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10.My sister Lucy is _______ different from me in looks,although we are twins.(  )

分析 我妹妹露西和我的长相完全不同,虽然我们是双胞胎.

解答 答案:B
A.精确地,确切地;B.完全地,彻底地;C.简单地,仅仅;D.几乎不,简直不;本句为让步状语从句,表达的意思是虽然她们是双胞胎,但是长相却完全不同;此处用来修饰形容词 different,指的是完全不同;故选B.

点评 本题考查了副词的词义辨析;做本题时,首先应熟练掌握各副词的词义及用法;其次结合完整句子所表达的意思,进行逻辑推理,判断出句子之间的句意关系;从而选出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.What makes one person more intelligent than another?What makes one person a genius,like the brilliant Albert Einstein,and another person a fool?Are people born intelligent or stupid,or is intelligence the result of where and how you live?These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.
We know,however,that just being born with a good mind is not enough.In some ways,the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle.It needs exercise.Mental exercise is particularly important for young children.Many child psychologists (心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about.The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.If,on the other hand,children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do,they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.
Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children.According to some psychologists,if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot,then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things.So it is probably better for parents to say very positive things to their children,such as"That was a very clever thing you did."or"You are such a smart child."
31.The words"intelligent"and"brilliant"in the first paragraph probably meanA while"dull"in the second paragraph meansA.
A.bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understanding
B.pretty and handsome; ordinary-looking
C.great and important; common
D.hopeful and helpful; careless
32.According to the context we can guess that a genius isC while an idiot isC.
A.a normal person; a funny person
B.a strong person; a weak person
C.a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded person
D.a famous person; an ordinary person
33.A personD is more likely to become a genius.
A.whose parents are clever
B.often thinking about difficult problems
C.often helped by his parents and teachers
D.born with a good brain and putting it into active use
34.It is better for parentsA.
A.to praise and encourage their children more often
B.to be hard on their children
C.to leave their children alone with nothing to do
D.to give their children as much help as possible
35.Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?C
A.Parents play an important part in their children's growth.
B.The less you use your mind the duller you may become.
C.Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.
D.What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.While most people consider that laughter is one of the nature's great treatments for a whole range of mental and physical diseases,it is still a serious scientific subject that researchers are trying to figure out.
"Laughter is social."says Robert R.Provine,author of the book"Laughter:A Scientific Investigation",who has been studying laughter for decades."Almost all people laugh‘ha-ha-ha'basically the same way.Whether you speak Mandarin,French or English,everyone will understand laughter.There is a pattern generator(发生器) in our brain that produces this sound.
Laughing is also a good way of communicating.Babies laugh long before they speak.No one teaches them how to laugh.They just do it.People may laugh at a prank(恶作剧) on April Fools'day.But surprisingly,only 10to 15percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke.Laughter is mostly about social responses rather than reaction to a joke.Deaf people laugh without hearing and people on cell phones laugh without seeing,which shows that laughter isn't dependent on a single sense but on social interactions.
And laughter is not just a human thing.Chimps tickle(挠痒) each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them.
Jaak Panksepp studies rats that laugh when he tickles them.It turns out rats love to be tickled.They return again and again to the hands of researchers tickling them,Panksepp's video shows.
By studying rats,scientists can figure out what's going on in the brain during laughter.It has been found that laughter in rats produces a chemical that acts as an antidepressant(抗抑郁药) and anxiety-reducer.Scientists think the same thing probably happens in humans,too.This would give doctors a new chemical target in the brain in their effort to develop drugs that fight depression and anxiety in people.
Even so,laughter itself has not been proved to be the best medicine,experts said."No study has shown that laughter produces a direct health benefit,"Provine said,"largely because it's hard to separate laughter from just feeling good."
64.Why does the writer say"laughter is mostly about social responses rather than reaction to a joke"?A
A.because people can communicate with each other by laughing.
B.because laughter is the same sound in all the human's languages.
C.because laughter is considered a basic language all people can learn.
D.because everyone can understand the meaning of the word laughter.
65.From the last two paragraphs we know thatC.
A.laughter has no direct connection with good feelings
B.laughing every day can cure people of many diseases
C.the medical functions of laughter are still under experiment
D.scientists have learned what is happening in a human brain when he laughs
66.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?B
A.Laughter depends on many senses.
B.Laughter is a social response shared by all creatures.
C.If you speak different languages,you will laugh differently.
