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5.Dear Mom,Clear My Calendar
September is around the corner,and some of us are already complaining about summer's end.But parents have a special reason to do so.The end of summer means the start of school.And these days,planning a young child's schedule is a big challenge.The challenge is no longer finding activities to fill a child's day; it is saying no to the hundreds of options available.Our mailbox is filled with brochures urging us to sign our kids up for classes from cooking to martial arts(武术).
Educators are themselves discouraged by the number of special classes that many children attend.In the name of"enrichment,"three-year-olds not only go to preschool in the morning but study French or gymnastics after lunch.One teacher tells of a four-year-old asking for help in the toilet before hurrying off to tennis.Another teacher says that children sometimes hold on to her at pickup time.What happened to unstructured time?
A generous explanation is that we enjoy giving children opportunities we never had.The truth however is that many parents have doubts about how much time they spend away from their families.And one way to reduce this guilt is to believe that time spent in these classes is somehow more beneficial to children than the time we know we should be giving them ourselves.
David Elkind,an expert on children,suggests that the 1960s gave birth to the belief that earlier is better.Parents hope that early music lessons,for example will build a child's confidence.The truth,however,is that any time children are asked to do too much,too soon,they are at greater risk for feelings of failure.
A child's time does not have to be planned to be meaningful.Remember the lazy days of summer?Some children sleep late and play with the kids across the street until it's time to come home for dinner.However,with the majority of mothers working,fewer children enjoy that idle (空闲的) time now.
Come September,children across the country will finish a full day of kindergarten,only to attend an after-school program until 6P.M.,when a working mom or dad comes to take them home.That's too much for a five-year old.Finances,of course,do limit some parents.But let's be honest with ourselves-our own busy schedules,whatever they involve,are no excuse for burdening a young child's.

67.The author holds that it's a challenge to plan a schedule for a child mainly becauseC.
A.a child's schedule is too complex
B.activities suitable for kids are limited
C.parents are stuck in numerous choices
D.children always say no to parents'advice
68.What the two teachers say in Paragraph 2implies thatC.
A.children love to stay at school
B.they are popular with children
C.children dislike after-school classes
D.after-school classes are of poor quality
69.According to the author,what is the real reason for parents to send their children to after-school classes?D
A.Parents want to make up for their own regrets.
B.After-school classes develop children's potential.
C.Parents have doubt about their own ability to guide children.
D.After-school classes give parents an excuse for being absent.
70.Which of the following will the author probably agree with?C
A.For children's benefits,the earlier the better.
B.Children's spare time should be carefully designed.
C.Idle time for children is becoming a thing of the past.
D.Parents should be forgiven if they have a good reason..

分析 本文叙述了家长由于工作繁忙没有时间陪孩子而把孩子送到课外班,孩子们的空闲时间已经一去不复返了.

解答 67答案C   细节理解题.第一段And these days,planning a young child's schedule is a bigchallenge.The challenge is no longer finding activities to fill a child's day;it is saying no to the hundreds of options available.提出父母会面临巨多的课外辅导班的选择,故选C.
68答案C  推理判断题,文中第二段中One teacher tells of a four-year-old asking for help in the toiletbefore hurrying off to tennis.Another teacher says that children sometimeshold on to her at pickup time.What happened to unstructured time?[来%源:@中网]两位老师举的事例充分说明孩子不喜欢上辅导班,都向老师求助了.故选C.
69.答案D  细节理解题,从第三段1,2行A generous explanation is that we enjoy giving childrenopportunities we never had.The truth however is that many parents have doubtsabout how much time they spend away from their families和最后一句But let's be honest with ourselves-our own busy schedules,whatever they involve,are no excuse for burdening a young child's.可知家长们把孩子送到辅导班主要是因为自己没有时间陪孩子,故选D.
70.答案C 推理判断题,文中提到家长由于工作繁忙没有时间陪孩子而把孩子送到课外班,孩子们的空闲时间已经一去不复返了,故选C.

