精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     "Welcome, Mary," I said. She raised her head and looked into my eyes. The smile on my face  1  .
Dear God, I thought, what   2   has entered the life of this little girl?
     After settling Mary into her new desk and   3   her, I went to the headmaster. She said, "Sit down and
I'll   4   you in. Mary's mother who loved her very much was shot and killed in her   5   one night at their
house. Mary, screaming, escaped to a neighbor's. Then the child went into   6  . She hadn't cried or   7  
her mother since."
     I returned only to discover that the children were already avoiding this "  8  " child. "Mary's been hurt
badly, but we can do a lot to help her," I explained gently. Bless all children. How loving they can be   9  
they understand.
     In spite of our 10 , we seemed to be getting no closer to Mary and even my faith was wearing   11  .
My heart ached so badly, wanting this child to come alive, to be aware of the beauty, the wonder, the fun,
and even the   12   of living.
     Spring approaching, children  13  to make flower baskets for room decoration. During the lunch time,
a girl came hurrying to me. "Come to see Mary's basket," she said   14  . "You'll never believe it!" I   15  
my breath at its beauty, for it couldn't have been the work from a child that   16  .
     "Mary," I said. "This is beautiful. How did you ever   17  ?" She looked at me with the shining eyes of
any  18  little girl, saying, "My mother loved flowers."
     Thank you, God, You've   19   us the miracle . I knelt and put my arms around the child. Then the tears
came, slowly at first, but soon she was   20   her heart out against my shoulder. The other children had
tears in their eyes, too, but theirs-like mine-were tears of joy.
(     )1. A. formed    
(     )2. A. wonder    
(     )3. A. introducing
(     )4. A. come      
(     )5. A. home      
(     )6. A. shock      
(     )7. A. missed    
(     )8. A. sweet      
(     )9. A. before    
(     )10. A. lessons  
(     )11. A. strong    
(     )12. A. cost      
(     )13. A. decided  
(     )14. A. worriedly
(     )15. A. caught    
(     )16. A. old      
(     )17. A. arrange  
(     )18. A. unusual  
(     )19. A. told      
(     )20. A. crying    
B. broadened
B. problem  
B. comforting
B. fill      
B. presence  
B. anger    
B. mentioned
B. sad      
B. though    
B. talks    
B. thick    
B. pain      
B. waited    
B. excitedly
B. stopped  
B. weak      
B. prepare  
B. careful  
B. taught    
B. shouting  
C. spread    
C. horror    
C. praising  
C. push      
C. company    
C. hunger    
C. seen      
C. lonely    
C. once      
C. words      
C. thin      
C. course    
C. preferred  
C. softly    
C. counted    
C. young      
C. handle    
C. normal    
C. paid      
C. drawing    
D. froze        
D. amazement    
D. touching      
D. let          
D. eyes          
D. action        
D. heard        
D. different    
D. unless        
D. efforts      
D. heavy        
D. pleasure      
D. wished        
D. secretly      
D. took          
D. clever        
D. manage        
D. friendly      
D. given        
D. knocking      
1-5:  DCABB   6-10:  ABDCD   11-15:  CBABA   16-20:  CDCDA