D.A new medicine has been developed based on the laughter research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Animal experimentation is the backbone(支柱,基础) of American research and treatment of disease.Each year,17million to 22million animals are sacrificed in the name of science.While 90percent of them are rats and mice,180,000dogs,50,000cats,61,000monkeys and 554,000rabbits are done away with in laboratories operated by industry and government.
But the public has raised an outcry(导致抗议) over these deaths.Spurred(驱策,刺激) vivid(生动的) reports of cruelty,the animal rights movement is made up of 7,000organizations with 10million members.They've documented cases in which monkeys were isolated(隔离) in steel tanks(箱、柜) for 45days and dogs were bombarded(轰击、辐射) with radiation or chemicals until they bled from the mouth.
Scientists say such incidents are rare.Laws have been passed to govern testing.Many research centers now have committees to review all proposed animal experiments,and computers can be used in place of animals in many experiments.But scientists say they can't do without animals to test new drugs and treatments on animals to make sure they're safe for humans.Animal experiments produced vaccines(疫苗) or treatments for diseases such as diabetes(糖尿病),and techniques used in open heart surgery.They're important to efforts to find a treatment for AIDS.
Animal rights activists have shown they will go to almost any length.One New York researcher received more than 10,000protest(抗议) letters following publicity of her experiments in which she gave drugs to monkeys.The researcher was studying drug addiction.A protester was arrested in Connecticut for placing a pipe bomb(铁管土炸药)outside a company that used animals in tests.After fires and break-ins,many labs have bought electronic locks and alarms for protection.Other targets of the animal rights movement are the fur industry,farms,and school biology classes in which children dissect(解剖) frogs.
The movement has scored some successes.A dozen states no longer allow pounds(兽栏)──places that accept dogs and cats that have no homes──to sell animals to scientists.Scientists claim the cost of their work will rise as a result.
The battle between scientists and activists raises a basic question:Can modern society be both humane(仁慈的) in its treatment of living things and advanced in its treatment of disease?It seems certain there will be new restrictions placed on the use of animals in scientific experiments.
58.The main idea of the article isA.
A.fewer animals should be taken to laboratories
B.Americans are questioning the use of animals in experiments
C.mice and rats make the best subjects for experiments
D.scientific experiments can be carried out without animals
59.Animal experiments will probably continue becauseC.
A.scientists insist they are harmless
B.the groups that oppose them aren't very big or powerful
C.they are critical for understanding and curing human disease
D.there are enough regulations to protect animals from abuse
60.Supporters of animal rights are most convincing when theyD.
A.explode bombs at laboratories that conduct scientific tests
B.point out the diseases that have been cured by scientists
C.threat their own pets kindly
D.give examples of animals that were mistreated in labs
61.Scientists will be satisfied only ifA.
A.they can continue using animals in their experiments
B.the animal rights movement comes to a stop.
C.they install locks and alarms on their labs
D.their supply of animals is increased significantly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Not too long ago,our teacher,being a"tree-hugger"(as the kids call her),had us write an essay on an environmental issue.I was eager to start,but something made me stop.
"What is an environmental issue?"one kid asked."What if we don't care about the environment?"another complained."It's not like it affects me."
These comments astounded me.I have always cared about the environment and assumed that others did too.From the surprised look on my teacher's face,I could tell she felt the same way.
In no time,I finished my essay.In my essay I wrote about logging(伐木),which is an important industry,but if we continue to cut down trees without replacing them,it will damage the environment.
There are so many things that we can do to save our world.Recycling,of course,is always a good thing,but not everyone has a recycling plant nearby ( I don't ).There are other ways to help the environment.Plant a tree.Don't waste water.
I can't stand it when a person's excuse for not caring is"Nothing's going to happen in my lifetime,so why should I care?"Sure,the chances of something terrible happening are slim,but I want people to realize that if we don't deal with it,someone will have to eventually.Do you want that to be your children?
When my teacher told me to read my essay to my class,I was a little embarrassment because I didn't want everyone to call me"tree-hugger".I realize now that if being a tree-hugger means you cares about the environment,I'm a tree-hugger 100 percent.I just wish more people were too.
67.Why do the students call her teacher"tree-hugger"?D
A.She likes hugging trees.
B.She knows a lot about trees.
C.She grew up in the country.
D.She cares a lot about the environment.
68.The underlined word in Paragraph 3 can be replaced byC.
