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     UK workers are among the least stressed in Europe, a survey (调查) has suggested. Just 20% of British
workers found their workplace "too stressful" compared with an average of 27% across Europe. Switzerland
and Sweden suffered the highest levels of anxiety in their job (33%), the survey by global recruitment (人力)
agency Kelly Services found.
     The survey of 19,000 people across 12 countries also found that male workers, older staff and those in
steady jobs were under the greatest pressure. "A certain amount of stress is inevitable and can be a good thing
when it pushes people beyond their comfort zone to work harder and smarter," said Steve Cirdler, marketing
director of Kelly Services UK." But high levels of long stress are not good because they impact on productivity
and lead to physical and emotional illness," he warned. The group also found stress increased significantly with
age-rising from 19% in the 15-24 age to 23% for those aged 45 and above. The report suggested these workers
could also be suffering from added stress at home and increased responsibility. Those working the longest
hours found their job the most stressful: 18% for those working 30 hours or less, 34% for those clocking on
for 41-50 hours, and 50% for those working longer than 51 hours. Kelly Services also uncovered a close link
between stress and job satisfaction. For those workers who said they faced too much stress, just 28% were
happy in their jobs, while for those with "just the right amount of stress" happiness levels jumped to 65%. The
findings suggest staff enjoy jobs where they face challenges that push them to "learn new skills".
1. The best title can be _____.
A. the survey by global recruitment agency
B. work stress levels "lower" in UK
C. the cause of work stress of workers in UK
D. the relationship between the work stress and ages
2. All of the followings are mentioned except _____.
A. British workers belong to the least stressed in Europe
B. the relationship between the work stress and ages
C. the average percent of workers who feel work stress all over Europe
D. the work condition in UK
3. The underlined word "inevitable" means _____.
A. unavoidable
B. unacceptable
C. incredible
D. unreasonable
4. What can you conclude from this passage?
A. Those who suffer the greatest pressure are male workers, older staff and in steady jobs.
B. The longer the work time is, the less stress the workers have.
C. The work stress has both advantages and disadvantages.
D. The higher stress, the happier work.

科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省扬州中学09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Everyone knows that the French are romantic, the Italians are fashionable and the Germans are serious. Are these just stereotypes(陈规) or is there really such a thing as national character? And if there is, can it affect how a nation succeeds or fails?
At least one group of people is certain that it can. A recent survey of the top 500 entrepreneurs(实业家) in the UK found that 70 percent felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public. Britain is hostile to success, they said. It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒). As a result, the survey said, entrepreneurs were “unloved, unwanted and misunderstood”. Jealousy is sometimes known as the “green-eyed monster(怪物)” and the UK is its home. Scientists at Warwich University in the UK recently tested this idea. They gathered a group of people and gave each an imaginary amount of money. Some were given a little, others a great deal. Those given a little money were given the chance to destroy the large amounts of money given to others—but at the cost of losing their own. Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.
This seems to prove the entrepreneurs were right to complain. But there is also conflicting evidence. The Organization for Econnomic Cooperation and Development(OECD) recently reported that the UK was now the world’s fourth largest economy. That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success. People in the UK also work longer hours than anyone else in Europe. So the British people are not lazy, either.
“It’s not really success that the British dislike,” says Carey Cooper, a Professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. “It’s people using their success in a way that seems arrogant(傲慢) or unfair or which separates them from their roots.”
Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem. They set out to do things in their way. They work long hours. By their own efforts they become millionaires. But instead of being happy they complain that nobody loves them. If they were more friendly, people would like them more. And more people want to be like them.
56. What does the underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to?
A. One group of people.            B. A great survey.
C. National character.              D. A nation.
57. Most of the British top entrepreneurs surveyed believe that ________.
A. they are not popular simply because they are successful
B. the British public are hardworking
C. love of success is Britain’s national character
D. they are considered as “green-eyed monsters”
58. What does the result of the Warwich University test show?
A. Two thirds of the people tested didn’t love money.
B. Most people would rather fail than see others succeed.
C. An imaginary amount of money does not attract people.
D. Most people are willing to enjoy success with others.
59. The writer of the passage seems to suggest that _______.
A. jealousy is Britain’s national character
B. British entrepreneurs are not fairly treated
C. the scientists at Warwich University did a successful test
D. the British dislike the entrepreneurs because they do not behave properly


科目:高中英语 来源:天津一中2010届高三第四次月考 题型:阅读理解

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2.5分,满分50分)



Edinburgh Zoo makes plans to bring a pair of giant pandas from China to Scotland. Representatives from Edinburgh Zoo have recently returned from China, where they signed a letter of intent(意向书)making a promise to bring giant pandas to the zoo.

It has been suggested that the breeding pair should be on loan(暂借)to the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) for 10 years and it is hoped they would give birth to babies during that time. Edinburgh Zoo would be the eighth zoo in the Western hemisphere(半球)to care for the species if the project goes ahead.

Zoo chiefs said that looking after the endangered animals could benefit conservation. David Windmill, chief executive(主管)of RZSS, said, “It is an opportunity to work on a global level with other conservationists to gain a better understanding of the giant panda, the threats they face, and what we can do to ensure their survival.”

At present, there are currently only around 1,500 giant pandas in the wild. RZSS has been working on the project for almost a year, and hopes to have giant pandas at Edinburgh Zoo by 2009, the year of the society’s centenary(一百年纪念日).

Mr. Windmill said that the project has received strong support from the UK and Scottish Governments and that this must continue if the zoo is to reach an agreement with the Chinese. As part of the proposed agreement with the Chinese government, Edinburgh Zoo will cooperate on research projects benefiting conservation in the wild.