科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     We should show respect (尊重) to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us-in age, in
wisdom, in experience and education. Our   1   have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us   2  
 everything to their kindness and love.
     When we   3   them respect, whether ii is by bowing to them, or   4   them with a smile, or offering them
any help they need, it is one way of   5   our own love and gratitude (感激) to them.   6  , elders have also been
through all the years you are   7   and know a little more about the world than you do.
     It is   8   that you do not agree with the belief of your elders but this is nothing new. All younger generations
have always   9   with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human  10 . However much
you disagree with them, give them credit (信任) for their  11 .
     With changing times and  12  influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to
elders. Youngsters should  13  express their views and if there are arguments, they should not  14  their voices.
     If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately  15  their places, and sit on the carpet. In
buses and trains, youngsters are  16  to give up their places to older people. This is not a  17  of who has more
rights. It is simply that those who are youngsters have the strength to bear  18 , or stand unpleasantness, so it
is natural to show consideration (体贴) to those who are older and perhaps at a  19  disadvantage (劣势).
     When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders become  20  that youngsters care for them, and they respond
with affection and kindness.
(     )1.A. youngsters       
(     )2.A. devote           
(     )3.A. show             
(     )4.A. greeting         
(     )5.A. expressing       
(     )6.A. However          
(     )7.A. experiencing with          
(     )8.A. maybe            
(     )9.A. quarreled        
(     )10.A. community        
(     )11.A. experience       
(     )12.A. cultural         
(     )13.A. quietly          
(     )14.A. rise             
(     )15.A. give away        
(     )16.A. expected         
(     )17.A. doubt            
(     )18.A. suffering        
(     )19.A. serious          
(     )20.A. aware          
B. elders          
B. owe          
B. explain         
B. receiving    
B. describing      
B. Therefore      
B. going through
B. likely        
B. dealt         
B. organization  
B. reality      
B. special       
B. slightly      
B. raise           
B. get rid of    
B. forced       
B. question        
B. pressure    
B. light         
B. alive                             
C. parents           
C. pay              
C. exhibit           
C. supplying        
C. sending          
C. Besides          
C. suffering from            
C. perhaps          
C. lived             
C. society           
C. emotion           
C. environmental     
C. silently         
C. support           
C. give up         
C. needed            
C. wonder           
C. trouble           
C. heavy             
C. knowing  

D. juniors       
D. give         
D. point       
D. showing        
D. suggesting    
D. Though      
D. worrying out          
D. probably     
D. disagreed     
D. public       
D. information   
D. position       
D. coldly     
D. low          
D. send out    
D. reminded      
D. challenge    
D. discomfort  
D. slight        
D. realizing    


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

     We should show respect (尊重) to everybody, especially our elders because they are ahead of us-in age, in
wisdom, in experience and education. Our   1   have done a lot for us, directly or indirectly and most of us   2  
 everything to their kindness and love.
     When we   3   them respect, whether ii is by bowing to them, or   4   them with a smile, or offering them
any help they need, it is one way of   5   our own love and gratitude (感激) to them.   6  , elders have also been
through all the years you are   7   and know a little more about the world than you do.
     It is   8   that you do not agree with the belief of your elders but this is nothing new. All younger generations
have always   9   with their elders and it is these differences that bring changes in human  10 . However much
you disagree with them, give them credit (信任) for their  11 .
     With changing times and  12  influences, youngsters no longer know what is interpreted as disrespect to
elders. Youngsters should  13  express their views and if there are arguments, they should not  14  their voices.
     If there is no space on sofas or chairs, children will immediately  15  their places, and sit on the carpet. In
buses and trains, youngsters are  16  to give up their places to older people. This is not a  17  of who has more
rights. It is simply that those who are youngsters have the strength to bear  18 , or stand unpleasantness, so it
is natural to show consideration (体贴) to those who are older and perhaps at a  19  disadvantage (劣势).
     When you do simple things as a mark of respect, elders  20  that youngsters care for them, and they respond
with affection and kindness.
(     )1.A. youngsters       
(     )2.A. devote           
(     )3.A. show             
(     )4.A. greeting         
(     )5.A. expressing       
(     )6.A. However          
(     )7.A. experiencing with          
(     )8.A. maybe            
(     )9.A. quarreled        
(     )10.A. community        
(     )11.A. experience       
(     )12.A. cultural         
(     )13.A. quietly          
(     )14.A. rise             
(     )15.A. give away        
(     )16.A. expected         
(     )17.A. doubt            
(     )18.A. suffering        
(     )19.A. serious          
(     )20.A. realize          
B. elders          
B. owe          
B. explain         
B. receiving    
B. describing      
B. Therefore      
B. going through
B. likely        
B. dealt         
B. organization  
B. reality      
B. special       
B. slightly      
B. raise           
B. get rid of    
B. forced       
B. question        
B. pressure    
B. light         
B. say                             
C. parents           
C. pay              
C. exhibit           
C. supplying        
C. sending          
C. Besides          
C. suffering from            
C. perhaps          
C. lived             
C. society           
C. emotion           
C. environmental     
C. silently         
C. support           
C. give up         
C. needed            
C. wonder           
C. trouble           
C. heavy             
C. believe         