点评 阅读理解题主要考查考生对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受及处理具体信息的能力.试题的取材,密切联系当前我国和世界经济、科技等方面的变化,有关数据的来源真实可信.因此科普知识类文章是每年的必考题.分析历年的科普类文章我们不难发现以下特点:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.For this little boy,it was the coldest winter.In the winter,his father had an accident and lost a leg.The family lost their only source of income (收入).From then on,his father became a defferent person.When the boy behaved badly,the father flied into a rage (大发雷霆).
One night,the boy wandered alone in the street.He passed a lovely small shop,which was so charming that he couldn't turn his eyes away from it.He stared at some fine packages of coffee quietly.An idea came into his mind.He knew his father loved coffee and he also knew stealing was not good,but all he could think of was his father's smile.He soon put a package of coffee into his jacket and ran back home.He gave the coffee to his father,who gave him a smile that the boy had missed for a long time.Unfortunately,before his father could tasted the coffee,the shopkeeper broke in and caught the boy.He got a beating by his father again.
Years later,he became a successful businessman.One day,his mother called and said his father wanted to see him.Busy negotiating (谈判) with a client,he refused.Weeks later,he heard the sad news that his father had passed away.When he went through the relics (遗物),he found a box.Inside the box was the package of coffee that he had stolen from the shop.On the cover was his father's handwriting:The gift from my son.There was also a letter,"Dear son,I'm a failure as a father,but I also have a dream---to own a coffee shop where I can make cups of coffee for you.I'm sorry I didn't make it."
Sadness suddenly crowded in on him.He regretted not seeing his father for the last time,and decided to achieve his father's dream.After quitting his own job,he started a coffee business.
The coffee business now is a huge success,and the little boy is Howard Schultz---the owner of Coffee King Starbucks.
32.What did the father feel when his son gave him the coffee?A
33.Why didn't the son want to see his father when his mother called him?B
A.Because he didn't want to see.
B.Because he was busy with his business.
C.Because he didn't know his father's idea.
D.Because he knew his father didn't like him.
34.The underlined words"passed away"probably meansD.
A.went out
B.went home
C.stayed in hospital
35.Which of the following can be the best title of this article?C
A.The relation between a father and his son
B.How to get on with your father
C.A boy and his coffee shop
D.How to run a coffee shop.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.People in several American states may be surprised to see cars on city streets without a driver.Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida,Nevada and California.They are pointing the way to a future that is not far down the road.The high-tech company Google has a number of self-driving cars,which had covered 480,000 kilometers by August.Volvo is among the companies doing road tests and says it plans to sell driverless cars by 2020.
     In September,California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state."Today we're looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality-the driverless car."The technology for these cars includes cameras,radar and motion sensors.The systems have been improved through competitions sponsored by the U.S.government agency DARPA.Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.
     Cars have become much more fuel-efficient,and new electronic features are'making Hondas safer,said Angie Nucci of Honda America."A camera on the passenger-side mirror actually engaged on your guiding screen so you can safely change lanes."Other safety features include warning systems on the front and the sides of the cars.These systems help drivers,but don't replace them.Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will make the high ways safer.
"By taking out drivers,you also remove most risks of an accident,"Kendall said.He said consumers,however,may be unwilling to lose control."It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable,but it will have to prove itself first."
     Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable.He said this will happen as the technology is improved.
61.What can we learn from Paragraph l?D
A.Driverless vehicles are now legal in the whole USA.
B.Volvo will be the first to sell driverless cars.
C.Driverless cars are pointing us a faraway future.
D.Google's self-driving cars have covered a long distance.
62.We learn that Governor of California Jerry BrownB.
A.helped design self-driving cars.
B.supports self-driving cars on roads.
C.considers self-driving cars science fiction.
D.improved the self-driving car systems.
63.What is the role of the systems mentioned in Paragraph 3?A
A.They can help people drive more safely.
B.They can take the place of drivers now.
C.They can make cars run without fuel.
D.They can help cars run much faster.
64.According to Richard Mason,what is the biggest challenge for driverless cars?
A.They are not allowed to run on the road.
B.Their technical problems remain to be solved.
C.They are now too expensive for consumers.
D.They are more dangerous for people on the street.
65.What's the best title of the passage?D
A.The benefits of the self-driving cars.
B.The biggest challenge of the self-driving cars.
C.Safer or more dangerous-self-driving cars.
D.Self-driving cars-science fiction future is near.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it?Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mind.How can you use this to increase your brain power?Start writing.
   By putting thoughts into words,you are telling yourself the logic (逻辑) behind what you think,feel,or only partly understand.Often,explaining a thought is the process of understanding.In other words,you increase your brain power by exercising your"explain power."
   Try this experiment.Explain how you'll increase your brain power,even if you have no idea right now.Just start with anything,and create an explanation.For example,start with"I'll learn chess,"or"I'll read an article on the mind every week."Explain how that will help.You'll be surprised how often this becomes a workable plan,and if you actually do this,you'll have a better understanding of your brain from now.
    Another benefit of writing is that it helps you remember.Many,if not most,highly productive people are always taking notes.You can try keeping it all in your head,but if you keep a journal of your ideas the next time you're working on a big project,you'll probably have more success.
   Want to understand a topic?Write a book about it.That's an extreme example,but if you are learning something new,write a letter to a friend about it,and you will understand it better.Want to invent something?Write an explanation of the problem,why you want to solve it,and why it is worth solving,and you're half-way there.
   Writers don't always write because they clearly understand something beforehand.Often,they write about something because they want to understand it.You can do the same.Writing will help bring you to an understanding.Give it a try.
68.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.A Way on How to Write
B.Increase Your Brain Power through Writing.
C.How to Start Your Writing
D.Brain Power Helps Improve Your Writing.
69.According to the text,writing can help you a lot in the following ways EXCEPTC
A.the increase of your brain power         
B.the ability to remember
C.the development of your interest in study  
D.the better understanding of a topic
70.The underlined sentence"you're half-way there"in the fifth paragraph implies
A.you are already successful              
B.you still need to work hard
C.writing can help you walk half way       
D.You have been on the way to success
71.What's the main purpose of the writer writing the text?A
A.To advise readers to start their writing
B.To explain the importance of writing
C.To persuade readers to become writers
D.To increase readers'brain power.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.I have never heard about a"Fashion Week"outside of New York,London or Milan.But then one just happens to turn up in Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.Actually,I'm ignorant of all those countries in Central Asia,whose names are always ending in"stan."For decades,even centuries,Central Asia has been out of focus,a blank on the map of empires.Just as the introduction from Turusbek Mamashov,from the Tourism agency of the president of the Kyrgyz Republic,says,"Throughout this Fashion Week project,we need to create a revolution in the minds of our people,preparing the country for the international tourism market.It is an opportunity as well as an investment."What he says is right.If you just give it a glimpse (一瞥),you'll find out that the flavor (风情) of the Silk Road is still there.
As part of the route for Silk Road traders and migrating tribes through its epic(史诗的) history,Kyrgyzstan,like other Central Asian countries,is a vast place of desert,grassland and mountain ranges.It is not widely known that Kyrgyzstan is the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's birthplace.
Bishkek,the place holding Fashion Week,is the capital and industrial center of independent Kyrgyzstan.It is a relaxed,handsome place with wide streets and large amounts of greenery.Especially in the autumn of November,the yellow leaves falling everywhere make the whole city a legend in fall.The mountains are just at its rear,in that case a unique scene of picturesque beauty is composed by snow-white peaks,lakes and the urban Landscape.
Today,Ala-Too Square is the center of the poetic places worth seeing in Bishkek.The"White House,"the seat of the Kyrgyzstan Government,is just at the west of the square.Behind this is Panfilov Park,a great place to head for a national holiday.The State Museum of Fine Arts is opposite,which is also called the Gapar Aitiev Museum of Applied Arts,featuring Kyrgyz jewelry,rugs and works by local artists.
One of the joys besides the scenery is the openness of the people.Bishkek is a city without a big population but mainly good-natured people from many races,47percent are Russian and about a third are Kyrgyz.Most travelers vote Kyrgyzstan as the most appealing,accessible and welcoming of the former Soviet Central Asian republics.It is written by a tourist that Kyrgyzstan is the country Russians most desperately want to keep:hills always covered with grass and wild flowers.Kyrgyz men always ride a horse wearing a photogenic hat.

