精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1A. theatre B. beach C. area D. idea

2A. warm B. garden C. market D. party

3A. school B. tooth C. choose D. blood

4A. push B. fun C. sunshine D. ugly

5A. basement B. favorite C. advantage D. table








1四个单词中ACD [i ] B[i:]与其他三项不同。

2四个单词中A [:],BCD [a:],A与其他三项不同。


4四个单词中A [u]其余三项发[Λ]

5C项发[a:]其余三项发 [ei],所以C正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Join in the holiday fun at the Powerhouse this month linked to our new exhibition. Evolution & Revolution: Chinese dress 1700s to now. DONT FROGET our other special event, the Club Med Circus School which is part of the Circus (马戏团)! 150 years of circus in Australia exhibition experience!

Chinese Folk Dancing: Colorful Chinese dance and musical performances by The Chinese Folk Dancing School of Sydney. Dances include:the Golden stick dance and the Chinese drum dance. A feature will be the Qin dynasty Emperors court dance. Also included is a show of face painting for Beijing opera performance.

Sunday 29 June and Wednesday 2 July in the Turbine Hall, at 11.30 am & 1.30 pm.

Australia Chinese Childrens Arts Theater: Well-known childrens play experts from Shanghai lead this dynamic youth group. Performances include Chinese fairy tales and plays.

Thursday 3 to Sunday 6 July in Turbine Hall, at 11.30 am & 1.30 pm.

Chinese Youth League: A traditional performing arts group featuring performance highlights such as the Red scarf and Spring flower dances, and a musician playing Er Hu.

Sunday 6 to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall, 11.30 am to 1.30pm.

Kids Activity: Make a Paper Horse: Young children make a paper horse cut-out. (The horse is a frequent theme in Chinese painting, including a kind of advancement.) suitable for ages 8-12 years.

Saturday 28 June to Tuesday 8 July in the Turbine Hall, 12.30 pm to 1.00pm.

Club Med Circus School: Learn circus skills, including the trapeze, trampolining and magic. Note only for children over 5. There are 40 places available in each 1 hour session and these must be booked at the front desk, level 4, on the day.

Tuesday 1 to Saturday 5 July at 11.30 am & 1.00 pm.

Enjoy unlimited free visits and many other benefits by becoming a family member of the Powerhouse. Our family memberships cover two adults and all children under the age of 16 years at the one address.

Members receive Powerline, our monthly magazine, discounts in the shops and the restaurants, as well as free admission to the Museum. All this for as little as $50.00 a year! Call (02)9217 0600 for more details.

1When can you watch the Chinese drum dance?

A. On July 2.B. On July 3.C. On July 6.D. On July 8.

2To learn the magic tricks, you can go to ________.

A. Kids Activity

B. Chinese Youth League

C. Club Med Circus School

D. Childrens Arts Theatre

3What is required if you want to enjoy free visits to the Museum?

A. Calling (02) 9217 0600.

B. Gaining family membership.

C. Coming for the holiday fun.

D. Paying Powerline $50.00 a year.

4What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To attract visitors.

B. To present schedules.

C. To report the performances.

D. To teach kids Chinese arts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sheila Green was married 12 years ago.1When her youngest child reached school age, she decided to go back to work.2Her salary could make a difference between a financial struggle and a secure financial situation for her family. Sheila also felt bored and frustrated in her role as a homemaker and wanted to be more involved in life outside her home.

However, Sheila was worried about her children’s adjustment to this new situation. She arranged for them to go to stay with a woman nearby after school each afternoon.3While a problem seemed to appear between Sheila and her husband Sandy. When Sheila was at home all day, she was able to clean the house, go grocery shopping, wash the clothes, take care of the children and cook two or three meals each day.4

Now the same things need to be done, but Sheila has only evenings and early mornings to do them.5 Sandy is accustomed to sitting down and reading a paper of watching TV until dinners is ready. This is exactly what Sheila feels like doing, but someone has to fix dinner and Sandy expects it to be Sheila. Sheila is becoming very angry at Sandy’s feels that everything should be the same as it was before Sheila went back to work.