D. juniors       
D. give         
D. point       
D. showing        
D. suggesting    
D. Though      
D. worrying out          
D. probably     
D. disagreed     
D. public       
D. information   
D. position       
D. coldly     
D. low          
D. send out    
D. reminded      
D. challenge    
D. discomfort  
D. slight        
D. wonder    


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:完形填空

     We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we've become
used to suddenly disappears.   1  , for example, the neatly-dressed woman I   2   to see-or look at-on my way
to work each morning.
     For three years, no matter   3   the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00
am. On   4   days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime   5   out neat, belted cotton
dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses.   6  , she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I   7  
 all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how   8   I expected to see her each morning.
You might say I   9   her.
     "Did she have an accident? Something  10 ?" I thought to myself about her  11 . Now that she was gone, I
felt I had  12  her. I began to realize that part of our  13  life probably includes such chance meetings with
familiar  14 : the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who  15  walks her dog along the street every morning,
the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are  16  markers in our lives. They add weight to our  17  
of place and belonging.
     Think about it.  18 , while walking to work, we mark where we are by  19  a certain building, why should
we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though  20 , person?
(     )1. A. Make          
(     )2. A. happened      
(     )3. A. what          
(     )4. A. sunny         
(     )5. A. took          
(     )6. A. Clearly       
(     )7. A. believed      
(     )8. A. long          
(     )9. A. respected     
(     )10. A. better       
(     )11. A. disappearance
(     )12. A. forgotten    
(     )13. A. happy        
(     )14. A. friends      
(     )15. A. regularly    
(     )16. A. common       
(     )17. A. choice       
(     )18. A. Because      
(     )19. A. keeping      
(     )20. A. unnamed      
B. Take          
B. wanted         
B. how           
B. rainy         
B. brought       
B. Particularly  
B. expressed     
B. often         
B. missed         
B. worse          
B. appearance    
B. lost          
B. enjoyable     
B. strangers     
B. actually      
B. pleasant      
B. knowledge      
B. If           
B. changing       
C. Give        
C. used        
C. which       
C. cloudy      
C. carried     
C. Luckily     
C. remembered  
C. soon        
C. praised     
C. more        
C. misfortune  
C. known       
C. frequent    
C. tourists    
C. hardly      
C. important   
C. decision    
C. Although    
C. passing     
C. unbelievable    
D. Have           
D. tried          
D. when           
D. snowy          
D. turned         
D. Especially     
D. wondered                    
D. much           
D. admired        
D. less           
D. fortune        
D. hurt           
D. daily          
D. guests         
D. probably       
D. faithful       
D. sense          
D. However        
D. mentioning     
D. unreal         


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

    We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and
lions live in big forest and they are called   1   animals. Some others like sheep and
dogs are   2   by men and they are called domestic (驯养) animals. These animals are very
different from one another, but we can   3   them into big groups: those that eat other
animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the   4   belong to the first
group. Animals like cows, elephants and horses belong to the second group.
    Animals are   5   great use to human beings. Men   6   wild animals for their fur and
meat. Domestic animals are   7   more important to men. Without them, life will be   8  .
People make use of animals in many   9  .
    Cows and pigs are useful to men's  10 . They give 80% of the  11  men eat every year.
Skin of some animals can be  12  into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and
comfortable and  13  a long time. They are very welcome in  14  countries. Wool, which is
now one of the most important material for textile (纺织)  15 , comes from a special kind
of  16 . From cows, we get milk. And we shouldn't  17  that some domestic animals are kept
for transport. Many people  18  ride horses. Arabs ride on camels which travel in deserts
for days without  19 . In some places animals are still used to plough field.  20  is clear
that men just can't live without these animals.
(     )1. A. wild      
(     )2. A. trapped   
(     )3. A. separate   
(     )4. A. chicken   
(     )5. A. with      
(     )6. A. hunt      
(     )7. A. quite    
(     )8. A. smooth    
(     )9. A. ways    
(     )10. A. life      
(     )11. A. meal      
(     )12. A. put      
(     )13. A. last       
(     )14. A. cool      
(     )15. A. business    
(     )16. A. sheep    
(     )17. A. forget    
(     )18. A. always    
(     )19. A. resting   
(     )20. A. That      
B. serious   
B. treated    
B. divide    
B. tiger      
B. to        
B. discover   
B. every     
B. difficult    
B. groups    
B. work      
B. meat       
B. turned    
B. cost      
B. cold      
B. workers   
B. dogs      
B. remember   
B. hardly    
B. drinking   
B. This      
C. terrible   
C. sold      
C. sell      
C. fish     
C. for      
C. raise     
C. even      
C. easy      
C. places    
C. family    
C. dinner    
C. made      
C. take      
C. warm      
C. industry   
C. cows      
C. realize   
C. still      
C. sleeping    
C. It        
D. fighting     
D. kept         
D. keep         
D. goat         
D. of           
D. care for     
D. some         
D. perfect      
D. kinds        
D. food         
D. animals                   
D. changed      
D. dress        
D. foreign      
D. factory      
D. pigs         
D. notice       
D. just         
D. stopping     
D. So           


