is so ________ to watch or read an exciting and interesting detective story and try to solve the ________ yourself.Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story considering she ________ over eighty books.Many people have fallen in love with her ________-----Hercule Poirot, a famous Belgian detective and Miss Marple, an old lady who is also an amateur ________

As I am a big ________ of Agatha Christie, I was excited to ________ her house in Devon called Greenway.I travelled to her ________ by steam train.We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke.It was a ________setting for a murder like in her famous novel Murder on the Orient Express.________ , all the passengers arrived safely!

After a pleasant walk through the woods, I ________the splendid house.I did a tour and I loved seeing where she wrote her ________.Many first editions were on display in a revolving(旋转的)bookcase.However, my ________ part of the estate(房产) was the boathouse.There was a lovely view of the river ________the boathouse also served a more special purpose---inspiration for a crime ________.In the Poirot novel, Dead Man’s Folly, a girl’s body is ________ in the boathouse.They even ________ the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway.

I really ________ my visit to Greenway.It was such a ________ place and I was interested in seeing where Agatha Christie was________ to write so many exciting stories.

1.A.attention B.heat C.success D.fun

2.A.doubt B.problem C.murder D.method

3.A.read B.wrote C.saw D.contributed

4.A.creations B.inventions C.discussions D.reasons

5.A.guard B.detective C.creator D.spy

6.A.guide B.fellow C.fan D.gift

7.A.watch B.rebuild C.explode D.visit

8.A.house B.family C.hometown D.site

9.A.perfect B.central C.colorful D.direct

10.A.Sadly B.Fortunately C.Hopefully D.Surprisingly

11.A.fetched B.got C.reached D.mentioned

12.A.posts B.novels C.letters D.books

13.A.personal B.useful C.rewarding D.favorite

14.A.or B.and C.but D.for

15.A.scenery B.sight C.view D.scene

16.A.dissolved B.tended C.found D.buried

17.A.developed B.filmed C.adapted D.affected

18.A.enjoyed B.treasured C.exploited D.focused

19.A.shocking B.beautiful C.skillful D.helpful

20.A.inspired B.disappointed C.marked D.honored


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年高陕西西安临潼区华清中学三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

But for those interruptions, the meeting _____ half an hour ago.

A. was finished B. would have finished

C. would finish D. had been finished


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌市高三上学期第三次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


As an exchange student, Wei Hua studied in a British high school for one year. She was happy 1.the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m and ends about 3.30 p.m.

On the first day, all the new students 2.(attend) an assembly in the school hall. Wei Hua sat next to a girl3. name was Diana. During the assembly, the headmaster told the students that the best way to earn respect was to devote themselves 4. study and achieve high 5. (grade). As there were different students in some classes,6.was a struggle for Wei Hua to remember all the faces and names. Although the homework was not as heavy as7. she used to get in her old school, it was a bit8.(challenge) for her at first because all the homework was in English. Luckily, all her teachers gave her much 9. (encourage). To improve her English, Wei Hua used English every day and spent an hour each day10.(read) English books in the library.

In a word, studying in Britain was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for Wei Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省怀化市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mom, could you lend me a few dollars until I _____ on Monday?

A. get paid B. got paid

C. will get paid D. had got paid


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s reported that many a temporary shelter _______ at present for the Middle East refugees pouring into Europe.

A. is being builtB. was builtC. are being builtD. have been built