A. They seemed to be happy with the arrangement.

B. Sheila thought that she should contribute to the household finances.

C. Her oldest child studies in a school near her home.

D. Both Sheila and Sandy are tired when they arrive home at 6 p.m.

E. She has three children and lives in a suburb outside Columbus, Ohio.

F. Sheila does not only work in a company, but also the housework.

G. She was very busy, of course, but she succeeded in getting everything done.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


E-waste is dangerous

NOW he has a new computer, Mike is wondering what happened to the old one. Well, after being broken down into small pieces, it was sent to China by ship._____ 【1】_________ Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones. _____【2_____ This batch (批) of e-waste was sent back to Japan, but sometimes e-waste gets through.

Computers are filled with dangerous poisons like mercury (水银) and lead (铅). Every time an old computer is broken down, it needs to be dealt with safely. _____ 【3_______ Dealing with them is a problem.

Countries like Japan and the US send their e-waste to China. Guiyu in Guangdong Province has been called "the e-waste capital of the world". The city has to deal with 1.5 million kilograms of e-waste each year. ___ 【4】__ Many of the poisons in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and acids (酸) are poured into rivers, which has caused great damage to the environment.

This year China will make its first law about waste recycling. The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesn't damage the environment and people's lives.

Money has been given by computer companies like Lenovo and Founder to help deal with computer waste. ___【5】____ This is because they know best how to deal with them safely.

A. Usually computer parts are buried

B. This earns $75 million, but it comes at a cost.

C. The earth and rivers of China are badly polluted.

D. Things like this happen every day.

E. These companies will also be asked to take back their old computers.

F. They had been sent to China illegally.

G. It is vital to deal with dangerous E-waste properly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】About six years ago I was having lunch in New York City1a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table.I couldn't help2(overhear) parts of their conversation.At one point the woman asked,"So,how have you been?"And the boy who could not have been more than seven or eight years old replied."3(frank),I've been feeling a little depressed lately."

This incident4(impress) me most because it confirmed my growing5(believe) that children are changing. As far as I can remember,my friends and I didn't find out we were "depressed"6we were in high school.

Undoubtedly,7change in children has increased steadily in recent years.Children don't seem childlike any more.Children speak,dress and behave more like adults8they used to.

9this is good or bad is difficult to say,but it certainly is different.Childhood as it once was no longer10 (exist).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Sitting too long before the computer is h______ to people’s health.

2C______ your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt.

3What p______ us was how the accident could have happened.

4The following reasons can a______ for his refusing their offer.

5Weather p______, we’ll go for an outing this weekend.

6The children looked at the foreigners ______ (好奇).

7If you are going to come, please tell me in ______ (提前).

8Such ______ (行为) is common to young people.

9He visited Paris and eventually ______ (定居) there.

10Mo Yan is highly ______ (尊敬) for his great novels.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— I’m afraid I’ve broken the chair. —__________, I can easily get it fixed.

A. Excuse me B. Never mind

C. Go ahead D. You’re welcome.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


How to set goals

Whether you have small dreams or great expectations, setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain. 【1】 No matter what goals you are setting, getting started can be difficult, but we’ll show you how to build up to even the biggest dream.

Determine your life goals. 2 What you want to achieve: today, in a year, in your lifetime? The answer to this question can be as general as “I want to be happy,” or ” I want to help people”. A career life goal might be to open your own business. A fitness goal might be to become fit. These goals can be amazingly broad.

Set priorities(优先的事物). At any given moment, you probably have a number of goals all in different states of completion. 3 If you find yourself with too many goals, you’re going to feel lost and are less likely to accomplish them.

Keep track of your progress. Writing in a journal is a great way to keep track of both personal and professional progress. Acknowledging the progress made towards a certain goal is key to staying motivated. 4 Asking a friend to keep you on track can also help you stay focused.

5 Once you have achieved goals---even major life goals—you will want to continue to grow and set new goals for yourself. Once you run your marathon, you should assess what you’d like to do next. Do you want to run another marathon, but improve your time? Or do you want to run longer distance?

A. Keep setting goals.

B. So be realistic about your goals.

C. It may even encourage you to work harder.

D. Others, however, can be completed in the course of a day.

E. Break the big picture down into smaller and more specific goals.

F. So deciding which goals are more important than others is important.

G. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1.与某人交朋友 make friends with sb.

2.依我看 in my opinion

3.与某人谈心 have a talk with sb

4.参加某人……活动 join sb. in...

5.分享快乐 share the happiness with somebody

Dear Li Ming,

I am glad to learn that you are studying in a new school, which is a good chance for you to turn over a new leaf.


I hope you will find true friendship soon.


Li Hua

