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注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My new friend Tom is good at English writing. One day. I asked him how he did such well in written English. He told me that he has a habit of keep a diary every day. “You can try them, too. I’m sure you will improve your written English quickly in this way.” He said. I thought Tom was right, but I decided to follow his advices. I started to write down something interested every day. Sometimes when I didn’t know how to spell a word, I would look it up in a dictionary. When I didn’t know how to write a sentence correct, I would ask my teacher for the help. My written English has really improved a lot because that.

【答案】1. such→so 2. has→had 3. keep→keeping 4. them→it 5. but→so/and 6. advices→advice 7. interested→interesting 8. correct→correctly 9. help前的the去掉 10. because后加of

【解析】1. 考查副词。such是形容词,修饰名词作定语;so是副词,修饰形容词、副词或动词作状语,well此处是副词。故such改为so。

2. 考查动词时态。主句用一般过去时,宾语从句遵循主从句时态一致原则,从句也用过去时态。故has改为had。

3. 考查动名词。介词后跟名词、动名词或代词作宾语。故keep改为keeping。

4. 考查代词。根据语境可知,此处指代上文提到的“记日记的习惯”,habit是单数,用代词it。故them改为it。

5. 考查连词。句意:我认为Tom是对的,于是我决定听从他的建议。前后文是并列关系或者因果关系,不是转折关系。故but改为so/and。

6. 考查名词。advice“建议”,是不可数名词。故advices改为advice。

7. 考查形容词。现在分词变化来的形容词表示被修饰语的特征;过去分词变化来的形容词表示被修饰语的感受。这里修饰something,说明事物的特征,故interested改为interesting。

8. 考查副词。修饰动词用副词作状语,修饰动词write用副词correctly。故correct改为correctly。

9. 考查冠词。ask sb. for help表示“向某人寻求帮助”,help是不可数名词,根据语境可知,此处表示泛指。故去掉定冠词the。

10. 考查介词。because是连词,连接句子。because of是介词短语,后跟名词作宾语。此处后面只有代词that,故在because后加of。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth. There are hundreds of kinds of sharks. Most are about two meters long. The dogfish shark, however, is less than twenty centimeters in length. A shark has an extremely good sense of smell. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and chemicals produced by animals. Sharks eat fish, other sharks, and plants that live in the ocean.
Sharks grow slowly. About forty percent of all sharks lay eggs. Some sharks carry their young inside their bodies as humans do. Some sharks are not able to reproduce until they are twenty years old.Most reproduce only every two years. And they give birth to fewer than ten young sharks. For this reason, over-fishing of sharks is of special danger to the future of the animal.
Sharks are important for the world's oceans. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too great.
People hunt sharks for sport, food, medicine and their skin. Experts say the international market for some kinds of sharks has increased because many parts of a shark are valuable. Collectors pay thousands of dollars for the jaws of a shark. The skin of a shark can be used like leather. In Asia, people enjoy a kind of soup made from shark fins. Experts say a fisherman can earn a lot of money for even one kilogram of shark fins. Sharks are among the oldest animals on Earth, but some sharks are in danger of disappearing from Earth.
A. Shark liver oil is a popular source of Vitamin A.
B. This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans.
C. Sharks are valuable to us and we can make full use of them.
D. These powerful senses help sharks find their food.
E. If too many sharks in one area are killed, that group of sharks may never return to normal population levels.
F. This is a threat to other forms of life in the ocean.
G. The others give birth to live young.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States, was famous for a man of few
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words. He knew what he should talk and when he should not. It was very hard of anyone to enjoy
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talking with him. One evening he was inviting to dinner. A lady sitting next to him past the sugar
for his coffee. “Mr President,” she said.” Today a friend of me said that I couldn’t get much than
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two words out of you. I said I can, and we made a bet.” “You lost,” answered the president.
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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Relax during a job interview
Fewpeople actually like job interviewing. It's nervewracking trying to showyour“best” self to a perfect stranger. That's not easy, but thereare some ways to pull yourself together and feel more confident.
Prepare solid talking points. It's always best to overprepare for possible questions by not only researchingthe company and the person interviewing you, but also by preparing answers andpracticing those responses. Review the skills and experiences requested in thejob announcement and have two to three examples of how you have demonstratedeach one.
RememberIt's a twoway street.This is a conversation, not an interrogation(审问).
Remembering that this is a back and forthdiscussion,whereyou can—and should—ask questions as well as answer them, can help you feel morecomfortable.
Just breathe. Your body will relax a lot. You wantto avoid upper chest breathing, as it tends to just move your stress upward toyour face.
Ifyou go into an interview picking apart your outfit or imperfect responses,you're only hurting your chances of coming off as calm and collected. Turn offyour negative selftalk and then create a different selftalk message,like “I am here to share the best ofmy ability and that is all I can really do.”
Work it out. Putting in some gym time on themorning of your interview can help you get rid of any nervous tension. Exercisehelps calm your nervous system and tends to reduce the intensity of physicalmanifestations(表现形式)of stress such as restlessness.
A.Stop the negative thoughts.
B.Put your idea into practice.
C.When faced with an interviewer, youmay be nervous.
D.Before you walk into your interview,take a few deep breaths.
E.You're trying to prove you're the onefor the job and that you can handle stressful situations.
F.Don't forget that you're not the onlyone being interviewed—you're also interviewing the organization.
G.This will strengthen your answers andallow you to show how your experience is relevant to the job or organizationfor which you're interviewing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Most cars have seat belts as part of their equipment. Seat belts protect drivers and passengers in case of accidents. They also reduce the effect of a crash on the body.