A.helped      B.changed        C.shocked     D.interested
69.Paragraph 5 is mainly aboutB.
A.what we can recycle              
B.how we can save the earth
C.why we should protect the earth 
D.what damage we are doing to the earth
70.We can infer from the text thatB
A.the students don't like the teacher
B.the teacher liked the author's essay
C.the author is ashamed of being a tree-hugger
D.the author should have written a better essay.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Half an hour of exercise a day can add an extra five years on your life,a research has revealed (透露).
Health experts said that walking or cycling gently has extreme long-term benefits.
According to the World Health Organization,research carried out in Britain and Denmark shows that gentle work-outs and even housework every day can increase life last by as much as five years.
The news will provide encouragement for those couch potatoes to start taking exercise.
Britain is in the grip of (受…控制) an obesity epidemic (肥胖病症),with just 35% of men and 24% of women taking regular exercise.
"Encouraging people to be physically active every day has so many health benefits,"said Dr Marc Danzon.
"These include reducing the risk of developing certain diseases and of becoming fat,as well as contributing to physical co-ordination (协调性),balance,strength and mental well-being."
"It is a very cost-effective public health tool."
The organization is so concerned that the public is not getting the message on exercise that it will develop a"Move for Health"program to tell people its importance.
"The WHO encourages adults to take at least 30 minutes of physical exercise a day",said Dr Danzon.
"This includes walking,cycling,playing,housework,climbing stairs as well as sports."
He added that children should take at least 60 minutes of exercise every day.
57.In the passage the writer wants toD.
A.develop a"Move for Health"program
B.tell fat people how to lose weight
C.state 35% of men and 24% of women take regular exercise
D.encourage people to do more physical exercise every day
58.From the passage we know a child should take exercise forB.
A.half an hour          B.no less than an hour
C.one and a half hours    D.no more than an hour
59.The underlined phrase"couch potatoes"in paragraph 4 probably means"A".
A.people who spend much time sitting and watching television
B.people who cook potatoes
C.people who like eating potatoes
D.people who make a living by selling potatoes
60.What's the main idea of the passage?D
A.Walking,cycling,playing and so on are good for health.
B.A"Move for Health"program is on the way.
C.There are so many fat people in Britain and Denmark.
D.Half an hour of exercise a day can add an extra five years on your life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for ____ building.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Tom has perfectlyrecovered(痊愈)from his illness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Fruit or juice,which is nutritionally superior?This is almost the same as the age-old question:The chicken or the egg,which came first?
Usually,juicers remove the juice and some pulp (果肉) from fruits and/or vegetables.It takes a lot of fruit to make a container of juice.We do get all of the vitamins,minerals,beneficial plant chemicals and carbohydrates in juice out of a whole fruit.But we do not get much of the fiber,the part that aids our digestive process,fills us up,and may help protect us against heart diseases and certain cancers.
However,you may be surprised to discover that some juices actually contain more necessary nutrients (营养).For example,apples are not a good source of vitamin C,but many types of apple juice are fortified with vitamin C.
Juice has more calories than fresh fruit due to added sugar and less fiber.If calories are your primary concern,choose fresh fruit over juice and drink water if you are thirsty.We do not feel as filled up from juice because it does not contain any fiber.For many people,drinking a caloric beverage (饮料),such as juice,is not as satisfying as eating the same amount of calories in food.For those of us who need to increase caloric intake (such as athletes,children,or teens) juice is a GREAT choice.
Kids love the taste of pure fruit juice,and parents love it because it is a healthy source of nutrients.But avoid junk fruit beverages which are mistaken for juice blends that contain various fruits like grape,apple and pear.These juices do not have the natural levels of vital nutrients that 100percent pure juices like orange juice provide.
39.According to the passage,you'd better haveA to help prevent heart disease.
A.fruitB.juiceC.calories   D.minerals
40.What can we learn from this passage?
A.We can get out of fruit all the nutrients which aid our digestive process.
B.We can hardly determine which provides more nutrients,juice or fruit.
C.People may prefer juice to food in taking in the same amount of calories.
D.If you want more calories,fruit might be your better choice.
41.The underlined word"blends"in Paragraph5probably means"C".
A.containersB.productsC.mixtures       D.substitutes
42.The author writes the passage mainlyD.
A.to help people learn more about fruit and juice
B.to call on people to drink more juice
C.to remind people of negative effects of juice
D.to persuade people to avoid junk juice containing various fruits.