72.According to the passage,Kyrgyzstan used to beB.
A.an international fashion centre
B.an important part of Silk Road
C.the focus of the world
D.a vast desert land in Central Asia
73.The Fashion Week in Bishkek is supposed toC.
A.start a revolution in Kyrgyzstan
B.attract foreign investment to Kyrgyzstan
C.promote tourism in Kyrgyzstan
D.celebrate the independence of Kyrgyzstan
74.Which of the statements is NOT ture according to the passage?A
A.Bishkek is a crowded modern city surrounded by mountain ranges.
B.Panfilov Park is a popular destination for local people during holidays.
C.The majority of the population in Bishkek are Russian and Kyrgyz.
D.The famous poet Li Bai is thought to have been born in Kyrgyzstan.
75.What is the most important message the author wants to convey in the passage?D
A.Reflections and thoughts on the glorious history of the Silk Road.
B.Feelings about the ongoing Fashion Week project in Bishkek.
C.The geographic features and imposing history of Kyrgyzstan.
D.The natural and cultural characteristics and attractions in Kyrgyzstan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.____with rich experience can apply for the job.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.My mother liked this kind of dress________ and bought some material to make one at home.(  )
A.in particularB.in the flesh
C.on the other handD.by coincidence


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.______ the new policy,we are now living in a grand,new apartment.(  )
A.In thatB.Due toC.Thanks toD.In hope of

