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          When Lydia Nash appeared on the TV programme Who wants to be a millionaire? and was fortunate enough to win £16,000,she decided to give all the money away. This wouldn't  have been surprising if she had been rich or famous,but Lydia is a 19-year-old student.

          Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helps orphans in Thailand. ul first visited the orphanage when I was seventeen,and I felt very depressed by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry — looking around all I could see were people who were obsessed with money. That persuaded me to return to Thailand the following year."

          After she donated the money some of her friends thought that she had made the wrong decision. “Some people said I should have saved it for a deposit,” Lydia said. aStudents always complain about being poor. But there's  an enormous difference between us and people who have absolutely no money."

          With the help of the money Lydia gave them,the charity has just finished building “Rainbow House”,a new facility that will house 50 young children.

          If Lydia had won a million pounds and not only £16,000,would she still have given away all the money? She said, “Before going on the show I thought a lot about what it would be like to have a lot of money and I realized that I wouldn't  like it at all. And as I had been to the orphanage and had seen all the work that needed to be done,I knew how useful that money could be. I definitely think I got more enjoyment from giving the money away than if I had kept it for myself."

1. Why were people surprised at Lydia's  donation?

   A. She is an orphan.

   B. She isn’t very famous.

   C. She is young and not very wealthy.

   D. She donated a large amount of money.

2. The underlined words “obsessed with” in Paragraph 2

probably mean.

   A. very proud of   B. very careless of

   C. too interested in   D. rather generous with

3. According to the text,the charity used Lydia's  money to.

   A. buy many books   B. buy some clothes

   C. build a playground   D. build a new house

4. How did Lydia feel about her donation?

   A. Regretful. B. Doubtful.

   C. Excited.   D. Hopeful.

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C



1. C. 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,如果 Lydia富有或是名人,她捐钱不足为奇,但令人惊讶 的是她仅仅是一名19岁的普通大学生。

2. C. 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的I felt very depressed by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry可知,Lydia回到英国看到沉迷于金钱的景象和在泰国孤儿院看到的令人悲悯的 景象截然相反。

3. D. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的With the help of the money Lydia gave them,the charity has just finished building “Rainbow House”,a new facility that will house 50 young children可知,慈善机构用Lydia捐助的这笔钱建了一个可容纳50名孩子的“彩虹屋”。

4. C. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的I definitely think I got more enjoyment from giving the money away than if I had kept it for myself 可知,Lydia 对自己捐钱一事感到很高兴。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第36期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

       Mr Brown dreamed of becoming a writer. However,he was so busy with his work that he couldn't  spend much time 21 his writing. One day,he had an accident and became blind as a result. He was very upset at first,22 a few weeks later,he decided to cheer up.

       Because of being blind,he could no longer go to work. He decided to focus on 23 (write) his first book. To 24 delight,his wife was very supportive. He typed in the words while his wife checked his writing and corrected the mistakes. With the help of his wife,he 25 (finish) his first book within two years. Luckily,he succeeded in having it 26 (publish) . He kept on writing and 27 (final) became a famous writer after publishing more books.

       When something bad happens to us,we can choose to be 28 (depress) or to cheer up. But the differences that 29 (cause) by them can be huge. So what will you choose to do if you experience something bad? Why not follow Mr Browns example and develop 30 positive attitude toward it? Remember,we shouldnt let bad situations hold us back.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

         During the past year,I experienced a setback ) concerning my horse,Princeton. I came to know Princeton when,as a result of my. development as a(n) 21,it became appropriate for me to advance to a horse that was (有能力的) of jumping higher than my current horse. After 22 a variety of horses,I became 23 that I couldn’t  find a new teammate. Then I 24 Princeton. I knew as soon as I saw him that he was the horse for me. And as soon as I looked into his nervous eyes I felt 25 him.

          Some of my happiest hours were spent with Princeton. I wouldnt 26 anything for the moments I spent with this horse. I spent most of my time 27 him. I rode Princeton daily for 3 years,and in at least 24 horse shows. We came to know and respect each other,and 28 I gained his trust and the 29 look in his eyes went away. Princeton wasn't  just a horse to me; he became my 30 and my teammate. Together we achieved 31 in almost every horse show. We won a lot of prizes. Princeton didn't just help my 32 as a rider,he helped me become more responsible.