1Worldwide, the devices have protected up to a million people. America first recognized the invention of an automobile seat belt in 1849. The government gave a patent to an engineer named Edward Claghorn of New York City so that others would not copy his invention of a safety device. 2This early version of safety belt was said to include hooks and other attachments for securing the person to a fixed object.

Other inventors followed with different versions of the seat belt. 3 It resulted from the work of a Swedish engineer, Nils Bohlin. His three-point, lap and shoulder seat belt first appeared on cars in Europe 50 years ago.

Nils Bohlin recognized that both the upper and lower body needed to be held securely in place. His invention contained a cloth strap(带子) that was placed across the chest and another strap across his hips(臀部).4

Volvo was the first company to offer the modern seat belt to its cars. This company also provided use of Nils Bohlin's design to other car-makers.

5He received a gold medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in 1995. He died in Sweden in 2002.

A. Claghorn called his invention a safety belt

B. The design joined the straps next to the hip.

C. The Swedish engineer won many honors for his seat belt.

D. Safety experts say that seat belts save thousands of lives a year in America alone.

E. There are many companies adopting Nils Bohlin's invention of the belt.

F. Claghorn was a promising young engineer with many honors all his life.

G. But more than 100 years passed before the current seat belt was developed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
Familyis a most important part in my father's life. He usually helps my mother dohousework if he has any free time. Although he is a busy businessman, but hespends a lot of his free time hang out with my brother and me. He alwayssupports my education. He sent me to the best schools and allow me to studyabroad when I was 18. And he always listens to my idea even though they arestupid sometime. My father has a warm heart, whom is famous in our community.Most of my neighbors know my father because his kindness. Every time he seesthe homeless in the street, he stops to give him some money. At weekends, heprovides free rides for old people of our community.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Among the few scientists who have had a great effect on science and history, Albert Einstein is perhaps the (great). An American university president once commented that Einstein had created new view of the universe. His theory has (complete) changed the way scientists understand time and space. Now, more and more people agree that the universe is something more complicated than they have ever thought before.
Einstein (bear) in Germany in 1879. In 1914, young Einstein, already internationally famous, became a professor at an institute in Berlin. He had few duties, little teaching and unlimited opportunities for study. However, (he) peaceful life was soon broken by the First World War.
Einstein hated violence. He was deeply affected by the war; he sat (happily) in his office doing nothing and lost interest in his research. Only when peace came in 1918 was he able to get back to work.