RZSS will also provide considerable money to support giant panda conservation projects in the wild. Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in central China and feed almost wholly on bamboo, which makes up 99% of the their diet.

36. What result did zoo representatives get from China?

A. A breeding pair is on loan to RZSS for ten years.

B. China promised to sell two giant pandas before 2009.

C. They signed a letter of intent about giant pandas to be loaned to Edinburgh Zoo.

D. China promised to offer the money but not the experts for research into giant pandas.

37. If Edinburgh Zoo can borrow giant pandas, what will happen?

A. RZSS will celebrate its centenary in 2009.

B. Scotland will be the eighth country to have giant pandas.

C. RZSS will have a better understanding of living habits of giant pandas.

D. Edinburgh Zoo will be the eighth zoo to have Chinese pandas in the world.

38. The underlined part “the project” in Paragraph 4 refers to “__________”.

A. the celebration of RZSS’s centenary

B. introducing giant pandas to RZSS’s collection

C. the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland itself

D. borrowing giant pandas from China for conservation

39. At present what seems to be the key factor for giant pandas to successfully go to Edinburgh Zoo?

A. RZSS’s attitude.                                    B. The Chinese government’s attitude.

C. Edinburgh Zoo’s support.                       D. The Scottish government’ attitude.

40. The best title for this passage would be “___________”.

A. Edinburgh Zoo expects giant pandas from China

B. Edinburgh Zoo does research into giant pandas

C. Scotland supports giant panda conservation

D. Giant pandas live happily at Edinburgh Zoo



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     UK schoolchildren score lower than their equals (同龄人) in nine other countries in world knowledge,
according to the British Council. In a survey measuring the international viewpoint of young people around
the world, British pupils scored slightly lower than those in the US and much lower than those in other
European countries.
     The survey asked 11 to 16-year-olds with household Intemet access in ten countries some questions to
learn their attitudes towards language learning and international affairs. Results were scored on an index of 
0 to 7. Nigeria came top of the table with 5.15, followed by India and Brazil. Within the UK, English
schootchildren (2.17) scored lowest compared with their counterparts in Scotland (2.35) ,Wales (2.43) and
Northern Ireland (2.26).
     British Council chief manager, Martin Davidson, said, "Our schoolchildren cannot afford to fall behind
the rest of the world. For the UK to compete in a global economy, it is vital that we encourage our young
people to have an interest in and engagement with the world around them." According to the research, UK
schoolchildren (32%) are the least likely to go out of their way to understand current events in the world.
More than twice as many Brazilian (69%) and German children (61%) said they would do so, compared
with a third of Scottish children.
     When asked whether they saw themselves as citizens of the world or of their own country, most of the
school children saw themselves first as world citizens. But children in the UK, US and Czech Republic saw
themselves more as citizens of their own country.
     Under three-quarters (70%) of UK, school children felt that it was important to speak a foreign language
for their future work (65% in Scotland). This compared with 100% of school children in Saudi Arabia, 97%
in Brazil and India, 85% in China and 73% in America. The foreign language that the UK school children felt
was most important to learn was French (40% of those naming a foreign language), followed by Spanish
(31%), German ( 8% ) and then Chinese (60%, rising to 9% in Scotland).
1. What does the underlined word "counterparts" in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
[     ]
A. Equals.
B. Students.
C. Parents.
D. Enemies.
2. What is the most important foreign language in the opinion of UK schoolchildren?
[     ]
A. German.
B. Chinese.
C. French.
D. Spanish.
3. What is the British Council chief manager's attitude towards the survey results?
[     ]
A. Enthusiastic.
B. Worried.
C. Excited.
D. Positive.
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. French: the most popular language.
B. Global awareness: an important matter.
C. British children lack global awareness.
D. A survey about British schoolchildren.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     The UK has a well-respected higher education system and some of the top universities in the world.
But to those who are new to it all, it can be something confusing.
     October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar (学习日程表). Universities have
something called Freshers' Week for their newcomers. It's a great opportunity to make new friends, join
lots of clubs and settle into university life.
     However, having just left the comfort of home and all your friends behind, meeting lots of strangers in
big halls can be uneasy. Where do you start? Who should you make friends with? Which clubs should
you join?
     Luckily, there will be thousands of others in the same boat as you are worried about starting their
university social life. So just take it all in slowly. Don't rush into anything that you'll regret for the nex
t three years.
    Here are some top tips from past students on how to survive Freshers' Week:
    Make sure you know something about the British social customs. Have a few wine glasses and snacks
handy for your housemates and friends.
     Sometimes cups of tea or even sweets can give you a head start in making friends.
     The more active you are, the more likely you'll be to meet new people than if you're someone who
never leaves his rooms.
     Keep your door open when you're in and that sends positive messages to your neighbors that you're
     So with a bit of clever planning, Freshers' Week can give you a great start to your university life and
soon you'll be passing on your wisdom to next year's newcomers.

1. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?

A. October is generally the busiest month for universities.
B. It's a good idea to put a doorstop in your door.
C. A bit of planning can make Freshers' Week easier.
D. The first week of your every year at university is called Freshers' Week.

2. We can infer from the 4th paragraph that ______.

A. the newcomers usually miss the days living at home
B. most of the students in the UK spend three years in universities
C. many freshers are worried about how to fit university life
D. all the new students will make new friends and join certain clubs

3. Why does the author suggest having wine glasses and snacks handy?

A. To pass the busy university life.
B. To help make friends with other freshers.
C. To show yourself a drinker as others.
D. To pass the time in a happy way.

4. The main purpose of writing this passage is to ______.

A. tell the newcomers how to make a new start in universities
B. introduce something about higher education system of the UK
C. discuss something about the Freshers' Week in the UK
D. advise the freshmen how to behave well in the beginning