          33,things have a way of changing. In October 2014,it became apparent to me that Princeton wasn't capable of 34 enough to keep up with the improvement of my riding skills. This was really 35 for me to deal with. I 36 the alternatives which included continuing riding Princeton, leasing(出租) him out to other riders or selling him. But none of them seemed 37 . My heart felt like it was 38 when I realized it was time to sell this horse.

          39,the local insurance agent agreed to find a retirement home for Princeton. Today,Princeton is 40 on a farm in Indiana. A girl takes care of him every day just like I used to.

21. A. instructor   B. journalist   C. student   D. rider

22. A. losing   B. saving   C. trying   D. feeding

23. A. proud   B. discouraged   A. puzzled   D. surprised

24. A. protected   B. heard   C. met   D. admired

25. A. attached to     B. curious about  

    C. anxious about   D. accustomed to

26. A. prepare   B. trade   C. provide   D. display

27. A. taking care of    B. making use of

    C. putting up with   D. catching up with

28. A. occasionally   B. slowly   C. easily   D. nearly

29. A. disappointed   B. shocked   C. angry   D. nervous

30. A. judge   B. supporter   C. friend   D. guide

31. A. progress   B. peace   C. balance   D. success

32. A. health   B. state   C. skills   D. dreams

33. A. Moreover   B. Otherwise   C. Therefore   D. However

34. A. walking   B. developing   C. eating   D. jumping

35. A. hard   B. late   C. fun   D. suitable

36. A. forgot   B. accepted   C. considered   D. doubted

37. A. familiar   B. important   C. clear   D. right

38. A. breaking   B. beating   C. recovering   D. falling

39. A. Frequently   B. Fortunately   C. Strangely   D. Naturally  

40. A. retired   B. cured   C. trained   D. lonely


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


             Lots of students do experiments on plants for their science projects. Scientists do this as well. Have you ever heard of a lie detector? It is something that police can use to figure out if you are lying or not. The machine can feel the energy in your body. If your energy moves fast,it shows you are nervous and may be lying. If it is slow and steady,it shows you are relaxed and probably honest.

             Scientists attached these same machines to plants,not to see if they are lying of course,but to see what makes them nervous,what makes them calm,and what makes them excited. They found many interesting things. First,they discovered when live fish were being cut up or live lobsters(龙虾) were being boiled,the plants got very upset. They seemed to respond to the fear of the living seacreatures.

            Besides,scientists found the plants actually got excited when their owners were coming home. What was even more interesting was that the plants got very excited 'when the owners stepped into the room. It seemed that the plants were so connected with their owners that they could pick up their owners’ intention to come home.

Plants also seemed not to like to be cut. When the owners pulled out a pair of scissors to cut them,they got upset. Scientists tried to frighten the plants and pretended they were going to cut them,but the plants did not get nervous in that case at all. It was as if they could read the owners’ mind. So,when taking care of your plants,remember that they are sensitive and smart.

1. The first paragraph mainly talks about.

   A. why a lie detector is popular

   B. when a lie detector ean be used

   C. how a lie detector works on plants

   D. what a lie detector is and how it works

2. What was the scientists’ purpose of attaching lie detectors to plants?

   A. To help plants grow faster.

   B. To see if plants are good liars.

   C. To see what causes plants* emotional changes.

   D. To help plant owners communicate with plants.

3. The result of the experiment is that.

   A. plants were happy to work with lie detectors

   B. plants got more relaxed when they were alone

   C. plants could"protect themselves when threatened

   D. plants might understand their owners in some way

4. What did the scientists use the scissors for?

   A. Cutting the plants. 

   B. Tricking the plants. 

   C. Replacing the lie detector.

   D. Frightening the sea creatures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

        I've been dreaming of becoming the astronaut since I was little. In order to make my dreams come true,I ate healthily and often exercise. Though many people thought I was daydreaming,but I always believed that I'd  realize my dream one day. One day I found Mars One on accident online. It is a project that aims at sending some astronauts to Mars. I immediate applied for it. Thousand of people applied,but only about one thousand were choosing for round two. I was one of them. Now I'm  still waiting the final result. Whether I’11 be picked or not,we won’t  give up my dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