科目:高中英语 来源:0107 月考题 题型:完形填空

     We live in a world where there is so much competition. Every single person has a(n)   1   to succeed and be
the best at what they can. There are college basketball players   2   reaching the professional level and students
trying their best to get an "A" on their math test. We meet businessmen that have   3   a lot of money. We all
have a role   4   we look up to, or have looked up to at some point in life, whether it is a respected elder in our
family, a trusted friend around us, or a(n)   5   person often appearing on TV screens or magazine covers.
     It is   6   having role models and looking up to people that   7   us. However, how often do you ask yourself, "why is he smarter than me?" or" How did this person achieve such a great   8   at such a young age?" I went to
a great high school that was very   9   and demanding; I saw many very 10 student graduate and get into Ivy
League a famous school. I also  11  when I got my math test papers back, I sometimes   12   why I never got
consistent "A"s like the student sitting two seats away from me.
    However, what I  13   after entering college was that one should never   14   their skills or levels of success
with other people's. Every single person is   15   and we all have some sort of unique talent. If you are not good
at  16  or want to improve a specific skill, you have to learn how to be patient and understand your  17  and try
to overcome them.
     The   18   is you can all become an honor student if you want to or even improve your running skills. But
you have to keep in   19   that understanding your weaknesses and strength is a very   20   step in the process.
You have to learn how to look at yourself and set goals step by step so that you can track your improvement.
(     )1. A. stress    
(     )2. A. dreaming of
(     )3. A. spent     
(     )4. A. style     
(     )5. A. cheerful  
(     )6. A. funny     
(     )7. A. oppose   
(     )8. A. prizes   
(     )9. A. competitive
(     )10. A. careful   
(     )11. A. suspect   
(     )12. A. noticed   
(     )13. A. achieved  
(     )14. A. combine    
(     )15. A. perfect    
(     )16. A. anything  
(     )17. A. advantages
(     )18. A. problem   
(     )19. A. contact   
(     )20. A. important  
B. choice        
B. informed of  
B. taken        
B. model        
B. strange      
B. astonishing   
B. persuade      
B. goals          
B. acceptable   
B. delicate      
B. suggest      
B. wondered      
B. learnt        
B. compare      
B. simple        
B. nothing      
B. weaknesses    
B. question      
B. touch        
B. difficult  
C. desire       
C. getting into 
C. earned      
C. type        
C. famous      
C. ashamed      
C. motivate    
C. tendency      
C. diverse    
C. bright        
C. advocate  
C. explained    
C. checked        
C. adopt      
C. ordinary      
C. something  
C. potential    
C. truth          
C. action      
C. interesting
D. ability         
D. broken into      
D. offered         
D. pattern         
D. awkward         
D. great          
D. follow           
D. success           
D. positive       
D. curious           
D. remember       
D. believed         
D. removed           
D. relate         
D. different         
D. everything     
D. personalities    
D. doubt             
D. mind            
D. obvious      

