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Dear Mr£®& Mrs£®Oden£¬
I am LiHua£¬the chairman of the Student Union of Tianjin No.1 Middle School£®

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including sb/sth °üÀ¨¡­
English education Ó¢Óï½ÌÓý
do some voluntary work×ö×ÔÔ¸Õß¹¤×÷
I heard from the internet that you insist that the best English educationshould be from daily life£®´Ë¾äΪinsist¼á³ÖÒªÇóºó¸úÐéÄâÓïÆø£¬should¿ÉÒÔÊ¡ÂÔ
Would you please come to my school to do a speech about the English education£¿´Ë¾äΪwould you pleaseίÍñÇëÇó

½â´ð Dear Mr£®& Mrs£®Oden£¬
I am LiHua£¬the chairman of the Student Union of Tianjin No.1 Middle School£®I heard from the internet that you insist that  the best English educationshould be from daily life£®In the same way£¬I heard your family including your little baby girl will do some voluntary work in Guizhou mountainous area mainly about English£®Would you please come to my school to do a speech about the English education£®ÑûÇëµÄÔ­Òò
And the following is the arrangement£ºthe subject is about English education in daily life£»The speech will be on Ari 05£¬2014£»If you don't feel tired and have interests in our campus£¬I will arrange other acitivities£¬such as  looking around the campus or having a free talk with our students£®½²×ùµÄ¾ßÌå°²ÅÅÒÔ¼°×îºó°²ÅÅ

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2£®²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÎ¢²© micro-blogs n £¨pl£®£©
ÐÐÒµ¾«Ó¢ industry elites n£®£¨pl£©
Micro-blogs£¬a new format of communication£¬are becoming more and more popular£®Many industry elites or public figures post news or express ideas through micro-blogs£¬which has produced different impacts on society£®Generally speaking£¬most of them use micro-blogs to convey positive messages to the public£®For example£¬they encourage people to help those who badly need help£®However£¬some of them behave differently£®Sometimes their micro-blogs are full of dirty words£¬gossip or rumors£¬which has a bad effect on the people around them£®Therefore£¬any improper message posted there should be deleted by the website operators and that's their duty£¬I think£¬for micro-blogs are just like a real world£¬where everybody should obey the laws and the moral codes£¬and no absolute freedom should exist there at all£®Only in this way can people tell right from wrong without misled£®


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8£®LOS ANGELES£¬Feb 12-Whitney Houston£¬whose soaring voice lifted her to the top of the pop music world but whose personal decline was fueled by years of drug use£¬died on Saturday afternoon in a Beverly Hills hotel room£®She was 48£®
The pop superstar died on the eve of the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles at the same hotel where her mentor£¬record mogul Clive Davis£¬was holding an annual pre-event party featuring scores of music industry celebrities£¨ÃûÈË£©£®
A dramatic scene unfolded at the Beverly Hilton hotel as guests arriving for the party expressed shock at her death£¬while reporters swarmed the hotel£¬fans gathered outside to light candles in her memory and helicopters hovered overhead£®
Beverly Hills police said they were called to the Beverly Hilton at around 3£º43 p£®m£®PST£¬and fire department personnel who were already at the location responded immediately£®Houston was in her fourth-floor room but was unresponsive to CPR£¬and she was pronounced dead at 3£º55 p£®m£®
"She has been positively identified by friends and family £¨who£© were with her at the hotel£¬and next of kin have already been notified£¬"Lieutenant Mark Rosen told reporters£®Police said there were no obvious signs of criminal intent£®
Los Angeles County coroners removed Houston's body from the hotel after midnight through a backdoor to avoid the crush of media set up to cover her shocking death£®
Typically£¬coroners conduct an autopsy within a day or two£¬at which point they might release some preliminary information about the death£®If drugs or alcohol are involved£¬however£¬an official cause of death would not be released until after toxicology£¨¶¾Àíѧ£© tests£¬which could take six to eight weeks£®
Tributes poured in from around the world for a singer whose remarkable vocal power and range produced some of the most memorable music of her generation£¬including her signature hit£¬"I Will Always Love You£®"
"I don't have to mask my emotion in front of a room full of so many dear friends£¬"Davis told a somber crowd at his gala dinner and party just hours after Houston's death£®"I am personally devastated by the loss of someone who has meant so much to me for so many years£®"
Neil Portnow£¬president of the Recording Academy£¬which runs the Grammys£¬told the audience at Davis's party that Jennifer Hudson would sing a tribute to Houston at Sunday night's Grammy Awards£®"We will do something appropriate tomorrow£¬and nothing could be more appropriate than having Jennifer Hudson sing on stage for Whitney£¬"Portnow said£®"In our community£¬we celebrate things¡­let's celebrate Whitney Houston£®"

41£®We can learn  from the first paragraph thatB£®
    A£®Whitney Houston died suddenly because of drug use£®
    B£®Whitney Houston's profession was affected by drug use
    C£®Whitney Houston had little potential in the pop music world
    D£®Whitney Houston's fame grew as she won the Grammy Awards
42£®According to the passage£¬at the most£¬how long will people be waiting to find out the cause of Houston's death£¿D
    A£®For two days£®  B£®For a week£®  C£®For six weeks£®  D£®For two months£®
43£®The underlined word"Fributes"£¨Paragraph 8£©refers to the activities to showA£®
    A£®honor          B£®sympathy       C£®amazement      D£®disappointment
44£®Which of the following describes how people responded to Houston's death£¿C
    A£®Reporters crowded to a backdoor of the hotel to cover Houston's death£®
    B£®Fans inststed the police find out the cause of Houston's death immediately£®
    C£®Firemen rushed to the very hotel where Houston died without any delay£®
    D£®Policement tried to prevent the news of Houston's death from being spread£®
45£®What Neil Portnow said at Davis's party implles thatB£®
    A£®Jennifer Hudson is likely to replace Houston in singing one day
    B£®Houston was a singer of great influence in the pop world
    C£®the Grammys are of little significance without Houston
    D£®singing Houston's songs is a good way to keep her memory alive£®


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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÇéÈ˽ÚValentine's Day£»  Å©Àúlunar£®
It's wrong for young people only to seek western festivals but forget all about Chinese traditional festivals£®µ±½ñÈËÃǶÔÓÚÖÐÎ÷·½½ÚÈÕµÄ̬¶È
We should have Qiqiao Festival instead of Valentine's Day£®Qiqiao Festival£¬or Double seventh Festival£¬on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month£¬which is known as Chinese Valentine's Day£¬which is a traditional festival full of romance in China£®It comes from the beautiful Chinese love story about Niulang and Zhinu£¬who meet each other once a year on this day£®Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since the Han Dynasty£®ÆòÇɽÚÀ´Àú
I believe it a good idea to make this festival a legal holiday since it is part of our traditional culture£®The long history and the way it is celebrated tell people what true love is and show how we value love in a Chinese way£®×÷ÕߵĹ۵ãÒÔ¼°ÀíÓÉ£®


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Dear Mr£®Wilson£¬
How time flies!I will graduate from the senior middle school soon£®
Best Wishes£®
Yours truly£¬
Li Hua£®


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2¡¢ÐŵĿªÍ·ºÍ½áβÒѸø³ö£¬²»¼ÆÈë×Ü´ÊÊý£® Dear editor£¬
I am very glad that the English Summer Camp will be held£¬which consists of many courses£¬such as hiphop£¬cooking£¬Kung fu£¬nursing and so on£®______ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Wang Xiaohua£®


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10£®-Why is he feeling down today£¿
-Because the suggestion he _______ has been turned down£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®put awayB£®put upC£®put downD£®put forward