        The daily hard work in the office can be extremely exhausting. Staring at a computer screen for eight hours a day seems like modem business practice. It's also a common belief that you 5 re more likely to complete your "tasks if you keep your bottom planted in your chair all day. But that opinion is erroneous. In fact,taking breaks regularly throughout your workday can increase your productivity and creativity as it helps to keep the mental iuices flowing. ,

         A new study in the journal Cognition overturns an old theory about the nature of attention and shows that brief breaks from a task can greatly improve one's  ability to focus on that task for a longer period of time. The study gets to the most important part of what so many of us experience when doing the same task for a long period of time; after a while you begin to lose your focus and your ability to perform the task well. "Basically,if you don 51 take small breaks during the day,you re likely to suffer from exhaustion and won 51 complete your task to the highest level of your ability,” says Alejandro Lleras,the leader of the study.

         In addition,new research shows that your brain can be trained and developed iike a muscle. Mental concentration is part of that training. Just as your muscles  become tired after a workout,so does your brain. It needs a rest to recover and move on.

         So,what can you do if you feel guilty about taking a break during the workday? Remember that taking breaks is a good,necessary thing. We* re trying to prove ourselves and our worth to the company,which makes us think that taking breaks prevents us from achieving our goals,but in fact it's  not. It's  necessary to do your best work. 

5. What does the underlined word a “erroneous” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Incorrect.    B. Interesting.

   C. Important.    D. Strange.

6. The study by Alejandro Lleras shows that people.

   A. always lose their focus during the workday

   B. find it hard to reach the highest level of their ability

   C. often feel competitive when performing a task well

   D. become less productive after working non-stop for long periods

7. The third paragraph is mainly developed .

   A. by order in space    B. by cause and effect

   C. by time and events   D. by making a comparison

8. In the author's opinion,people should .

   A. take breaks at work

   B. try to achieve their goals

   C. train their brains frequently

   D. prove themselves to the company


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          When 6-year-old Semra Aniston Young was asked to write about something she liked about herself,she responded with a simple but powerful message about her body image. 

          Semra's mom Kali Young said that she and her husband first saw the completed assignment at a parent-teacher conference. aHer teacher loved it and was excited to share it with us,” she said. After admiring the details in the drawing,Kali said she and her husband considered the (潜在的) meaning. “We discussed how happy we were that she saw herself as beautiful and that she loved her body,” the mom said. “We were so thankful that our daughter saw herself in a positive way.” 

          Kali,who works as an assistant headmaster at an elementary school,said she encourages her daughter to notice the positive aspects of people she sees and meets. “In a time when negatives seem to be flooding our society,I want my daughter to feel the positive and see the positive in herself and others/' she said,adding that she and her husband emphasize the importance of inner beauty qualities such as kindness and compassion

          “When it comes to outer beauty,we point out what a beautiful shirt someone is wearing,or praise a beautiful hair color or fine skin,” the mom continued, “My hope is that she can see that inner beauty is the most important and that outward beauty is represented in many different ways. I want my daughter to see herself as a beautiful,confident,young lady — inside and outside. And seeing her positive self-image through her drawing makes me so proud."

           As an educator,Kali is highly aware of the pressure and mixed messages about body images that girls experience as they grow up. And she's determined to help Semra develop confidence and have compassion from a young age.

5. How did Semra respond to the assignment?

   A. She praised her teacher.

   B. She sang a beautiful song.

   C. She showed little interest in it.

   D. She drew a joyful picture of herself.

6. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. The parents ’ reaction.

   B. The teacher's assignment.

   C. The parent-teacher conference.

   D. Semra's completed assignment.

7. How did Kali feel after seeing Semra’s  work?

   A. Confused. B. Happy.

   C. Shocked. D. Worried.

8. In Kali Young ’s  opinion,.

   A. Semra lacks compassion for others

   B. it is necessay to praise Semra often

   C. inner beauty is more important than outward

   D. Semra pays too much attention to her appearance


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空 (每个短语限用一次) 。

take place,     play a trick on,     dress up,     look forward to,     have fun with

1. It's a small informal party — you don’ t have to

2. We have never discovered what that night.

3. On weekends I like to go to clubs and my good friends.

4. My niece me 一 she put juice in my shampoo bottle!

5. He has worked hard and is his retirement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 35. —Eric went out without an umbrella just now.

It's raining heavily now.

   A. That's OK   B. Sounds,good

C. It's silly s D.not a big deal