In the years (follow) the First World War, people showered honor upon him. He became the head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Theoretical Physics. In 1921 he won the Noble Prize Physics and was greatly honored and respected in Germany. However, his life was again disrupted. The Second World War broke out and Einstein had to move to the US,where he lived until his (die) in 1955.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One day I pulled up to my apartment building and noticed there was a father and daughter1some things from a moving truck. Normally I'm shy away from contact with2That particular day, though, something was in me: I can't explain3, but I felt like I should just help these people, even4omething as seemingly unimportant as unloading a truck. So I5and introduced myself, welcomed them to the town, and asked them to give me a(n) 6 to put some proper shoes on. After I had flip-flops(夹趾拖鞋) on, I went over and helped them move all of their7into the apartment.
After we finished, we talked some and I got to know my new8. It might seem unimportant, but it seems like people are less9and friendly to their neighbors these days: I wanted to10that, at least in my small11block, So we did talk, and they’re from Florida, just like me.
At that12time in my life, I was going through a really difficult 13with my girlfriend of 7 years. I didn't feel like helping anyone or doing anything 14, but I figured why not? And I'm glad I did. Also, as15would have it, their daughter is my age(college student) and we each had a mutual(相互的) 16 in one another. This developed into a friendship, and in the coming months. probably more.
The 17was the act itself, though. I got to know my new neighbors and made some new friends in the18. And I felt really good about it. Since then, I've tried19my comfort zone to perform other unplanned acts of 20. So far, so good. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same!
(1)A.stealing B.burdening C.unloading D.packing
(2)A.teachers B.strangers C.friends D.parents
(3)A.which B.why C.what D.when
(4)A.with B.about C.for D.on
(5)A.came up B.came on C.came out D.came back
(6)A.moment B.hand C.hour D.break
(7)A.treasure B.goods C.furniture D.belongings
(8)A.neighbors B.girlfriend C.students D.classmates
(9)A.open B.afraid C.curious D.lucky
(10)A.change B.accept C.receive D.observe
(11)A.house B.school C.apartment D.company
(12)A.particular B.common C.normal D.usual
(13)A.breakout B.breakup C.breakthrough D.breakdown
(14)A.primitive B.positive C.meaningless D.important
(15)A.luck B.accident C.success D.result
(16)A.choice B.habit C.love D.interest
(17)A.award B.chance C.reward D.prize
(18)A.game B.process C.program D.direction
(19)A.expanding B.decreasing C.reducing D.closing
(20)A.success B.courage C.kindness D.consideration


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Patient: Good morning, doctor
Doctor: Morning. What seems to be the trouble?
Patent: It's my vision. I can't see well at night, and when I wake up in the morning, it takes me a few minutes I can see clearly.
Doctor: OK. I'm going to take a closer look. Just relax. How has this been going on?
Patient: A couple of weeks, I guess --- wow, that's bright!
Doctor:it hurt when I do that?
Patient: Not exactly. It's just really bright.
Doctor: OK. Please, go on.
Patient: Well, I (walk) down to the basement in my house about three weeks ago when I slipped and bumped my head pretty hard on the steps.
Doctor: Where exactly did you hit your head?
Patient: Right on the back. I heard a loud sound, everything seemed to be okay.
Doctor: You didn't get it (check) out then?
Patient: No, I didn't. Well, a week passed, and all of a sudden I started to have problems my sight. I first noticed it when I was driving back home from work. It's gotten (bad) over the past week.
Doctor: I'm glad you came. I'm going to order some tests, and I want to make appointment for you to see a specialist tomorrow morning. (hope), nothing is too serious.

